Love in the Time of Trials

By Epicocity

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Ancienverse Book Five. In the wake of the battle at Heahea City, Ash and the others continue their adventure... More

Chapter 1: A Hatching
Chapter 2: A Doubt
Chapter 3: An Avenue
Chapter 4: A Problem
Chapter 5: A Tension
Chapter 6: A Partner
Chapter 7: A Shuriken
Chapter 8: A Discovery
Chapter 10: A Darkness
Chapter 11: A Motion
Chapter 12: A Paradise
Chapter 13: A Division
Chapter 14: A Pain
Chapter 15: An Understanding
Chapter 16: An Observatory
Chapter 17: A Thread
Chapter 18: An Insecurity
Chapter 19: A Scarcity
Chapter 20: A Stalking
Chapter 21: A Bloodlust
Chapter 22: A Performance
Chapter 23: A Smile
Chapter 24: A Breaking
Chapter 25: A Rescue
Chapter 26: A Secret
Chapter 27: A Demon
Chapter 28: A Cavalry
Chapter 29: A Month

Chapter 9: A Shadow

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By Epicocity

Not much to say this time around other than this is a long but important chapter in multiple ways. Please enjoy Chapter 9!

Chapter 9

A Shadow

"So, this is Resolution Cave," Steven's voice said, standing in front of the low hanging vines near the entrance to the cavern. Gary looked in the same direction that he was glancing, tucking his sunglasses into his shirt. There was no need for them now, not with the sun beginning to dip below the horizon and the stars beginning to peak their heads out.

"Seems old," Gary commented, once more running a hand through his hair. Steven stepped forward, leading them into the field that appeared to precede the cavern. It had taken them a bit of time to reach this place, and standing here now, Gary felt he could actually feel the ancient aura coming off the place. He wondered if the Altar of the Sunne was the same, but with the inability to get there, he could neither confirm nor deny any of it.

"I'd certainly say so," the Champion commented. He bent low to the ground, touching at the soil. "This cave has likely been here for as long as Alola has stood, with it being said the guardian deities waged a great battle here long ago, even if just in rumor. Either way, no wonder it got its name."

Gary walked forward into the flower meadow, sniffing at the strange smelling nectar in the air. Small chirps from Pokémon filled the air, but it was still relatively quiet from what he would have expected from such a natural habitat. That alone was enough to tell him that something strange was going on in the depths. Walking past Steven, the researcher saw low hanging, ancient trees covering up the gaps and mouths of the cave. "Do you really think we'll find anything here? Not exactly a place perfect for ancient legends."

"Perhaps...but the soil's been disturbed recently," was the note Steven made. Gary chose to not let that bother him; trainers must have come by here all the time. "Gary, be on guard."

"Yeah," the brunet boy waved off. Steven emerged from his crouch and began to walk further in, Gary joining him. It became quickly apparent that the only real way in was up the enormous tree trunks and roots that were spread about the area. Its age was certainly left in no state of doubt.

Steven gripped onto a low hanging branch to stabilize himself, prompting Gary to follow after. Wherever the true entrance to the cave was, it certainly wasn't on this level. Climbing upward, the cries of Pokémon became less and less frequent, as though they were staying as far away from the cave as they possibly could. The very notion intrigued Gary, causing him to furrow his brow. What phenomenon could cause so many Pokémon to stay away from what was otherwise a perfectly inhabitable cave?

"Ah, here we are," Steven said, finally stopping in front of the mouth to the interior of the cave, situated on a higher level than before. Gary stopped next to him, and felt a shudder ripple up and down his skin. This was no mere cave. "Do you feel it?"

"Power...unearthly power," Gary noted. Steven was nodding, taking out his tablet and looking through it for any other notes they could use to essentially go spelunking within the place. After a couple minutes of that, he must have deemed it fruitless, for he tucked it away.

"There're no notes on the composition of the passageways within the cave." Gary had to sigh at that, the fleeting hope of making this an easy exploration gone in a flash. "We'll have to wing it, and make sure we mark things so that we know our way back to the entrance."

"Right. Electivire, we'll need your help," Gary called, tossing his pokeball out. Electivire emerged with a little grin. Steven patted its back and then forged into the cave ahead of them. Gary and his Pokémon followed.

It felt like they were barely a few steps into the area before they were engulfed in darkness. Electivire's appendages lit up, providing some light to the area, though it hardly helped. Steven was forging in, grasping a light in his hand, though it was proving even less effective than Electivire.

"How strange..." he said, his hands running along the walls. "The stone in this cave is unlike any I've ever seen. For the most part, it's normal rock; no doubt part of the canyon that lay beyond it. But then, in other areas, it's this sparkling substance that radiates power."

"Hm," Gary grunted out, putting his hand to the wall, himself. He could see what Steven was talking about, touching at the smooth, yet unrefined, surface. It sent a tingle of energy into him, like it was joining with him for just a second. The two males continued walking on, until they eventually reached a fork. "Guess we'll have to split up."

"Yes, but let's not be too long," Steven insisted. "The longer we're gone, the more chance something may happen to one of us. I do hope we can find some answers, though."

"An hour, then," Gary said with assurance. Steven appeared to agree with that notion, the both of them shaking hands on their agreement and then splitting off: Gary to his left, and Steven to his right. The sound of Steven's footsteps quickly faded as Gary and Electivire proceeded down their labyrinthine path.

In the light of Electivire's tails, the walls appeared to glitter even more. He truly had to wonder just what the substance was that was built into the walls. Perhaps it was the exact thing that protected the Altar of the Sunne on the other side of the cave. In fact, as Gary walked along, he began to consider that maybe it wasn't protected by an artifact, as Cynthia had suggested, at all. Perhaps it was guarded by power, power from these kinds of stones that could be broken by those stones or something analogous with them. It would take time to research it, but for the moment, he considered it a working theory.

"Lecta!" Electivire suddenly growled out, halting in his movements. Gary stopped with him, glancing down the passage of the cave that seemed to be disturbing him so. Peering into the darkness, the researcher wondered if, perhaps, something was back there, stirring in the darkness. He patted Electivire, reminding him that they were together before plunging inward.

Brrrrruuuuuuum. The sudden sound almost made Gary stop. It was quiet, vague and yet altogether audible to him. Perhaps it was his months of studying things similar to it following the battle at Geosenge. Whatever it was, Gary was focused and he pressed on. The walls became narrower, and he was forced, for just a moment, to recall Electivire. It soon turned out that he needn't have worried, because the area was brightening. It was nothing natural, however, as Gary seemed to discover.

"A portal..." he breathed at the sight of it, swirling there.

However, it was an odd one, almost completely unlike the ones he had spent all his time studying. Inching closer, the researcher looked it over. The small one was unstable, phasing in and out, shrinking and then expanding once more. Gary reached out to touch it, but thought better of it. If Electivire had been so utterly disturbed by its presence, then touching it would be a bad thing to do. Well, it explains the absence of any Pokémon at least...

That was all it could explain. There certainly were signs of Pokémon having lived here recently, but recent could have meant anything as far back as...

"Six months ago," Gary shuddered out. He kneeled before the strange portal that appeared to be struggling or strengthening. It was drawing energy from something, and Gary wondered if, perhaps, it was only sustaining itself with the strange sparkling stones within the cavern. Upon as close an inspection as he could offer, Gary could definitely say that this was not the kind of portal that brought Zinnia or AZ to this world. It was something else. Something new or just as ancient.

Placing his bag into his lap, Gary pulled out a tablet for himself, one where he had started keeping all of his research on the Ultimate Weapon, to make sure it was never recreated or to see if any lingering effects from destroying it had been found. In some way, he felt this was one of them. Had it always occurred naturally like this? He didn't know, but it was something to research and discover.

The sound of water dripping echoed through the cave, causing Gary to jerk. He relaxed when he heard it was just water, but the portal before him had him on edge. He leaned forward ever more, but made sure to not touch it. Stars were swirling inside, like clashing celestial bodies, trying to align themselves. The closer they would come to doing so, the more the portal appeared to stabilize. Swallowing his spit down, Gary tried to see in further, jotting down his notes. It was like an endless wormhole, and something was inside, like it was trying to get out, sensing some sense of freedom, but unable to turn the lock. It was a wisp of cloud, but Gary's body was trembling.

Malevolent or benevolent, Gary's mind screamed for him to not turn the lock. Not here. Not now. It was too much a danger. Too much that he wasn't ready for. So he backed away, breathing heavily. Just like that, however, the portal began to diminish, no longer erratic, like whatever was beyond the veil there had suddenly sensed he would not let it out and stopped expending energy...or perhaps twilight had faded, if the clock on Gary's tablet was anything to go by. Making a note of that, Gary made to stand when he heard a stone tumbling through.

"Who's there?" he asked sharply. There was no answer, but Gary wasn't a fool. He wouldn't relax and let his guard down. His hand gripped at his pokeball for Electivire in the darkness, waiting. No further noise happened for a moment, and he had to wonder if whatever was there, threat or no, had moved on.

"Don't knock at the door," a sudden voice whispered.

"Electivire, Iron Tail!" Gary turned, attempting to throw his pokeball to call his Pokémon out for the attack. However, he felt his hand smacked, and the pokeball flew from him, clattering across the floor. The owner of the voice grabbed his arm, putting hot breath on his ear and a familiar, yet un-placeable, voice spoke.

"It isn't time to free her. So don't knock," the voice, most definitely a male's, spoke. "The pieces will fall into place, I promise. I would hope they're already girding themselves. Just make sure they're armed."

"What're you-" He felt a sudden jab at his gut, and then the sound of footsteps as he was winded. Clenching his stomach, Gary recovered, dashing for Electivire's pokeball before chasing after the rather elusive man. He was clearly heading back the way that the researcher had come, making it easy for Gary to dash off after him, his feet pounding against the stone. The narrow passage came up, and Gary turned to the side to squeeze through, but continued on nonetheless before he broke out.

Electivire emerged, lighting the way once more, but it seemed like the man was having no problem with that. Gary lowered his head and continued to charge forward, hearing those footsteps ahead of him, rounding a corner as things began to grow marginally lighter. He still had a chance of catching him. There was a flash of brown, like a traveling cloak, whipping around the corner. Alongside it appeared to be a Pokémon, most like a dragon, Gary guessed, but he didn't have time to catch it.

In fact, before he knew it, he was out of the cave, left standing there alone. The man had vanished, disappeared like he'd never been there, save for the small crystal laying at his feet, glinting with a steely intensity. The brunet researcher bent down, clasping at the crystal and holding it to the stars now hanging overhead. Behind him, the stones of the cave sparkled even more, like energy passing between them.

"Maybe this would...?" Gary questioned. He shook his head, too many questions swirling around inside of it. Make sure they're armed. He wasn't sure what the man meant, yet he was beginning to feel that the crystal now resting inside his hand was the answer to so many questions. Turning back around, he decided to find Steven. It would take time, but he'd get whatever answers were needed.

He just hoped that he still had the time to do so.


Konikoni City was a bright and brimming coastal town. Located by the sea on the southern part of Akala Island, it was filled with a bustling marketplace that didn't seem daunted by the graveyard not far from its very front door. Most impressive, however, was the massive gate at the front entrance to the town, like a welcoming pavilion for all travelers to put their feet up and rest. For most, it would likely give them relief from the long journey and their sore feet. For Ash, it gave him a swell of excitement.

Granted, it was easy to be excited when one didn't have to walk to their destination, instead being driven by car.

"It looks so stylish," Serena called from the backseat of the vehicle as it thrummed along the roads towards the city. Professor Kukui grinned back at all of them. Ash just stood, gripping to the top of the open vehicle excitedly, himself and Pikachu feeling the wind flowing through them.

"You ready for this one, Pikachu?" he asked. It was quiet, but enough for his very best buddy to hear him.

"Chu." He nodded at that, breathing in the confidence he would need to defeat the Kahuna. If he was truly honest with himself, despite the absolute thrill he felt settle in his bones, there was also apprehension. He hadn't faced a Kahuna since Hala, and that battle had gone interrupted thanks to Guzma. In some sense, he wondered if he was good enough, having nothing to really compare to.

"Careful, Ash," Serena spoke, tugging at his vest and pulling him back down into his seat as Konikoni City drew ever closer to them. "You don't want something random to fly into your face."

"I'll be fine," he insisted, brushing her off. She didn't seem to take offense to it, so he figured that he was in the clear. Part of that probably had to do with the news she'd confirmed before they left from Heahea City the morning prior: there was to be a Ceremony held at the Hano Grand Resort soon. She seemed elated at that, though not entirely happy, Ash noticed. He figured she was just tired when she'd heard it, though, because she seemed fine right now.

"The ocean looks really pretty here," Bonnie noted. She was emulating Ash at this point with standing, but Clemont was more proactive in holding her back from doing something foolish.

"It can get a little hot by Konikoni when compared to Heahea, but they have a nice ferry service to anywhere on the island, pretty much, assuming you have the knowhow of riding a Lapras" Kukui explained. Ash looked away from the impending gateway to the city to focus on the professor. "Perfect weather, ironically, for stone masonry. A lot of techniques for developing Z-Rings were created here."

"How are Z-Rings made?" Clemont asked, holding on to Bonnie. Lillie hummed softly to herself, presumably a soft little tune she'd either heard as a child or made up on the spot.

"Long process...but safe to say that it comes from all the islands of Alola, even if little fragments can be specific and unique to the island," Kukui explained. His gaze traveled off elsewhere, wistful in that very moment. Ash followed his gaze, past the row of graves to what appeared to be a nook set into the coast. It was hard to tell from their distance, though; a distance which was only growing larger. "We owe much to the guardian deities and their shrines..."

"Pew..." Nebby chimed out dolefully. He was out of the bag, resting in Lillie's lap, and Ash saw him staring out towards the nook that was there. Lillie patted him softly. Ash had to wonder if, perhaps, the little one was sad about the graveyard that was nearby. Assuming he understood what a graveyard was...

"Tapu Koko defended us back on Melemele," Lillie noted, causing a slightly happier, but still pensive, reaction from Nebby. "Do you ever wonder what they're thinking?"

"I'm pretty sure that if I did, my mind would explode!" Kukui laughed out. The car was slowing down slightly in sight of their destination. Ash laughed along with the professor. His laughter soon petered out, and it left Ash musing about seeing into the mind of a Tapu. Looking to the Z-Ring on his wrist, he wondered if he had been able to do so with those words and weird images. "No matter! Here we are!"

Sure enough, Kukui's words rang true. He had parked just to the side of the gate that led inward. It prompted Ash to stand, this time leaping out of the car without even a second thought. It had taken them two days to get there, even with the vehicle. It hadn't been time wasted with training, something that Clemont and Charjabug could fully attest to, and even Serena had powered up her performances. Ash held his hand out, helping Serena in getting out of the car while everyone else did so, as well. Only Kukui remained seated, clearly planning to return to his wife in Heahea.

Now that they were free of the confines of the car, Ash stared into the city, Pikachu gazing avidly from his shoulder. There was no doubt that the place was a market, numerous stalls set up on the side of streets. It made Heahea's street business pale in comparison. A lighthouse appeared to sit on a cove in the distance and people were going about their daily business with passion. Some were even leaving the city, greeting them with a wave and a hearty "alola!" as they moved on to different areas, likely the graveyard. There even seemed to be some members of that Aether Foundation chatting cheerily with one another as they moved in that direction.

"Well, Ash, good luck on your Grand Trial," Kukui said, turning around at the wheel to look at him. Ash wrenched his own eyes away from the city entrance to smile at Kukui.

"Thanks. What do you plan to do?" Ash asked the professor. "The plan is to head to Ula'ula once Serena wins the Hano Grand Ceremony. Are we going to see you there?"

"You might," Kukui responded with a little wink as he changed the gear of the vehicle. "I have to head there sooner than later to get the ball rolling for the League and figure out the date and all that kind of stuff. Maybe we'll meet sooner than we think."

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Bonnie cheered. She appeared to speak for all of them, because Kukui tipped his hat and waved once more. The five of them, a silent Rotom included, all backed up to let the car do the same before it shot off in the direction it had traveled before. Silence passed between them beyond the beating, ceaseless waves.

" Ash going to go to Olivia?" Rotom finally asked. "If Rotom plans to meet Samson Oak on Ula'ula, Rotom must see the kind of Pokémon that Olivia has. Does she have an Alolan form?"

"If she does, I bet it'll be super cute!" Bonnie cheered. Lillie laughed nervously, as though disagreeing with that claim and knowing just what exactly would come next. Sure enough, it only took Rotom a few seconds to respond vehemently.

"Then Bonnie's idea of what is cute is terribly skewed..."

"What do you know?" Bonnie snapped. Rotom floated in front of her face, flashing a picture of a Spinda. "That's cute." Next was a Bonsly; also cute. A Cutiefly; cute was in its name. Then came the picture of a Magmortar. "A cute Pokémon."

"Bonnie is infuriating!" Rotom raged, a face with red flames erupting around it on the screen. Ash wanted to slap himself for watching this conversation. He thought he could be bullheaded and annoying, but the level of this conversation was unbelievable, and one that Clemont decided to put an end to.

"Why don't we just head to the Pokémon Center?" he asked. "That way, Ash can make sure his Pokémon are all fighting fit for the battle."

"Sounds like a very good plan," Serena agreed instantly, along with Lillie. The two girls hooked their arms together, leaving Ash and Clemont to stop the arguing pair from trying to kill each other. Pikachu nabbed Rotom while Clemont grabbed onto his sister and they headed into the city.

It got louder as they traversed into the city proper, taking in the sights and, indeed, smells. In fact, it smelled delicious with the open stalls of food on the side of the road. Many people were standing in line for some kind of fried food, and Ash would have gone to get some if he wasn't thinking hard about his upcoming battle. Judging from Kukui's comments, he figured Olivia was a Rock type trainer, allowing him to easily form his team for the upcoming battle. First, he figured he would follow Clemont's suggestion.

"Oh, that looks like a nice outlook," Serena commented. Ash peered to see what she was looking at, and noticed a small area towards the edge of town that was like a cliff overlooking the ocean, but seemed to have a park inside of it. "Would be nice for a date, don't you think?"

"Uh...sure..." Ash commented. He realized with some apology that they hadn't been on a date in a while, partly thanks to Keoni hovering around them, but he still didn't want to concern himself with the thought of one.

"Sorry, I know," Serena said. She looked bad for having brought it up, but Ash squeezed her hand to assure her it was okay. They could think about a date after the battle. Finally, their group pulled up outside the Pokémon Center, allowing the lot of them inside.

"Welcome!" Nurse Joy cried out upon seeing them. She looked slightly frazzled, as though she just finished a rush, or perhaps had just gotten back in from lunch. The latter seemed the more likely given how empty the entire space was. "Sorry, been a bit busy running errands for the Center. If you haven't noticed, the streets are a madhouse out there. What can I help you with?"

"Just a quick checkup for my Pokémon," Ash said, holding out his five pokeballs while Pikachu hopped off, smiling up at the nurse. Nurse Joy nodded.

"I'll give them a quick look over. Just a couple minutes," the nurse responded and she took Pikachu and the pokeballs to bring them into the backroom. Ash felt his body relax a little bit inside the quiet Center.

"It really is a busy city," Lillie commented. "If we have a chance, I'd love to see what kind of trinkets they have."

"Makes you wonder if the city ever sleeps," Serena laughed out. The laugh comforted Ash a little in the face of his upcoming battle. Not that he was nervous; he was just wondering how difficult the battle would be in light of his chosen team. "I mean, you guys saw the lines out there, right?"

"Indeed," Clemont said, and his word somehow put an end to the conversation. There really didn't seem to be much to talk about regarding the stands and stalls. Perhaps it was because they hadn't visited them, but Ash thought it was more them wondering where exactly to find Olivia. Breathing out, Ash took a look around the empty Center; unlike with regular trials, it certainly seemed like Grand Trials didn't happen all that often. The doors to the Pokémon Center suddenly whooshed open, letting a blast of warm air in.

"Mallow!" Serena's voice called, and it prompted Ash to turn around and see the energetic green-haired girl standing in the entranceway. Serena was quickly walking forward, taking Mallow's hands and hugging her as they both smiled. "It's been a while."

"It really has!" Mallow responded with. "You guys look well! Serena, Kiawe told me that your Popplio evolved into a Brionne, and that egg hatched into a Sandshrew."

"Oh, yeah. Hold on," Serena stated, tossing both of her pokeballs into the air for her newer Pokémon to emerge. Brionne was instantly energetic, while Sandshrew emulated her despite his timidness. Mallow leaned in, grinning brightly at them.

"Very nice to meet you, Sandshrew," she said, causing Sandshrew to nod. Once she'd checked out Serena's changed lineup, she straightened and looked right over to Ash. "You look different, too, Ash."

"Huh?" the raven-haired trainer asked with a light laugh. The door to the back opened and Nurse Joy started to emerge with his team. Mallow didn't elaborate on what she meant, though he had to figure it was something to do with completing Kiawe's trial.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu cried as the gurney rolled up to him. Ash reached forward for his pokeballs while Pikachu returned to his shoulder. He looked at the capture devices resting in his palms.

"Is everyone ready for this?" he asked softly. The pokeballs jerked, indicating that they were prepared, and Pikachu nuzzling him emphasized it further. Feeling that confidence, Ash placed them back on his belt and turned to face Mallow. All of them did.

"Looks like someone's ready for a Kahuna battle." Mallow's statement was definitive. Ash stared over to her, nodding. He wouldn't let anything get in the way this time. The green-haired girl smiled once more and twirled around on her feet for the exit. "Well, let's do it then. Kiawe and Lana are already here. Picked us up this morning."

"Right. Let's go, Pikachu!" Ash called, running ahead of his friends to follow the captain onto the street. They all trailed after her as the cook raced down the street for what looked to be a rather packed shop, if the line outside of it was anything to judge by.

"Olivia runs a stone shop," Mallow explained as they approached. Ash realized there were two different doors to enter the shop, and the captain was bringing them into the much less occupied entrance. "It's pretty popular because of everything you can find: evolutionary stones, small gems, fossils, all that kind of stuff. She even provides some of the evolutionary stones for the Battle Royal."

"That sounds rather fascinating," Clemont observed. Mallow opened the door, letting them inside. As it turned out, they ended up behind a counter in the store. Clearly it was the employee entrance, given that the gaggle of customers was on the other side, clamoring to buy their stones from a rather bedraggled assistant.

"Is she still in the back?" Mallow asked. The assistant looked to her with pleading eyes, tears streaming from his bespectacled face.

"Please...send help!" he cried out. "But yes, Madam Olivia is in the back with your fellow captains."

"Thanks!" Mallow said, patting him on the back with encouragement. Bonnie seemed to stop, glancing at the rocks and stones that were around the area. Rotom joined her, but when the two realized that they were looking at the same exact things, they broke their attention off with a huff.

"It's rather busy," Lillie noted. She was taking her hat off, running a hand through her hair, almost like she was nervously wanting to braid it again. "Can he really handle all those customers?"

"I think Olivia has someone else on staff, but they're on break," Mallow passed off with a laugh. As they approached a room that was situated behind the counter, the door to it opened and a pair of young girls who looked rather similar to Lana came barreling out.

"We're here to help!" they cried, despite their young age. An older woman, roughly the age of the assistant, came chasing after them, remonstrating them for running off. Mallow tipped her head back and laughed, squeezing past the three and bringing their own group into the backroom.

"Looks like Harper and Sarah are as excited as ever!" she giggled out to those who occupied the room. "Meanwhile, you're as cool as Pyukumuku, Lana."

"It seems they've been helping at the shop while I was running the trial." Ash easily recognized the voice, in part thanks to the fact that the girl from which it was coming was quite visible in the room, partaking of a plate of malasadas with Kiawe. Said boy pretty much ignored them with naught but a wave. "Mom and dad seem to think they've gone overboard. Maybe I'll have to put them in their place..."

"You'll do no such thing!" Mallow insisted with a very nervous chuckle. She'd finally stepped in enough to let Ash and all the others in the backroom, allowing him a better opportunity to see what the place looked like. It appeared to be a sitting room and office combined, with some couches, the table that Lana and Kiawe were sitting at, and a desk, where the woman he'd met ages ago in Heahea City appeared to be on the phone. Her feet were propped up, revealing her long tanned legs as she spoke to someone with a bored expression. Ash also noticed a door leading to what seemed like the outside. "Goodness, Lana, you can be scary..."

"Hello, Ash, nice to see you again," Lana said in her cheerful voice, completely ignoring her fellow captain's statements. Kiawe continued to eat. "You're all looking well."

"We're great," Ash laughed out. "How's Wishiwashi?"

"Very well, and enjoying the time off to play," Lana said absentmindedly. "Perhaps Kyogre would come for a visit."

"That'll happen the moment Groudon emerges from Wela Volcano," Kiawe finally said, licking his fingers. He offered another nod while Lana appeared to sit there off into dreamland. Ash ignored that and looked at Olivia, still sitting lazily on her desk. She was dressed just as provocatively as before, something which made Clemont embarrassed, given their earlier encounter. Ash didn't have a thought on it either way, though he had to suppress the image of Serena dressed like Olivia from surfacing.

"No...I'm saying that if you're displeased with the service, you can always go find another dealer," Olivia was saying, her bored expression upturning into a smirk. "Good luck finding another one, though."

"Hey, we had a deal!"

"One which I honored, thank you very much," Olivia snapped. "I can't help it if your assistant decided to not bring along Pokémon for protection. Team Skull may be some useless know-nothings, but they still know Pokémon. Stealing a shipment of Buginium-Z that we took the time to procure is child's play for them when you're not careful. That is on you."


"But nothing," Olivia snapped. "I'll see what I can do, but this is still a business I'm running, and finding Z-Crystals takes time. Now, if you'll excuse me." Not even letting the man get another word in, Olivia ended the conversation. Ash blinked, feeling that he had just witnessed the very no-nonsense side of Olivia she likely had in battle. It made him realize how much he had to focus. He had to win this, he reminded himself sharply, for whatever reason.

"Problems?" Kiawe asked. He seemed to be the most familiar with the Kahuna, judging from the way both Mallow and Lana were heading for the other door while he remained sitting.

"Not really. Just something to handle," Olivia said with another smirk as her jewelry jangled on her figure while she cocked her hips. "More importantly, it seems like my challenger is here. Been a while since I've had a good battle."

"Ah, right, I'm Ash," Ash said, re-introducing himself to the woman. Olivia gave him a knowing smile, as if no introductions were necessary.

"Yes, I remember," she said with a light and flirty laugh. "Hala spoke quite highly of you. Though, I wonder...can you really give me the pleasure of battle?"

"Pleasure?" Serena squeaked out, as though not liking the words that the woman used. Kiawe rolled his eyes.

"Knock it off, Kahuna," he spoke. "I don't think using your flirtations to get him off his game is going to work with this one. He's taken."

"Oh?" Olivia asked. Her eyes raked over his figure before sliding over to Serena and appraising her. The woman's eyes glimmered with foreknowledge and she cocked her shoulders with a shrug. "Well, then, guess we better get to it."

"Right now?" Clemont blurted out without thinking about just what he was saying. Olivia looked to him once more, giving him that same sly smile she'd given back on their arrival to Akala. He turned enormously red, and even Bonnie seemed to be embarrassed enough to not pull her usual schtick. The inventor was also close enough that Ash could hear him muttering things about Korrina.

"Better now than before someone has a chance to interrupt," Olivia said with a wave of her hand. She began to sashay towards the door that Mallow and Lana had left through. "Normally, I like to battle at the Ruins of Life, but that would only give someone more chance to interrupt. I'm fine battling wherever and about you, Ash?"

"You bet," was his immediate response. Olivia seemed to like that and she kept on towards the back. Kiawe stood, pushing his chair out and following after her. Ash did the same, pushing the door open all the way and heading outside.

"Whoa..." Bonnie exclaimed at the sight; an expression that Ash shared. They were practically standing upon the ocean. Rather, it was a large stone slab that extended from the stone shop and was surrounded by the frothing waves of the ocean, the painted lines on it indicating an arena, while some benches were provided for the spectators.

"I prefer to not make the Grand Trial a spectacle. A little more intimate is the way I like things," Olivia was saying as she continued to walk. Ash noticed that she was already gripping a pokeball. Ash followed after, feeling the waves of a battle aura from her. She was certainly ready to battle, and he had the thought that it was going to be a tough one. That very thought got a grin going on his face. "Plus, I don't like waiting. Hala would disagree, and Nanu just wouldn't care, but that's the way I like to do things. How's that work for you, Ash?"

"If you're ready to battle, then so am I!"

"Pika!" Olivia smirked in his direction, walking towards one end of the field. She cocked her hips to the side as she waited for him. Ash slid his backpack off his shoulders and turned to Serena.

"Do you mind holding on to it?" Serena didn't give a verbal answer. She took his backpack without question before leaning in and kissing him on the lips. It felt more assertive than usual, as though she was attempting to banish all thought of the very flirty Olivia from his mind. She certainly didn't need to work hard for that; his mind was completely zeroed in on the battle and the challenge.

"Good luck, Ash," Clemont said, clapping him on the shoulder as Serena separated. Bonnie cheered, too, with the same exact sentiment.

"I hope you win," was Lillie's own well wish, and she walked over with the others to join Mallow and Lana on the benches. Ash's eyes quickly flitted over to the two girls, noticing that Lana had her scarier expression on in the face of observing the battle. That girl was really something else...

"You're good refereeing, aren't you, Kiawe? I don't want to shut the shop down just to have my usual referee," Olivia said. Kiawe seemed to sigh while Ash took his place opposite Olivia on the battlefield. The spray of the ocean rose up, splashing them with a little bit of moisture.

"I'm a guy surrounded in a sea of crazy, I swear..." came Kiawe's response, but he held his hand up with a grin, regardless. The people of Alola were definitely laid back compared to the more strict ruling Ash had seen in other regions. "This is the Grand Trial with the Kahuna of Akala Island, Olivia! May the battle the challenger and Kahuna offer be as a sign of life and beauty to our guardian deity, Tapu Lele."

"Yes," Olivia said, bowing her head. Ash instantly knew to do the same, familiar with the drill. After they finished, raising their heads back up, Kiawe continued on.

"This will be a three-on-three battle, with the winner decided when all three Pokémon have been defeated on either side," Kiawe said. "Only the challenger is allowed substitutions. You may begin when ready."

"All right, Dartrix, I choose you!" Ash called, not waiting to see what Olivia's first Pokémon was. Dartrix emerged with a cry, lightly flapping his wings energetically. The woman on the other side of things observed for a moment before tossing her own pokeball out.

"Golem," she replied in her curt tone. It was like a statement that she really wanted to get into the battle. From the capture device, and the bright light that it brought, her Pokémon appeared, taking Ash aback. It certainly looked like a Golem, but different. It had a beard that seemed to thrum with a charge, and two large rocks, black in color, were jutting out from its top, sparks between the both of them.

"Alolan Golem," Rotom said aloud, enough for Ash to hear. "It's evolution in Alola has made it a Rock and Electric type, so it can fire rocks charged with electricity!"

"Then that means it's a challenge," Ash said with a grin, adjusting his hat a little. Pikachu leapt down to stay at his feet. Ash stared across at Olivia, the woman's expression, along with her Pokémon's, inviting him to make the first move. He was happy to take that offer. "Dartrix, let's start out with Pluck!"

"Darrroh!" Dartrix cried out and he sailed straight for Golem, his beak glowing blue. His companions to the side seemed to show confusion over the clearly ineffective attack typing, but Ash waited. He wanted to see. Neither Golem, nor Olivia, made a move as Dartrix streaked forward with his beak glowing blue. The force preceded it, slamming into the stones that made up Golem's body. As expected, the attack itself did little. But there still might be a weak spot...

"Golem, Rock Blast." As Olivia gave the command, her hips cocked. From between the black stones formed a large rock, almost looking as though it was crackling with electricity.

"Gol!" Golem cried and it fired the stone off.

"Dodge it," Ash called, moving his foot a little. Dartrix took to the air, flapping his wings to avoid the stone being fired at him. It wasn't the only one. Numerous stones were shot from that same space. Dartrix whirled through the air, twisting and turning to avoid being hit by any of them. "Let's get closer! Acrobatics!"

"Koo!" Dartrix complied. He zipped through the air while his body was glowing blue, slamming down upon the hard surface. It didn't make a dent, but Dartrix didn't give up, looking over to Ash. He nodded, indicating that he wanted the Blade Quill Pokémon to keep trying. He did just that, flitting and flying about Golem, who remained still. These subsequent times, Dartrix avoided making direct contact with Golem, using his ability to hit it from a distance...for all the good it was doing. Golem didn't look hurt at all, not a stone budging, except for a slight jiggle from one of the black ones.

"Heavy Slam," Olivia called out, her bangles jingling. Dartrix had just moved in front of Golem, and the Megaton Pokémon suddenly charged forward, glowing a bright yellow. With a cry, it slammed into Dartrix, sending him tumbling across the field. The owl righted himself with a quick flap of his wings. Ash moved his hand up, rubbing at his nose. For now, Flying moves were not going to get the job done.

"Dartrix, use Leaf Blade!" Ash called out with a grin. Dartrix sailed forward, gaining altitude, and his wing glowed a bright green. He then flicked it outward, sending the green blades hurtling through the air at Golem to impact with the target. They sliced through Golem, causing it to cry out in pain. Mallow looked surprised, making Ash's grin widen. They had spent most of the day yesterday working on perfecting the move.

"Fire off another Rock Blast, if you'd please," Olivia said. Golem remained where it was, the rocks forming again as they fired off. The second mobile blade that Dartrix had created from his other wing sliced across Golem's side just after the rock fired. Dartrix, unable to dodge, was hit by the attack, reeling off.

"Get in close with Leaf Blade this time," Ash ordered, punching his fist forward. He caught sight of his Z-Ring, glittering in the sun. It was possible he'd need to use it to defeat the bulky Pokémon before him. Dartrix sailed straight at it, flattening his wings to increase his speed. He almost disappeared for a second before showing up silently in front of Golem. Then his wing, glowing green, snapped outward and sliced down Golem's figure.

"Thunder!" Olivia said. She was wearing a confident smirk, as though she felt she was fully controlling the battle. Ash wasn't entirely sure, but giving a glance to his friends around him, he kept going. Electricity circulated around Golem's figure, seemingly coming from between the two stones, balancing itself as a current between the two. From it, a storm cloud appeared overhead, whirring with lightning. The current generated felt strong, pricking at Ash's hairs before it struck down upon the battlefield.

"Kuuuuuroh!" Dartrix cried out as the attack consumed him. He flew back, towards the center of the field, his body smoking. Ash's Grass type wasn't done yet, but the attack had clearly done quite the amount of damage as he struggled to get up. Ash watched Golem, continually unmoving from its spot as the electricity didn't even affect it. Any lingering sparks in the air circulated to the black stones on top, while those in the ground seemed to not even touch it.

"Dartrix, I have an idea, but we'll need to work quick," Ash called to his Pokémon. Across the field, Olivia quirked an eyebrow, clearly interested to see how he'd attempt to pull off a victory. Dartrix got back up into the air, nodding. "Great, we're going to use Pluck! But on the water!"

Dartrix gave a cry, making a quick loop in the air and then shooting off to the side. Olivia continued to watch as Dartrix aimed for the water. His Pokémon seemed to understand what Ash was trying to go for, swooping powerfully along the water that made up the edge. It was sent upwards, splashing onto the field and Golem itself.

"'re a tricky one," Olivia said. A sly smile came to her face as she considered what Ash was up to. "Rock Blast, Golem."

"Gol..." Golem called, the familiar stones being called into existence. Dartrix made a lap around the field, covering it with water while his friends shielded themselves.

"Ash, be more careful!" Bonnie cried out, wringing out her ponytail. Ash would have apologized, but he was too into the battle. He was gaining control of it back faster than expected.

"Now, Dartrix, use Acrobatics on Golem's black stones, just one side!" Ash called, punching into the air confidently. Dartrix shot back towards the battlefield now, covered with water that was slowly drying up in the sun. He spun towards the black rock, glowing turquoise, and slammed onto it before Golem could get its Rock Blast off. "Keep pushing!"

"Now!" Olivia cried. Her confident smirk continued to communicate that she had him where she wanted him. That was fine by Ash; he was ready to end this. Dartrix gave a great cry, pushing further on the rock until, at last, it was shoved out of its alignment with the other one. Then the stone fired, slamming into Dartrix. He spasmed a bit, clearly effected by whatever lingering charge may have been in the rock. "Now, Thunder again!"

"There we go..." Ash said under his breath. Golem's electricity circulated, once more forming the storm cloud. Ash grinned, noticing that the electricity wasn't the same, connecting between the black rocks weakly at a diagonal angle. The cloud slammed the Thunder down, hitting Dartrix, who stood there and took it, holding his stance. The electricity suddenly began to flow, but Ash's plan worked perfectly.

The water on the field made it impossible for Golem to ground the electricity, while the broken alignment prevented the charge in the air from circulating. Olivia's eyes widened with interest, clearly noticing the predicament. Golem was practically frozen in place, the Megaton Pokémon unable to take a step, let alone send another attack out. If Ash squandered the opportunity, he knew the battle could last for much longer, lessening his chance of victory. So, he took the chance.

"Let's go, Dartrix," he stated, crossing his arms in front of himself. His hands moved to his side and then crossed once more, the green glow of his Grassium-Z resting in his Z-Ring. His hands came together, and then Ash lifted them to the sky before opening them up. "Bloom Doom!"

"Stealth Rock," Olivia called. She seemed resigned, like she knew that this was about to end the battle for all of them. Dartrix shot upward, flapping his wings furiously as the power of the Z-Move circulated through him. Little blossoms shot out from him, landing around Golem's figure before growing rather rapidly. Then it exploded in a powerful, golden bloom. Stones scattered outward around the battlefield, digging themselves in before the explosion from Bloom Doom obscured their vision in a green haze. Dartrix landed confidently while they watched and waited.


"Golem is unable to battle. Dartrix is the winner," Kiawe called out.

"He did it!" Lillie cheered. Ash turned to look at his friends, noticing they were all breathing in relief while the captains simply continued to watch.

"It was a good strategy, too," Clemont noted, fixing his glasses. Ash breathed out, looking away as Olivia called back her Golem. She actually seemed impressed. "By preventing Golem from grounding and circulating the electrical energy, he essentially made it unable to use any of its moves."

"Except for Stealth Rock," Serena noted. This seemed to make the captains nod in his periphery. It also reminded him of the threat that remained on the field, one he'd have to be mindful of. Dartrix was breathing heavily, clearly tired from the battle against the bulky and defensive type. If Ash was honest with himself, he was just glad and surprised that Dartrix, who had fallen so easily to Hala, had managed to take a Kahuna's Pokémon down with relative ease. That meant it would be a risky play, but...

"Dartrix, return for now," Ash called, returning his Pokémon to his pokeball. He looked over at Olivia, waiting for her to choose this time before he decided on who he wanted to send out.

"Not bad," Olivia said, the flirtatious smirk back on her lips. "You and I are similar, both wanting to get right into the nitty gritty of the battle. It's a rather seductive pleasure, wouldn't you agree?"

"Uh...sure?" Ash chuckled out, not quite getting what the woman was saying. She was holding another pokeball out as one of her long legs moved forward. It belied confidence in her movements. To the side, Serena also seemed to be stretching her legs, though Ash just took that as his imagination conjuring something to distract himself from Olivia's movements.

"Well, Hala undersold you," the woman answered, winking. "He made you appear to be refined, yet still unpolished. I have a feeling you'll shine like a diamond against my rugged Rock types. Isn't that right, Carbink? !"

"Carbink!" Emerging from Olivia's second pokeball was the Jewel Pokémon, glittering and glistening in the sun. At the very least, it was something familiar to Ash, and he pointed forward, calling on the one he knew he could trust the most, especially now that Z-Moves were of no use to him.

"Pikachu, I choose you!" he cried. Pikachu's cheeks sparked and he ran onto the battlefield. Stones suddenly rose up and slammed into Pikachu without a second thought.

"Kachu..." Pikachu growled out, holding firm despite the immediate damage he had taken. He glared down at Carbink, ready to begin the second round.

"Quick Attack, let's go!" Ash called, bringing his fist down. Pikachu's body blazed with white light and he blasted forward, dashing straight for the jewel in front of him.

"Sharpen," Olivia called, her eyes flashing. A diamond shape surrounded Carbink for a second and Pikachu slammed into it, sending it careening off. "Now, Stone Edge, my adorable Carbink!"

"Bink!" cried the gruff voice. Its jewels glittered around and shot out for the ground. As expected, the large pillars of stone began to jut up from the ground, racing in a line for Pikachu. Ash nodded at Pikachu, giving him the nonverbal go ahead to dodge. Pikachu rolled to the side and began running along, dashing back and forth to avoid the stones racing along the arena for him.

"Now, use Iron Tail!" Ash called. Pikachu leapt upward, spinning around as his tail glowed white before slamming it onto Carbink. Serena cheered from the sidelines, the hit appearing to have done the decent amount of damage. "Now, take it into Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu flipped off, disengaging from Carbink's surface. His electricity whirred around his entire body from his cheeks before soaring out in a raging volt. Carbink, clearly too slow, could do nothing but wait for the attack. "Pi...ka...chuuuuuuuu!"

"Ah, ah, right into the main event isn't very fun," Olivia taunted before the Thunderbolt could hit. Ash tensed, knowing that the woman had something up her sleeve. "Gyro Ball!"

"Pikachu, look out!" Ash yelled. Carbink began spinning rapidly. The Thunderbolt hit it, but reflected right off, zapping away into the air as it whirled forward. Pikachu was still resting in the air when Carbink collided with him. He fell down, slamming into the ground with a cry. "Use Electro Ball!"

"Pika pika pika pika pika chu pi!" Pikachu cried. He was on all fours, but his tail was straight up in the air, flicking in Carbink's direction with the crackling orb of high voltage.

"Stone Edge to defend!" Olivia shouted. Ash could see she was done testing him, enjoying the battle to its fullest extent while the others watched on with rapt attention. The stone columns were quickly erected and the Electro Ball slammed into them, causing no damage other than a few cracks. "Now, Moonblast!"

"Get moving, Pikachu!" Ash called. Pikachu started running around the battlefield, dashing in as many different directions as he could. Carbink was glowing behind its shield, and all Ash could do for the moment was wait. Eventually, the blue and yellow glow reached its zenith and the pink orb slammed out of the stones, breaking them apart violently as it aimed right for Pikachu. His partner rolled to the side, away from the fast-moving projectile. He wasn't able to fully dodge it, the attack clipping his tail, but Pikachu appeared fine. "Now, let's get rid of the rest of those stones! Iron Tail!"

"Chu...pika!" Pikachu yelled, closing the rest of the distance and slicing apart the remaining stones with Iron Tail. His glowing tail whipped around once more, slamming against Carbink. This time, the Jewel Pokémon held steady.

"Gyro Ball," was Olivia's order. Carbink began to spin, Pikachu's tail still trapped against it, and the electric mouse was suddenly carried with it, spinning round and round until he was finally let go of. He hit the ground, bouncing along it until he came to the edge of the arena, overlooking the water. "Now, let's hit them with Stone Edge to finish this."

Ash's fist clenched. Pikachu didn't look too bad, but so close to the edge, he knew that if Pikachu was hit dead on, it wouldn't be good for him. Carbink's jewels glowed, sending the stones out once again, this time in a line. Pikachu looked to him, and the sudden strategy came to Ash's brain. One he'd tried before against Wulfric, but this time had the ability and knowledge to pull off. "Use Thunderbolt!"

"Chuuuuuu!" Pikachu roared, sending his raging volt of electricity at the incoming Stone Edge. It impacted, breaking them to small pieces, just as Ash had hoped for.

"Now, use Iron Tail and send them back!" Pikachu grinned alongside his trainer, clearly understanding just what Ash was going for. The others nearby sat up a little while Clemont breathed in fascination. Pikachu's tail glowed and he held it up before swiping it back and forth, knocking the stones outward. They collided with Carbink, ending the attack and dazing it. "Now, Electro Ball!"

"Carbink, dodge it!" Olivia called. She was still confident, but Carbink wasn't in the state to follow her commands. Pikachu was now the one in control of the battle. His Electro Ball soared out, crashing through the unformed Stone Edge before it slammed into the Jewel Pokémon. "Drill down to get under the arena."

"No way! We're ending this! Speed it up with Quick Attack!" Ash cried, sweeping his hand across his figure. Pikachu landed on all fours and dashed off quickly, aiming right for the descending Carbink. He was gaining incredible speed, and at the last second jumped upward. "Right into Iron Tail!"

"Chuuuuuu pika!" Pikachu leapt above Carbink, hardly difficult with the Pokémon descending, and his white light was siphoned into his tail before he brought it crashing down on Carbink.

"Caaaaar!" it grunted out before slamming into the ground. By the time Pikachu had landed, the result was all too obvious.

"Carbink is unable to battle! Pikachu is the winner!" Kiawe announced. To Ash's ears, it almost sounded like he was excited as to how the battle was going. Ash breathed out. Two down, one to go...even if it was likely the toughest of the three. So far, though, it had felt relatively easy. Maybe too easy, to the point it unsettled him, and not just about what Olivia would pull out next. Ash's lips twitched a little. Over on the benches, Mallow had stood, gazing with wide eyes to Lana. Clearly they hadn't expected the current result, unlike Serena and Lillie, who were clapping hands together.

"Pikachu really is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield," Clemont commented. Ash could see his hands shaking fiercely. Pikachu returned from his spot, causing Ash to grin down at him.

"Great job, buddy. You were amazing," he said, slapping his hand against his partner's tail. It felt nice for the two of them to be battling again, and against a Kahuna, no less. Ash straightened, looking over to Olivia. She, too, seemed to be shaking, though likely not for the same reason as Clemont.

"That passion...that fervor..." she breathed out. Her hands traveled upwards, reaching at her waist for her final pokeball. "Kiawe, I've not had a battle like this since the likes of you captains. You and Pikachu were in perfect sync together. To hear that Pikachu struggled with Hala's Machamp, I wouldn't believe it."

"Well, we've gotten a lot stronger, I guess," Ash insisted. Maybe too strong...somehow...Olivia's lips turned upwards into a coy smile.

"Whatever it is, the chance to battle a young man like you has my blood racing, heat pumping through my veins," Olivia said. She held her pokeball out, tossing it into the air. "I'll remember your name for a while yet, Ash. Now, let's bring this battle to its soul-stirring conclusion, Lycanroc."

"There it is..." Ash breathed out, and there was no doubt that his friends and Pikachu were thinking the same thing. In front of them, having emerged from the pokeball, was the Midnight Form of Lycanroc, with red fur and a buhsy style. It was wearing a feral grin, emerging onto the field with a howl, ready for as big a brawl as could be had. "Let's keep our distance, Pikachu. No idea how strong it is. So, let's use Electro Ball!"

"Pika!" Pikachu complied, summoning his electricity to the tip of his tail and forming it into an orb that he then flung for Lycanroc. Olivia smirked. The orb impacted, but Lycanroc continued grinning.

"No way..." Ash gasped out. Lycanroc had definitely been hurt, but seemed to shrug it off. That was one heck of a fighter. Olivia called a command suddenly: Rock Climb. "Use Iron Tail to block, Pikachu!"

"That's not working this time, Ash," Olivia said, wagging a finger at him. Lycanroc slammed on to the ground, causing it to ripple and rise upward. Lycanroc began to clear the new plateaus with sudden speed, aiming straight for Pikachu. He turned around, meeting the beast's claws with Iron Tail, straining against it as best as he could. "See, Pikachu might be a bit of a problem for us."

"Keep go-" Ash's words died as Olivia's arms crossed, moving back to her sides. He noticed the movement, the brown glow coming from the evident Z-Ring around her wrist. Her hands then crossed once more before coming up like they were muscles as she cocked her hips to the side and spread her long legs, winking in Ash's direction.

"Continental Crush!" Olivia roared. Pikachu's Iron Tail faltered as Lycanroc's whole body was surrounded with rocks and it leapt upward. The rocks around it grew larger and larger, as if all becoming part of one enormous stone, almost akin to a meteor that then began to hurtle straight for Pikachu, trapped upon the precipice of the Rock Climb. He aimed his Iron Tail upward, obviously hoping to break the attack, but failing as the large mass slammed into the stone plateaus and the arena below, dust flying about the area from the attack. There was loud hacking and coughing caused by the dust and vibrations shuddering about. Ash lowered his hat and only looked up once the dust had settled.


"Pikachu is unable to battle. Lycanroc is the winner," Kiawe called, prompting Ash to run forward onto the battlefield and grab his trusted partner. He seemed completely dazed from the attack, while Lycanroc remained just fine. Ash's gaze shifted to Olivia, her little smirk teasing him, inviting him to throw his next Pokémon at her. He focused, bringing Pikachu back over and setting him down. It was time to learn what her Lycanroc was all about.

"Dartrix, let's go again!" Ash cried, sending the bird's pokeball into the air. As soon as he was out, the stones embedded in the arena flew up, colliding with him. Ash grimaced; he had forgotten about those. This had to be quick now. "Use Pluck!"

"Darroh!" Dartrix cried, streaking straight in with his glowing blue beak.

"Rock Slide," Olivia said. It almost seemed like she wasn't even putting much effort forward. She was just trying to even the score at this point. Lycanroc howled, raising its hands high. Large, glowing stones appeared overhead and then began to rain down. Dartrix kept on course, altering position to try and avoid the rocks, but being unable to. Ash's teeth grit as Dartrix was battered, but managed to make contact with Pluck on the Pokémon's chest. "Reversal!"

"Laroo..." Lycanroc howled out, its arm glowing a faint white, which it then used to strike Dartrix in the side, sending him careening off.

"Leaf Blade, let's go!" Ash called, once more swiping his arm out. Dartrix spun through the air, managing to right himself just as his wing glowed green. He then struck inward again, flinging the blade from his wingtips to slice across the enemy. Only, Lycanroc was grinning, and Ash felt a chill. Olivia's command confirmed it.


"Dartrix, look out!" But Lycanroc was too fast for the tired Dartrix. It grabbed the blades that had impacted with it, turning it into bright white light that it then slashed across Dartrix. The Blade Quill Pokémon cried out, especially when Lycanroc leapt above him and used the blades to slam the poor bird into the ground.


"Dartrix..." Ash lamented as Kiawe began to give the call. Things were finally evened up now, Ash realized, as he returned Dartrix with thanks and reached for his final pokeball. Sweat was forming on his forehead, either from the sun or the exertion of battle. This was his last chance to move forward; to defeat a Kahuna. They were evened up now. No, not quite...Ash had the advantage. He knew everything her Lycanroc could do, and it had taken some damage. And while his final member may not have seemed Kahuna-level, he'd just have to use that knowledge to his advantage. "Lycanroc, I choose you!"

"Lycrrr..." growled his loyal Pokémon once she had emerged. Olivia's eyebrows raised again, clearly more intrigued than ever, before settling into that all too teasing smile, beckoning him to start the final movement of their little dance. Ash looked over to Serena, her hands clasped in her lap as she watched with tension. He would make this a battle none of them would forget. Though he wasn't quite sure how. Now wasn't the time for that concern.

"Let's go! Accelerock!" Ash cried. Lycanroc began to race across the field for her Midnight counterpart, when she vanished. Suddenly, she was right in front of Olivia's Pokémon, striking it powerfully and driving it back before leaping away.

"Use Reversal," Olivia said, now grinning. It almost matched the feral grin that her own Lycanroc was wearing. It moved forward, arms glowing just a little brighter than it had before. "I'm surprised that this is our final battle. Lycanroc on Lycanroc. I wonder, Ash, which do you think is stronger?"

"I don't think it matters...because we're winning! Dodge it!" Ash called, pumping a fist. Olivia's Lycanroc swung its arms down, but his own took advantage of her speed to dodge. "Now, Stone Edge!"

"Stop it with Rock Slide!" Olivia's cry came. Both of the Wolf Pokémon howled. While his own Lycanroc's mane glowed, sending the stones racing forward for Olivia's, it raised its arms and the glowing rocks came cascading down. The two attacks collided, stopping each other from reaching their opponents. Ash watched as the Rock Slide kept falling, and for a moment, in his mind's eye, they slowed.

"Use the rocks to get over to the opponent!" Ash cried. Lycanroc snorted a bit and bound upward, nimbly climbing over the rocks with her speed until she was getting close to Olivia's.

"Use Rock Climb! Close the distance!" The enemy Lycanroc howled once more, slamming down onto the ground. His own was unaffected, but the large stone plateaus rose into the air, allowing her Pokémon to climb them quickly in order to meet. Its arms glowed white again with the power of Reversal.

"Bite!" Lycanroc lunged forward as the white fist punched for her. The two attacks collided, straining against one another for a moment. Lycanroc's teeth dug in further, but Ash quickly realized the mistake he had made while she hung in the air. Olivia smirked at him, as teasing as ever, and took immediate advantage of it.

"Counter, Lycanroc, dear," she said with a cocking of her hips. Her Lycanroc howled, as usual, before its other fist sailed out, right into his Pokémon's torso. Lycanroc cried out, whimpering as the punch then changed direction and slammed her into the arena floor. The stone plateaus lowered back down, putting them on even field once again. Lycanroc growled, pulling herself to her feet.

"You're good, Lycanroc?" She growled once again, indicating how ready she was to jump right back into the action. "Great, let's make some distance. Rock Throw!"

"Rocrrrr," Lycanroc cried, her mane glowing brightly as sharp stones suddenly flung out from it, aiming right for the enemy. Ash watched, noticing the subtle smirk on Olivia's lips changed, indicating just what she was about to do. Her Lycanroc was grinning ferally as the stones flew at it. Then, just as they reached the other Wolf Pokémon it struck out with its fists, punching and beating at the stones to send them straight back with a streaking light behind them.

"Lycanroc, use Stone Edge as a shield!" Ash called, grinning across at Olivia. She clearly hadn't expected the move, the same one that she had used before. Lycanroc stamped on the ground, creating the shield of stones right in front of her. The ones that had been returned battered harmlessly against the exterior of that shield. Lycanroc turned her head, awaiting instruction. He didn't yell the command though, and it didn't seem to be heard over Olivia's own for a Rock Slide. "Get around it, quickly."

"I'm surprised, Ash, adapting my strategy on the fly like that," Olivia called out as the bright stones suddenly hovered over where Lycanroc had been, even as she was now racing along the arena. "It's not that easy to do that, but you're still leaving yourself open to attacks from above."

"Who said we were staying still?" Ash asked with a grin. The Rock Slide slammed into the erected stones, destroying them and leaving nothing but a fine layer of dust behind that caused his friends to cough again. Ash noticed they were all on their feet, especially Lana, who appeared to be grinning darkly. "Now, Accelerock!"

"Crrrock!" Lycanroc roared, slamming into the other one once, and then again, and again. It was like she was coming from all sides, preventing Olivia's Pokémon from making a move. Not that it stopped Olivia.

"Rock Climb! Unbalance them!" Olivia roared out. She was throwing her whole body into her movements as she gave the command. Her Lycanroc was hit, but plunged its hand onto the ground, lifting the both of them onto uneven ground. It was also heaving in sharp breaths, clearly exhausted. "Reversal!"

"Larrooo!" it howled, arms glowing brighter than usual, clearly planning to make the most of its lower health. Lycanroc was bounding up the rocks nimbly, heading straight for it, and Ash quickly flitted his eyes around the battlefield, seeing the perfect chance to bring an end to the battle.

"Use Bite! Catch its arm!" Lycanroc seemed to bark in understanding, bounding the rest of the way as her jaw opened wide and bit powerfully into the punching arm that was Reversal, causing it to lose its glow.

"Ah!" Clemont cried. "But if Ash does that..."

"Won't Olivia just use Counter?" Lillie asked. Ash grinned; it was only natural to suspect that, but there was no way he'd be falling for the same trick twice. The battlefield was his; easy as that. With a quick look over to his friends, seeing their worried or awed expressions, Ash gave the order.

"Toss it on to the ground!" Before Olivia's Lycanroc could make its own move, his planted her feet, and with an enormous strength began to whip the opponent around. With a toss of her head, she flung the enemy Lycanroc down onto the floor of the arena, where it slammed into the surface, breaking some of the battlefield apart. "Now jump off and finish it with Accelerock!"

"Use Counter!" Olivia cried. Lycanroc bounded off, her entire body glowing as she hurtled for the opponent. She was picking up speed as Olivia's Lycanroc stood, clearly preparing to intercept the opponent. Ash smirked, adjusting his hat.

"Sorry, but this battle's ours! Hit it from behind!" Ash cried, pointing forward with gusto. Lycanroc's forelegs struck out, striking the top of her opponent's head in order to change position and slam into it powerfully on the back. The increased speed, combined with her own natural speed, sent the other Lycanroc flying forward, right into the remaining stones of the plateau that it had created. The stone broke apart, showering all over the battlefield with jagged edges all over the place.

Olivia's Lycanroc had been strong, but no match for the superior speed that his had showcased.

"Roooo..." came the resigned whimper as the dust cleared, showing Olivia's passed out on the ground. Ash waited a second, wondering if it would get up. It didn't, and Kiawe raised his hand.

"Olivia's Lycanroc is unable to battle! The match goes to the trial-goer, Ash, who has cleared his Grand Trial!"

Kiawe's proclamation was like the seam breaking on a vacuum of silence. Lycanroc reared her head back and howled loudly to the sun, now beginning its own descent towards sunset; an indication of how long the battle had taken. His friends leapt to their feet with cheers while Mallow and Lana simply stared in awe, as though they'd never seen someone defeat Olivia besides themselves, and so easily at that. Ash, however, merely collapsed to the ground, feeling slightly worn out.

"We did it...we managed to beat a Kahuna..." he breathed. Pikachu stirred next to him, clearly waking up just in time for the happy result. Lycanroc suddenly whipped around, running right for him and tackling him, nuzzling him. He laughed, relief flooding through him.

Just relief.

There was no sense of excitement, or taking this major step forward. He had to wonder why. They had worked so hard and come so far together, yet all he felt was relief at obtaining victory. Like it was a rather directionless win that displayed strength and nothing more. Maybe, he thought, it was because they had yet to defeat Hala, the one who had sent all of those questions into his mind. Or maybe it was because they had done it so easily: matched a Kahuna's strength after just a short time traveling together. No...This is still a big victory for us.

"Pikapi," Pikachu said, joining with Lycanroc in nuzzling his trainer. Ash decided to throw his head back and laugh, letting a simple euphoria fuel him in the exhaustion.

"That was a real tough one, huh?" Ash laughed out, hugging both of the Pokémon that had gotten him this far. It ended up including Dartrix, who had come out as well. When they finished hugging, Olivia was approaching with her sashaying hips.

"You made it look so easy, though..." Mallow said, drawing close. Ash shook his head.

"Nah. If that Counter had hit, we'd have been done for sure," Ash told her. He finally looked to Olivia, the woman holding a hand out. She gazed at the Z-Ring on his wrist with a smile and then helped him up.

"You provided me with a passionate battle," Olivia told him with a rather sultry wink. Ash felt Serena suddenly pressed against his arm, hugging him with joy at his victory. "Congratulations on clearing your Grand Trial. As a result, I present to you the Akala Gem, and the Rockium-Z."

With her words, she held forward the case and Ash saw it: a pink gem, no larger than a bead. Reaching for his pocket, Ash pulled out the trial amulet, noticing the space for the small gem to go. Giving off a shuddering breath, Ash reached forward and took both it and the brown crystal that he placed on to his Z-Ring. Lastly, he placed the gem inside his amulet, fitting it perfectly. Finally, he could begin to feel excitement once again. It wasn't a big milestone, he still felt, but it was still a milestone. "All right, I cleared the Akala Grand Trial!"

"Pipikachu!" Pikachu led his Pokémon in cheering. Everyone around him cheered as well, petting Lycanroc or expressing awe over the various strategies he had been forced to use in the battles. Ash just soaked in the setting sun, letting the words of staying the night and the captains sticking around for a grand dinner that evening wash over him. It gave him a smile; a wan one, but a smile nonetheless.

He was moving forward, getting closer. He just realized in that moment, feeling naught but relief over a battle that wasn't as hard as he had been expecting, that he wasn't sure what it was he was moving towards.

Author's Note: Ash has completed his Grand Trial against Olivia! Huzzah! Now, some of you (or most of you) are probably sitting there going "That was his Grand Trial? His battle against Kiawe was better!" Well, all I can say to that is...ding ding! You'd be right. This was a big battle to be sure, but for one thing, Olivia is on the lower end of Kahunas on the island, and for another, a lot of it comes from Ash himself. Sure, he's still excited, but the victory is starting to mean less and less because he doesn't know what the victory is even for, partially because he hurtled over the obvious barrier by defeating Kiawe. Especially now that he's so easily matching a Kahuna's strength. Will he come up with an answer soon? Perhaps. But he may just need to face Hala again to do it.

On the other side, we have these mysterious events with Gary. What is happening on Poni? What was inside the portal? Who was the man that told him those mysterious things? And what does a Z-Crystal have to do with all of this? In time my time...

But, before that time comes, I'm going to thank everyone who contributed to this story's success: Eldergi for following; and the big thanks that needs to go to AdvancedAlto, Tenzalucard123, Vivian Gray, CommanderAwesome, FantasyLover88, Cottonmouth25, potat lasaro, Alexandria Prime, nils123, ChE clarinetist, Armorshippingfan, Omegaz, jlogan2748, The Wind God of the Leaf, ultimateCCC, AmourshippingCanon, Amourisbest44, aliensinnoh, David Wilsberg and 3 guests for reviewing. Next chapter promises to be a big one, so I hope you'll continue on. Until next time, please Review and Dare to Be Silly.

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