Yu-Gi-Oh GX : A Brand New Thr...

By Count_Lemon

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This is the story of a Jaden Yuki's next journey after having brought him and his friends back from the dark... More

Chapter 1: It Wasn't Your Fault
Chapter 2: An Old, Mysterious Face
Chapter 3: Enter the Mysterious Warrior, Nightshade
Chapter 4: A Vicious New Deck
Chapter 5: A Change of Heart
Chapter 6: Answers Or Jaden
Chapter 7: Unexpected Events
Chapter 8: Welcome
Chapter 9: Let The Rematch Begin
Chapter 10: Beach Time Fun
Chapter 11: Sleepover
Chapter 12: Sleepover Part 2
Chapter 13: Spin The Damn Bottle
Chapter 14: The Morning After
Chapter 15: Oh No
Chapter 16: I'll Beat You This Time
Chapter 17: Please Come Back
Chapter 18: Hangover
Chapter 19: Awakening of the Darkness
Chapter 21: The Beautiful Toublemaker
Chapter 22: Awaken the Nights
Chapter 23: Nightmares Or Warnings
Chapter 24: Resurrection
Chapter 25: You're Not Alone
Chapter 26: A New Day
Chapter 27: A Devious Deal
Chapter 28: A Fragmented Mentality

Chapter 20: To Domino City

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By Count_Lemon

It took around 20 minutes, but everyone was back by the dock getting ready to board the incoming boat. Everyone had a suitcase or some bags to bring with them. Zane and Aster were the only ones to stay behind, deciding they could help the protect the island if something goes wrong. Mecha was also staying behind with Yugi, Kaiba and Mokuba. He was going to help out with teaching the student much more advanced dueling techniques and strategies.

"They all need to be ready" Jaden thought to himself. "That includes you guys." This thought was direct towards Yubel and Neos, who promptly appeared in a physical form beside him.

"We'll be just fine." Yubel said. "Just make sure everyone knows what to do. None of them have dueled like this before..."

"Yeah. You have to keep them safe." Neos said. "Make sure to teach them energy regulation."

"In as little time as 3 weeks! It took me 2 months to even get a slight control over it."

"Don't stress too much. You'll have Nightshade and everyone else from Neo Space to help." Yubel said.

"Let's hope it's enough." Jaden said. "Are you guys gonna stay like this for a while."

"Probably, it's a 2 day long boat ride. Might as well stretch for a while." Yubel said.

"Alright, just don't try to scare anyone." With that he got on the boat. He glanced around the deck to make sure everyone was there.

"Alright! Let's move!" He yelled, and with that, the boat set out to sail. 

Everyone was gathered on the main deck, the ship was about the size of a small cruise liner. Alexis walked over to Jaden.

"Hi Jay."


"Why are we going to Domino City?" She asked. She wrapped her arms around his and leaned into his side. He smiled.

"I have to get you all ready."

"For what?"

"For the Light."

"Like the Society." Alexis said. He voice got a little shaky as she remembered the things she did under its control.

"Yeah...like the Society."

"Jaden..." She said. Jaden could hear her getting ready to cry. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. "I don't wanna be like that again..." She said, beginning to sob into his chest. He gently stroked her hair and decided to let her get out some of her emotions. After a few minutes, he look down at her.

"It's okay. It's okay." He began. "I'll never let them hurt you... Never."

Nightshade and Rose landed on the deck. Rose being carried in Nightshade's arms.

"Hey Jay..." He said, gasping for breath.

Jaden and Alexis looked up, both Nightshade and Rose had dirt on their clothes and Nightshade's shirt and chest were covered in shallow knife cuts. 

"What happened?" Jaden said as he let go of Alexis and ran over to Nightshade.

"There are camps set up around the island, each one on an energy platform. There preparing for this fight too." Nightshade explained. "Dawn, Dusk and Rose are on their way to Domino City. None of them got hurt, but I needed to land." He fluttered his wings, showing how tattered and torn they had become.

"How did they do this?"

"We needed a diverse to draw attention away from Dusk and Dawn. They were able to get a copy of the plans, but Rose and myself bite off more than we could chew."

Jaden looked down at Rose. She look relatively unharmed, with small cuts on her arms. She was asleep in Nightshade arms.

"I need to get her medical attention." Nightshade said. Jaden placed his hand on Rose's stomach, his hand flashed a white light. Alexis watched in amazement and confusion.

"He's so...strong and powerful. But why won't he tell me how?" Alexis thought to herself. "Maybe this little trip will get me some answers."

"She'll be fine, we'll just lay her down in a room." Jaden said. "HASSELBERRY!" He yelled, Hasselberry quickly ran to Jaden.

"Yes Sarge?"

"Would you mind carrying Rose to one of the rooms?"

"No problem." He then walked up to Nightshade and he held his arms out. Nightshade placed a light kiss on her forehead and placed her in Hasselberry's arms. He walked off towards one of the boats rooms.

"Now..." Jaden said, walking up to Nightshade. "You need to get fixed up." He then started pushing Nightshade towards another room.

"No." He said, he pushed Jaden to the side using his wing. He winced in pain as he did so. "I need to be with her. I need to keep her safe."

Jaden sighed. "Fine. 5th room on the left, it's where Hasselberry's bring Rose." 

Nightshade smiled weakly. "Thanks." He started walking towards that direction, but he walked with a limp in his right leg. Jaden rushed over and helped support his weight on his shoulder.

"Thanks Jay."

"Of course. Now come on." Jaden said. Only Alexis followed Jaden, everyone else decided to stay back and talk amongst themselves. 

They got to the room. Rose was laid down on the bed, her body covered with a blanket. Hasselberry was sitting in a chair in the right corner of the room. Nightshade sat down in one of the chairs to the left side of the room. Almost the moment his body sat down, he fell asleep.

"I don't know how to fix him." Jaden began. "Only he can heal, and I don't know how to the equipment on the ship."

"If he can heal, why didn't he heal himself?" Hasselberry asked. 

"He heals in a weird way. He takes the injuries from someone and makes them his own. That's probably was his chest and wings are all messed up, and Rose is relatively fine."

"Jasmine knows how to use first aid." Alexis said.

"That's great. Can you get her?" Jaden asked. She nodded and left the room. Jaden took a seat close to Hasselberry and sighed. "They're stronger than they used to be."

"What'd you expect? Of the course the enemy would grow before trying again." Hasselberry said.

"Those were just the normal warriors...If they could do that much to Rose and Nightshade...I don't want to know what the Elites could do."

"Don't worry." Hasselberry began. "Once we're all trained. We'll all take 'em down."

"Yeah." Jaden said with a smirk. "I hope your right buddy." He thought. He glanced over to Rose, she was stirring in her sleep, moaning quietly.

"She's having a nightmare." Jaden said. He got up and began walking over to Rose, but she shot up.

She gasped for air and placed her right hand over her heart. She darted her eyes around the room and began touching her arms, legs and chest quickly.

"Where's Nightshade?!" She yelled. Jaden pointed over to him, he was still sleep in the chair.

"Oh no." She threw the covers off herself and ran over to him. She gasped once she saw how hurt he was. "No, no, no..." She said quietly. "It was my fault." She took his hand in hers. "Your only hurt because of me." She started to tear up. "I didn't mean to..." She then started to cry. She released his hand and went to touch his chest. His eyes closed tighter and he grunted lightly in pain. She quickly pulled back her hand and wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

Jaden walked over beside her and knelt down.  "He'll be fine. He just needs a little medical attention. Then he'll be alright." He started to stroke her hair gently, she turned over towards him and threw her head into his chest, crying uncontrollably.

"I didn't mean to. *hick* I didn't mean to." She kept saying over and over, still sobbing throughout her words.

Alexis and Jasmine walked into the room, both of them had some medical stuff supplies in their arms. 

"What's wrong with Night----- Jesus." Jasmine said. She stared in shock at all the cuts on his chest and his torn wings.

"I can fix the cuts, but I don't know what to do for the wings." She said.

"The wings will heal on their own." Jaden began. "But I don't know what to do about his chest."

"I can clean his cuts, then I'll bandage him up." She said. Alexis was close behind.

"Are you okay Rose?" She asked. Rose just continued to cry into Jaden's chest. He picked her up in his arms and walked over to the couch in the room. He sat down, keeping her in his lap. Alexis set what supplies she hand down by Nightshade and sat on the couch next to Jaden. Jasmine walked over and started to look through the supplies. She set aside cotton balls, some gauze, rubbing alcohol and a pair of scissors. Rose had calmed down, now her crying was replaced by a light sniffle.

"What are you doing..." She asked quietly.

"I'm going to fix up your boyfriend." Jasmine said.

"Be careful..." 

"Don't worry." Jasmine began. "He'll be fine." She picked up the scissors and went to start cutting his shirt off. She gently began cutting up, but she touched the metal to one of his cuts. He grunted a bit and his wings twitched.

"Stop!" Rose yelled. Jasmine pulled the scissors away.

"What's wrong?" Jasmine asked.

Rose got off of Jaden and walked over to Nightshade. She placed her hand on one of his cuts, but quickly pulled it back. "His body's defending itself." She began. "He made his blood corrosive, it'll hurt a lot if it touched your skin." She stood up and sat down on his left leg. She pulled his left wing around herself, and grabbed it at the end and gently stroked it downwards. He let out a sigh, and she slipped his shirt off his head.

"There. Now he's all better." Rose said. Jasmine nodded and pour some of the alcohol onto the cotton ball. She rubbed them against his cuts, he winced in pain but stayed asleep. She finished and wrapped the gauze around his body, with some help from Rose. In about 10 minutes, he was fixed up.

"There. All done." Jasmine said. She stood up and went to leave. "Oh. Before I forget, we're all having dinner together. No exceptions." She then left the room. Jaden smiled.

"I'll be taking off now Sarge. See you tonight." Hasselberry said.

"Bye Hasselberry." Jaden replied. With that, he left the room. 

Rose was now curled up in Nightshade's lap, she had fallen asleep against his chest.

Jaden smirked. "Let's head to our room and leave them alone for a bit." 

Alexis nodded and they both walked down to their room. It was the same size and layout as Rose and Nightshade's room. Jaden laid down on the bed and Alexis soon followed.

"We have to go to dinner with everyone Jay." Alexis began. 

"I know Lexi." Jaden said. "Just a little nap." He rolled on his side and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled and cuddled into his body. 

"I love you Jay."

"I love you too Lexi." Jaden answered. The two fell asleep, Alexis curled up against Jaden's chest, his arms wrapped around her soft body.


Neos, Yubel and Winged Kuriboh all took a physical form and sat down on the couch in the room. Kuriboh just hovered around.

"Do you think she'll be of any use in the war?" Neos asked.

"I hope so." Yubel began. "We need as much help as we can get."

Kuriboh floated down and landed into Yubel's lap. She gently scratched his fur and he purred from the feeling. Moments later, Elemental Heroes Sparkman, Bubbleman, Avian and Burstinatrix took on their own physical form.

"Finally, I can stretch." Burst said, stretching out her arms and legs.

"Keep it down guys." Yubel said. "Look."  She pointed towards Jaden, still holding Alexis close to himself.

"Took him long enough." Avian said.

"No kidding. Even I could tell she liked him." Sparkman said.

"How's he been?" Bubbleman asked.

"He's fine. Just needs to work on energy control." Neos responded. 

The 6 duel monsters just lounged around the room, enjoying the space they had. Alexis started to whimper in her sleep, trying to toss around, but could move hard enough to break Jaden's hug. The E-Heroes left, fearing she would wake up, and Kuriboh and Neos did the same. Yubel stayed out and placed her hand over Alexis's forehead. A low, black light engulfed her hand. Alexis stopped moaning and was back to being silent in her sleep. Yubel smiled, but soon frowned having taken her dream.

"Everything will be okay..." Yubel said quietly. "He'll always be there...even when he's not."

She shifted her gaze to Jaden. "I know you're not asleep." She said. Jaden sighed and unwrapped his arms fro Alexis, sitting up slowly.

"You got me..."

"What's wrong Jay? You haven't slept well lately."

"I'm fine...I'm just...not tired."

"You can't lie to me..."

"I'm getting worried...Okay."

"About what?"

"About the Light, about Shadow. What if I can't stop them..."

"Everything will be fine." Yubel said. She floated over the bed to Jaden and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Go to sleep Jay. At least for an hour."


"There's my good boy." Yubel teased. She faded away shortly after.

Jaden laid back down and rolled on his side, facing away from Alexis. "If I can't control myself...no one will be safe...no one..." Jaden thought. He was too tired to keep himself awake, he passed out on the bed.


"Where are they?!" Chazz complained. Everyone had been in the dining hall waiting for Jaden, Rose, Nightshade and Alexis.

"I don't know Chazz. But complaining isn't going to be of any help." Syrus snapped back.

Chazz just grunted and went back to staring at the wall. Blair was sitting right beside and was holding onto his right arm. She was gently nuzzling against him, smiling while she did so. Chazz looked a little uncomfortable.

"Not in front of everyone..." He said, ever so quietly. She just giggled and ignored him. 

Atticus pulled out his phone. It rang for a few minutes. "Damn...Alexis isn't answering."

"Neither's Jay." Jesse said.

"I'll head to their room." Jasmine said. She stood up and walked out the room.

"Wait...THEIR ROOM!" Atticus yelled. He ran out, chasing after Jasmine.

"What was that about?" Jim asked.

"I don't know and I don't care." Axel responded, leaning back in his chair.

Hasselberry stood up and went to leave.

"And where are you going?" Syrus asked.

"To get Rose and Nightshade." Hasselberry began. He left the room, leaving everyone else to wait in silence.


"Atticus, what's wrong?" Jasmine asked as she slowed down.

"I'm coming with you." Atticus said.

"Whatever. There room is that one, on the left." She pointed to the door. Atticus ran to it and turned the nob, the door was unlocked. He walked in to see Jaden and Alexis sleeping in the same bed. Jaden had rolled over in his sleep, he had his arm wrapped around Alexis, his head nuzzling in her hair. 

Jasmine came behind Atticus. She could see his hands beginning to ball up into fists. She grabbed his arm.

"Let them have this. You saw how she was without him." She said. Atticus just sighed.

"If your gonna flip out on Jaden, do it when she isn't there." Jasmine continued. Atticus nodded and walked over to the bed. He gently began rocking his sister back and forth.

"Wake up sis." He whispered quietly into her ear. She groaned a little, but woke up.

"Hi Atty." She started rubbing her eyes. "What's up?" She said as she started stretching her arms.

"It's time for dinner." He said.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few."

Atticus nodded, he and Jasmine left the room. Alexis looked over to Jaden, still asleep. She leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips. He started kissing back and she knew he was up. He pulled back.

"That was nice." Jaden began. "But why'd you wake me up?"

"We have to go to dinner."

"Right. Totally forgot." Jaden said. Alexis giggled and got out of bed, leaving the room with Jaden.


Hasselberry got to Nightshade and Rose's room. He went to knock on the door, but could hear some soft moaning on the other side.

"I'm not opening that door." He though to himself. "They'll come out when they're done." He turned around and began walking back to the dining hall.


"That was amazing." Rose said, still panting.

"Fuck. I need to workout more." Nightshade responded.

Rose giggled and rolled on top of his chest. "You're fine." She said, gently placing a kiss on his forehead.

"You wanna go eat now?" He asked.

"I'm gonna take a shower first."

"Then I'll wait for you."

"Alright Nighty." Rose said. She got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom in their room.

"This is great." He thought to himself, still laying in bed. "I will win. Not for me...but for her." He sighed and closed his eyes again, falling asleep.


He was standing in a big, blank open area.

"Great. What the hell am I dreaming about?" He said. In front of him, something began to take shape. A girl, long black hair and a thin physique. She was a little shorter than himself, her face was small and round, her eyes were big and bright with bright, violet pupils. She was wearing a long, white gown and had wings coming out of her back, the same as his prismatic wings.

"La--Lana" He said, mouth opened wide.

"Hi Bro." 

"Where...Where are you!? Are you alright!?"

"I'm fine." She walked closer to him. "I'm here to help you."

"What do you mean? Your dead..."

"My body is...but my spirit still lives. You can bring me back..."

Nightshade's eyes opened wide and he began tearing up. "How..."

"Go to Father's grave in Domino City. Bring your pendant and his Dog Tags. Place them on the tombstone and chant these words, 'In exchange for energy, bring back one life.' Say this twice then call out my name...My real name."

"Okay...Mysta. I'll bring you back, I promise." He went up to sister and wrapped around her. His tears continued to flow and she began to cry with him.

"I've been so alone..."

"It'll be alright. Just wait another day...then you can come home." He gently placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled, then disappeared, leaving Nightshade alone in the vast white void.


"Nightshade! Wake up!" Rose yelled.

Nightshade slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He felt groggy and rubbed his eyes, he could feel how wet his cheeks were.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"I'm fine. Just a weird dream...that's all."

"Okay baby." Rose said. He could tell by the tone of her voice that she wasn't convinced, but she didn't feel like pushing any harder. "Come on. I'm hungry."

"You head over. I'll be there in a minute."

"Alright. Just...be careful." She said. She stood up and walked out the door. Nightshade sighed and there his clothes on. He went over to a drawer next to the bed, inside were his pendant, restrictor and his father's dog tags. He took out the pendant and the dog tags, slipping both over his head and let them rest on his chest. He then walked out the room, closing the door behind himself.


"Hey guys." Jaden said as he entered the dining hall.

"Took you long enough. I'm starving." Chazz said. Jaden just smiled and sat down, Alexis sitting right beside him. Atticus and Jasmine made it back before them. Hasselberry walked in moments after Jaden and Alexis did.

"Where's Nightshade and Rose?" Syrus asked Hasselberry.

"There busy." He said. His response was quick and his eyes didn't move from their position. He was staring at the wall, trying to avoid everyone's gaze.

"You alright Hasselberry? You look a little nervous." Jaden said.

"I'm fine." He responded.

"Can we eat now?!" Chazz complained.

"Not until everyone's here!" Mindy snapped. "What are those two doing?"

"Probably having sex." Jaden said. Everyone just stared at him with wide eyes. He looked back. "What. I'm probably right."

"What makes you think that?!" Jesse said.

"He saved her life today, and got fucked up in the process. 'Thanks for saving me' sex isn't uncommon for those two." He explained.

"How would you kno---" Atticus began, but was cut off by Rose's entrance.

"Hi everyone." She said with a bright smile. She was meet with awkward stares and glances. She look confused, until she glanced over to Jaden. He was had a large, dumb grin on his face.

"Fuck." She said. She took her seat next to Jaden and slouched down.

"So how was it?" Jaden teased.

"Fuck you." She responded, Jaden just laughed.

"I'm just teasing. Where's Nightshade?"

"He said he'd be here in a few." 

"Can we eat now!" Chazz yelled.

"Jesus...Fine. Just to shut you up." Mindy said.

"And the Chazz wins." He said. Blair dug her nails into his arm. He winced and glared at her, she look at him with a big innocent smile on her face.

Everyone had gotten their food and was talking amongst themselves. Every now and then Jaden would catch Atticus throwing him a dirty look.

"What did I do? It's not like I banged his sis---Damn it." He thought to himself. "I'll talk to him later.""

Nightshade came into the room. He sat down next to Rose and smiled lightly. He took Rose's  left hand into his right, intertwining their fingers. One of the attendants walked over to him.

"Can I get you anythings Sir?" She asked.

"Alcohol. I don't care what kind." He responded. She nodded and walked away. Rose looked over at Nightshade, a large amount of concern in her eyes. He meet he gaze and sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

"Nothing. I just want a drink."

"You can't lie to me... you promised."

"I'm telling the truth." He said. "Just not all of it..." He thought to himself. The lady returned with a bottle of whiskey and a glass in hand. She left both the glass and whiskey on the table.

"Enjoy." She said, and walked away. He took the lid off the bottle and went to put it to his lips. Rose stuck her hand on his mouth, stopping him from drinking.

"You can drink when I know what's going on." She said sternly. Nightshade sighed.

"Fine." He set the bottle down. "When we get to the city I will be taking everyone to Kaiba Corp. Then I'm going to the graveyard for a while." 

Rose let go of his hand. "Why are you going to the graveyard?"

Nightshade picked the bottle back up. "I have...work to do." He then leaned his chair back and put the bottle to his lips. Rose furrowed her eye brows and glared at Nightshade. 

"You know what I want." She said. "So tell me."

"This doesn't concern you."

"Then who does it concern?" She said, her tone getting much more aggravated.

"We shouldn't do this here." He stood up and grabbed her arm. The two of them left the room and walked out to the deck.

"This is gonna get bad." Jaden said. He stood up and went to walk out, but he could hear them yelling. "Never mind. I'll wait."


"Rose just listen. You don't need to know."

"Why?! Why won't you tell me?!" She yelled.

"I already told you, this doesn't involve you. This issue is mine is for me to deal with, not you."



"WHAT FAMILY!?" She yelled, immediately regretting her words. "Nightshade...I-- I didn't--"

"Save it." He said. He snapped his fingers, a dark aura encased his body, then it vanished taking Nightshade with it. Jaden could hear most of this, he burst out the doors and ran towards Rose. She was on her knees crying into her hands.

"What happened?" Jaden asked, as if he hadn't heard the whole argument. He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms, she continued to cry into his chest. 

"*sniff* I didn't *sniff* mean to say it...*hick*" She replied, choking the words out of her mouth.

"It's alright. He knows you didn't mean it." He said, stroking her hair. "Alexis, can you come her?" He asked. She emerged from behind the door blushing a bit.

"You...You knew?" She asked.

"Yeah. Mind taking care of Rose for a bit? I'm gonna find Nightshade."

"Do you have any idea where he is right now." Alexis asked.

"Nightshade looked up and could see a thin cloud of smoke. "Yeah. I have an idea."

In the next few chapters everyone will be in Domino City. Things are gonna get even crazier, hope you all are ready. Until next time, also, I might start adding pictures or something to help show what I'm trying to describe.

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