I Really Do Hate You.....(Ave...

By tippilanea7x

225K 6.5K 211


Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brain's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Johnny's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brian's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Zacky's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Zacky's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Meg's POV
Johnny's POV
Anastacia's POV
Stacey's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Johnny's POV
Meg's POV
Zacky's POV
Stacey's POV
Bree's POV
Brian's POV
Meg's POV
Zacky's POV
Lilah's POV
Bree's POV
Ana's POV
Jimmy's POV
Meg's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV
Bree's POV
Meg's POV
Brian's POV
Ana's POV
Zacky's POV
Bree's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Lilah's POV
Zacky's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Bree's POV
Matt's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV

Matt's POV

849 32 0
By tippilanea7x

I didn't care what anyone said, I know I felt Ana squeeze my hand, twice, and I was pretty pissed that no one but Zack and Meg believed me.

Zack and Meg were having a break, it had been almost 12 hours since she'd squeezed my hand and one of us had been by her side the whole time.

I leant over and whispered in her ear. "Ana, wake up." And I squeezed her hand, but no response. It didn't matter, I would keep trying until she woke up and I knew she was going to wake up.

"At least we've gotten out of school, that's a plus." I told her. "And what about Meg and Zack, pretty weird hey, he thinks he's all cool because she's in College, oh and Brian, he's the same, going on about their older women, I'm sick of hearing about it." I was just talking to her in the hope that she heard me.

The door opened and Meg came in. "Do you want a break?"

I shook my head. "Go Matt, go for a walk or something, I'll be here."

I guess I could. I stood up. "Yeah, I might go for a walk. Clear my head."

I leant down and kissed Ana's cheek, she squeezed my hand.

"Ana?" I asked, there it was again. "Ana, open your eye's. " I watched as her eye's fluttered open and she looked at me. "Meg, get the Doctor."

"Oh shit." She said running out the door.

"Hey." I said brushing the hair off her forehead. "It's good to see you."

She smiled weakly at me and I kissed her nose, she opened her mouth to say something but she grimaced and closed it again. "Shhh." I murmured. "Wait for the doctor."

The door opened and a nurse came in. "What's going on in here." She said approaching the bed. "Ah well hello Ana, it's good to see you. I've called the doctor and he'll be here in a minute." She raised the bedhead a bit and Ana looked around with a pained expression on her face. "I guess you feel pretty bad?" The nurse asked her, she nodded her head slightly and closed her eye's.

I quickly grabbed her hand, I didn't want her to go back to sleep, she looked at me and smiled weakly.

The doctor came in and, as usual Meg and I had to leave. We waited in the stupid room, I had grown to hate this room.

"I should call her mom and dad and Zack." Meg said pulling out her phone.

I nodded and sat down, listening to Meg call them and waiting, again.

Eventually the nurse came in. "You can go back in now."

I got up and walked in, she was sitting up, but her eye's were closed.

I walked to the side of the bed and she opened her eye's. "Matthew." She whispered smiling. I leant down and kissed her. "Hey." I pulled her into my arm's. Thankgod she was going to be okay.

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(NOTE: read parts one and two before reading this part)