Remembering Romance (TaEun Fa...


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Lee Taemin is the maknae of the famous Kpop boy group, SHINee. Together with the other SHINee members, they a... More

Remembering Romance (TaEun Fanfic)
Chapter 1: Script (Taemin POV)
Chapter 2: This Person (Naeun POV)
Chapter 3: Jobs (Taemin POV)
Chapter 5: Words I Want To Say To You...But Can't (Taemin POV)
Chapter 6: One Step At A Time (Naeun POV)
Chapter 7: Truth Comes Out (Taemin POV)
Chapter 8: Throwback (Naeun POV)
Chapter 9: I'll Help You (Taemin POV)
Chapter 10: Slowly (Naeun POV)
Chapter 11: Rosary Bracelet (Taemin POV)
Chapter 12: Not The Whole Truth? (Naeun POV)
Chapter 13: Danger-ous (Taemin POV)
Chapter 14: So This Is How It Is? (Naeun POV)
Chapter 15: What Are We Going To Do? (Taemin POV)
Chapter 16: Officially Everlasting (Naeun POV)
Chapter 17: Lies (Taemin POV)
Chapter 18: Bogoshipo (Naeun POV)
Chapter 19: We Saved Each Other (Taemin & Naeun POV)
Chapter 20: The Last Memory (Taemin & Naeun POV)
Chapter 21: It's You, My LUV (Taemin & Naeun POV) - Epilogue
The Backstory Of 'Remembering Romance'

Chapter 4: Approach With Caution (Naeun POV)

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Chapter 4: Approach With Caution (Naeun POV)

~ ~ ~

Taemin oppa passionately told his planned story to me and I was busily taking down notes that I could use to help with my designing.

Although I liked the storyline, somehow, I was not entirely confident that oppa should go forward with it. Well, there were many reasons from my perspective, but I felt that oppa, being the experienced writer, would know I did not intially ask about his intentions.

Hang on...was I getting a bit jealous? Sure, the storyline is about trying to remember an old friend, who is also a yeoja...but this is just a work of fiction, so why am I feeling that pang of jealousy hit me?! Ok, calm down Naeun.

"Oppa, that sounds like a really good plot!" I told him still trying to think positively. I noticed he was still in a daze, perhaps out of trying to remember his past.

"Oppa? Oppa?" I tried to get his attention.


"TAEMIN OPPA!" I finally shouted.

"Oh, mianhae Naeun ssi~" he apologised.

I laughed at his behaviour. Ah, how embarrassing he was...but still he's kind of cute. Wait, did I just think that. Oh well...

"Anyway oppa," I continued, "the plot is a great one. I do have some good ideas for designs...but..."

"But what?" he asked.

Looks like I have to ask him now...I thought.

" really want to...remember her?" I asked him.

Though I expected it, strangely, oppa hesitated for a while. Waeyo?

"I know it is from my personal experience..." he told me again. "But..."

Why was it so hard for him to tell me? I don't know this yeoja he was trying to remember anyway.

"Oppa..." I tried speaking to him.

"Actually, I 'll save that story for another day. We...should get on with our project."

Well, Taemin oppa was right. We're together because it is a project, not for sharing love lives. But we are what's wrong with singers gossiping?

 (~2 hours of talking later~)

Taemin and I discussed loads for our project. Thanks to his ideas, I had great plans for the illustrations for his story.

Oppa said he wanted to publish his story for his fans to read. He believed that they'll surely like it, so much so that he plans to finish the first chapter by tomorrow. Honestly, I wanted to read his story too.

"Your design ideas are actually quite good Naeun~" Taemin continued to compliment me.

"Aniyo~" I acted modest. "People are much better than me, oppa."

We had already left the cafe and were heading back towards Taemin's car. I told him I needed to head back to ACUBE for vocal trainning with my fellow Apink members and being Taemin (don't even know why I'm acting as though I have known him for ages...), he offered to give me a lift there too. Kind-hearted man if I say so myself.

But we were still not that close. If we wanted to be really honest about it, I guess we were more comfortable with our fellow members than with ourselves. That explained why in the car again, we didn't talk much.

"It's actually hard for me to get close to others," Taemin told me. "because I'm SHINee's maknae. I'm always amongst people who are older than me, even F(x)."

"Apink doesn't usually mix around with other idol groups too," I told Taemin. "I know how it feels to be odd one out."

So basically, the whole ride was just awkward silence with the ocassional chit chat. Sigh...

Needless to say, I was glad I reached the agency building. I'm not being mean, there was just...little to talk about.

"Oppa, annyeong~" I waved as I got out of his car.

"Kyeopta, Naeun ssi-" I suddenly heard Taemin's comment.

"Mwo?!" I asked, smiling.

"Ah mianhae~" Taemin laughed. "I meant to say, have fun with the Apink members."

"Ah, ne kamsahabnida~" I replied. I swear both our cheeks were flushing red.

I stayed and watched as Taemin's car drove off into the Seoul streets. Being in a project with him is actually turning out to be much better than I thought...

"SON NA EUN!! Daydreaming again?!" someone shouted into my ear. I got a shock at that.

"Chaesohabnida unnie!" I apologised blindly.

"Yah..." I finally recognised the voice. "What do you mean unnie..."

My group member Hayoung was talking to me?! Ah, how could I mistake her for an unnie?! She's Apink's maknae. Suddenly I felt bad.

It took me a while to realise that our labelmate, Huh Gak, was together with Hayoung. Crap, did I behave like this in front of Gak oppa?! Aish~ my life...

"Naeun, it's ok, you and Hayoung are still my favourites~" Gak oppa consoled me.

After apologising profusely to Hayoung, at which she still smiled at the end, we all entered the agency together. I thought Hayoung would soon drop the matter. Oh how wrong I was...

"Unnies!! Naeun and I are here!" Hayoung announced our arrival with excessive happiness. That was already spelling trouble...

 Straightaway, Eunji was sensing that Hayoung was not her usual self today.

"Hayoung ah," she approached, "you seem different today. Did something happen to you? Perhaps...?"

No, Hayoung, don't say...

"Naeun unnie is the one I'm happy for, so you should ask her!" Hayoung beamed.

Five pairs of eyes suddenly turned towards me. Darn...what sort of reply could I give...? Sigh, I'd have to use this method...

Covering Hayoung's mouth, I told the members, "Aniyo, Hayoung was saying this because Gak oppa arrived at the same time as us and while we were chatting I said, as a friend, he was handsome today... Nothing serious~"

At that, the members all laughed like we usually did and headed back to their practicing without any questions. Phew...

That said, was I defending Taemin?! Aish, what's with him...he's always in my mind all the time...

 "Naeun ah!" Chorong unnie shook me. "Come to your senses! Time to practice!!"

The other members' laughter was enough to remove the awkward atmosphere. Nice job Naeun.

Late into the evening, the members and I got into the dancing mood and soon we were giving it our all. Even though our album promotions were over, we were still filled with performance schedules at universities and charity events.

At midnight, we took a break from practicing and it was not long before the members began to fool around. As usual, I was sitting in one corner and reading a book. It was just another normal day in the practice room. least that was what it felt like before I met Taemin oppa. Now, after meeting him only two or three times, I suddenly felt lonely. It wasn't long before I lost interest in my book and my mind began to drift into thinking about Taemin... In fact, I think my eyes must be closing due to the boredom.

Oppa... Taemin oppa... I'm so lonely...

Wait did I just think that? Omo so embarrassing...

But as I was snickering at my embarrassment, I felt as though people were staring at me. Mind you, my eyes were closed.

Therefore, I opened my eyes slowly...and came face to face with the members staring at me weirdly. Oh no did I just think out aloud again?!

"Naeun yisanghae (strange)..." Eunji spoke first. "You never used to mumble like that..."

"I agree..." Hayoung nodded. "This was what I'm trying to tell you just now unnies! Naeun's behaving our of the ordinary!"

"Naeun," Bomi asked, "don't tell me you..."

I had to think of something fast...otherwise...

"Annyeonghaseyo!" someone announced his arrival into the room. But that voice sounded quite familiar.

Taemin oppa?!

Sure enough it was him! In he came with a broad smile on his face. Though it kind of looked quite awkward. What's wrong? Isn't he a top idol star? Has he not seen a girl group as a whole before...?

Anyways, the members were shocked by his arrival because, like me, we were not expecting HIM to turn up! But why...?

Hurriedly, we got to our feet and introduced ourselves. Mentally, I was facepalming. The members are going to question me about him soon.

The unnie line knows about Taemin because they are the ones who are more associated with the variety show industry. Even so, I am still trying to get used to the fact that Chorong unnie is older than Taemin oppa.

"How come you are here today oppa? Actually, you've never visited us before...but why today?" Eunji asked.

Yah, Eunji unnie...'oppa' is what I call him. Wait why am I suddenly jealous like this?!

"Actually I came to pass this to Naeun," Taemin said as he held out a thumb drive. "I think Naeun ssi dropped this in my car..."

Omo! My thumb drive that I used to keep all my web design work! I always kept it in my pocket and I didn't realise that it fell out. Heol, I'm such a pabo...

Still, as I collected my thumb drive, I finally realised that Taemin oppa indirectly revealed I sat in his car on the way to practice. I could feel the members eyeing me with interest. Crap...

"Kamsahabnida oppa..." I said embarrassed. "And thanks for the lift..."

Sigh, what to do...everyone knows anyway...

"You're welcome Naeun ssi," he smiled again before turning out and leaving.

Now it was just a count of 3...2...1...

"NAEUN, YOU SAT IN HIS CAR?!" the members squealed in delight.

Dowajuseyo...this is going to be a long evening...

~ ~ ~

A/N: Haha, oh the embarrassment~ TaEun are now known by the members!

I need some design ideas for the cover of this story. Anyone got some? Say them in the comments.

And I also finished writing 'The Assassin, My Twin?' and I just have the epilogue left to write. Do check it out!

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