Boarding School for the Rejec...

By everetet

63.6K 705 143


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Boarding School for the Rejected
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Boarding School for the Rejected -15- (Full)
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3.1K 38 12
By everetet

Recap: He was suddenly in front of me slamming my body against the wall that I had ended up in front of, "You are now bonded for life since he bit you! He is always going to know what you're feeling and you should be able to feel his emotions too. It's like a protection technique of their people so that they can always protect their mates, and now you're his, and you're going to be for the rest of both of your lives unless he decided to break the bond which I doubt he'll do considering he did this without your consent." He said with so much lethal venom and anger shaking from his body and his words that it almost scared me, but really I was speechless. How could Zeke do this?


I pushed Damien off of me and opened the door pissed as fucked and walked down the hall looking for Zeke. If Damien was right then hopefully Zeke would feel how angry I was and would come, if he 'cared' so much then he would probably come. I suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder, "Hey Elizabetta, you okay?" It was just who I was hoping for. I suddenly smacked Zeke with almost as much force as Damien had on the first day I had been here.

Zeke didn't hold his face like I had and he didn't look like he was hurt that much physically, but his eyes showed so much pain and hurt. I almost felt guilty. Almost. That was until I again remembered why I did it in the first. "Why did you bite me? Why?!" I yelled at him and he only looked confused about it. "What do you mean why?" He asked softly. "I did it because you wanted to find out what you were..."

I took a couple breaths calming myself, "No. I told you that I didn't want you to do it and you still did. You still did it!" I had managed to stay calm at first, but then as I repeated it I yelled. He was quiet for a few moments as he stared at me with his beautiful purple eyes. What am I thinking?! They're hideous, yeah they're ugly. "I did it because I love you and I know you would love me if you were to spend more time with me. I just know it." I really didn't know what to think or say to that.

"One week."I muttered looking away from him. "Wait what?" He asked and I could tell by his voice that he was surprised. "You have one week to prove to me that if I spend enough time with you that I would love you. Since right now the only thing I'm seeing you as being is a crazy lunatic." His broad oddly childish smile showed his pure excitement. His smile then turned to a soft one as I felt him wrap his arms around me hugging me. "Thank you so much," he whispered into my ear. I couldn't help but feel contentment as he held me.

"So, Damien told me that since you did this retarded bonding crap that we should both be able to know what each other is always feeling and crap like that. Apparently you can for me but why am I not getting anything from you?" I asked letting go of the hug looking with genuine curiosity because I wanted to know why and why he would be able to know how I was feeling but I couldn't know him.

"Well darling I'll explain to you later, but I think I should just tell you now that with the way you're feeling about us at the moment I just you to know that if we completely bond that there would be no turning back in it. I'm sure you will love me by the end of week and then we can complete it but until then-"

"Okay, I understand," I said cutting him off. I understood what he was saying and I didn't know what I wanted to do anymore, but didn't want to hear the rest of what he was saying. "Let's just... Something." He simply nodded his head as he took a hold of my hand gently and started walking. Where he was going I had no idea, but I didn't care. A part of me felt calm and happy being with him and yet another half felt awkward and was wondering why I agreed to this especially after the stupid shit he did.

"Just relax. Nothing bad is going to happen," he whispered coolly into my ear causing me to shiver. I looked over at him into his eyes and smiled. His eyes were always going to be what amazed me the most about him, although his hair excited me the way it looked because I simply adore hair and his was lovely and then his pale skin that if he wasn't walking next to me would make me think he was dead and yet that was just absolutely beautiful to me about him. He was just completely beautiful in general. I didn't notice I was staring until Zeke gave me a look of amusement. I wasn't one to blush, but I think when I turned my head to look away that I was beet red. Zeke really did seem quite amazing though to me in general and maybe it would be okay to really give him a chance. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked.

"What the hell did you do to her now?" A by now quite familiar angry voice sounded out through the hall. I sighed boredly as I lifted my head off Zeke's shoulder. "He didn't do anything. Calm the fuck down Damien." I said staring at him boredly. "You really need to learn more about his people Elizabetta. You just looking into his eyes can make you want to do whatever the fuck he wants you to do."

I let out a frustrated annoyed sigh, "Guess what Damien. I know. I fucking know a lot of things now. I don't know how... But I know! He didn't do shit to me." I said glaring at Damien. There are times when I really wished Damien would mind his own fucking business. "Since you're apparently so fucking smart now did you know he could have done it and it would have just felt like you had wanted to do it?! Why the fuck do you trust this bastard Elizabetta?!" I could tell he was getting in one his moods that was about to possibly kill someone. I wondered why Zeke had said nothing yet, but it didn't truly matter at that moment to me, all that did was getting Damien to fucking back off.

"What the fuck makes it that I should trust you Damien? Huh? Why the fuck should I trust you more then I trust him? Because you fucking slapped me within five minutes of meeting me? Because you fucking broke my wrist? Because you've been able to keep yourself from killing me so far? Huh? Is that why!? Why don't you just go find your fucking soul mate kill her and leave already and get the fuck out of my life!" I yelled at him. I didn't wait for a reaction from Damien or paid attention to if Zeke was behind me. I simply needed to leave away from them. Away from him.

I headed up the stairs to go to my room to grab some of my stuff and probably stay with Bill and Tristan or something. I felt like I was boiling inside from so much anger. I suddenly felt arms circle around my waist. I whipped around my body my hand moving to hit whoever it was over the back of the head and I was a centimeter away from doing it until I noticed something black following next to my hand.

I noticed it was Zeke and stared at him for a moment and then the darkness. I swayed my hand back and forth and watched as the darkness followed, but dimmed. "You have shadow control love." He whispered sounding as awed as I felt. I shook my head focusing back on him. "I don't think I want to.... And I'm sorry for almost hitting you with it! I'm scared to think of what might have happened..." I said quietly looking away from him and watched as darkness faded until it was almost completely gone.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I'll help you figure this all out better. Calm down nothing did happen and if you had hit me I probably would have been okay," he said soothingly. He tried putting his arms around me again, but moved away shaking my head.

I heard chuckling before I heard a voice that I fucking hated right now, "If the little bitch would have hit you your head would have fucking came off, and then she would have tried to throw it back in your face saying it was your fault." The anger suddenly flared up again and I ran towards Damien. I put my hands up wanting to try and choke him and noticed both of my hands were ablaze it this odd element. It however did not scare me this time, if it hurt him more then yay for me.

My hands were an inch away from his neck before he grabbed a hold of my arms. "You will not EVER be able to hurt me. Get that through your stupid little skull girlie." I growled pulling my arms away from his hands and trying to land a punch into his chest or stomach. I felt more than one pair of hands grab me keeping me from landing the punch that I know I would have actually made.

I turned around to see that there were many authority looking figures behind me, but my eyes wouldn't focus completely so that I could reach the point of where I might have recognized any of them. I was still quite angry but really just surprised by all of these people. The shadows began to fade, but didn't completely dissolve. "What in the world is going on here?" A deep voice resounded, but it didn't sound threatening or angry. It sounded curious and as if it was going to be patient for an answer. A tall figure came in front of me. "Headmaster Draemond, "Zeke began giving the man who appeared a small bow of the head, "Elizabetta is only just coming to have achieved her powers. She is at no true fault here considering her situation."

"Hmm..." The Headmaster said thoughtfully, "Then whose fault might it be then?" I thought he was asking the question to Zeke but his eyes were on me. I didn't say anything simply looked at the ground as I watched the shadows disappear from my hands, but the hands that were holding me were still tight. "I would say that it is Damien Lioncourt's fault for provoking Elizabetta while she was already mentally unstable."

The Headmaster turned around towards Damien. "Is this true Mr. Lioncourt?" I wasn't looking up but I could feel Damien's glare boring into me. "Yes sir, it is." I heard Damien's hard voice say. "Come then, and Mrs. Copper if you would please escort Ms. Bell back to her room it would be greatly appreciated." The grips on me loosened and I looked up to see the Headmaster and Damien walking away.

"Sir if I may please escort her." Zeke suddenly said. The Headmaster turned around looking at Zeke for a moment. "If you wish Belikov," and then the two of them continued to walk once more. Zeke gently hugged me and we stood there for a few moments. "It's okay. Everything is okay now." I just nodded my head removing myself from Zeke and began walking back to my dorm. I didn't want to say anything, but a question was nagging at me.

"Everyone has such a high respect for the Headmaster because none of us are aware of what he is per say, but we are all very aware that he is incredibly strong and powerful and not one any would wish to mess with." Of course he knew what I wanted to ask. Stupid bond. I heard him chuckle and then kiss the top of my head. I shook my head sighing as we reached my room. I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the little key opening up the door.

"I don't want to be in the room when Damien comes back later tonight. I'm probably going to spend the night with Tristan and Bill or I'll find something." I said as I grabbed some clothes for tonight and tomorrow, my eyeliner, and was looking around for my sketchpad. "How about you stay with me and my roommate Joshua tonight?" I looked up when Zeke said that to see him holding my sketchbook looking at me curiously with his purple eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea Zeke. Damien will be even more pissed off." I said really not wanting to deal with Damien as pissed as he was today again tomorrow. "What do you have to be scared of from him? And he won't be able to start anything with you again after today because of Draemond. Don't worry." I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Okay yeah. What do I have to lose?"

I am so terribly sorry this took so long to put up! I had the worst writers block I have ever had and this would have been longer but I was being forced by someone I'm kind of scared of to put this up immediately o.o

I promise the next chapter will be up faster and thanks to all of you who still became fans even though I hadn't updated in a while. Love you guys <3

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