quaint [h.s.]

By life_in_the_rain

1.9K 124 8

eighteen year old Jessamine Reynolds gets trapped in a whole different year before her existence and the only... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


84 9 0
By life_in_the_rain

I pulled my hand out of Harry's hand and we waited as Shirley and John joined us.

John walked up to Harry, "Good morning, sir. Shirley has been telling me about you and your fiancé here."

I folded my arms and Shirley said something. "Have you gotten your ring back?"

I shook my head and Harry looks confused and he's probably wondering why he even agreed to helping me out.

"You're that girl who caused trouble yesterday. Well, it was me too. I apologize," John nods.

"Forgiven," I mumbled.

"Lets get going. See you at the church house," John says before grabbing Shirley's hand and getting back into their car.

"What ring?" Harry walked to his side of the Ford.

"She wanted to see the 'engagement ring' but I just told her that it's getting renewed."

I get into the car and Harry doesn't say anything else. He drives at an average speed, he's a very good driver. I stare at him and how green his eyes are. Like they've been simply dipped in such a rich and everlasting shade of sparkling green.

Harry shifts his gaze to me. "What?"

"Sorry. Just thought I saw something on your face," I stammered as a smirk crept on his lips. He knew as well as I did that there's nothing on his face.

I look away quickly before I could blush. He's quite amused. I've noticed a couple of women stare him down yesterday. I lean my head against the window as drops of rain fall from the sky. I miss home already, I don't know how much longer I can take of this.

After church, which mostly contained women and screaming children, Harry and I went back to his house. When we got inside, I went to my bedroom, closed the door and lied on my bed, trying to fight my sadness. I'm more disappointed in myself than anything else at the moment.

Hours later after, about three, I stared at the ceiling, painted in the nice color of white and just sat. A soft rap came at my door. "Jessa?"

"What?" I said back.

"May I come in?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah." Harry opened the door and stepped inside slowly, before shutting it quietly behind him.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked me and sat on the bed next to me.

"I miss home. I don't wanna be stuck here," I said to Harry and sat up.

"What was your purpose of coming to the past?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

I cleared my throat. "It was to go back to 2002."

"Oh. But you'll get back, right? Isn't there a way to get back?" Harry questions.

I quickly sit up and take my purse, digging through it until I finally get the remote out. "I was told to push a button, but I forgot which one.."

"Press them all," Harry shrugged.

"Are you insane? I don't know what these buttons could do!" I scold him and he sighs.

I play with the object in my hands, inspecting each side, corner, and angle. I close my eyes again to try and remember. I think it was the green button. I fluttered my eyes back open and looked for the green one.

It was the second button on the left from the top. It wasn't big, it was actually small. And there was no form of caption to identify what the use of the button is. I look at Harry and he shifts his gaze from the button to my eyes. It's like he's mentally telling me to push it.

I take a deep breath and firmly press down on the green button. Nothing happens. I press it again, multiple times and still nothing. Tears form at my eyes and I'm suddenly hit with the fact that it's a possibility that I'm here forever.

I throw the black remote harshly at the wall and immediately started crying. I don't care who's watching me or who's not. I feel a hand rubbing up and down my back in attempt to comfort me. I let the tears fall but I don't make noises. I fall into Harry's chest and my tears stain his shirt, I don't think he minds.

I force myself to bring my eyes up to meet his, but he's not looking at me. He's staring out of the window, in the distance at nothing really. The only thing that fills his eyes is confusion. He looks more confused about everything, I would be confused if I were in his place too.

Harry sighs and rests his chin on my head, while continuing to soothe me. I've calmed down enough to stop crying.

"It's okay.." Harry starts.

"It's not okay. It's not!" I say as my voice cracks, my face still buried into his chest.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled and wrapped his arm around me and ran his fingers down my arm, still trying to help me feel better.

I can thank Harry for all he's did so far. He didn't have to do all of this just for me. I feel like I've know Harry for awhile but it's only my second day of knowing him.

Later on, I told Harry that I was fine so he gave in and left me alone. I hate it here. I know sooner or later, I'll have to make him dinner because that's what housewives do.

I don't want to be a wicked housewife and let him live off of bananas. I groan and pull the covers over myself. I'm such a fool for thinking that I could actually go back and meet my father. I'm so ashamed for thinking that it was even a possibility because it's clearly not.

I take my hair down out of it's halo braid. I need to wash my hair tomorrow before it gets greasy and stinky, killing everyone in my path. I take my brush from my purse and brush it down before placing it in a tight ponytail.

It's not how the women wear their hair but I could care less right now. I'm so sick of wearing dresses and skirts already, when can I go back to jeans and T-shirts? I'm not going to be able to make a living here.

Someone knocks at my door again. Harry of course. "Dinner!"

I groan and sit up. "I know, I know. I'm coming." Now I have to make Harry dinner.

"No, I made you supper," Harry says proudly when I opened the door.

"Oh," I say, clearly surprised, "Thank you."

I walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. He's fixed some roast beef and cabbage. How come he can't prepare breakfast but he masters this?

I take my fork and start eating the food that tastes quite great. Harry starts to eat too.

"Harry, I'm sorry for yelling at you the way I did."

He shrugs, "It's fine, I should've stayed quiet."

"Why do you always do that?" I drop my fork.

He glances at me and stops eating and furrows his brows. "What?"

"You always take the blame. You put yourself down. You shouldn't be like that," I tell him.

"Maybe I don't want to be a pain for you..I'm surprised you watch me that much," Harry responds, his smirk evident and still in the growing.

I roll my eyes, that huge ego is quite annoying. "Don't flatter yourself."

Even though he is a pretty beautiful sight. But he can't know that, just so he'll boast all night long.

His smug expression shifted into amusement, it's clear in his light green eyes. "Are you trying to call me ugly?"

"Maybe, maybe not," I shrug and he just laughs and goes back to eating, his dimples very prominent in his wide smile.

After eating, I decided to just go to sleep. Shirley had called yesterday, saying that she would like to go to the movies with me tomorrow. I'm also surprised there are telephones here. However, I was planning on shopping tomorrow since I'm 'stuck here'.

I open the bedroom door and flop on the bed after turning out the light. It's been a long day, and time for me to get these thoughts out of me head. For a few hours at least.

The next morning, I was woke up by hearing clutter in the front room. It's seven am, what the hell are you doing Harry? I groan and pull the covers over my head. About five minutes later, I know that going back to sleep won't be happening anytime soon.

I sit up and look at the dresser. An outfit is already placed on the dresser for me. It's folded very nice and looks like it's just been freshly ironed, with all the creases in the right spots.

Sometimes it feels like Harry is the woman of the house from all this work he does for me around here. I walk to the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I get out and use lotion from my purse. I go into the bathroom again and see a small machine that looks like a suitcase. It also has a plastic bonnet and a hose.

"Harry, what is this?" I call from the bathroom.

"A hair dryer!" He calls back.

I almost ask him how to use it, but he already answers my thoughts. "Don't ask me how to use it because I have no idea, I don't use hair dryers. Ask Shirley or something."

Whatever. I guess I'll just let my hair air dry because I'm not going to kill myself by using that. I may be overdramatic but it's the truth. My hair would probably get sucked in and burnt along with my scalp.

I stroll back in the room. "Harry, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready to go to work. I'll be back at eight or something. See you later," Harry says opening the front door.

"Wait!" I walk into the hallway and watch as Harry grabs his hat. "What did you eat this morning?"

Harry waits at the door and a sheepish grin appears on his face, "A banana." And with that, he closed the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes at his choice of food. A damn banana. I walk back in the bathroom and stare in the mirror, trying to fix my hair into a braid. After doing my hair someone knocks at the door repeatedly.

"I'm coming!" I say with a sigh and walk to the door opening it swiftly.

A guy in a uniform stands there with a large block of ice in his hands. Behind him is a car also filled with ice.

"Good day Mr. Styles--oh. Uh, are you Mr. Styles' cousin?" The guy asks as I take the ice from him and set it on the wooden floor.

"No," I smile sweetly.

"Okay..oh, you must be his sister?" He asks again and I shook my head.

He studies me and then my body with makes me feel uncomfortable. I should slam this ice block on his pinhead. He suddenly smiles. "I'm sorry. I haven't noticed the ring on your finger, Miss. Well, I should be going now. Tell Styles I said to call me."

And he went back to his car. I closed the door and looked at my right hand. Sitting there was a medium sized diamond ring. I roll my eyes, he's really going all out with this. How does a construction worker get this fortunate anyway?

There's gotta be something behind this money he somehow has. Anyway, I'll make a mental note for that. I place the ice on top of the ice box. I glance at my hand again and suddenly find something out while laughing to myself.

Harry put the ring on the wrong hand.


"Shopping!" Shirley squealed and I huffed while I followed her into the clothing store later that day.

Usually I love going shopping and I should be more ecstatic since I can basically afford this whole store. But these items are really not my fashion. Have they ever heard of jeans? I'm pretty sure the Earth doesn't consist of only skirts, dresses, and more skirts that look like curtains.

I just follow Shirley awkwardly, while she grabs her choice of clothes. Ten minutes later she decides that she's ready. This suddenly feels like that day with Casey and I.

Neither of us has a car so we just walked and it was quite some blocks. When we reach back to Harry's house, I sit on the sofa immediately.

"That is a large diamond on your finger. Congrats again," Shirley says and takes a seat next to me.


"How did it feel? Did you cry?" She asks.

I shrug, "I was happy to be marrying him."

"Soon there will be little Harrys' and Doris' running around the house," Shirley beams with a wide grin spread across her face.

I wince at that part. "Maybe not."

"Aw, why not?! I can imagine a boy with your nose but Harry's eyes right now!" Shirley exclaims with such happiness.

"Oh. When does Harry and John get off? I don't like him getting home so late," I sighed. Anything could happen to Harry and if something happens to him then what am I going to do?

"They leave at seven thirty tonight. They usually go at about eight am."

I sighed in relief, it's only a few hours later.

"I would like to go see a film. All four of us. It's called Scarface! And maybe you two could eat with us for dinner?" Shirley asks.

"I'll have to ask Harry about it. When he gets back," I nodded. It did seen like a nice plan because all I was plotting on was panicking again over this lifestyle.

Over the next few hours, Shirley and I basically talk about everything. It's weird how she's about ten years older than me, but since I'm born in 1996, it's actually way more than that.

The door unlocks and Harry steps in, taking off his hat. I bet he's waiting on dinner like any other man waking into his house after a day of work. Luckily for him, I made dinner for all of us. It seemed better if we ate then left.

John walked in shortly and took off his hat as well. Shirley and John started talking instantly about his day. I wonder who's watching their children.

Harry comes up to me, "Don't you think you should speak?"

"Oh sorry. What am I supposed to say?" I fold my arms as he takes his plate of food and sits at the table.

"At least ask me how my day has been," he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Well, how was your damn day?" I sigh angrily at his tone of voice that was used on me.

"I'm not going to answer when you ask me like that!" He says stubbornly and John's attention quickly shifts to me.

"Women," John mutters to himself and Harry snickered.

I grit my teeth, "What's up your ass today? Why an all of a sudden attitude?"

I stomp off and hear John mutter, "I would've smacked her right then and there."

I go into the bedroom and close the door. For a second I almost think about giving up on all of this. But then I remind myself that this is to help me out.

A soft tap comes at my wooden door. "Doris? It's me."

"Come in," I say to Shirley and she steps inside.

"I'm sure Harry didn't mean what he said. He's usually a charmer to women. He probably had a bad day at work today and is seeking attention and sympathy," she nods.

"Well there's no sympathy coming from me."

"Doris, Harry agreed to come see the film with us. Please join?" Shirley smiles.

I reluctantly give in after some time. I decide to get ready and just ignore Harry's mood. I grab my purse and follow Shirley to the front room.

John and Harry stands, even though Harry changed his outfit. I walked with Harry to his car as Shirley followed John into his car. I got inside the passenger and pursed my lips while folding my arms.

Harry started the car then glanced at me before sighing. "Why are you upset?"

"Oh, I don't know," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"Look I'm sorry. Just don't grouse the whole time," Harry shrugs.

Grouse? "What?"

"Don't complain," Harry informed as he started driving, following John's car.

"I didn't complain about anything! What are you talking about? You barged in the house with an attitude so go fuck yourself."

Harry looked confused until he spoke. "What?"

"You heard me," I sighed.

"'Fuck'? What does that mean?" Harry asked me.

People seriously have never used that word?

"Never mind," I mumbled.

"Was it a compliment? Thank you," he says all giddy like and we park in the lot of the movie theater.

I look at him and he smiles widely, kind of like he knows it wasn't a compliment. I step out of the car and lots of people where outside chattering waiting in line. Luckily it wasn't that much.

We stand in the line and men start looking at me. And this time, in the hungry way. Harry comes next to me and slips his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. I allow it and we stood in the line. Soon we reach the stand and get four tickets to see Scarface.

We step inside and Harry releases my hand while a guy comes up to Harry with a smile. "Hey, Harry!"

"Hey. You're seeing Scarface too?" He asks with a grin.

"Yeah! And who's this?" He asks gesturing to me.

"Oh um.. this is Doris, and Doris this is my boss, George."

I smile shyly at him and he frowns while turning back to Harry. "What did I tell you about keeping women at your house? What is it this time? Sexual desire or just giving her a place for a few days?" George says and I gasp.

Sexual desire?

"Neither. She's my fiancé," Harry replied but it came out as more of a question.

"Yeah right. You said that the last girl was your girlfriend," George snorts.

"See," Harry brings my left hand up showing the diamond and I just stood awkwardly. For some reason, whenever he touches me, or when anyone touches me, my skin burns. It feels like electric bolts springing through my body.

"Are you sure?" George asks.

"Yes. She's my everything," Harry says and squeezes my hands making it feel as if I've gotten shocked.

Harry looked at me apologetically before lowering down and slowly closing the space between us. He lowers his head, I don't know what to do so I just stand. Harry's lips suddenly came in contact with mine.

The kiss ended as quickly as it started. He pulled away swiftly and looked at George who seemed impressed. My lips feel like it's on fire and I run my tongue across them.

"I love her," Harry said and looked at me again with that fake smile of his. I feel the need to puke at what just happened but instead I just keep my mouth shut.

"Aw, do it again!" George's wife exclaims, "I wanna take a picture this time!"

"No sorry, we don't wanna miss the movie!" I say cheerfully and turn around with Harry following afterwards.

We stepped in the movie room, after buying popcorn and Shirley and John were already seated. I still wonder how she can love him. It's ridiculous, how can you have not killed each other within the first month.

Harry and I sat near the middle with Shirley and John just a row ahead of us. Harry has eased up now, but I'm not. And that stupid kiss made everything worse. This whole acting thing has more lows than perks.

"Want some popcorn?" Harry asked me.

I shake my head and keep my attention to the black and white film.

"Oh c'mon. You know you want some!" He grins and says loudly while attempting to put popcorn in my mouth. Can you be any louder?

"Shhh!!" A little girl scolded Harry from behind us.

"Your eyes are big. Oh and your lips tasted like watermelon!" Harry said.

What? "What does my eyes have to do with this?"

"Oh nothing. They're just overly large. Like damn," Harry shrugged. "Creepy."

"How about shut the hell up?" I pushed him and he laughed.

"Ugh. Stop being mean," He lies his head on my shoulder and chuckled.

I furrow my brows and suddenly remembered. When we kissed, the burning over--took all of my senses but there was also a faint taste in alcohol. No wonder he was an ass, and suddenly all happy.

"But your eyes make you pretty. Everything makes you pretty," Harry murmured. Can he be any more blunt when he's drunk?

"Shut up," I sighed.

"Geez. Take the complement. At first when I saw you, you looked weird. You know, with your fish eyes and all. Then I don't know I guess I wanted..never mind," he drifts off and then lies his head on my lap.

"Tell me," I urged him.

"No," he said like a child.

"Get off me," I tried to lift his heavy sized head off me.

"It's no use!" Harry almost yelled.

"Will you shut the hell up?!" A different guy says next the Harry.

"Don't tell me what to do. Get him Jessa," Harry pointed to the guy and I rolled my eyes as Harry lifted his head and sat normal.

"Doris. Doris," I remind him.

"Oh I forgot, Doris. Sorry Jessamine..oops," he said and then laughed.

"I'll have to ask you two to leave," A woman walked inside and told us with a fake smile.

"But I stood outside! I could have got murdered out there! This is America right??" Harry slurred.

I obliged and stood up as Harry did the same. We walked out and I turned to him. "Look what you did!"

"Can I call you Sleeping Ugly?" Harry asked me with a smirk.

"No!" I said angrily and walked towards the cars. "Which one is ours?"

Harry walked to the car but whined. "Why not?"

"Because I said so. And if you ever call me that I will strangle you."

"Okay, okay. Lets go!" Harry started the engine.

"Wait.." Harry can't drive in this condition. It's either he drives and we both die, or I drive and we both possibly die.

Whichever I choose, hopefully we won't die.

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