
By newbiegac2015

51.9K 2.2K 312

Serendipity - Finding something good, without looking for it. After waking up from an accident, Katy finds he... More

Houston, We Have A Problem.
Dalliance II
Adulation *m*
Little bird


596 32 11
By newbiegac2015

When Zak said he would contact a medium, I didn't know he meant as soon as he got home. But that is exactly what he did. Now we are travelling to California.

"Are you going to speak to me yet?" He asks.

"It's a little soon." I mutter back. I only had my hospital appointment yesterday and now we were here?

He turns off the radio which had been covering our silence for most of the way. "Why wait? Haven't you put up with this long enough?"

I sigh "I just thought I would be able to pay my respects before I send her to god knows where."

He rubbed his forehead "This isn't something like Supernatural, she won't burst into flames."

I frown at him for that comment.

"Patti will talk to her. Find out why she is here. Why she is coming to see you.."

"Probably because I watched her die Zak. I saw her! In the seat! I watched the fear in her eyes! Me! That is why she is with me!"

He reached over and tried to take my hand, but I pulled them away making him settle on putting his hand on my thigh. "I know you're upset... But trust me will you? Patti is the nicest medium I know. She is also a white witch."

My head snapped to the side and glared at him "So if she doesn't leave when you want, you're going to what? Send her away like some stray?! No! If she doesn't leave then she stays. Do you hear me?"

He clenched his jaw "I'm trying... To make you better."

"What if you can't? What if this is what I am now? An emotional wreck?! Who envisions a little girl when she's loosing her shit! This all could be a waste of time. What if this is just my imagination? What if-"

"I felt her too Katy. Okay? I sensed her a lot quicker than you think."

I looked down at my hands as I twisted my fingers "What if she is just looking for her resting place?"

"I have no doubt that she knows where it is. She didn't come to you straight away."

"Billy was right.." I mumbled looking out my window.

"Right about what? Billy knows about the girl?!" He snapped.

"No.. I- He warned me not to scratch at the wall of what I put up in my head, he said anything could come through.. Well she came through as well, didn't she?"

"I don't know.." He answered before turning the radio back on letting the music drown the silence we both fell back into.


I chewed my lip with stress as Zak hugged the women, her eyes were bright and her smile was friendly, but I still held my reserves..  I didn't know her. How could I trust her?

"How are you?" She asked rubbing his back.

My eyes hardened causing her to look over at me. "I can sense the anger..." She spoke making my heart bottom out. "What is it? Is it because I'm touching him?"

I swallowed down the green eyes that stirred in my stomach. Zak looked over at me with a frown, no doubt he thinks I'm being stupid... I guess I am.

"Come in. Katy isn't it?" She smiles holding her hand out.

I look down at it and stuff my hands into my jacket "I- I can't. I'm sorry."

"No problem, Zak." She gestured to enter what I presumed would be a psychic room. I expected candles, incense, a crystal ball, a Ouija board, tarot cards and decorated drapes with all different symbols. But I was stunned to find a light breezy room, with white voiles that moved gently in the window, a table for two, covered in a white cloth, a salt lamp and a small cabinet that I had no doubt was filled with ingredients, seeing as Zak said she was a witch.

"Not what you expected.. Is it?" She asks.

I shook my head.

"You expected incense, candles, skulls and potions?"

I looked away embarrassed. 

"Don't worry, it's normal to expect that. But I can assure you, all my work is done with the light and positivity. Zak can vouch for that.. He has been coming to me for many many years."

"It's true. I wouldn't have brought you to someone I don't trust implicitly. I would never put you in harms way Katy.."

I believed him and looked at Patti "She is just a little girl."

"And you cannot remove her yourself?" She asks guiding me to the table as Zak took a seat near the door.

"I- She hasn't done me any harm."

"Is that why you keep her around?"

I looked at her "I don't- I.. I don't think I do."

"She senses your troubles. Sit."

I sink into the chair opposite her and give Zak a look but I'm met with a reassuring one. I took a breath and settled back into the seat.

"I will prepare myself, then I will ask that you relax, I need to feel everything, worries and anger included."

I swallowed.

"There isn't any need to be afraid. I will ramble, as many spirits come through at once, I have quiet the collection myself. I move them over when they are ready, I do not like to force anyone over. There is a reason why they are here, and it's my duty to help and aid them." She explained making my shoulders ease.

My heart thumped in my chest as she got herself prepared and wiggled her fingers before she begins rocking, I look to Zak instantly who looks relaxed and at ease. This is normal?

"Wow... Oh god. Pain. Pain. Crying. Screaming. Help.. Help. A woman... She's scared. Pain. Injuries.." She speaks rubbing her chest. "Restricted. Trapped.."

My blood went cold.

"You." She speaks looking directly at me. I see Zak sit forward in his seat.

"Upset.." She begins tapping her chest. "Heart, torn. Pain. Pain. Pain. Gosh. Injuries. The leg, arms, skin, glass broken. Why is the heart hurting? Pain.. Crying. Heart break. Betrayal. Anger, upset. Another woman. No clothes. Zak."

I can't look at him. I can't look in his direction because then he will know. He will know the pain I had in my chest the moment I crashed.

"Really, gosh. Almost stabbing. Tearing. Hand on chest. Lungs burning. Inconsolable. Throat." She grabs her throat "Sore. Scratched. Shouting. From shouting.. Man. Man is there. Wipes tears, wipe tears. Trapped. Scared. Car accident."

A droplet of water fell onto my hand causing me to lift my hand to my face and wipe away any more tears.

"Scared. Angry. But you want him. Not the man. No. Zak. You want Zak. He knows.. What does he know? He knows.. He felt it. Felt what? Pain. Pain he felt pain too. Gosh. Thick emotions. Upset and pain. Troubles."

I didn't want to do this anymore. I didn't want to listen anymore. I didn't move. I couldn't.

"Anxious. Desperation. Phone calls. No answer. Anger. He's angry. He worries. Where? Where? How? Why? Why? Blame. Pain." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "Car." She speaks again and claps her hands together insinuating a collision. "Accident. Fear. Teddy... Teddy. Little girl. The little girl."

I bite my lip hard as even her eyes water "Oh. Darling.. Lost. Mommy.. Where is my mommy? Mommy.. Where? Seatbelt. Pain.. Trauma to the stomach. Pain.. Pregnant?"

My hand goes over my mouth as I hold back my tears.

"You were pregnant?" Zak asks making my head snap over to him.

"I-" I couldn't speak, my words were caught in my throats and I knew then that he was angry.

"You wer-"

"Not you." Patti speaks. "No. Mother. Mother and child in the crash? Yes. She was. First Trimester. No survivors. Oh gosh. No, you. Worry. Test kit. Stress."

"What?" I whispered.

"You. Nerves. Worry. You thought you might have been. You are late. Late for what? Late.. Oh Late, menstruation." She lifts her fingers and pushes her thumbs against her lip. "Biter. Thumbnail biter."

I looked down at me poor nails, an awful habit I picked up from somewhere as a child.

"Concern. Unhappy. Unease, scared." She pauses and looks across the room. "Why are you here darling?"

My head snaps into the same direction as hers looking for the little girl. I can't see her, but Patti obviously can.

"She's here.." Zak confirms rubbing his forearm.

I can feel my heart rate pick up, it's thumping in the base of my throat, this was when I would get answers. Why was she here?

"She says you looked sad. She wanted to make you smile."

The casing around my heart began to crumble.

"That you were crying and she just wanted you to smile, the way mommy did when she fell asleep."

I pushed my hand across my mouth and tightened it. I will not cry. I don't deserve the right to cry!

"That you were scared and when she is scared, she hugs her teddy. She wanted to give you her teddy... But not keep. She wants her teddy back after."

"What can we do? To help her?" Zak asks quietly.

"She's not stuck. She's in passing. Her teddy kept her safe. She was tired too, so she fell asleep."

"I- I can't listen to anymore.." I whispered after removing my hand to grip my hair.

"She only wants to make you smile." Patti respond.

"Tell her I will be, but she needs to rest properly. With her little teddy." I reply blinking the tears back.

"She is going, but she said be happy. Her mommy was always happy. She was growing a baby."

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Poppy. Poppy... Poppy May."

"Poppy.." I repeat.

"Like the flower." Patti smiles.

"Is she touching me?" Zak asks making me look over.

"Yes. On your shoulder, she is trying to tell you something."


"Be happy too. Katy is safe with you. Also.." Patti laughs gently.

"What? What is it?" Zak questions making my eyes snap back and forth.

"She said open the window so the stork can drop off the baby."

My heart pauses. "What baby?"

"Are you pregnant?" Zak asks making me splutter.

"I- No. I'm on the pill."

His eyes widen "You're forgetting shit daily!"

Patti looks between us "I've said too much.."

"I'm not pregnant. I'd know if I was. I had to mark it down for my MRI. Plus they'd know, wouldn't they? The hospital."

"Not if they were only checking your head! Dammit Katy!" Zak snapped.

I sigh harshly "Why are you getting so angry?! I'm not. I would know.... Wouldn't I?"

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