My Bunny Honey (Fanfic)

By swallowtt

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Singto's cousin left him a bunny to babysit while he and his boyfriend went on vacation. In a twist of fate... More

Chapter 1: Baby
Chapter 2: On the Bed
Chapter 3: One Word
Chapter 4: Pet
Chapter 5: Bossy
Chapter 6: Double Standard
Chapter 7: Together
Chapter 8: Somebody to Love
Chapter 9: Wish Granted
Chapter 10: Do
Chapter 11: Laughing
Chapter 13: Medicine
Chapter 14: Declaration
Chapter 15: Crossover
Chapter 16: Useless Muscles
Chapter 17: Scream
Chapter 18: Unconscious
Chapter 19: Flower
Chapter 20: Yes
Chapter 21: Details
Chapter 22: Souvenirs
Chapter 23: Gone
Chapter 24: Peculiar
Chapter 25: Fairy Magic
Chapter 26: Love (Finale)
Thank You!!!

Chapter 12: Transport

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By swallowtt

            "Bas!" Krist skip-hopped over to the fairy and smiled sweetly when he received a pet on his head.

"How's my sweet bunny doing?" Bas asked.

"Good," Krist answered and pointed at Godt, who was lying on the floor. "What's wrong with...?"

"He saw me and fainted," Bas explained. "I must be too beautiful for him to handle."

"Yes...yes." Krist nodded. "Bas is very beautiful."

"'re beautiful as well." Bas cupped Krist's cheeks and cooed.

"Krist is cute."

"Why...yes," Bas agreed. "Yes, you are."

"Sing is the most handsome!" Krist announced.

"You like him, huh?" Bas chuckled.

"Krist loves Sing!"

"I could see that." With his index finger, Bas gave Krist a light tap on the tip of his nose.

"Seriously?" Godt muttered his complaints when he woke up. "Could someone give me some attention here? I'm still passed out on the floor. Hello?"

Both Krist and Bas averted their eyes over to Godt.

"Oh, you're finally conscious," Bas blurted nonchalantly. "For someone who is passed out, you're really not passed out."

"Geez, how could you tell?" Godt mocked.

"I have my talents." Bas smirked.

"Oh, great," Godt grumbled dryly. "I'm in the presence of a narcissistic fairy."

"It takes a narcissist to know a narcissist," Bas returned.

"Aren't you cunning?"

"It comes with the job," Bas uttered. "And you're quite a contradiction."

"What?" Godt hissed. "Why?"

"You claim not to be a fainter, when you clearly are; and you're awake when you're supposedly passed out. You might be extremely handsome, but you're a complicated human to figure out."

"You think that I'm handsome?" Godt grinned. No, wait. This is not the time to float on cloud nine. He shook his head in distaste. "Help me up please." Godt reached out an arm and Krist went to assist him up to his feet.

"Are you okay?" Krist blinked innocently at him.

"I'm fine," Godt responded. "Thank you, cutie pie."

"Pies are yummy." Krist cheered.

"Yes, they are." Taking a step toward Bas, Godt glanced at him from head to toe. "So, you're the fairy?"

"My name is, Bas."

Godt straightened up as though he wanted to tower over the shorter male as a form of intimidation. "Aren't you a little short to be a fairy?"

"It's easier for me to get around. Taller fairies tend to lose an arm or a leg when they transport, because their limbs get stuck between realms from being too long."

"I'm a human; not a fairy." Godt informed. "I don't transport."

"I have the power to transport humans. Then again, that adds to the possibility of the person losing more than one limb. Anyway, I'm getting better at it. The last human that I transported only lost three fingers. So, do you need me to transport you anywhere?"

Godt furrowed his brows at the thought of not having certain appendages and gulped in fear.

He's too fun to tease. Bas chuckled inwardly at the man's frightened expression. "So, where do you want to go?"

"N-No need," Godt sputtered nervously. "I have a car. I could drive myself around."

"Are you sure?" Bas proceeded tauntingly.

"I'm sure!" Godt shouted and noticed that everyone in the restaurant was looking at him.

"Who are you talking to, boss?" one of the waitresses inquired.

Gawking at Bas with wide eyes, Godt threw the fairy a look.

Bas rolled his eyes and enlightened. "Only you and Krist could see me right now."

"I...I'm talking to Krist." Godt plastered on a wavering smile.

"Okay." She gave him a nod and continued with her work.

Grabbing a hold of Krist's wrist, Godt lugged him along. "Let's go to the back."

"Go...go!" Krist sang.


Singto sat on his couch watching Godt retelling the story of his whole encounter with Bas. His body gestures were so exaggerated and dramatic, Singto felt like he was listening to a musical being played out in front of him. The funniest part was Krist following Godt around, mimicking his actions. It was hard not to chortle at Krist's cuteness.

Godt halted in his steps and Krist crashed right into him, bouncing back a couple steps. Immediately catching Krist, Godt made sure the bunny was okay. "Are you all right?"

"Krist is okay," he assured.

"You!" Godt pointed at Singto.

"What?" Singto pressed his lips into a line, trying not to laugh.

"Stop dreaming about molesting your bunny and pay full attention to me," Godt ordered.

"I am paying full attention to you," Singto argued.

"As if." Godt huffed.

" met Bas?" Singto pretended to look interested.

"Haven't you been listening to me this entire time?" Godt spat.

"Unfortunately, yes." Singto waved Krist over to sit next to him and smiled. "Did you have a good day?"

Krist nodded adorably at him. "Krist misses Sing."

"I miss you, too." Singto caressed a side of Krist's cheek.

"Hey!" Godt protested. "I'm not done talking here."

Singto turned back to look at Godt and sighed. "What happened after you dragged Krist with you to the kitchen?"

Recalling once the kitchen was being mentioned, Krist uttered. "Krist ate carrot cake!"

"Was it good?" Singto's attention was stolen by Krist at once.

"It was yummy."

Singto smiled at Krist but felt a pair of eyes glaring at him. " does Bas look like? Is he handsome?"

"He's not bad," Godt admitted. "Kind of pretty. Large doe eyes, white smooth skin, and very kissable," Godt caught himself and promptly reworded, "plump lips." Godt glanced around when he heard Bas's laughter. "He's also extremely short," he purposely added to annoy the fairy.

"That's not nice, you know?" Bas appeared in front of them.

Singto jolted at the fairy's sudden reveal but managed to stay calm. "It's nice to finally meet you..." Singto wasn't sure how to refer to the fairy. "How old are you?"

"I'm 19 years old," Bas supplied honestly.

"Is that in fairy years or human years?" Godt became curious.

"I'm talking to humans, so I've automatically calculated my age into human years."

"You're younger than me?" Godt's excitement was questionable to the fairy.

"Why are you so happy?" Bas wondered.

"I get to call you, Nong." Godt couldn't understand his own joy either.

"And that makes you happy?" Bas tapped his chin confusedly. "You humans are rather peculiar."

"It's only him," Singto interrupted. "He's out of the ordinary."

"That's because I'm super handsome," Godt declared.

"Whatever." Singto grabbed Krist's hand. "Let's go wash up before dinner." With that, Singto and Krist disappeared into the bathroom.

"You're leaving me alone with short legs?"

"Call me that again, and I'll make you lose a limb or two," Bas warned.

"What do you want me to call you then?"

"I'm fine with Nong."

"Okay, Nong." Godt went along with the fairy.

"Should I call you P'Godt?" Bas questioned.

"Call me whatever you want to. I don't care."

"I shall call you, P'Godt."

Godt took a seat on the couch and yelled. "P'Singto! Could you bring the remote back out? Then again, maybe that's not such a good idea after what you did to it."

Singto opened the bathroom door and tossed the remote at Godt. "The remote is clean. Stop thinking dirty, Nong Long Legs."

Bas plopped down beside Godt, scaring the man.

"Why are you still here?" Godt queried.

"I've decided to study you out in the open; therefore I'll be following you from now on."


Ah...thank you for all the love and votes for this story.  ^__^  I'm having so much fun writing Bas.  It's time for Godt to get a taste of his own medicine.  Haha...

I'm thinking of rebooting the cast for my old 'duck turned human' story.  I wrote that one before this one.  Details are posted in my profile page, under conversation.  If you folks want to read that story, I need pairing suggestions.  I'll only reboot that one if there are readers, because it's a lot of work to fix up 22 chapters.  LOL

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