Game Of Thrones Preference

By alertIamafangirl

448K 5.7K 534

Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... More

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
you guys get back together (female)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Viserys Targaryn
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
Ashara Dayne
You find out your with child
You find a child/children you want to adopt
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
You tell the children you are adopting them
Tormund Giantsbane
I'm back

Sandor "The Hound" Clegane

3.1K 39 6
By alertIamafangirl

How you meet pt. 1 your p.o.v-

The sides by your lips crinkled and your lips parted as you bellowed in laughter watching your niece barrel a lemon cake at her sister. Your sister glared at everyone before motioning to your nephew to cart off his rebellious little sister to her chambers. Your eyes scanned the room studying the many people who littered it. You noticed a rough looking man with burn scars covering the right side of his face. He was handsome you thought to yourself. You noticed an open space next to him so you stood up and straightened out your dress before gliding over. You pushed a piece of you aburn hair behind your ear before asking, "Is this seat taken," The man looked up and growled a no. You sat down before introducing, "I am Lady Y/N Tully and you are?" You knew he was the hound but you wanted to know who he truly was.  "The hound," He huffs. "That can't possibly be your real name it is what people call you, yes but that is not what I asked," You sassed. "Sandor Clegane," He growled. You were persistent with your integration but soon his annoyance disappeared and he melted into the conversation.  You talked late into the night until Joffrey had his personal guard escort your eldest niece back to her chambers. You can tell his anger and resistance to the task but you bated your blue eyes and bid him a farewell that went along the line of, "Farewell Sandor I will see you on the morrow." You pressed a soft kiss to his left cheek and skipping off a smile firmly on your face. 

How you meet pt. 2 his p.o.v-

I sat there at the table shoveling food and guzzling wine as the cruel prince sat next to me flirting with his unlucky little red-haired fiance through little looks and smiled. It was sicking really I wanted to barf. She turned towards her little friend giggling and all of a sudden a lemon cake flew at her. Everyone erupted into laughter but one laugh caught his attention. He looked up and sitting next to the captain of Eddard Stark's household guard was a beautiful auburn hair blue eyed pale skin woman. Once the young wolf dragged off lord stark's youngest daughter her eyes shifted and inspected everyone when she got to me I averted my gaze down back to my meal. A short few moments later I heard a soft voice ask, "Is this seat taken?" I turned my head upwards and growled a no.  I wanted to be left alone yeah she was pretty but there was no way she would be into a monster like me so it did not matter. The blue-eyed woman sat down before greeting me, "I am lady Y/N Tully and you are?" You had to be kidding everyone knew I was Joffrey Baratheon sworn shield of Joffrey Baratheon, the monster, the dog, the hound. It wasn't hard to know I mean the scars that covered the right side of my face was a huge indicator and my spot next to the prince another but I turned to her and huffed, "The Hound." She replies by saying, " That can't possibly be your real name it is what people call you, yes but that is not what I asked." "Sandor Clegane," I growled. She didn't let up on her conversation but as time went on I began to enjoy her company. I angerly followed the prince's orders to escort the young Stark girl to her room but not before the Tully woman said her goodbye, "Farewell Sandor I will see you on the marrow." She kissed my unburnt cheek and skinned away smiling I couldn't help but smile and shake my head at her childlike behavior. 

How he asked you on a date-

Sandor still couldn't believe a woman as beautiful and pure as you could even want to be around a man like him. Yet you had become very close to the frank man over your journey south. Your eldest sister begged you to accompany her husband and daughters north and seeing how broken she was after the fall of your nephew you and the hope of spending more time with the prince's guards you of course agreed. You had grown to really like Sandor in a romantic way and you knew Sandor being the man he wasn't wouldn't make the first move even if he did feel the same so with the moto what is the worst that could happen you set out on a hunt for the hound. You saw him huffing and puffing in the middle of a road near the inn at the crossroads. "What has you in such a bad mood wait let me guess it is a certain arrogant little blonde boy," You speak up. His head snapped to face you while he noticeably calming. "He is a cunt," You heard the younger Clegane mutter walking to meet you.  "So what are your plans," You asked with hope laced in your words. "Get shitfaced care to join," He asked with a smile. "I would like nothing more," You teased walking next to the hound back towards the tent he was staying in. You sat down on his uncomfortable mattress as he passed you a goblet he had just filled with wine. "So Sandor Clegane other than guarding our horrid prince what are your plans when we get to Kingslanding," You asked running your finger over the rim of your cup letting your finger lightly drop to the liquid before seductively taking it up to your lips and lightly sucking it for a moment before removing it. You saw him shift slightly. That was the only sign you needed to see he felt for you the way you felt for him. "The usual," He muttered. "Well, how would you like to give me the grand tour," You asked standing up and walking towards him. "There isn't much to see woman but if you want me to I suppose," He answered. You smiled up at him as you stopped a step away from the hound. "Sandor I want this to be a date I really like you," You explain softly. He shook his head, yes and you smiled throwing your arms around him. He tensed up under your affection but soon relaxed and hugged you back.

Your First Date-

Sandor took you all over kingslanding. Showing you everything your hand in his. He then took you back to his chambers where you sat on his bed and talked to Sandor he even let you in on the secret on his scars. It killed you a man as incredible as Sandor could have gone through so much pain and had not had anyone to love. At that moment you vowed to love Sandor.

What he calls you-

Little Lamb

You were sweet and innocent. A childlike simplicity. You were pure like a little lamb.

What you call him-

My puppy

Sandor was known as the hound. but little did they know he was loyal to his survival and money but that was before he met you. You became his number one priority. He was with you following you protecting you like a puppy. So you called him your puppy.

Your first kiss-

You shaking sobbing niece had finally fallen asleep. You heard a knock on your door and growled who could possibly be trying to disturb the young girl. You opened the door to see your lover. You threw yourself into his arms. "How is the little bird," He asked? You pulled away looking at him. "She watched her father get executed by the boy she thought she loved by the boy she will marry she is not okay," You explain bluntly. "What about her you little lamb," The guard asked? "Well I have to stay strong for Sans but I watched my sister's husband and a great friend of mine be beheaded I have no idea where little Arya is and I can not trust any man to find her since there Lannister men the men I have known for years were killed Jon is at the wall where I hope he doesn't have to deal with the backlash of this Little Rickon and Little Bran have already gone through so much now they lost there father my sisterhas lost her husband and my eldest nephw is leading an army as a king he is just a boy it will be his death my sister Lysa has lost her mind and her son is a sickly little boy my father is dying my brother is failing as lord everything is so overwhelming yet I can't even shed a tear because there is no question that Cersei and her son will kill me given even the slightest reason and I am terrified so Sandor, to be honest, I don't know how I am," You ranted. Sandor just pulled you into him placing his chin on your head. "The little girl is strong she is probably safer than you and Sansa wherever she is at Sansa is safe for the most part no doubt Joffrey and Cersei will put her through hell but she will survive you, on the other hand, I will protect I won't let anything happen to you," Sandor comforts. You pulled away from Sandor and pressed your lips against his. He pushed you against the door frame as he kissed back. You pulled apart panting as you brought your hand to cup his scarred cheek. "My puppy," You whispered.

Who says I love you first plus how it happens-


You had returned to your chambers. It sounded like Stannis was winning. Sandor was out there on the battlefield and you couldn't bear to think about him not returning to you. Cersei kept making her comments to you and you couldn't handle anymore. When you opened the door fear took you over as you saw a large masculine figure throwing your things in a bag. You gulped when the figure turned to face you. "Help we need to hurry," You heard the familiar growl of your lover's voice. "Oh Sandor I was worried sick," You say running at him and throwing your arms around him. "No time for this we need to go," He growled still shoving things in your bag. "Sandor I cannot leave Sansa," You scolded. "I already saw her she will not leave she say she would rather stay here that is her choice but over my dead body will you be staying in this shithole," He growls. "Sandor I have to protect her she is just a child my eldest sister's child I can not leave the wolf in the lion's den," You explained.  "You can come the easy way or the hard way but you are coming," He huffs facing you closing the sack. You began to protest but Sandor gripped your face in his large rough hands before asking, "Dammit woman I love you and I am just trying to save you can't you see?" "I love you, Sandor, of course, I will come with you," You agree pressing your lips to his. He gripped your hand in his and held your sack with the other pulling you to the stables. He picked you up and sat you on Stranger before hopping on and darting out the gates of the keep.

How he asked you to be his girlfriend-

You sat next to Sandor his arm draped over your shoulder. Your niece that you had reconnected with on your journey sitting lying by the fire complaining about the hound.  "I can not believe you are traveling with that," Growled Arya. "Enough one his name is Sandor you will refer to him as it two Sandor saved me three I love Sandor and his company so quit your winning we will be with your mother and brother soon," You snap. Everyone went silent the tension so thick you could cut it with the sword at the former guard's hip. Sandor felt you shiver so he leaned forward whispering in your ear, "You need to move closer to the fire before you  freeze to death little lamb." "Come with me my puppy," You say softly shifting so you pressed your forehead against his. "No," He denies. "At least take off your armor," You negotiated. "Fine," He huffs. He stood up and so did you. You helped him remove his armor before wrapping your arms around his waist leaning up and kissing him. You pulled him towards the fire without him noticing being too wrapped up in you. When you pulled away he began to panic. "Shh Sandor you need the heat as much as I do ok I am here with you it won't hurt you," You explain in a soft whisper. You eased him into a sitting position before crawling into his lap and laying your head on his chest wrapping your arm around his neck. "So are you guys like courting or what," The young girl asked? "I am not too sure," You mumbled. "I thought it was quite obvious I love you-you love me I figured we were together officially," Sandor explained. "There you have it Arya we are courting," You answer.

Why you keep your relationship a secret-

After you left Kingslanding you didn't but while in the capital you did. You had to for the sake of your honor and his reputation. Plus neither of you wanted to give any more fuel to the fire.

Your first fight-

"Sandor please," You plead. "We can't stop," He denies trotting on stranger. "I need a break," You beg. "No," He rejects. You waited until it was safe and slid off the moving horse. You began walking to the creek behind a line of trees. You could hear the horse stop and the hounds heavy footsteps following behind you. You felt the pair of arms wrapped around your waist lifting you in the air and hauling you off the way you came. "Put me down put me down now Sandor I mean it," You scream as you frail in his arms. He sat you down and you glared at him. "What were you thinking," He asked? "You wouldn't stop and I was thirsty," You answer. "Are you insane," He asked? "Possibly," You answered. "I said we are not stopping," He growled. "Since when did you control me," You asked? "Enough just get on the horse," he huffs. "No," You say. "Y/N get on the horse," He demands. "I said I was thirsty I will stop and get a drink," You growl. "Will you just stop you are acting like a spoiled little brat," The hound pleaded. "And you are acting like an arse," You spit. "Fine be a cunt," he says. You face fell. Sandor had never been cruel or mean to you ever. Tears pooled in your eyes as you glared at him. "I am sorry," He sighs. "Let's just go," You say beginning to walk to your niece's horse. "Where are you going," The pained man asked? "I am riding with Arya," You answered in monotone. "No you are not get on Stranger I am sorry but we have to go there is an inn a couple miles ahead we can stop there I see you need food wine and a good nights rest," He apologizes before promising. "Thank you and I am sorry as well," You apologize walking to him allowing him to help you on to his horse and climb on himself. Inching forward into a trot.

You break up (part 1 of the breakup series)-

Sandor left the kind man and his sweet daughter for death. "How could you," You gasp. "It was them or us and they would most likely die anyway," He reasons. "We killed them we too there money we killed that little girl and her father," You cried. "I did you and Arya were just there," he said. "That does not help my guilt how could you even sleep at night only a monster would do that," You say.  His jaw tensed when you called him a monster. "I told you I was a monster you chose to be with me," He replies. "I am regretting that decision now," You sigh. "What," Sandor asked? "Were done Sandor I can no longer be with you," You confirm before catching up with Arya.

How you react to the breakup (part 2 of the breakup series)-

You missed him. You missed the warmth and comfort. You were pained to have to leave him to have to hurt him like everyone else but you could not be with someone who doesn't care about others. You still loved him but you couldn't be with him and that was killing him.

You get back together (Part 3 of the breakup series)-

The hound had fought Brienne and lost. He was lying on the ground dieing as you sobbed into his chest. The stark girl disappeared long ago. You pulled your swollen tear-stained face from his chest and hovered over his face cupping his cheek. "Please Sandor don't die on me I need you I can not live without you please," You sobbed. He cupped your cheek before telling you, "Go I am dieing and you don't need to see it happen just no I love you," He says. "I love you too that is why I can't leave you," You say. You spent the night praying to the gods. The next day a man named brother Ray surfaced with his congregation. They nursed Sandor back to health and you stayed by his side. You began to question whether your former love would ever wake up until one morning you were sitting there asleep holding Sandor's large hand in yours. His eyes fluttered opened blinking a few times before searching the room. His face found yours and he smiled one of those rare smiles reserved only for you before giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Your eyes opened in surprise but when they met Sandor's you couldn't help but release his hand an throw your arms around him. He flinched and you backed away. "Sorry," You say sheepishly. "It's okay little lamb," He accepts. "Sandor I know this is not a good time but I realized I can not live a life without you I fear I could not live another day, please forgive me please take me back," You ask? "You don't have to say please now get over here and kiss me," He demands. You smile and carefully crawled next to him before kissing him.

Who he is jealous of-

Thoros of Myr

When you two met you spent the night drinking, laughing, and talking. You listened to his stories with curiosity and enjoyment. You had never given any other man the time of day so when you were like Thoros best friend it cause Sandor to fill with jealousy.

  Who you are jealous of-

Sansa Stark

As much as you appreciated his protectiveness of your niece you also were jealous of it. The only person the hound seemed to open up to was you so when you saw him opening up to her you couldn't help but become worried he was falling for you. You looked highly similar both with the same Tully auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes finished by pale skin. She was just younger and more beautiful in your opinion so it would not have surprised you if he chose the stark girl.

What their family thinks of you-

Sandor had one brother that he could care less about but you were sure he hated you and would love to see you dead seeing as he was the leader of the raiding and burning of your families land.

His favorite dress on you-

His favorite personality and physical feature of yours-


Your blush 

As innocent as you were it was nearly impossible to make you blush so the rare times Sandor was able to make you blush he found it adorable and enjoyed it. It became his favorite feature on you the way the red tint to your cheeks matched your hair.


Your purity

Not many people in this world were still just kind, compassionate, and loving for nothing in return. Even the strongest man would tremble at what you had gone through but you stayed strong and were still like a small child despite your age of around twenty and two. Sandor adored it and it was honestly the best part of you to him.

He proposes-

You smiled to yourself as you stirred the pot of stew that was boiling. It was nice to be normal. Your lover was not the feared hound but just Sandor a man helping people build a sept. You were not lady Y/N Tully of Riverrun just a normal lover providing a clean home and good food for the man you loved. You would say wife but that isn't what you were and you doubted you ever would be. You wished you could wear a pretty dress and bind yourself to Sandor under the eyes of the gods but Sandor was content with just being together and if Sandor was happy you were too. Sandor walked into the small shack the two of you shared. He wiped the sweat from his forehead smiling as he saw you bringing the large wooden spoon to your lips blowing on it. You slurped the stew hissing at the heat. Sandor walked behind you. "Good evening," He whispered in your ear. "Good evening dinner is almost done why don't you go wash up a bit and I will have you some wine and stew ready," You greet before suggesting. He nodded his head and left to go wash up. You poured a goblet of wine walking it back to the small wooden table setting it on Sador's side. You walked back over to the soup and turned it off.  Going and grabbing a bowl and a spoon shoveling the food into it and placing it by his wine. Sandor remerged right as you sat down with your things. Sandor joined you. "How was your day," You beamed? "As good as it can be how was yours," He asked? "Great though I missed you," You say. "Have you ever thought about marriage," He mumbled. You almost choked on your food before regaining your composure and answering him honestly, "Of course Why?" "Well you know the new guy he complimented me on my wife and I got to thinking we have been together for five years we might as well get married would you want to get married," He asked usually after explaining. The shock was clearly written on your expression but you were able to answer, "Of course Sandor." "Good," He replied. The rest of the dinner was filled with big smiles and small talk.

Your ring-

His Ring-

Your Wedding Ceremony-

You walked up the pathway to the tree where brother ray stood next to Sandor. Your auburn hair was down your back in wavy style all but the thick strand of hair that was braided in a crown formation on the top of your hair. The wavy hair blew in the chilly air. The train of your dress blew in the wind. Your blue eyes sparkled. The corners of your mouth upturned into a large smile. Sandor admired your beauty as you walked towards him. Once you got a few steps away from him an anxious hound gripped his hand yours softly pulling you the rest of the way so you stood directly in front of the High Septon. "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," Ray instructs. You let go of his hand and turned away from the former guard as he drapes the long thin dark yellow cloak that featured three black dogs over your shoulders. You turned back to face him rejoining your hand lifting them towards brother Ray. He wrapped the thin creamy white lacy ribbon around you and the younger Clegane's intertwined hand promising you to one another for the rest of your lives. "My lady Sandor we stand here today to witness the union of man and wife one heart one flesh now and forever so sides of the seven I hereby seal these two souls binding them as one for eternity now look upon each other and say the words," The leader of the congregation explains before demanding. you both faced each other taking your free hand in his before both of you chanted, " Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger." You took the oath, "I am his and he mine." At the same time, the former member of the kingsguard took a vow, "I am hers and she is mine." "Let it be known Y/N of house Tully and Sandor of house Clegane are now one heart one flesh one soul curse the he that tries to tear them asunder," The sept finishes his part of the ceremony. Sandor removed his hand from yours unwrapping the ribbon and removing that hand as well. He then wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you against him as you took your hands placing them on his chest to steady yourself after the sudden movement. "With this kiss, I pledge my love," Sandor Clegane proclaims before kissing you. It was a new kiss you had never felt before a kiss that held every emotion he felt for you in it. It was passionate, intense, loving, and emotional.

Your wedding feast-

You had a private ceremony so the men and woman of the congregation you had grown close with were upset you did not think to let them share that special moment with them. As a compromise, you decided to throw a small party in honor of it. There was lots of food that the different woman made. The music was people singing and homemade instruments people were playing. The wine, ale, and mead were flowing heavenly. A large fire people surrounded. Chatter and laughter filled the atmosphere. Children ran around screaming and playing. It made you happy as you watched everyone. You head was lying on the hound's shoulder his arm wrapped around you. It was the perfect evening.

2 words to describe your wedding night-

emotional and intense

How he protects you-

Sandor really was a dog when it came to you. Never allowing anyone to close. Always on guard for a threat. Most threats never came but when they did a physical threat was handled with brute force and a immediate response. Anyone that harmed you or tried to did not live the time to tell the tale but someone who hurts you verbally or emotionally literally got the shit scared out of them. The hound was your puppy and did a fantastic job protecting you.

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