[Discontinued] Unexpected & F...

By dearful

11.1K 228 83

"HANA!" Genji's booming voice shouts to me as I run away with my vision blurred from my tears. My legs begin... More

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589 12 10
By dearful

[ Hana POV ]

The next few days I have not been able to see Genji. The times I do see him, his face looks drained and his body movement slow. Our only conversations are his texts telling me he's finished his missions safely. 

I rub my thumb against my phone screen, sitting on the bench on the rooftop. 

I didn't realize I would feel so lonely without having him around. Is this what it feels like to actually miss someone?

This same feeling reminds me of my departure with Lucio when I moved here after his concert.

 But this feels a bit different. It doesn't feel like I'm missing Genji in a friend way. But it's not in a loving way either.

I sigh with a heavy heart and lean my back on the bench. Closing my eyes I try to organize my rambling thoughts. I enjoy the noises of the city below me. Just then I feel a light touch on my forehead. Fluttering my eyes open I see Genji's face hovering above me upside down. I feel my cheeks instantly heat up. Fumbling, I sit up straight. A half smile forms on his face and he hops over the bench, sitting down. 

His energy higher than normal. 

"What are you doing up here?" I ask him. He rests his arms across the bench.

"I'm not allowed to watch the sunrise?" He says playfully and I smirk at him.

"You are. I'm just not used to you taking a break." I whisper. He watches the sun slowly rise. 

"Today's a special day." He says in a low voice and I raise an eyebrow.

"Why?" I ask him. He turns to look at me. 

Those emerald eyes now look at me after what feels like forever. 

Strangely I feel my chest tighten when he looks at me. "We're ambushing Olivia tonight and you're coming with me." 

"Tonight? Are you positive?" I ask him. He nods his head. Pulling out his phone he plays me an audio recording of Gabriel and Olivia's conversation. Olivia's tone full of anger and urgency. 

"He's on my ass more and more lately. I thought I delayed him a bit by having sex with his old ass but that didn't work. We need to call Widow in. He's holding a board meeting tomorrow night. We'll finish him off there."

"Olivia, won't the security be fully stacked?" Gabriel asks and Olivia clicks her tongue.

"We'll need to find a way to sneak you and Genji in. Widow will survey the outside while I'll try to persuade him to give me more time. If shit hits the fan I'll signal the both of you to ambush the meeting."

Genji stops the recording and I clench my skirt. 

"She's planning to assassinate our governor if he doesn't comply to her terms?" My eyes widen from the news. Genji nods his head. 

"This mission will be risky tonight but I need you to survey the area inside. We need to save as many people as we can. Olivia will assume that I'll follow her lead but when I give you the signal I need you to hack all communications she has to Widow."

"H-Hack?" I stammer. Genji gives me a small smile. 

"It'll be easy. We're just going to mess with the signal around the area. Jack will survey the building outside for Widow so she won't escape once she knows Olivia's plans fell through and Gabriel will assist him."

I slowly take in everything, nodding my head. 

"We'll have backup in disguises as the governors body guards. We'll be completely covered if Olivia has any tricks up her sleeves."  

I drill the entire plan into my mind. My eyes slowly look over to Genji.

"You thought this up all by yourself Chief?"

A grin forms on his face. "Of course. I wouldn't be in my position if I didn't know how to create a great plan." 

I roll my eyes playfully at his cocky tone. 

"We need to make no mistakes. This is the only chance we have to capturing Olivia. 

I give Genji a thumbs up. "We got this." 

He chuckles at my sudden pose. The sound of his chuckles warms my heart. I blush a soft shade of pink. 

He gives me a thumbs up and winks at me. "I'm putting my trust in you Hana." 

I lower my eyes and smile. 

This is my chance to show Genji I'm a great addition to his team. 


Night finally arrives. I sit in the passenger seat with Jack as Genji voice comms over our earpieces. 

"Widow's already waiting across from this building. So make sure you're over there Jack. You can find her on top of the roof. I've been told she's a sniper so her ears will be heightened. Make sure you don't step on a stick or something idiotic when you lock her down." 

Jack nods his head as anxiety starts to cloud over me. 

"I'll need you to hack into their ear pieces Hana. You just need to type in those code words I told you earlier into that computer." 

"O-Okay." I try my best to not sound nervous. Jack looks over to me and gives me a light squeeze on my shoulder. 

"You got this cadet." His words calm as I try to relax. 

"We're heading in. Good luck you two." Genji cuts communication off with us. I release my held breath. 

"Lena and Jesse will be in the building with you if anything comes up." Jack says to me. I nod my head. 

"Good luck, Chief." I say to Jack as he gives me a smile. 

"Stay safe." Jack says before exiting the car first. I slide the tiny computer into my purse and exit the car. My feet head towards the white column building. Jesse pretends to ID me as I'm disguising myself as part of the press. He gives me a slight nod before whispering to me, "I'll be in there soon." I give him a small smile to tell him I understand and walk into the building. I hold my purse close to me as I follow the other attendees. 

As I enter the meeting room I spot Lena standing up front. She gives me a quick wink. I sit down in the back row of the room and take out my computer pretending to set up my interview sheet. 

Let's pray I don't screw up my official first case.


[ Genji POV ]

"The rooms are filling up." I say over in the earpiece that Gabriel's handed me. I watch more politicians and press enter the meeting room.

"There's only a few more outside as well." Widow watches the last few attendees through her sniper scope. 

I eye Gabriel who's across from me and he follows Olivia down a small hallway where the governor is in. 

"Stay alert you two." Olivia orders us as she looks around her surroundings before Gabriel and her enter the governors office. 


[ Olivia POV ]

Gabriel and I enter the governors office and he looks up from his paperwork. 

"W-What are you doing here Olivia?!" His voice startled as Gabriel closes the door behind us. 

"Just came here for a little chat." 

The governor stands up from his seat, sighing. 

"Olivia, right now isn't the time. I have a meeting to attend to. I don't need your aid anymore. You've obviously showed me that you can't handle the task I have given you."

My eye twitches from his words as I try to remain calm. I walk over to him and take his hand in mine. Gently rubbing the top of his hand I pout. 

"Just give me a little more time. I'm nearly finished." 

His eyes look forgiving for a brief second before he shakes his head and pries my hand away from him.

"There's no more time Olivia. Now excuse me I need to start the meeting." 

I scrunch my brows as I watch him leave the room. Clicking my tongue I press the button on my ear piece. 

"Widow, get ready. He just left his room."

"Will do, dear." Widow's voice purrs as she moves her sniper gun towards one of the windows to the meeting room.

"Let's go see the fun Gabriel." I snicker. Gabriel follows closely behind me.


[ Hana POV ]

"He's coming." Genji quickly relays the message. I hold my breath feeling the anxiety bubble in my stomach. 

"How are things on your end Chief Morrison?" I whisper. 

Jack leans on the brick wall eyeing Widow from afar.

"She has her gun aimed ready." Jack muffles into his ear piece. I bite my lip. My fingers start to shake as I clench them into a fist. 

I watch everyone rise from their seats as the governor steps into the room. He briskly walks over to his podium. Raising his hand he thanks everyone for coming today.

He clears his throat and he starts the meeting.

"Now you all know we're having an issue with the rise of gangs and we're trying to lessen their violence on our citizens." 

Everyone intently listens to him until a door opens and Olivia comes into my line of sight. The governor looks startled from the sight of Olivia.

"I'm giving you one more chance to let me finish my task, sir." Her voice calm but I can see the annoyance on her face. "If you don't end this meeting I'll have to take things into my own hands." 

"W-Who are you to come in here?!" The governor pretends to not know her. Olivia scoffs at him. 

"So this is how you want to play?" 


My shaking fingers quickly type the code Genji told me before. Olivia says the signal word to Widow. 

"Olivia?" I hear Widow's voice in my ear piece. Olivia's mic is cut off. "Olivia are you giving me the signal?!" Widow shouts which gives Jack an opening. Jack takes the opening and swiftly pins Widow to the ground. "WHAT THE-" Her ear piece is removed as Jack throws it down the building. 

Olivia starts to panic when she still see's a breathing governor. Her finger pressing on her earpiece. 

"WIDOW! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She yells as the people around me start to panic. Olivia pulls out a gun out of her blouse and Lena quickly opens the doors, shouting for everyone to leave the scene. Olivia aims the gun towards the governor but Gabriel stands in front of him.

"What the fuck around you doing Gabriel!?" Olivia shouts at him. He aims his gun towards her.

"It's over Olivia. You're surrounded." Gabriel says in a low voice. I duck under the stands. 

"If you don't move I'll kill you too you backstabbing bastard!" Olivia shrieks. I watch her finger nearly pull the trigger. 

I need to get the governor out of there! 

I sneak my way towards the front and grab onto the governors wrist. He looks startled as I push him away from Gabriel.

"Run!" I whisper shout. Olivia tears her eyes away from Gabriel and towards me. Gabriel follows her line of sight as the two see me crouched behind Gabriel. 

"Who the fuck are you?!" Olivia demands an answer from me. I see her gun aimed in my direction. The trauma of the woman flashes in my memory and I start to freeze up. Olivia grows annoyed of my silence and walks towards me. 

Gabriel tries to shield me from her.

"Step back Olivia." His voice stern. Olivia clicks her tongue.

"Someone needs to die today and I don't care who! Move aside, I'll handle you next."

Gabriel doesn't move a muscle from her threat. Genji finally steps into the room. Olivia eyes him from the corner of her eye. 

"It's over Olivia." Genji slowly walks toward her. She flashes him a glare.

"Where did you run off to?" Olivia snarls at him. I watch her gun shake in front of me. 

"I'm sorry to tell you this Olivia, but I'm not exactly who you think I am." Genji whispers as he steps closer to us. I watch Olivia slowly crumble when she's realized the two men she thought were her teammates have betrayed her. Genji pulls his police badge out from his pocket and Olivia widens her eyes. 

"You bastard." Olivia spits. Her violet eyes glare at me and I feel small. "I'm assuming this girl is your partner?" I feel my legs give out from her words. Genji notices me crouched behind Gabriel. His eyes surprised to see me here. Reading his eyes I can tell he's saying, "What the fuck are you doing in here?!"

Biting my lip Gabriel takes advantage of Olivia's lack of attention. He tries to pin her down which startles her. Olivia pulls the trigger and we hear a gunshot echo in the room. I cover my ears with my hands and scream from the sound. 

The gunshot firing the roof as Gabriel successfully pins Olivia. The backup team files into the room as they surround Olivia and Gabriel, quickly handcuffing the two. 

The only sound I can hear is the ringing of the gunshot. My surroundings empty and cold. 

No got hurt...did they?

Numb from trauma my senses start to come back to me as I feel warmth. 

"Hana! Hey, snap out of it!" A voice shouts in front of me. I regain a sense of feeling in my hands. Fluttering my eyes open I see Genji with a twisted worried expression. He sighs when I look at him. His strong arms pulls me into his chest and I lower my hands from my ears. 

"Jeez. You're always somehow cornered in a mess." Genji's voice shaky. He embraces me tightly, chest heaving up and down. The smell of his cologne fills my nose. My emotions delayed from the quickness of the events folding. Tears drip down my face without my control and I close my eyes, resting my ear against his chest. I hear his heart beat incredibly fast while he gently strokes the back of my head. 

"I know you want to be a hero and all, but think about yourself for once." He pulls away to look at my tear stained face. "You idiot. I told you your only job is to hack not put yourself in danger. I was coming."

I can only sob as I listen to him. 

"I-I just wanted to be useful to you." I cry out. Genji slowly forms a smile on his face, exhaling. He pulls me into his chest again and I clench onto his shirt.

"You won't be useful to me if you're dead." His words hurt as he strokes my hair to calm me down. "But I think I have to thank these turn of events...it's made me realize something important."


"Hana." Genji's tone serious. I pull away to look at him. My breath hitches from such a sincere look from him. His thumb wipes away my tears. Genji's emerald eyes focus on my lips.

"I think I need to admit something that I've been avoiding." His emerald eyes travel up to my honey brown ones.

Seeing him up this close...he's pretty charming.

"Remember how you asked me if I've fallen for a cadet before?" 

I nod my head slowly, my chest tightening.

"That cadet is you." Genji's voice is extremely soft as my eyes widen from his words.


I don't have much time to react when I feel his soft lips lightly kissing me. My mind grows fuzzy as Genji pulls away and cups my cheek with his hand.

"I love you Hana and I'm loving you whether you like it or not." His sincere eyes makes me nervous. I place a finger on my lip, my cheeks a bright red.

"Huh..." Is all I can say as I'm in a daze. 

"Are you going to reject me?" Genji asks in a husky voice. I feel my ears heat up. My eyes nervously looking into his and I shake my head no. Genji forms a smile on his face. I see his cheeks turn a soft shade pink and he pulls me close.

"Thank god. If you rejected me I would be a total loser." He chuckles in my ear. I nervously wrap my arms around his waist.

I try to understand our situation when we pull away from each other.

"D-Does that mean you're my boyfriend?" I stutter. Genji dryly chuckles. 

"Yes, it's too late for you to reject me now. I won't let you."

Biting my lip I feel my heart squeeze in my fluttering chest.

"Now why don't you tell me you love me too?" Genji lifts my chin up and I stare into his emerald eyes.

"I'm too shy." I whisper to him. He tilts his head with an unconvinced face. 

"Do you not feel the same way?" He pretends to sound hurt, I purse my lips. My mind a complete wreck as Genji pulls my face towards him, our lips clashing on one another's. I clench my chest feeling it race uncontrollably fast.

Is this even healthy for my heart?

I slowly forget my worries as I focus on his lips. The hunger from his kiss makes me melt. I feel him steal my breath away. A feeling I've never experienced as I slowly return his kiss with my own. Genji sharply gasps for air between kisses. The two of us blush from ear to ear as I stare deeply into his wavering eyes.

He's really cute.

 I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you for always protecting me...since day one." My memory returns to the day Genji had his gun behind the murderer of the woman that nearly killed me. "Thank you for keeping me company when Jack broke my heart...and thank you for giving me hope again in love." 

I look up at Genji as he stares at my face with a small smile. 

"I love you Genji." 

I watch his eyes widen from my words. 

That's right, I finally said your name without Chief, Genji.

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