[Discontinued] Unexpected & F...

By dearful

11.1K 228 83

"HANA!" Genji's booming voice shouts to me as I run away with my vision blurred from my tears. My legs begin... More

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464 22 10
By dearful

After mentally calming down my nerves I look at my reflection in the mirror. The dress insanely beautiful. I decide to put my hair up in a high bun with a few stray bangs loose.

* Dress visual to remind you guys what it looks like *

I take a deep breath as I rest my hands on the marble sink counter.

Think sexy Hana.

I try to wink in the mirror but my total awkwardness kills the vibe. I try to not laugh at my failure as I step out of the bathroom with my uniform in the dress bag. Jack patiently sits in the living room on his phone and I notice he's in a tuxedo.

The choice of color not your average white and black. From my distance Jack resembles an angel with his blonde hair, blue eyes, and white tuxedo and bow tie. The only pop of color are his tan sleek dress shoes. His face however doesn't look comfortable as he messes with his bow tie with his free hand.

The clicking sound of my heels gets his attention. His expression exactly the same as it was in the store.

"You look nice." I say to Jack as he regains focus.

"Yeah...you do too." His words shy as I stand there awkwardly.

"Did Genji text you the address yet?" I ask him. He shows me his phone with the GPS.

"Seems like it'll be a long ride, so we should head out to beat traffic."

I nod my head. Jack sits up and the two of us exit his house. As I reach for my door handle, Jack quickly cuts me off and opens the door for me.

"I'll get that for you."

"Thank you, I could've done it myself." I say to him as I look into his eyes briefly before sitting inside. Jack closes my door and gets in the driver seat.

He starts the car up and reverses out of his driveway. Just then my phone screen lights up. The message with the name "Chief Genji" pops up. I raise an eyebrow and open the text. A photo of Genji trying to look cool fills my screen.

I can't help but giggle. Jack looks over curious from my giggling.

"Is that Genji?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Did he put his phone on a timer to get this pose?" I giggle more as I look at the photo of Genji sitting on his leather sofa leaning forward and his fingers intertwined. A text saying 'Do I look like a rich boy?'. His outfit an original choice. A black tuxedo with a white dress shirt underneath. He pairs it with a black bow tie and made sure to show off his watch in the pose.

[You're not rich enough for this girl. But maybe Olivia will like you the way you are.]

I hit the send button and Genji quickly replies back with an emoji.

[ :| ]

I smile at his text before turning my phone off. But my phone rings again with another text from Genji.

[ Did you just put me on read? ]

He's acting a bit clingy for some reason.

[ I did...you're behaving a little strange. Are you lonely, Chief? ]

[ Yes. Tell Jack to FaceTime me. ]

I glance over at Jack and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Yes, Hana?"

"Our partner in crime is feeling lonely so he told me to tell you to FaceTime him..."

Jack chuckles and hands me his phone. "Call him for me." I take his phone from his hand. His eyes focusing on the traffic. A photo of Angela on his lock screen makes me slightly hurt.

"Did you do this on purpose?" I ask him as I show him his lock screen.


I purse my lips and ask him for his password to call Genji.

"Damn man took you long enough!" Genji grumbles. He then glances at his phone and see's my face. "Hana?"

I tilt my head, staring at the screen. "Are you always like this?" I ask him as he looks away from his phone.

"He is." Jack says. I turn the phone camera towards Jack. "Sorry man. I made Hana call you since you know, I'm driving."

I turn the phone back to me, "Did you know his lock screen is a photo of Angela? I'm sure he made me unlock it to annoy me." I purse my lips and Genji chuckles.

"Such an ass Jack."

I look at Genji's side profile as he drives and a smile forms on my face. "Hey, rich boy." I say to him as he turns his face towards his phone with a raised eyebrow.

"What rich girl?" He gives me a devilish smirk and I giggle.

"Show Jack how you're going to seduce Olivia."

Genji gives me an annoyed look.

"Yeah, let me see some of your magic Genji." Jack cracks a smile as Genji rolls his eyes.

"It's too hot for you to see Jack. I don't want you drooling over me." Genji does an imaginary hair flip as Jack and I laugh at his act. The three of us converse during our commute to the party.

We finally arrive at a secluded neighborhood as a security officer checks Jack's drivers license before opening the metal gates for us. 

"Wow..." I say under my breath. Jack pulls up in a driveway with many high end vehicles. I watch a slender girl step out of a car as her dress sparkles brightly in the dark night. I slightly envy her confidence as she walks in the tight fitted dress. 

Jack exits the car and walks around to me, offering me his arm. 

"Should we go?" He says with a small smile as I take his arm. 

"There's a lot of pretty faces here..." I whisper to Jack. I eye the crowd that's heading into the mansion. 

"Feeling a bit intimidated now?" Jack glances at me. I lower my eyes not wanting to meet his. 

Silence fills our conversation. He lowers his arm to give my hand a slight squeeze. 

"Hey, focus on the mission Hana." Jack tries to distract my mind. I take my hand away from him. 

That's right, I can't dwell in my feelings and pity myself. I need to be confident.

"Thanks...for snapping me back." I whisper to Jack as he gives me a nod and a small smile. 

"Where are you guys?" A voice rings from my earring that's disguised as an ear piece. 

"We're about to step into the mansion, where are you?" Jack responds as we wait for Genji's response. 

"I'm at the staircase. Don't attract too much attention to yourselves alright? I'm going to look for Olivia." 

"Be careful." I whisper.

Our eyes meeting briefly when Jack and I spot Genji at the staircase. Genji gives a light nod before walking up the stairs towards the balcony. 

"Well, where do you want to hit up first? Drinks? Food?" Jack eyes the brightly lit foyer. A large chandelier hangs above the ceiling in the middle of the room. The white marble floors look like they've been shined over and over again beneath my heels. 

The foyer quickly fills up and I feel a bit out of my element. 

"Can we go somewhere with less foot traffic?" I ask Jack with a slightly desperate tone. 

Jack looks worried from my expression as we walk over to a lounge area. "Are you alright Hana? You don't have to push yourself in acting like someone you're not."

I shake my head and rest a hand on my heart. 

"Chief Genji has the hardest job tonight. I want to be worthy in this case." My eyes meet Jacks. I purse my lips with a slight frown. "I'm just really nervous in approaching these hot shots. I'm not a very outgoing person like you two." 

I try to relax my breathing as I close my eyes. 

"How about we play a game?" Jack's voice mischief. I open my eyes to look at him. 

"A game?" I tilt my head at his question as he smirks. 

"Let's see how many people we can attract tonight. Whoever wins is obviously the best looking out of the two of us." He winks at me as I avoid his eyes. I bite my lower lip and nod my head. 

"Okay. I'm warning you, I don't like to lose." My eyes stare at Jack. He half smiles in my direction. 

"You're on." Jack quickly gets up from his seat and I follow after him. He taps on his ear piece. "Remember to contact me if someone's being a little too touchy." 

I nod my head as the two of us break off in our own directions. I instinctively walk towards the wall in the room. A server walks by to hand me a drink. 

"Thank you." I say in a sweet voice as the server gives me a faint smile before serving the other guests. My eyes scan the crowded room. 

Who seems like an easy target? 

The party is hosted by one of Olivia's clients and I'll safely assume many of her other clients are attending the party as well. 

"Well hello there, darling." A beautiful French accent whispers beside me. A beautiful woman stands in front of me. Her skin fair with an arm tattoo and her dark purple hair pinned in a high ponytail. Her dress a tight fitted black evening gown with small details of lace on the top. 

"Did you come here alone?" She asks. I feel intimidated standing next to her. 

How do I answer her?

I decide to shake my head no. "My date just went to get some food." I lied. She nods her head and sips on a glass of wine. 

"Are you a customer of Olivia's?" The woman asks and I'm placed in another difficult position. 

"I'm actually here from a recommendation from one of her clients." 

My lie somewhat believable as the woman nods her head. She opens her clutch purse and hands me a card. 

"I figured as much since I've never seen you before. My name's Amélie Lacroix. You can say I'm a partner of Olivia's when she's busy doing other things. Feel free to call me if you need any of our services." Amélie raises her wine glass to me as I do the same with my glass. "I'll see you around." She struts away towards a group of men and I feel my heart leap out of my chest. 

Her mysterious and alluring atmosphere makes me feel small as I lean on the wall.

[ Genji POV ]

I look at my watch, leaning my back on the wall. 

Where is she?

As I take my phone out of my pocket a familiar accent sings in my ear. 

"Are you bored, Genji?" Olivia stands before me in a deep plum colored strapless velvet crush long dress. 

I give her a cocky smirk before sliding my phone back into my pocket. 

"There you are." I say in a husky voice as I walk up to her, my hands in my pocket. I look down into her violet eyes. "What took you so long?" 

Olivia playfully rolls her eyes as she laughs me off. "Don't tell me you were waiting for me the entire time." 

I form a sly smile on my face. I lean close to her face. "What if I told you I was?" 

Olivia only giggles as she stares into my eyes. Her finger tapping my nose. "That's cute." 

I stand upright and eye her from head to toe. "You look beautiful." 

A smile forming on her face, she thanks me. "Let's get some refreshments." Olivia raises her hand to get a servers attention. They quickly walk over our way. The gentleman hands us both a glass of wine and bows before leaving us. 

"Did you want to get some fresh air and have a small chat with me? Get to know each other a little bit? I'll make it worth your while." My tone husky as I lick my lips.

Was that sexy?

"Oh god, Genji did I just see you do that?" Jack says in the ear piece as I notice him across from me. 

Olivia nods at my offer. "Sounds fun, I'm tired of big networking parties anyway." I let Olivia lead the way as I follow a few steps behind her. 

"What did he do?" Hana whispers.

"He licked his lips and had this seductive air about himself." 

"Shut up." I angrily whisper as I catch up to Olivia. I hear the sweet sound of Hana's giggle in my ear; a smile tries to creep on my face. 

I hope she's doing okay. 

As Olivia and I step out on a balcony, the two of us lean over to look at a well groomed garden. A fountain placed perfectly in the middle as water shoots up. The stars shine brightly and the moon sets the perfect romantic atmosphere. 

"So you're a doctor?" Olivia asks and I nod my head. 

"You can count on me with your heart." I say to her with a grin. 

Ew, that was extremely cheesy for my taste.

Olivia chuckles at my line as she sips her wine. "Is there anything you can't do?" 

"We can find out if you're willing to stick around me." I wink at her. Olivia's eyes sparkles before she turns to look away.

"You have a great way of talking. Do you do this often?" Olivia asks and I shake my head. 

"The only people I get to talk to are my patients and they're not the most happiest people." 

Olivia nods her head and I swirl my wine around. 

"You're not too bad yourself. A publicist that helps fairly high ranked members of the government." 

I notice a slight nerve twitch when I mention 'high rank' to Olivia. She hides her doubt with a beautiful smile. 

"It's nothing. I can't take all the credit from my team." 

Hah, she's starting to leak more information. 

"Team?" I ask as I sip my wine. "And here I thought you did everything yourself." 

Olivia chuckles as she stares at the stars above us. 

"I would love to take all the credit but I like to keep my hands clean in certain situations." 

"And what are these situations? Can I help in anyway?" I whisper to her. She looks at me. Her brows scrunching together. 

"You want to help me? A stranger you just met a few days ago? Something doesn't add up...." Her voice alert as I try to calm down the situation. I look at the dark sky that's full of twinkling stars. 

"I'm tired of playing doctor Olivia. I need some excitement in my life. I want to feel my adrenaline rush like it used to when I save someone's life. I want the feeling of being needed." My voice empowering as Olivia listens to me. 

"Can't you help this rich boy out?" I whisper in her ear. I pull away slowly to look at her stunned face. Her eyes downcast as she seems to ponder in her thoughts. 

"Do you really want to help me?" Her words low and her eyes fire up with desire. 

"It can't be as bad as seeing a patient pass away. Besides, my whole goal here is just to win over your affection. I'm still waiting for you to make me feel right at home." I lift her chin up with my finger, our noses lightly brush against each others. 

The mood seeming to turn sexually frustrating without my control as I see the dominance in her eyes. 

Olivia bites her lower lip and she rips her gaze away from me. 

"Don't hate me if you don't like the way I do things Genji." 

"Care to tell me what you're implying?" 

The cool wind of the spring blows by and I take my tuxedo off to drape it over her shoulders.

This move always makes a girl weak.

Olivia seems to falter her strong act as she pulls my tuxedo jacket close to her. 

"As you've mentioned before, I am a dirty publicist..." 

I nod my head and intently listen to her. 

"I hack information and spread false rumor to news outlets. My subordinates carry another task...something I'll ask you to do as well if you're willing to work with me." 

I give her shoulders a slight squeeze. 

"I'm here to impress you Olivia." A half smile forms on my face as she looks away and chuckles. 

"You're an interesting one..." She doesn't say anything more and I look at her pondering face. 

"My subordinates sell weapons to the weak who're against the higher ups I'm working for." 

The statement makes me feel dumbfounded. 

She's helping the higher ups who're destroying the little people. But she's also helping the little people fight the higher ups. It's a full circle.

"So you're helping both parties...which doubles your income because both parties need help." I whisper and Olivia nods her head, a smirk growing on her face.

"It's a perfect scam, isn't it?" She laughs to herself feeling proud. 

It is. She'll never go broke at this point unless someone shines the light on her scams.

"Let me help. This face sells wonder." I say to her. She bites her lower lip, her eyes scanning me up and down as a wicked grin grows.

"You'll have to prove your worth to me. Can you do that Genji?" Her hand strokes my cheek and slowly her hand slides down to my chest. My eyes widen for a brief second when I look at her. 

Is she demanding me to have sex with her before I can bust her crimes in the act?

"Hana." Jack calls for her over the earpiece. 

"On it." Hana answers back. I hear the doors to the roof balcony open.

"There you are, cousin!" Hana shouts towards me as Olivia and I quickly pull away from each other. "I thought you said this party will have people around my age. Take me home right now!" Hana's voice higher than her usual tone as she crosses her arms and stomps her heels. 

I try not to chuckle at her cute spoiled acting. I turn to look at Olivia. My eyes looking sorrow as I cup my hand on her cheek. 

"Sorry, my cousins a bit of a handful. I'll call you later about that job." I lean over to her ear and whisper. "I'll make this up to you." 

Olivia looks a bit disappointed but nods her head. I send her a wink before quickly walking over to Hana who's still holding her upset acting. 

"Let's go." I turn her around and playfully push her back into the mansion. The two of us walk down the flight of stairs as Jack follows behind. The three of us now leave the mansion and head towards the long driveway. 

Hana releases a sigh and breaks her act.

"You're lucky Hana and I were watching you. Things look a bit heated there." Jack says as we walk over to Jack's car. 

"Thank you both. I was worried I had to have sex with her. Something like that will be difficult to explain in court." I exhale and lean back on Jacks car. "So what did you two find out?" 

Hana hands me a business card. "This is from one of her members. So as of now it's a total of three accomplices in Talon." 

"Nice work Hana." I smile at her and take the business card from her. "I'm assuming you didn't see Gabriel?" 

Hana shakes her head. I then hear Jack clear his throat. 

"I actually did. I asked him if there were any other members aside from him and Olivia but he seemed wary to tell me. I assume he was thinking the person Hana met was watching him." 

I nod my head and cross my arms. 

"I'll find out more when I contact Olivia about 'working' with her." 

"Are you sure you'll be okay with talking to her alone? There was a strong sexual tension between you two when we were watching." Hana says with slight concern and I look at her. 

"There was no sexual tension at all." I try to say but Jack and Hana raise their eyebrows. "She's not my type." I admit. Hana doesn't look convinced. 

"If you say so~" She says in a high pitch tone as I roll my eyes. 

"You should be careful though Genji. You may not be interested in Olivia but she might have taken a liking to your fake rich boy persona." 

I bite my lip, nodding my head. "I pray not. Things will just get really messy."

"Well, if you end up having sex with Olivia...at least you're single." Hana tries to make me feel better. But that's not something I want to hear from her.

"It won't actually." I say in a low voice. Jack and Hana tilt their heads, confused from my response. 

"Why? You won't have a guilty conscious right?" Hana asks as I bite my lip. 

I would and I don't want to admit to her why. 

"So if I told you to have sex with Gabriel for information, you would?" I ask her as she scoffs at the question. 

"Fine, I get where you're coming from. Anyway, it's getting late and I don't think we can get anymore information. Let's go home." Hana grabs her bag from Jack's car and walks over to me. 

"You're not letting Jack take you home?" I raise an eyebrow and she glances at Jack. 

"I'm sure he wants to call Angela and spend time with her when he gets back." Hana whispers. Jack looks at me, wondering what Hana's whispered. I nod my head at her. 

"Well, see you tomorrow man. I'll take Hana home." 

"Are you sure? I don't mind taking you home Hana." 

Hana shakes her head and slightly moves closer to me. 

"Obviously I'm her favorite boss." I wink at Jack and he rolls his eyes.

"Drive safely. Good night you two." 

Hana nods her head avoiding his eyes. I wave goodbye to Jack, watching him enter his car. Turning our heel, Hana and I silently walk over to my car and I see the tiredness in her body language. I unlock the car and open the door for her. She looks at me confused but gets in anyway. 

"You and Jack are strange. You only open the door for me when I'm wearing a fancy dress. What happened to chivalry all the time?" Hana turns to look at me as I smirk at her random statement. 

"How about I open the door for you all the time from now on then?" 

Hana forms a relaxed smile. "Fine by me." 

I pull out of the driveway and I can't help but glance at Hana from the corner of my eye. 

The dress really suites her figure.

Biting my lip I try to focus on the road.

"You know..." Hana whispers beside me as I keep my eyes ahead. "When I saw you seduce Olivia, I really thought you were going to kiss her." 

She was watching us? I thought Jack was the one keeping an eye out.

"And then that made my imagination run wild. What if you fell in love with Olivia and stopped helping Jack and I because you've fallen madly in love with America's best hacker?" 

I chuckle at Hana's wild imagination. 

"This isn't a love novel Hana." 

"I know but...could you just imagine? I mean I've already fallen in love over my boss and there's ton of stories like that." Her words trailing away and I feel my heart tighten. 

And I've fallen for my cadet who doesn't even look in my direction. 

Hana sighs in her seat as I watch her undo her bun. Her auburn curls falling perfectly over her shoulders as she looks over to me. 


Hana's voice gentle and I stop at a red light. My attention hers now. 

"Have you fallen in love with a cadet before?" 

I feel my heart tighten from her question as I'm wordless. 


Thank you guys for voting and commenting <3 Sorry for slow updates been busy with things but I'll make it up to you guys soon!

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