
By Richa_resa

376K 14.5K 4.2K

She never came first. She was always the second. She never got that love. She didn't taste the happiness. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Amelia: Where it all started
The Path Ahead
The Glimpses
Removal from Wattpad.

Chapter 13

5.6K 219 17
By Richa_resa


"Aaron," the name slipped out of my lips like a prayer. I looked on the eyes that have loved me and cared for me. I had no one beside him but I knew I could never want anyone other than him.

I felt myself being drawn to him. Maybe it was because of the whiskey or maybe it was just my inner desire. I walked towards him. I didn't stop until my hands were in his silky strands and my lips on his. His soft firm lips didn't move at first but then it happened. It was an explosion. It was fireworks for me. His hands wrapped around my waist and his lips moved against mine. Soft yet firm, tender and magical. His tongue dipped inside tasting in me long, leisurely licks. I pulled on the silky strands, directing his mouth over mine. I was lost in that feeling. It felt like I was floating like there wasn't anything better than this feeling. Nothing compared to it. It made my world turned upside down. How could a simple kiss do that? How could just our lips touching have me drown in such a pleasure like never before?

I was drinking him in, tasting him and what I had been missing from so long, lifting onto my toes to deepen the connection. As desired, he gave me what I wanted. He ate at my mouth but he touched my soul by stroking with the velvet lash of his tongue, nibbling with lips and teeth, sliding his lips back and forth across mine. Savoring me. Turning my simple kiss into an erotic melding that had me trembling with pleasure. Why did I deny myself from this pleasure? Why did I abstain myself from this feeling?

I loved him. I will always love him. I couldn't stay away from him anymore. Not now not ever.

My back hit the wall as he pushed me back. My back arched to get more of him, more of his taste. His hands found mine. Untangling them from his hair he lifted them up against the wall. Holding them against the wall with his, his lips left mine and he trailed kisses down my neck until he hit that sweet spot making me moan out a gasp of pleasure. He sucked, licked, had me seeing stars and making my legs go weak. His every kiss was kiss to my soul. It pulled on my heart, made me lose control, and had me submitting to this desire and love I had for him. How I have survived so long without this?

"I love you," I rasped out. His lips stopped. Everything came to a halt but these feeling I was feeling didn't t stop. His lips left my skin and his eyes bored into mine. Those beautiful grey eyes bore into mine.

"Say again," he breathed out.

"I love you," my voice a bit louder than before. He stood there staring at me, not staring but looking into my soul. The connection between us ran deeper, deeper than I could ever think of.

"Will you say it again even when I won't be able to taste whiskey on your lips?" There was longing in those grey eyes, nervousness in that voice and worry over his face.

"Yes," I replied looking deep down into his eyes.

"Tell me this is not a dream," his hands didn't let go of mine as he brought them down between us.

"It isn't," I breathed out.

"You know what this turns you into," He asked and I smiled.

"A sinner," I admitted with no remorse or regret.

I won't be a sinner, Aaron. I still have God to answer. I remembered telling him those words.

"And how will you answer your God?"

"He wasn't there for me when I needed him, I shouldn't care about answering him but I will still ask for his forgiveness,"

"How will you look in the mirror?"

I will not be able to see myself in the mirror. I was breaking each and every one of my morals but I didn't care.

"Maybe a little happier, lively and worth living for," Tears of happiness welled in my eyes.

"You won't regret it,"

"Never, you know why?" he shook his head in denial. "I will become a sinner for you because you are the only one who I can love and the only one who want me to be your first," A soft lips lit up his face hearing my answer.

"You will always be my first, even till my last breath," his words made me shed my first tear. How did I get so lucky to have him and his love? His lips touched my knuckles, then my forehead, my eyes, my nose and then my lips.

"I will always love you," he said against my lips while his one hand took hold of mine and lid it flat against his heart.

"Two months. I need two months," I whispered. I had asked for time but I was going to beg him for those. He breathed a heavy sigh and rested his forehead on mine.

"What for," he asked staring into my eyes.

"I need to finish what I started," he looked at me through hooded eyes, his tongue came out to lick his lower lip and all I wanted was his mouth on mine again.

"Why can't you stop?"

"Because I have gone too far," I caressed his cheek and his caught mine kissing the inside of it.

"Why two," he asked.

"I'm playing a dangerous game, Aaron. I'm playing with someone's heart and I know when it all ends, I would need time to find myself again, to be who I was again, to be who I was when I met you."

"And if you fall for him? Where would it leave me?" His tone wasn't accusatory but one filled with pain.

"No one can love me more than you Aaron and even I can't love someone else other than you," he didn't speak and we got surrounded by silence.

"Please," I plead. "Please, give me your trust, your patience, your time, your love, your strength and your hopes. Trust me and I promise I will be come back only to be yours forever so we could run away to our wonderland," I breathed out against his lips.

"Will you stay with me for tonight just so I can hold you?" he asked.

"I will," his eyes bore into mine like they were searching for something.

"Then, I will give you your two months but not a second extra, Serilda. Not even a breath extra, two months then I'm coming for you and you can't run away. Promise me you won't run away," he asked while his eyes pleaded mine to give him that.

"I promise, not to run away and to be with you for the rest of your breaths after these two months end," I spoke with confidence, determination, and love.

"I will always be there whenever and for whatever you need me for in these two months because you are my only future," how could such simple words be my undoing. I closed my eyes and savored this moment. This is the best moment of my life and I will never forget it.

"Let's go upstairs," he told me and went to close the door that was left open because of the magical and passionate kiss we had shared.

"Let's go," he said taking my hand and leading me upstairs. He took me to his room where the bed was undone. His laptop and some pages were scattered all over it.

"Just let me clean this up," leaving me near the entrance he walked to the bed picking up everything and piling them up on the side table. The line of medications right there caught my attention.

"What are those for?" I asked pointing towards them.

"Sleeping pills, vitamins, medicine for migraines, depression and all," he replied without looking at him.

"When did you started taking those?"

"You won't like the answer," he replied.

"But I would still love to have it," he looked at me after hearing me with a guilty look.

"Ever since you got married, it became difficult for me. When I was with you I was good didn't need them when I had your company but when you weren't I developed these problems that have me feeding on this pills," he picked up a bottle and stared at it. For once he didn't look at me as he spoke.

"I'm sorry," I felt guilty that it was because of me he had suffered.

"You are not to be blamed," his reply came. "I can blame many but never you not anymore. I once did before I came to know the truth but never again. Those few months in your company made me never touch these pills,"

"Come," he held his hand for me to hold. I walked over to him and took hold of it. I was rewarded with a smile that melted my heart. Taking me inside his closet, he handed me one of his t-shirt and some shorts to change in and showed where the bathroom was.

I easily slid into his clothes. They were big for me but they were homely, comfortable and his. When I came out he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands on his lap. As if he came to knew of my presence he looked to where I was. There was happiness over his face and adoration in those grey eyes. I didn't remember me walking to him and stopping in front of him but I found myself there. Touching his hairs, breathing him in like there wasn't ever going to be a day like this again.

"I want to hold you for the rest night like you're mine," he told me and I complied. I got on the bed and there we lay facing each other, my hand over his face and his arms around my waist. No one held me like this before. This was the first time I felt wanted, loved and cared for.

"I have dreamed of us to be like this, dreamt of you being here in my clothes and my arms having my scent all over you. You made my dream come true. Thank you, Serilda,"

"Don't thank me. I'm guilty of taking so long for this to happen but I'm glad it happened now," regret was heavy in my voice. The regret of keeping him away from this moment. He smiled at me and held me closer. The sleep started to turn my eye lids heavy.

"I'm also guilty, Serilda," I heard him say but the sound felt so distant as the sleep took over me.


Someone's breath fanning my face and the sunlight reaching my eyes had my eyes flutter open. It took me seconds to adjust my eyes and finding Aaron looking at me while lying beside me. I didn't need any reconciliation for what happened. I remembered what had happened, what I had done and what I had promised.

"How long have you been looking at me?" I asked him with a smile on my lips.

"For long enough to trace and remember every part of you," he raised his head on his hand before answering.

"Do you remember last night?" He asked with nervousness over his face.

"I do," I replied.

"What happened to bring this change, Serilda?" I loved the way my name rolled out of his tongue.

"I saw myself in someone else maybe and I realized that I had really no one with me beside you. At one moment I realized that I really loved you, that you have been the only one for me. I don't know what shifted my world, what made me realize, was it the whiskey or the feelings I was going through but I don't regret any of it. I'm glad whatever it was it happened because now I'm here with you and beside you." My reply had made to seem all his worries go away because he smiled and lit up my world more. He kissed my forehead and my heart fluttered.

"I love you," his words made me skip a beat. Every time I hear him saying those words my future seemed brighter and filled with love.

"There is no one I can love more than you. Not even myself." I told him. We lay beside each other doing nothing but staring at each other. I remembered the fight that we had a year back. He wanted me to be with him. He wanted to make me his first but I had denied him of that being scared that what this society would think of me, how I will answer my god and that I was being unfaithful to my marriage, a marriage that had never existed in any sense. Aaron had asked me to become his lover even his wife but I knew Erik was never letting me go. He wanted to hurt me for someone else's mistakes. Blinded by her he was set on a path to destroy me and that is why he wouldn't ever let me be happy, even if it made his brother happy. I had wasted so much time being alone and lonely when I could have been with Aaron, have him talking with me, making me smile and keeping me alive.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized that I needed to go back to my house to face consequences.

"I have to go," I told Aaron.

"Will I see you again?" He asked worriedly.

"I want to but I can't have you involved in the game I'm playing. I don't want anyone to know us about," my answer had his face fall down.

"Just two months, Aaron, then we will be together. Please,"

"Two months?" he asked.

"Two months," I replied. Breathing out a sigh he smiled at me.

"It's going to be two long months," he teased before kissing me and making the outer world lost to me.

Thirty minutes later I was back to my way to my house after picking up my car from the mall. I had asked Aaron to drive me to the mall to pick up my car and the questioning look in his eyes got no answer. I stole a taste of his lips before exiting his car and promising him that we will be together. My world changed overnight. I had a reason to live and fight.

As I parked my car in the driveway, I saw Erik's car still there. It was around ten in the morning and he should have been the office by now or fucking someone but not here. With unsure steps, I entered the house and there was no one in sight.

With my heels in my hand, I walked upstairs to my room when my steps came to a halt.

"Where have you been?" He wasn't shouting or screaming. His voice calm and cool like I have never heard before. However, when I turned around and looked at him I saw those fury filled eyes. Dressed in a steel grey suit he looked composed but he wasn't. I could feel the anger rolling out of him in waves.

"Where were you last night?" His tone so soft and polite that you would think he was worried but he wasn't. This calm was the calm before the destructive storm that was coming my way.

Hello Everyone!! Here is the new ChapterI have my fingers crossed. I hope you like this chapter.Like really and please don't hate me. What do you think is going to happen with Erik?Do you still love Serilda?and Aaron?The fight that is being talked about is highlighted in first chapter in the flashback.Hope you love this chapter.Love you all!!!Vote and please let me know what you all thought through comments. If you love this story please write a review too!!

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