[Discontinued] Unexpected & F...

By dearful

11.1K 228 83

"HANA!" Genji's booming voice shouts to me as I run away with my vision blurred from my tears. My legs begin... More

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441 16 6
By dearful

[ Genji's POV ]

The silence in the car makes the mood 10 times more tense as I stare into Hana's honey brown eyes.

Is this her drunk self talking or is she mentally stable?

"Are you shy now, Chief?" Hana taunts me.

Nope, she's mentally stable.

I roll my eyes at her. My eyes looking forward to see the traffic light is still red. I debate whether or not to accept Hana's request as she patiently looks at me.

God this is going to be embarrassing.

I turn my attention to her, my hands off the steering wheel as I lean towards her. A finger wrapping around a stray piece of her hair. My emerald eyes look deeply into hers. I give her hair a slight tug which makes Hana lean forward slightly. Our foreheads close as our noses nearly touch.

I inch my lips close to hers and whisper, "Is this what you want, Hana?" I can feel the heat from her face radiate as our moment is broken from the sound of cars honking. Gently I release her hair from my finger and return my hands to the steering wheel.

My heart pounding intensely as I try to remain cool. Hana looks like she's in a daze. She clears her throat.

"I can do better than that. I hope Olivia fell for your weak acting." She jabs at me as I roll my eyes.

"Maybe next time I can see you try." I say to her, a sly smirk on my face. Hana purses her lips feeling shy.


[ Hana's POV ]

The sound of my heels click on the marble floor as I'm reading over the files on Olivia. I arrive at work early as usual. Sitting at my desk I turn on my desk lamp. The office lights are on a set schedule to turn on at 6AM so I have to make use of what little light the lamp gives off.

'Olivia Colomar, 25, Spanish descent, graduated from OVU with a degree in computer science.'

So she's around Jack's and Genji's age.

I flip the page and see an old file with her legal information before she's hacked the system.

For someone as powerful as her to hack a government file, she could do so much worse. What's stopping her right now?

'Employment: N/A. '

I jot down "publicist" beside her employment. The one information Genji received from her last night.

I can only assume she's playing the publicist role to gain fast revenue from dirty high leaders. The government, politics, and wherever. It makes sense for these men to pay off someone to help them move up in their roles without getting their hands dirty.

But where does the weaponry come into play? Big heads like them won't need weapons if they don't want to get their hands dirty, right?

The sudden thought comes to my mind.

Why didn't I ask Gabriel? He's the one selling them.

I groan to myself for being an idiot. A rush of last night's car ride with Genji clouds my thoughts. Absentmindedly I touch my lips as the image of Genji's face makes my cheeks heat up.

Did he almost kiss Olivia just to get the information last night?

I shake my head and close my files.

I need some fresh air.

Upon enter the rooftop, I feel the fresh air fill my lungs as I exhale. A smile grows on my face as I walk over to the bench to wait for the sunrise. 

It's been awhile since I watched the sun rise.

I take in the morning crisp air. The door creaks open and  catches my attention.

Who could that be?

Genji yawns as he steps out to the rooftop. His hands rubbing his eyes. Genjilooks over and notices me. I quickly stand up to give him a slight bow. He raises his hand up to say hi. I stand still as Genji tiredly walks over to me. I look up at him with a confused expression.

"Why are you here so early?" I ask him in a soft voice. He tries to groom his hair with his fingers. His bangs falling over his eyes as he tries to swoop them to the side.

* visual of his hair *

"I had to change my information around in the logs. I don't want Olivia finding out that I'm actually working in the police force."

I quietly nod my head as he looks down at me.

"And I'm guessing you're here early to avoid our favorite couple?"

I roll my eyes. "Favorite couple? Hah." I scoff out. Genji gently touches the end of my hair.

"Curls, huh. That's new."

My cheeks turn a shade pink.

"I'm trying this 'badass' change you told me about last night." I sheepishly say. Genji cracks a smile and chuckles quietly.

"I didn't think you would take my advice." He sits down on the bench and grabs something out from his pocket. I notice he's holding a box of cigarettes and a lighter.

He smokes? I never smelled it on him...

"You smoke?" I ask him, sitting myself next to him. Genji places a cigarette between his lips and flickers with the lighter.

"Once in a while. I tend to smoke more when I'm stressed."

I watch him slightly inhale his cigarette and release a small puff. 

Something about him smoking and the suns rays slowly shining on his face is...alluring? But the smell of cigarettes isn't something I adore. 

I stretch my hand out to Genji and he raises an eyebrow. "Give me one." I say to him.

I honestly don't want one. But I need to find a way to take the one in his mouth away.

"I prefer girls to not smoke." Genji jokes and I roll my eyes.

I wave my hand again as Genji shakes his head.

"Not happening Hana." Genji releases another puff as he turns his attention to the sunrise. I purse my lips together. An idea then comes to mind. I try to hide my playful expression.

Time for me to get my revenge from last night.

I inch a bit closer to Genji. He looks at me briefly before returning his gaze ahead.

So he doesn't mind me being this close to him? Fine by me, this gives me a bigger advantage.

I lean my face uncomfortably close to Genji's, my lips nearly touching the corner of his lips. I notice Genji stiffen from the closeness.

"What are you doing Hana?"

I look into his surprised emerald eyes with the best seductive eyes I can muster.

"Since you won't let me have a cigarette, I'll just take the one you have."

Genji scrunches his eyebrows together as I swiftly take the one in his mouth away with my fingers. The strong smell of the cigarette fills my nose. Leaning away from Genji I put the bud out on the stone foundation.

Genji sighs beside me as he watches me put his cigarette out.

"That wasn't professional, Hana."

"Says the one that's calling me Hana and not cadet. Besides, I was also getting payback from last night." I whisper to him. I notice Genji covering his mouth with his hand. His cheeks a shade pink.

Is he blushing?

Genji returns to his blank face as he looks at me. "You can't say payback when you were the one who asked me to seduce you."

Wait...he's right.

"W-Whatever. I just hate the smell of cigarettes." I stammer out. Genji slouches forward with his hands folded.

"You could've just told me."

"Would you have stopped?" I look at him and Genji's eyes meet mine. I'm assuming he's giving some thought to my question and devilish smirk forms on his face.

"Probably not."

I roll my eyes as he puts his lighter and cigarettes into his pocket.

"Would you quit smoking for anyone?" I ask him. Genji shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe my girlfriend if I love her a lot."

That's right...The thought of Genji having a girlfriend never crossed my mind. Does he even have time for one?

"Do you have one?" I ask him without realizing how rude I must appear. Genji looks at me with a cocky smirk.

"No, are you interested in me?" He says arrogantly. I roll my eyes as the two of us chuckle.

"In Jack's words 'It would appear unprofessional in front of the team'." I whisper weakly. Genji's emerald eyes stare at my torn face.

"And why would you listen to him when he's breaking the rule himself?" His tone serious catching me off guard. I glance over to him. The way the sun shines on his face makes him look charming.

"I-I don't know." I answer him truthfully before sighing. "I don't think I should worry about love right now anyway. I should focus on my career." Genji looks away from me as he listens. "If I slack off I won't be able to take over your position." I taunt him. Genji tries to not smile at my threat.

"Alright, slow your roll." Genji rolls up his sleeve to look at his watch. "Let's get going. The meeting should start soon." Genji gets up from the bench as I follow behind him towards the office.


Genji and I don't see each other after our rooftop conversation for the day. Jack's placed me under the filing task again and I assume it's for petty reasons.

Little does he know this allows me to work on the Olivia case.

"Cadet Hana, do you know where the old case files for this person is?" Jesse asks me as he's down one of the file aisles. I get up from the computer and walk over to the letter 'A' files. Quickly I pull out a binder and walk over to Jesse who's in the letter 'M-N' aisle.

"Here it is." I say to Jesse as he takes the file from me with a grin.

"Thank you."

I nod my head and turn my heel but Jesse calls out to me.

"What did you do to upset our Chief? Since he assigned you to filing duties again."

This guy is always so nosy.

"Jesse. Why are you bothering my cadet." A voice I'm used to rings in my ear as I turn around to see Jack with his arms crossed.

"Sorry, Chief." Jesse apologizes and inches his way out of the filing room. Jack watches him leave before closing the door. 

Great. He's trapped me in here with him.

"So I see you and Genji have been getting along." Jack looks at me. I feel obliged to look back at him.

"Is that a problem, Chief?" I question Jack without sounding annoyed or angry about the situation I'm in. Jack shakes his head.

"No, not at all. I'm more interested in what you two have been secretly doing behind my back."

I furrow my brows together from his proclamation. Jack takes a step closer to me.

"Excuse me, Chief?" I look up into his blue eyes that I once fell for. His stare seems to go through me.

"I know you two are doing something related to Gabriel, am I right?" Jacks tone stern. I simply stare at him, expression unwavering from his threatening tone.

"I'm taking your silence as a yes and a demand you to stop your research."

I scrunch my brows at his order. His eyes don't tear away from my face.

"Why?" Is all I can say to him as he towers over me.

"You're putting yourself in a case that revolves around a gang, Hana. Not any gang either."


"I can handle it." I whisper as my eyes look elsewhere.

"How? Do you think you can track down their leader with your good looks?" Jack glares at me from my stubborn attitude.

I try to hold my tongue as a knock catches Jacks attention. Genji looks at the two of us from the outside glass frame before stepping into the filing room.

"I think you're a bit too close to our cadet, Jack. Should I tell Angela that you're already cheating on her?" Genji teases. Jack takes a few steps back from me.

"Shut up, Genji. Get over here so I can discipline you too."

Genji whistles at Jacks statement and stands beside me with his arms crossed.

"What did we do, Chief?" Genji pretends to care. Jack sighs.

"You two are doing a case on Gabriel and I want you to stop."

"Why? Do you want us to stop the case for personal reasons or a boss standpoint?" Genji questions Jack as Jack looks at me briefly.

"Both." Is his answer. He looks away from me and turns his attention to Genji. "Hana's never worked on a case besides the one she's meddled in and you're not the smoothest talker."

I purse my lips and Genji stuffs his hands in his pocket.

"You may be right but I think cadet and I can handle it. We've done a lot so far with just the two of us."

I look over at Genji, he gives me a light nod.

"Then let me join you two on the case. Gabriel is as much of a friend of mine as he is to you Genji."

Genji doesn't say a word as he eye signals me to follow him. The two of us leaving Jack. We walk to the far wall of the room. Genji looks at me and whispers, "Should we let him help us? He has a point about our lack of skills in certain areas."

I purse my lips at the idea. 

But Genji's right. I don't know my strengths and flaws yet when it comes to working hands on in a case besides the behind the scenes work. I can only do so much from reading files. As much as I hate having Jack help us when I ultimately wanted to prove to him that he wasn't needed, we need him.

"If shit hits the fan, we can blame everything on Jack. He won't see it coming." Genji tries to lighten the mood as I give him a small chuckle.

"Fine." I whisper to Genji. We walk back to Jack who is patiently waiting for us.

"We'll let you in on the case. But don't try to take over. You're helping us, not the other way around." Genji starts to list off the information we've collected the past few days as Jack nods his head and listens.

"So you're telling me that you had to seduce Gabriel's boss?" Jack asks which only makes Genji groan.

"With all the details I just told you, you decide to pick that one out? Of course I had to. How else would I get any information out of her?"

Jack chuckles at the thought when Genji's phone starts to ring. He takes his phone out of his pocket and an unknown number flashes on the screen.

"Speak of the devil." Genji answers the call. "Hello, who's this?"

The voice inaudible for me to hear. I see a smug look grow on Genji's face.

"Took you long enough to call." His voice uncomfortably seductive as I scrunch my face from his acting. Jack tries to not chuckle when Genji glares at the two of us.

"I know it's rude of me to let a lady call me first but I only wanted to play around with you. I had to see if you're as amazing as I thought."

Genji's tone starts to make me feel uncomfortable as I walk away from the two towards the computer. Jack follows after me, taking a seat beside me.

I glance at him from the corner of my eye but return to the computer screen.

"You know you can't ignore me if we have to work on this case together." Jack whispers as I bite my lower lip.

I turn to face him with an agitated look. "Was that your plan all along?" I whisper to him. Jack avoids my gaze briefly.

"If this is the only way to talk to you for more than 10 seconds." Jack pauses before speaking again. "I never find you anywhere around the office since you're off running with Genji...and when I do find you, you ignore me. Angela's also told me you've come to work early to avoid her in the mornings."

My eyes glance at Jacks face. I try to remain calm. "Jack, I loved you without realizing." My words fragile and quiet.

I start to feel a weight lift off my shoulders as a few stray tears drip down my face.

"And you have no idea how broken I was when I saw the lust in your eyes for Angela." I dig my fingers into my palms trying to calm my anxiety. "And for you to tell me that if I had confessed you would sweep it away as unprofessional...that makes everything worse." I cry out as Jack lowers his eyes on me.

Silence fills the conversation when I silently cry to myself.

"Hana..." Jacks voice soft and I see his hand inch close to my face. His fingers lightly brushing my cheeks as I back away.

"Don't. Your kindness will only deceive my heart. I doubt Angela will be happy with you wiping another girls tears away."

My watery eyes look at his pained face. Genji walks over after ending the phone call.

"Come on Jack. I leave you two alone for barely five minutes and you made her cry again? Didn't I warn you to not make her cry you ass." Genji sighs as he slides his phone in his pocket.

"I need you to patch things up or force yourselves to work together by the end of the day. I've got a date with Olivia tonight and I need you two to listen in on our conversation." Genji crosses his arms. His emerald eyes glance between Jack and I.

"Where are we going?" Jack asks. 

Genji forms a smirk on his face. "A high class party that forces us to dress up."

Jack groans at Genji's words.

"And I know how much you love to dress up." His tone playful as I look at the two confused. "Make sure to dress nicely cadet. I might need you to woo a few of her clients to gain information."

"You can't put her in that position. Those men are filthy." Jack protests as Genji raises a brow.

"I have to talk dirty to a high class gang member so we all have to do something we don't want." Genji replies as Jack looks at him.

"I still don't feel comfortable throwing our cadet out there to those men." Jack says under his breath. I clear my throat.

"It's a team effort and I'm willing to do some things out of my comfort zone for the success of this case." My voice calm and collected. Genji smiles at me, proud of my answer.

"If anything goes wrong you can step in Jack. I'll divide our hidden ear pieces tonight. That way we'll be able to communicate as we're in separate locations."

The three of us finalize our plans and the only thing left to do is to wait for tonight.


Hey loves, just want to thank you for reading this fanfic and a huge thank you for those voting and leaving sweet comments 💕 The feedback really pushes me to write more especially since these chapters take a few hours for me to write. So thank you again to those who vote and comment!

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