By Bossforlife75

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You are the son of Vergil, the dangerous older brother of the famous devil hunter Dante. After your village i... More

(Definitive) Prologue.
Bio (slightly updated)
Part 1: Welcome to vale
Part 2:The Shining beacon
Part 3: The initiation
Part 4: The badge and burden
Part 5: Jaunedice
Part 7 :The Stray
Part 8: Black and White and Demons awaken
Vol. 2 Part 1: Best Day Ever
Vol.2 part 2: Painting the town red, pasts can't stay buried.
Vol.2 part 3: Extracurricular Field Trip.
Vol.2 Part. 4: The Boogeyman's Tale.
Vol.2 part 5: Breach (The Showdown) pt.1
Vol.2 part 6: Resurgence (The Showdown) pt.2
Vol.2 part 7: Retribution (The Showdown Finale)
Vol.3 part 1: Round One's New Challengers.
Vol.3 part, 2: It's Brawl in the Family.
Vol.3 part, 3: Never miss a beat.
Vol.3 part, 4: Fall.
Vol.3 part, 5: Destiny.
Vol.3 part, 6: PVP.
Vol 3. part, 7: The battle of Beacon.
Vol.3 part, 8: Heroes and Monsters.
Vol.3 part, 9: The Beginning of The end.
Vol.3 part, 10: Don't say goodbye...
Vol.4 part, 1: The Next Step Is Always The Hardest.
Vol.4 part, 2: Long time no see.
Vol.4 part, 3: Two Steps Forward, Three From Hell.
Vol.4 part, 4: Against All Odds.
Vol.5 part, 1: The Menagerie.
Vol. 5 part, 2: Keep Walking The Line.
Vol. 5 part, 3: The Approaching Storm.
Vol. 5 part, 4: Don't Fear The Reaper.
Vol. 5 part, 5: Restful Reunions.
Vol.6 part, 1: Argus Unlimited.
Vol.6 Part, 2: Alone in Darkness.
Vol.6 part, 3: The Grimm's Reaper.
Vol.6 part, 4: Dead end.
Vol.6 part, 5: Something wicked this way comes.
Vol.6 part, 6: This Is The Way.
Vol. 7 part, 1: The Greatest Approach.
Vol. 7 part, 2: Ceremonial Circumstances.
Character Bio and Announcement.
Vol. 7 part, 3: A Cordial Night Out.
Vol. 7 part, 4: The Road to Hell...
Extra Chapter 1: Tale of the Fallen Swordsmen.
Extra Chapter 2: Eclipse
Special Chapter 1: The Devil's Rose.
Special Chapter 2: The Ice Queen's Service.

Part 6 :Forever fall, but never forgotten

1.3K 23 9
By Bossforlife75

I woke up when I hear the door open and see Ruby walk out the door I pushed Yang off me as she stirred in her sleep a bit when I got up I opened the door and saw Ruby about to walk back into the room as I bumped into her.

Me: "Hey, Ruby he doing okay?" I ask.

Ruby: "Yeah we just had a talk you could try talking to him about it" she says walking inside the dorm.

I look at Jaune who was still on the floor leaning against the door.

Me: "Jaune, I know how it is to be treated like how you've been treated, when I was growing up I was always treated like an outcast and picked on by the other kids in my village but when I was going to cry to my parents my dad said to me 'Dry your tears my son for devils never cry' and taught me how to defend myself and hurt those who prey on the weak" I say as he looked up at me with some anger in his eyes.

Jaune: "You wouldn't know! You're so cool with your two swords and your transformation, but all I got are these two heaping piles of shit!" He snapped at me holding out his weapons.

Me: "Jaune, calm down!" I tell him.

Jaune: "No! I won't it's not fair you get to be the cool guy and rescue the princess in the castle while I just sit there like a fucking coward, not doing a damned thing to help, your parents must be so proud of you and you're brothers or sisters are probably even cooler than you, Your family is really cool while mine fucking sucks!" He yelled at me when he mentioned my family I grabbed him and slammed him against the door.

Me: "Don't you ever mention my family! The world's never been fucking fair I learned that the day my village was burnt to the ground as I watched my family die one by one in front of my eyes while I was to weak to help them! My father, my mother and even my brother, Tell me how fair that is?!" I say as my voice broke with tears beginning to form.

Jaune looked down after I told him the events that happened.

Jaune: "(Y/n), Look I'm sorry I had no ide-" I cut him off.

Me: "It's okay Jaune, I'm also sorry for having to get hard on you like that but look... one of these days you're gonna have to face your fears, but the question is are you going to be predator? Or prey?" I ask walking back to the door as he gets a phone call on his scroll.

Me: "Remember, Jaune choose wisely" I say walking back into the room laying back down as I feel four pairs of hands snake around my body then squeezed tightly as I drifted back to sleep.

Timeskip forever fall

I was following behind Team RWBY with my hands behind my back in joying the scenery around me.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Yes students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, But we are not here to sight-see Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest and I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so" she stopped and turned to all of us.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of sap however, this forest is full with creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!" She says as I see Jaune being dragged off with Cardin.

Then me Ruby, Blake and Yang and the rest of JNPR were collecting sap Ren handed Nora a jar of sap before collecting more when he turned around he saw the previously filled jar was empty in his friends hand as she giggles and after my jar was filled I sat and meditated for a bit.

POV Jaune

I looked at my friends and saw they were all collecting sap then I ask Cardin.

Me: "Cardin, what's going on?" I ask then saw him stare at (Y/n).

Cardin: "Payback" looking at a meditating (Y/n).

Me: "(Y/n)? What are you-"I was cut off then looked back at Cardin.

Cardin: "That's the guy. (H/c) and white haired smartass thinks he's so smart" he says bringing out a box with a W on the front "Alright boys. Last night ol' Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of rapier wasps and now, we're going to put 'em to work" I laugh nervously before he continues speaking.

Cardin: "Now, according to one of the essays he wrote for me last week, these nasty things looove sweets I'm thinkin' it's time we teach him a thing or two" he says standing up and giving me a hand pulling me to my feet then shoving the extra jar of sap into my hands.

Cardin: "And you're gonna do it" he said.

Me: "Do what?" I asked still confused on what's happening right now.

Cardin: "Hit him with the sap! Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon" he threatened me as I look at the sap and raised it in the air and looked at (Y/n) then I start shaking as I remember what (Y/n) told me last night then I made my decision.

Me: "No" I said lowering the jar of sap.

Cardin: "What did you say?" He asked.

Me: "I said, NO!" I threw the sap at Cardin making it shatter on his breastplate.

Cardin: "Ohoho, you've done it now" he said as dove and sky pulled me toward Cardin as I was laughing nervously with my hands raised in surrender.

Timeskip (Y/n) POV

I hear a distant roar of an Ursa.

Ruby: "Did you guys hear that?" She asks all of us as the three members of CRDL were running away from the forest Russel was screaming.

Russel: "Ursa! Ursa!" I grabbed him by the neck.

Me: "Where? What Ursa?!" He pointed to where they just ran from.

Me: "Shit! Jaune's that way, Yang you and Blake go get Ms. Goodwitch me, Ruby Weiss and Pyrrha will go and get Jaune" they ran off.

Pyrrha: "You two, go with them! There could be more" then we all ran to where Jaune and Cardin are then we see Cardin going to get killed as the Ursa sends a swipe to Cardin but gets blocked by Jaune's shield as he struggles to push the beast back then Weiss ready's to attack as Pyrrha stopped her.

Pyrrha: "Wait!" Then just as she said this Jaune pushes the Ursa off his shield and slashes his chest then rolls out of the way of another swipe he jumps over the Ursa paw but then gets knocked back and tries rushing again only to get knocked away again he stood back up and looked at his scroll.

Me: 'So you chose Predator, Good choice and you learned how to plan ahead good job Jaune' I thought watching the rest of the fight he charges the Ursa and vice versa he goes to slice it's head off but left his guard down as the Ursa sent a swipe to his left side Pyrrha raised her hand as a black aura surrounded her hand and Jaune's shield then I see Jaune's shield correct it's self and blocked It slicing the Ursa's head clean off.

Ruby: "Uh, What" She looks confused.

Weiss: "How did you" Pyrrha almost instantaneously answers Weiss' question.

Pyrrha: "Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs, and (Y/n) has his transformation, My semblance is polarity" she says looking at the three of us.

Ruby: "Oh wow, you can control poles" she looks in amazement.

Me: "She can control my pole if ya catch my drift" I joked then a blushing Weiss punches my arm.

Me: "Ow, okay okay" I say raising my hands up.

Weiss: "No, you idiots! She has the power over magnetism and besides only I can control your pole" she says the last part in a whisper and I only got bits and parts of it.

Me: "Uhh, sure Weiss I'll get back to you on that as soon as I hear the rest of what you said" I ask and she just turned away before saying.

Weiss: "No" she says looking the opposite way.

Me: "Alright then how 'bout I just forget about it?" I say not having a clue what she said under her breath,Weiss turned back towards me as she blushed putting Ruby's cloak to shame.

Weiss: "U-um, A-Al-Alright" She takes a glance at me then quickly looks away.

Ruby: "Magnets are cool, too" she says as me and Pyrrha walk away.

Weiss: "Wait, where are you two going?" She asks looking at us.

Ruby: "Yeah, we gotta tell them what happened" Ruby said then Pyrrha turns around.

Pyrrha: "We could" She says looking at Jaune who was sheathing his sword before walking away.

Me: "I think we should just leave it as our little secret" I say as RW in RWBY both nodded in agreement.

Then Jaune walks over to Cardin and gives him a hand up as he takes it.

Cardin: "Holy crap, Jaune?" He looked a bit worried.

Jaune: "Don't ever mess with my team, my friends, ever again" he stares at him.

Jaune: "Got it?" He asks Cardin before walking off back to Ms. Goodwitch with Ruby and Weiss followed.

I was about to walk off until I heard a small bark behind me as I see.

I unsheathed fox and pointed it at the baby Beowulf it whimpered and coward in fear.

Me: 'A Beowulf?' I looked around for the pack and see nothing.

Me: 'Must've gotten left by its pack' I thought approaching the cowering Beowulf.

Me: 'I know one of these things killed my mom, But I can't just leave him here' I remembered the night my family was slaughtered I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head as I was sheathing fox and crouched down to it.

Me: "You wanna come with me pup?" I ask as it gave a happy bark for its response.

Me: "Okay then, Hop in here" I say taking off my helmet putting the baby Beowulf in as it fell asleep and I chuckled at how cute it was.

Then I walked off to join the others with Ms. Goodwitch.

Timeskip RWBY dorm.

Me and team RWBY got back to the dorm and I saw that everyone was exhausted from today and the beds were still pushed to the side of the room, I put my helmet on the desk as the Beowulf woke up And yelped as team RWBY looked at the noise and pointing there Weapons at the baby Beowulf.

Ruby: "(Y/n) Why is their a Beowulf in your helmet!" She yelled.

Yang: "We should kill it" she said smashing her fists together.

I stood in front of the girls and put my arms out blocking them from getting to the Beowulf.

Me: "Girls stop! I found this poor guy lost his pack left him, so I decided to bring him back with me" I said trying to calm them down.

Me: "I'll probably have to talk to Ozpin about letting him stay here" I finish with Weiss walking to the Beowulf.

Weiss: "You mean that, this bloodthirsty, Adorwable wittle puff ball is going to wive with us forevah, oh yes he is, yes he is" she pretty much devolved into baby talk to the Beowulf rubbing the side of her face on his chest.

Me: "Wow, Weiss never thought I'd see this side" I was generally surprised and she just glared at me.

Weiss: "What? A girl can't like cute things?" Still glaring.

Me: "Nah, not at all I'm just saying that you should try to let loose a bit and smile more, you look cute when you smile" I say looking at her and see she turned away in embarrassment when I saw her red face.

Then I hear two familiar voices talking to each other from outside the window as I go to check it out.

Weiss: "Wait, (Y/n) where are you going?" She asks me.

Me: "I'm gonna go check out who it is" as I hop through the window and climb up to the roof of the dormitory to see Jaune and Pyrrha talking to each other.

Me: "Hey Guys" I waved.

Jaune: "Hey (Y/n), Pyrrha, I'm sorry I was a jerk. You were only trying to be nice and I-I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head-" Pyrrha cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

Pyrrha: "Jaune. It's okay" she smiled at her leader having already forgiven him.

Pyrrha: "Your Team really misses their leader, you know" she said walking to the door.

Pyrrha: "You should come down. Ren made pancakes, no syrup though, you can thank Nora for that" she was about to leave until Jaune spoke up.

Jaune: "Wait! I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but would you still be willing to help me? To help me become a better fighter" he said as Pyrrha turned away then walked toward Jaune and pushed him over.

Jaune: "Hey!" He says as Pyrrha speaks I snickered a bit at this.

Pyrrha: "Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground" me and Pyrrha help him up.

Me: "Oh, and for the love of gods Jaune never let your guard down when attacking or something will come out left field" I say walking to the edge climbing down until they can only see my head.

Me: "Good night" I say climbing into the room and see the worried faces of team RWBY.

Me:*sigh* "This is about last night, huh?" I ask they looked at me as I took the words right out of their mouths.

Ruby: "Yeah, we all heard you yell and a slam" Ruby said.

Weiss: "We heard everything" she said looking down sad.

Blake was just looking down unsure of what to say.

Yang: "(Y/n) We're so sorry about your family" she said in an apologetic tone.

Me: "Girls it's okay, I'll tell you what happened." telling them the from the beginning, intentionally leaving details about my mercenary life out of the story, letting slip my final mission.

Timeskip after the story

I was sitting on the bed as I finished telling them that fateful night they looked at me with tearful eyes then they did something I didn't expect they hugged me.

Me: "Thank you girls" I say rubbing their hair then they fell asleep on me.

Me: 'Well, shit' I thought then fell asleep and after a while feel the weight on me go away for a bit and came back I thought nothing of it because of me still being tired I opened one of my eyes seeing them all dressed in their sleeping attire then closed my eye as I fully fell asleep.

(Alright here is another part done, see you next time, also tell me what the name of the Beowulf should be?)

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