Hidden Kingdom

By Leostar729

4K 205 99

Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... More

⊱Chapter 1 - part one 🗡 Failed Lesson⊰
⊱Chapter 1 - part two 🗡 Summoning⊰
⊱Chapter 2 🗡 An Unwanted Guest⊰
⊱Chapter 3 🗡Surprises⊰
⊱Chapter 4 🗡Birthday Bash⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part one 🗡Introducing Magic⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part two 🗡Elemental Strength⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part one 🗡Mage Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part two 🗡Master Mage⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part three 🗡A Royal Command⊰
⊱Chapter 7 🗡Beginnings of Courting⊰
⊱Chapter 8🗡Courting Disaster⊰
⊱Chapter 9 🗡Courting Secrecy⊰
⊱Chapter 10 🗡Beginnings of Panic⊰
⊱Chapter 11 🗡Death within Life⊰
⊱Chapter 12 🗡Eternal Sorrow⊰
⊱Chapter 14 🗡Revenge Mission⊰
⊱Chapter 15 🗡Revenge is Sweet⊰
⊱Chapter 16 🗡Mission Order⊰
⊱Chapter 17 🗡Mission One⊰
⊱Chapter 18 🗡Unpleasant Company⊰
⊱Chapter 19 🗡Unending Nightmare⊰
⊱Chapter 20 🗡Hostage Situation⊰
⊱Chapter 21 🗡Attempting Seduction⊰
⊱Chapter 22 🗡Jail Break⊰
⊱Chapter 23 🗡Hidden Truths⊰
⊱Chapter 24 🗡Decoding the Past⊰
⊱Chapter 25 🗡Dragon Bonding⊰
⊱Chapter 26 🗡 Stifling Truths ⊰
⊱Chapter 27 🗡Chosen Future ⊰
⊱Chapter 28 🗡A Lover's Betrayal⊰
⊱Chapter 29 🗡 A Dragon Encounter ⊰
⊱Chapter 30 🗡Destiny's Decision⊰
⊱Chapter 31 🗡A Mother' guidance and a King Revealed⊰
⊱Chapter 32 🗡Hidden Kingdom⊰
⊱Chapter 33 🗡Mother's Story⊰
⊱Chapter 34 🗡Anxiety Rising⊰
⊱Chapter 35 🗡Sky Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 36 🗡Capture the Magic Flag⊰
⊱Chapter 37 🗡Magical Challenges⊰
⊱Chapter 38 🗡All or Nothing⊰
⊱Chapter 39 🗡Nightmare Calling⊰
⊱Chapter 40 🗡The King's Blade ⊰
Authors Note

⊱Chapter 13 🗡Nightmares⊰

138 8 1
By Leostar729

I am finally posting chapters 13-15!!!! YAY!!!!!! For those who have read the chapter before you will notice I took out quite a huge chunk of story that I have deemed unimportant. To all of you I hope you enjoy the story. XD


I am so sorry that this is late. There were unforseen complications. I won't take up anymore of your time reading this. But please read the note at the end. Enjoy Chapter Seven of Hidden Kingdom!


[The color grey loomed all around, as mist surrounded my form. It curled around, moving as if it were alive. Gone were the sweet dreams of my dragon.

Replaced by something dangerous and unsettling. "Avian" a voice called out, the same one that occupied the end of all of my other dreams. "Avian, you need to come find me. We are running out of time." The voice cried out. "We need to be together otherwise somethi......" As suddenly as the voice came, it was cut off. Replaced with an all too familiar one.

"Avian, look at what you did to me. This is all your fault." Turning around in a half circle my eyes land on a spot a couple feet away in the swirling mist where a familiar figure stood. The figure stood perfectly still which only added to its menacing intimidation.

My lips tremble with unheard sobs that shake me to my very core. "No, you can't be here. You are dead! I saw you die with my own eyes. We burned your body into nothing in the traditional customs of the Hunter's funeral pyre." I try to move away from the figure or rather ghost, but it feels as if I am frozen into place.

"You would like to think so wouldn't you? I am very much alive in spirit within your mind." Olivianna sneered as she stood unnaturally still with her arms crossed.

In desperation I plead with my sister's spirit, "You can' be here. You need to find peace."

"Peace? Peace! What peace?!?!?! There is no peace for me. You took everything from me!" She snarled in an animalistic way as her eyes flashed with pure and unadulterated hatred. "You stole the position that was rightfully mine. Pleasing the King with your skills as he so claims.

However I think you slept with him just to snatch the position. You never earned it for yourself. Someone like you could never earn something for themselves. You always have to steal it away from another. You uprooted me from my rightful position within the Kingdom. Thanks to you, Jerid wanted nothing to do with me." She took a deep breath before continuing on with her angered rant.

"Even though I was carrying his child he rejected me. The one who desperately loved him with all of my heart. As I was giving birth to his child my body grew weak as the pain carried on, and you promised that nothing would happen to me. Remember? But I died anyway. As I died you didn't try to save me. You just stood there and you didn't do a thing. Now both my baby girl and I are dead! All thanks to you dear sister." Olivianna menacingly scowled.

"No!" I yelled. "No Olivianna. I did everything in my power to save you. I was even going to sacrifice my own life to save you until father pulled me away from your corpse."

"Maybe you should have. Then you would be the one stuck here in this cursed place instead of me! What did I do to deserve this? When I was alive I watched out for you just like mommy told me to. She always went on about how her little angel was special and how you needed to be protected no matter the cost. How one day you would save the Kingdom. She paid more attention to you than she did to me, her first born. All of my problems started when you were conceived." She screamed, harshly accusing me as if it were all of my fault.

It wasn't my fault I was born. She continued on with her child like tantrum. "The only good thing I had in my lousy life was Jerid." Again with the Jerid tantrum, mental sigh. "Everything I had with him was perfect until you tore it away from me." Her eyes began to glow white when her face took on a savage look as her form floated closer towards me. Her arms reaching up as her fingernails extended outwards becoming long like a pair of claws that could easily draw blood.

Olivianna growled lowly within her throat, giving off a wild predatory sound. "Now I am going to make you feel every ounce of pain I have felt. Force you to learn what it feels like to have everything you love and care about ripped away from you in an instant. I, dear little sister of mine, am going to make you wish that you were dead!" The last part she screamed like a wild banshee as she lunged for me across the distance separating us. Claws extended aiming for the throat.

Her nails gave a sharp sting as they sliced into my skin of my throat. Blood started to gush out heavily as she continued to assault my neck. As my blood continued to pour out of my mortal form I began to choke from the lack of oxygen to my deprived lungs. All the while Olivianna cackled in sadistic joy as I stood there suffocating in front of her eyes.

I'm not talking about a simple laugh either, it was a full on evil villain witch's laugh. The laugh itself made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, mixing that in with the menacing gleam in her eyes, it was enough to make a grown man run for the hills while crying all the way there.

As I started to collapse from the lack of air a warm sensation upon my shoulder shocked me from my nightmare.]

"Avian wake up! It's alright, it was only a bad dream. You are safe sweetheart. I promise nothing is going to come for you. Everything is alright." Camron cooed into my ear from his spot beside me on the bed as I blinked up at him in a sleepy daze.

A movement upon my arms had me quickly looking back down to see Camron stroking my arms in a soothing manner. Helping me to shake off the last of my nightmare. "How long was I out?" I yawned as I stretched out the kinks with my back.

"Only a few hours. Your father left already. He didn't seem concerned with saying goodbye." He leaned closer to rest his forehead against mine as the look in his eyes softened.

Sighing, "That's father for you."

Unconcerned he placed a kiss upon my brow. "If you feel better we should really be getting back. Otherwise people will start to become suspicious. No one saw you leave the cottage so if they go looking for you, it can't really be explained why you were missing." He had a valid point.

The King could be cruel but he is absolutely merciless when he finds out about information that's been withheld from him. Which was why we had to hide Olivianna's pregnancy in the first place. He would have executed her without a second thought had he found out.

"Okay. Just let me get ready then we can leave." Camron nodded, kissing my brow once more before walking out of the room. Sitting up from my position on the bed I glance around the room for my boots only to find them already on my feet. Not only that but I still appear to be wearing the clothes from yesterday with most of my gear still on.

Eyeing my dirty clothes with distaste I peel back a section of clothe soaked with sweat. I am so in need of a fresh pair of clothes. Tying my sword to my belt I remove the locks of hair from my face, only to have it move back into its original position. Getting frustrated and annoyed I gather my thick dark locks. Twisting them into a high pony tail. Tying it off with a small thin leather strap from my wrist.

To calm my emotional turmoil, I take a deep breath. Feeling slightly better as I walk out of the room to join the boys. "I'm ready to go."

"Do we have everything? Better to make sure before I create a portal." Camron inquired.

Dax rolled his eyes, "Of course."

Closing his eyes Camron executed a number of steps. A yellow glow taking form, creating the portal. Camron already starting to crumple from exhaustion. Dax fidgeted until he ran head first through the portal with a yell.

The yellow glow from the wind portal started to flicker indicating that it would soon collapse. As the wind from the portal whipped the loose hair from my pony tail around my face I wrapped Camron's arm around my neck. Helping him to step through the swirling portal. 


I hope you like it. I would have posted up sooner but as I said there were unforseen complications. I wanted this chapter to be perfect and it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do in each scene. Anyway this chapter is dedicated to my best friend UneektThompson. She has helped me to edit most of these chapters as well as helped me to figure out what I was going to do. She is amazing and Hidden Kingdom would not be possible without her. Also thank you to all of you who have voted and encourage me so far, you help to keep me writing. :) So thats all for now. I will be starting on the eighth Chapter here shortly.

Comment, Vote, and continue Reading. Laters. :D


I hope you all enjoyed the newly edited chapter 13. If you have any advice or comments about how to make the chapter better, it would be most welcome. Onto the next chapter! Until then...

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