Draco Malfoy Imagines

By XSoieaX

2.1M 41.4K 23.8K

Here. I baked you some fluff. Enjoy. All imagines written by me! These imagines are x female reader unle... More

A/N: Welcome, Format Information, & Request Form
Malfoy Manor
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 1
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 2
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 3
What Are We?
Hear Me Out!
Wedding Bells
Free Period
Meeting Her Pt. 1
Meeting Her Pt. 2
The Slytherin Common Room
Insults and Sabotage
The Mission Pt. 1
The Mission Pt. 2
The Mission Pt. 3
My Hufflepuff Pt. 1
My Hufflepuff Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 1
Innocence Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 3
Dating Draco Malfoy Would Include...
What Essay?
Living Together
Draco Malfoy Preferences and Favorites
Screams and Whispers
Wings Pt. 1
Wings Pt. 2
Wings Pt.3
Halloween Party
I'm Here, Draco
I Got Your Back
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 1
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 1
Minister's Box Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 3
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 1
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 2
Prefects Pt. 1
Prefects Pt. 2
After the Battle
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 1
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 2
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 3
I'm In, I'm Out, I'm In...
How Long Will I Love You?
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 1
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 2
The Madness
Ethics Pt. 1
Ethics Pt. 2
Our Place Pt. 1
Our Place Pt. 2
Colours Pt. 1
Colours Pt. 2
Second Dimension
Winter Holiday Special - A Little Encouragement
It's My Fault Pt. 1
It's My Fault Pt. 2
It's My Fault Pt. 3
It's My Fault Pt. 4
Potions Partners
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Bad Reputation
Being an Envy
Different From All the Rest Pt. 1
Different From All the Rest Pt. 2
Different From All the Rest Pt. 3
Chinese Lessons
My Resolve
Draco vs. Harry
Immortalize Me Pt. 1
Immortalize Me Pt. 2
Immortalize Me Pt. 3
Decisions Pt. 1
Decisions Pt. 2
I Don't Care About My Exes
Professor's Daughter Pt.1
Professor's Daughter Pt. 2
Professor's Daughter Pt. 3
You Have Nothing to Be Ashamed Of
I'll Wait For You
25k Special - Q&A With Soiea!
Here to Stay
Secret Place
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 1
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 2
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 3
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 4
100th Imagine - Looking Ahead
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 1
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 2
Quail in the Corner
Love for the Music Lover
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 1
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 2
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 3
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 4
Don't Look
Old Friend
50k Special - Q&A With the Author
50k Special - Fed Up
50k Special - Greatest Fear
Valentine's Day Special - Crystal Hearts
Save Him
Unfamiliar Girl
Gryffindor Quidditch Star
Cheater Pt. 1
Cheater Pt. 2
Cheater Pt. 3
One More Night
All Thanks to Narcissa Malfoy
Detention With Draco
He Makes Three
My Best Friend
Draco's Tutor
A/N: New Cover!
Dragon Tamer
Arrangement Pt. 1
Arrangement Pt. 2
Arrangement Pt. 3
Arrangement Pt. 4
Thank You For 100k
Misfit Pt. 1
Misfit Pt. 2
Misfit Pt. 3
Lune Pt. 1
Lune Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 1
Solitude Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 3
125k Special - Q&A With the Author
Promise Pt. 1
Promise Pt. 2
Promise Pt. 3
Sudden Change Pt. 1
Sudden Change Pt. 2
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 1
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 2
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 1
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 2 (Republish)
The Truth Hurts Pt. 1
The Truth Hurts Pt. 2 (Republish)
A/N: 1 Old and 1 New Announcement (Book/275k)!
Cause and Effect
End of Year Traditions
Dark Side
Want U Back
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 1
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 2
I Still Love You, Ferret Boy
Unbreakable Pt. 1
Unbreakable Pt. 2
Snake in the Pride
The Zabini Twins
Diamond in the Rough
Winter Mornings
A Letter: Love, Draco
A/N: (Please Read) An Important Message
A/N: Hello Again & My New Home

Life Debt

7.3K 145 43
By XSoieaX

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  Events are slightly different compared to the books/movies.  You are a water Dragon animagus.


Running through the halls of Hogwarts as the battle continues, you shoot spells left and right, attacking any Death Eaters in your path.

"Y/n!" Harry shouts from behind you as you turn into an empty hallway filled with rubble.

"Oh, Harry!  You're alive!  Thank goodness!" you exclaim, rushing over to your long-time best friend and giving him a huge hug.

"Good to see you're holding up, too, y/n," Harry smiles, returning the hug.

"Where are you off to?  You're in quite a rush," you say, smiling.

"I'm off to find Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem.  It's a Horcrux and it has to be destroyed or we don't stand a chance," he sighs.  "I'm going to the Room of Requirement."

"In that case, I'm coming with you!" you state, taking his hand.  "Let's go!"

"No, y/n!  It's dangerous!" Harry resists.

"Harry.  I just stunned fifteen Death Eaters who all wanted to kill or capture me in the span of about seven minutes.  I can handle a room full of old junk," you say confidently, pulling him up the stairs, your wand still drawn.  Harry gives in and follows you, stopping at a blank stretch of wall.  You close your eyes and when you open them again, the familiar door of the Room of Requirement stands there.  You both enter, unaware that you're being followed.

Inside the room, piles of desks, books, and artefacts are piled high and covered with dust.  

"Feel anything Harry?" you ask as the door shuts behind you.

"Not yet.  Let's go deeper," he says, walking forward between the mountains of abandoned belongings.  You search the entire room, but nothing comes up.  There is no sign of a diadem.  You sigh an sit down on a rickety wooden bench.  

"There's nothing there, Harry.  I've checked that area too many times," you sigh, leaning on a table, which promptly breaks from under you and the items on top of it fall to the floor with you.  A small square case falls to the floor and smashes into pieces.  In the middle of the fragments of the wooden case lies a silvery crown.  It's the diadem.

"Y/n, you found it!" harry exclaims excitedly, rushing to pick the crown up.  "This is it.  I can hear it whispering."

"Wow," you whisper, coming to look closer.  

"Now we have to find Hermione and-"

"Well, well," a voice drawls from around a corner.  A tall figure steps into your path and two larger, burlier ones follow.  The boy who spoke is tall and blonde.  His skin is pale and he scowls in the direction of Harry.  It's Draco Malfoy, Harry's school nemesis.  You had never ever been on good or bad terms with him.  He's now the guy that tormented Harry for years turned Death Eater.  "Look who we have here...  What brings the great Harry Potter to the Room of Requirement?"

"None of your business, Malfoy," Harry grumbles coldly.  "I could ask you the same thing."

"You have something that rightfully belongs to me, Potter.  I'd like it back," Draco Malfoy spits.

"No.  Its allegiance has changed.  It wouldn't benefit you to have it.  Besides, you have one right there," Harry says, staring solemnly at Malfoy.  "What's wrong with the one you have?"

"It's my mother's," Draco sighs.  "It's powerful, but it doesn't quite understand me..."

"Why didn't you tell her... Bellatrix," Harry says.  Draco's crones behind him stir at these words and give him nervous looks. "You knew it was me.  Why didn't you say anything?"

Draco looks to the side nervously and Goyle whispers in his ear.

"Don't be a prat, Draco!  Do it!" he hisses.  Draco hesitates.  With a bang, Draco's wand flies out of his hand.

"Expalliarmus!" Hermione shouts triumphantly.

"Avada Kedavra!" Goyle casts back.  Hermione throws herself out of the way and the curse hits a bust that shatters into pieces.  The diadem goes flying and lands in a stack of chairs.  You, Harry, and Hermione rush for it.

"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU BASTARD!" Ron shouts, sprinting towards the Slytherins, his wand arm outstretched.  The tree of you climb the stack of chairs, Harry eventually pulling 

"Wow, Hermione.  Did I hear Ron say 'girlfriend?'" you laugh.  "What happened while you were away?"

"Long story, y/n," Hermione sighs.  Down the way between the rows of chairs, a bright and orange, red light explodes.  Ron's whimpers in distress echo towards you and he comes running in a panic.

"GOYLE'S SETTING THE BLOODY PLACE ON FIRE!  RUN!" he shouts.  The four of you gasp and start to run as a giant snake made of crackling fire slithers toward you.  Above your heads, a firey dragon forms in the air and you gasp.  You get sep[arated from Ron and Hermione as a Chimera cuts off your path.  harry grabs your hand and you rush to the left, dodging the fireballs heading your way.  You runt to the right and crash into Ron and Hermione.  You whip your head around to look behind you.  There's the snake and behind Ron and Hermione, there's another fire animal.  You're trapped. "What do we do?!  We're going to die!" Ron shouts.  

The snake lunges forward and Harry whips his wand out, casting a shield spell, repelling the beats.  Ron flies backwards and into a stack of old Cleansweeps.  He recovers and tosses Hermione and Harry brooms.

"Let's go!  Now" Hermione shouts.  You all mount the brooms, you sitting on the back of Harry's and kick off, soaring above the room of fire.  Across the way, you see the Draco, standing on a pile of rickety old desks.  Goyle is with him.  Crabbe is not.  He must have died.  The tree of you on brooms begin to go towards the exit.

"No!  We can't leave them to die like this!" you shout to the others.

"What?  Are you joking?!" Ron shouts to you angrily.  

"Please, Harry!  Turn back around!" you gasp.  Hary shakes his head.

"It's too late," he sighs.  "Look."

With those words, a wall of fire engulfs the area around the desks.

"They're still in there!  They're alive!  We can get in if we use spells!" you say.

"Y/n!  It's not possible!" Hermione shouts.  "They'll be engulfed in flames in seconds!"

"I'm not giving up on them!" you shout and you toss yourself off of Harry's broom.

"No!  Y/n!" Harry shouts to you, but it's too late.  You spin around in the air, transforming into a black and electric blue dragon.  You spread your wings and let the airlift you up.  You turn around and fly back, spitting water to keep the flames away.  You get to the ring of fire around Draco and his friend's position and you fly right through it.  

Inside, the desks are beginning to burn and they are beginning to give out.  You fly towards Draco and hover next to the desks, ushering him to get on quickly with his friend.  Draco takes the hint and pulls his friend on your back with him and you zoom out of the Room of Requirement, dodging the spouts of fiendfyre coming your way.  You bust through the door and land safely on the ground.  Next to you, Harry pulls out a basilisk fang and stabs the diadem, Ron swiftly kicking it into the burning room.  The doors close and disappear.  Coughing, you transform back into your human form, Draco and Goyle gasping for breath on the floor hopelessly.

"I can't believe you, y/n!" Hermione says, coming up and giving you a shove.  "That was idiotic!"

"I know, I know but I saved them and that's what matters!" you shoot back, going over to Draco and sitting by him.  He looks up at you, coughing.

"Oi, Malfoy!  You owe her thanks!" Ron shouts.

"Yes, Malfoy.  You owe her your life as she saved yours," Hermione says.

"I know, Granger," Draco hisses, giving her an evil eye.  You eye Draco, dismayed by his aggressiveness.  Noticing your reaction, he sighs.

"Thank you, y/n.  It's true.  I do owe my life to you.  I can't thank you enough.  I am forever in your debt," Draco says, looking up to you.

"We'd better get going," Harry says.  "The Horcruxes aren't going to destroy themselves beyond the point of possible magical repair."

You smile. 

"I'll see you soon right, Harry?  After the battle is over?" you ask. 

"Yes, y/n.  See you on the other side," he replies, turning away from you and sprinting down the hall.  Hermione and Ron disappear with him.  You turn to Draco, who's now crying.  You come closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I don't have a wand.  Neither of us does.  We can't protect ourselves.  What you did...  It's all for nothing.  We'll die by morning," Draco cries into his hands.  

"No, you won't," you smile.  

"What?  Why?" Draco asks through his tears.

"Because if I saved your ass once, I can do it again, Malfoy," you smile.  "After this is over, you take me out to a nice dinner somewhere fancy and we'll call it even, okay?"

"You got a deal, y/n," Draco smiles as he shakes your hand.  You smile, reach into your bag and hand him your wand.  You wink and turn into a dragon again.  Goyle and Draco onto your back and you set off into battle.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,530 words long!  Thanks for reading !  Submit your quetsions for the next Q&A via comment or by messaging me it!  Requests open!

- Soiea

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