The Skabelse

Galing kay iRowan

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NOW A PUBLISHED BOOK!! Centuries have passed since the Wars. In the beginning it was hatred and greed that fi... Higit pa

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Pronunciation Page/Other Giblets :P
Death Would Suffice
The Caravan
The Skabelse
Are You Daft?
Feisty Isn't She?
All Great Things Must Come to An End
The Behemoth
A Time to Heal
See Something You Like?
Letting It Out
Cold No More
Aye, I Like You Enough
New Sensations
An Unknown Audience
The Brotherhood
Even the Blind Could See
Oh, Was It Worth It
What Are You Smiling For?
Looking's For Free
The Fortress
Dirt Is Easier To Clean
Fight It Is, Then
Little Piggies
She Is Mine
Final Words
When The Wind Blows
What Does It Feel Like
The Palace
Can I Borrow Yours?
Are You Feeling Ill?
Harsh Words
Sweet Nothings
Just A Taste
More To Come
Better From Swine
Let Me Tell You
The Bannered Lion
Better Chances
Suit Yourself
We All Have Secrets
A Fine Line
As You Requested
The Last of Us
Tough Crowd
Fated Decisions
A One Legged Man
So It Begins
There Are None
It Is Finnished
New Day
A Small Surprise
Déjà Vu
Bitter Sweet
Please read! :)
It's Happening Guys!

The Return

808 70 15
Galing kay iRowan

Within the hour, Caspian kept true to his word and notified everyone that they should meet back at the High Palace. Most thought it was a good idea and were glad to have an objective to keep their minds off of yesterday's events, but there were some who disagreed and wished to travel home as they believed it was a ploy to vanquish them once they reached the Palace.

When Rowan heard that the Thestrin's -those that followed Blanche religiously- were turning back to retreat to their mountain tops, she didn't bat an eye. After all, could she blame them? "They are free to do as they wish I suppose," she told Torvi as she pulled the thick leather strap on her horses saddle. Torvi pressed her lips into a thin line but said nothing as she too readied her horse for their departure.

Once everyone was saddled up and ready, they began to make their way out of the Razoul plains. The journey back was a long and somber one as hardly anyone spoke, for they were deep in thought of what was to come. Only stopping a few times to eat and take a break, they rode through the night and arrived at the main gates by mid-afternoon. The mass of people that flooded the grand courtyard caused Rowan to feel claustrophobic and she tried her best to control her breathing. She felt silly to be bothered by something so trivial, but fatigue and anxiety had sunk it's claws into her body and mind and she was desperate for alleviation.

Many stable boys and maids greeted them to take their horses to the stable and offer them something to drink, but when a young woman with fiery red hair handed Rowan a waterskin, she waved her off rather harshly and continued to the High Palace alone. She felt somewhat guilty for how she treated the young girl, but at the moment was too selfish to turn around and apologize.

In the distance she could hear Bjorn calling her name which only made her quicken her pace. The long journey had made her already exhausted body even more drained and she craved solitude.

Pushing against the heavy wooden doors of the Palace, her eyes quickly scanned her surroundings. A group of guards that stayed behind had gathered in a circle that blocked the left hallway that led to the training yard, no doubt discussing the new shifts that would be required considering the amount of guests they would host. In front of her, a cook was barking orders as to what they should prepare for dinner. The only option was to turn right, which led to the wing where the guest rooms were.

Her feet moved before she had told them too and she rushed up the familiar flight of stairs that led to her floor. Taking the first corridor to her left, she continued her fast pace past the empty rooms before she came across the wooden door that was her mother's and froze.

She hadn't meant to come this way as she knew it would only upset her more, but her hand was already twisting the door handle before she could stop herself.

The faint smell of lilac and vanilla filled the air and she smiled softly as her mother's scent enveloped her. She slowly turned around and locked the door not wanting to be disturbed before she made her way to the plush, messy bed and sat down, running her fingers over the soft blankets that once warmed her mother.

Rowan opened her mouth slightly before quickly closing it as she debated if she should attempted to speak to her. The Gladeswomen never believed in life after death, and that what was dead was just that-dead. Shaking her head to herself, she pushed those thoughts from her mind and decided that if her mother was listening, now would be the time.

Taking a deep breath, she laid back until her head connected with a pillow and turned on her side, bringing her knees to her chest as she thought about what she should say. After a few moments, her eyes began to slightly sting and she wiped away a stray tear with her calloused palm before speaking up. "If you're listening, I just wanted to say that I love and miss you terribly. I feel as if you're shadow looms over me as I speak and I do not know if that means I'm going mad or if I'm just desperate for you to hear me. I'm not really sure what to think of do at this point; a part of me just feels like giving up but another part tells me to keep pressing on until we have come up with a solution," she said before pausing, "If you were here you'd know exactly what to do. The others, they look up to me for guidance and orders already and I do not like the burden. I don't think I ever will..." she trailed off. That's another matter on its own.

"Anyways, I just felt like I needed to say something to you, and I wanted to thank you for not only being my Queen, but my mother as well," she finished, wiping away a new stream of tears.

She laid still, listening for something that would let her know that Lana had heard her, but she was only greeted by the defaming silence of the room. Just as I thought.

Soon, silence was taken over by the soft voices and shuffles of feet that made their way down the hall to their chambers. She wasn't sure how long she laid there listening, but soon sleep overcame here and she slipped into a dreamless sleep until she felt the bed dip and a warm hand caressed her face.

She blinked and looked up to find the dangerously handsome face of Bjorn and she sat up, still exhausted. The room had darkened and was no longer lit by sunlight, but by candles and the hearth instead.

"What time is it?" she asked, her voice raspy and thick with sleep.

Bjorn leaned forward and kissed her forehead before looking out the window. "Perhaps after seven? Dinner is already over and soon the meeting commence."

Rowan nodded her head just as her stomached grumbled. "I don't suppose you saved any?" Her stomach cramped again from hunger and she blushed.

Bjorn gave her a lopsided grin, "Actually I did. It's sitting over there," he said, motioning to the small table on the other side of the room with his chin.

Rowan quickly turned around and spotted a large plate piled high with delectable lookin food. "I really don't deserve you," she said, getting out of bed and making her way to the wooden table.

The Rorik sighed dramatically and stood up, stretching. "Tell me something I don't know my lady," he teased, knowing she would hate the last bit.

Rowan couldn't help but to smile as she rolled his eyes. It felt nice to be able to joke around and keep her previous thoughts at bay. "You lout," she said, before sinking her teeth into the grilled dove meat. Bjorn shrugged and pulled out a chair, joining her.

After she got a few bites in, she took a sip of her lemon water that he had almost managed to bring her. "How did you get in?" she asked when she suddenly remembered she had locked the door earlier.

Bjorn chewed on his bottom lip for a moment before answering. "After I looked for you in your room, I had a feeling hat this would be the only other place you would seek solace at, and when I tried to open the door it was locked and I figured you were in here. I knocked on the door but you didn't answer so I unpacked our horses and went to dinner. Afterwards I snagged a maid and had her unlock the door before I prepared you a plate," he finished, sounding somewhat guilty.

Rowan slowly nodded her head before taking a bite of her fried potatoes. Soon she was finished with her food and craved more. "I'm so famished..." she muttered to herself. "Perhaps after this dreaded meeting we can raid the kitchens?" she asked, somewhat teasing yet somewhat serious.

Bjorn raised a dark eyebrow before chuckling. "If that is what you wish then sure. I wouldn't mind a second helping of dove myself."

Rowan grabbed her dirty dishes and stood up, making her way to the door. Bjorn followed her into the hall and down the main corridor to the first floor. "Ready for this?" he asked, nerves and anxiety creeping into his bones. He wasn't sure what would happen in the grand auditorium and feared the worst.

Rowan softly shook her head and avoided his intense gaze.

A young girl with bright red hair walked up to them and smiled. "Would you like me to take those for you miss?" she asked the Gladeswoman.

Rowan nodded quickly and blushed as she remembered the way she had treated her earlier. "Yes please. And, if I may say, I apologize for the way I treated you earlier. It wasn't very becoming of me. I was just tired from the journey and-" she said, before the maid cut her off.

"Lady Rowan, you do not need to seek forgiveness. And I understand. You endured a lot these last few days and I'm sorry for your losses." Her eyes were sincere as she took the dirty plate and goblet from Rowan's hands, and without another word she scurried off to clean then.

Rowan watched her small form become lost in the sea of people who made their way down stairs to the auditorium.

"Come," Bjorn said, draping a strong arm around her waist as the fell into step with the crowd. "The sooner we get started the sooner it will end."

A/N: So sorry that it took me 2 weeks to update! I've been on vacation (it was amazing) and I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. This was slightly a filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! ❤️

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