By Bossforlife75

41.3K 514 271

You are the son of Vergil, the dangerous older brother of the famous devil hunter Dante. After your village i... More

Bio (slightly updated)
Part 1: Welcome to vale
Part 2:The Shining beacon
Part 3: The initiation
Part 4: The badge and burden
Part 5: Jaunedice
Part 6 :Forever fall, but never forgotten
Part 7 :The Stray
Part 8: Black and White and Demons awaken
Vol. 2 Part 1: Best Day Ever
Vol.2 part 2: Painting the town red, pasts can't stay buried.
Vol.2 part 3: Extracurricular Field Trip.
Vol.2 Part. 4: The Boogeyman's Tale.
Vol.2 part 5: Breach (The Showdown) pt.1
Vol.2 part 6: Resurgence (The Showdown) pt.2
Vol.2 part 7: Retribution (The Showdown Finale)
Vol.3 part 1: Round One's New Challengers.
Vol.3 part, 2: It's Brawl in the Family.
Vol.3 part, 3: Never miss a beat.
Vol.3 part, 4: Fall.
Vol.3 part, 5: Destiny.
Vol.3 part, 6: PVP.
Vol 3. part, 7: The battle of Beacon.
Vol.3 part, 8: Heroes and Monsters.
Vol.3 part, 9: The Beginning of The end.
Vol.3 part, 10: Don't say goodbye...
Vol.4 part, 1: The Next Step Is Always The Hardest.
Vol.4 part, 2: Long time no see.
Vol.4 part, 3: Two Steps Forward, Three From Hell.
Vol.4 part, 4: Against All Odds.
Vol.5 part, 1: The Menagerie.
Vol. 5 part, 2: Keep Walking The Line.
Vol. 5 part, 3: The Approaching Storm.
Vol. 5 part, 4: Don't Fear The Reaper.
Vol. 5 part, 5: Restful Reunions.
Vol.6 part, 1: Argus Unlimited.
Vol.6 Part, 2: Alone in Darkness.
Vol.6 part, 3: The Grimm's Reaper.
Vol.6 part, 4: Dead end.
Vol.6 part, 5: Something wicked this way comes.
Vol.6 part, 6: This Is The Way.
Vol. 7 part, 1: The Greatest Approach.
Vol. 7 part, 2: Ceremonial Circumstances.
Character Bio and Announcement.
Vol. 7 part, 3: A Cordial Night Out.
Vol. 7 part, 4: The Road to Hell...
Extra Chapter 1: Tale of the Fallen Swordsmen.
Extra Chapter 2: Eclipse
Special Chapter 1: The Devil's Rose.
Special Chapter 2: The Ice Queen's Service.

(Definitive) Prologue.

6.7K 44 68
By Bossforlife75

I had to redo this it was bugging me to much.

POV 3rd

Their stood two boys facing each other in a forest area.

Both boys have white hair with streaks of (H/c) both are identical in appearance the slightly taller boy rushed the smaller boy hardly giving him a chance to defend himself.

The taller boy goes for a downward slash to which the smaller boy barely managed to block.

Then the taller boy leg sweeps the smaller boy as the boy dropped to the ground he quickly stood up and planted his foot on the boys chest as the smaller boy tried to reach for his sword the taller boy stepped on his hand pointing his sword to his neck.

???: "Just give up (Y/n), you won't win" the boy remarks to his younger sibling.

(Y/n): "Ow! Sanji you don't have to be so rough" the young boy now known as (Y/n) cries trying to release his hand from underneath his brother's foot.

Sanji: "Whatever, get up. You know father hates weaklings" the victorious boy said standing over his brother.

(Y/n): *Sigh* " I guess you're right, sometimes I wish I was as strong like you or dad" (Y/n) groans rubbing his hand to relieve the pain.

Sanji looks distraught at (Y/n) for a second then helps him back on to his feet.

Sanji: "Listen (Y/n), We're brothers we protect each other. I will always have your back and you'll always have mine right?" He smiles cheering (Y/n) up a bit.

(Y/n): "Right! Thanks for cheering me up Sanji" (Y/n) says happily.

Sanji: *chuckles* " heh. Anytime little bro" he ruffles (Y/n)'s hair making it cover his eyes.

(Y/n) quickly brushes his hair out eyes and gives Sanji a pouty look.

(Y/n): "Hey! I'm only a few minutes younger than you" (Y/n) exclaims making Sanji roll his eyes.

Sanji: "Yeah well, I'm still older than you" Sanji said with confidence.

(Y/n): "Whatever, tell mom and dad I'm going into town for a bit" (Y/n) said proceeding through the dense forest, after a few minutes of walking he comes across a fairly large village.

POV (Y/n)

As I approached the village I noticed that when I entered the village a few people gave me looks of disgust and whispered things like 'Abomination', 'demon child' and 'spawn of darkness', but to me this has become a regular occurrence, paying no mind to it and continued to walk further into town.

After a while, I lost track of time noticing how dark it was getting.

Me: "Is it already getting late? I better start heading back" I said quietly to myself walking back home.

Before I could leave the village there was a group of three boys I recognized them as the villages troublemakers, two of them had black hair one had his hair slicked back the other had a side swepted hair cut and the last one had dirty blonde hair in a long buzz cut. But I just proceeded to walk past the group of boys.

Boy1: "Hehe. Look what we found here boys a freak, and you know what we do to freaks" he started laughing so did the boys behind him, they started surrounding around me.

Boy2: " What's wrong? Freak did mommy and daddy leave you alone here? Probably I bet you she's being a good for nothing whore" when he said this I snapped.

I ran at the boy who called my mother a 'whore' and tackled him to the ground giving him punches right to the face until I got pulled off by the rest of the group.

The first boy was restraining my arms while the other punched me in the face so hard I got disoriented,when I looked at the boy I just pummeled he wasn't even recognizable nothing but a broken nose, two black eyes and blood flowing down the side of his unconscious face.

Boy1: "What the fuck is wrong with this kid!? He almost killed Jameson!!" He referred to the battered boy lying in a small puddle of blood, as the third boy noticed the Katana on my side he smiled deviously grabbing it from my side and inspecting it.

Boy3: "Look at this!" *Swings sword from side to side*" what's a freak like you going to do with this? Kill us?" He laughs, pissing me off even more.

Boy3: "I'm going to teach you a lesson on why you don't mess with us!" He shouted raising my sword above his head.

Before he could strike me down it seemed like time stopped for a brief second, until I heard a disembodied voice call out to me.

???: "(Y/n), don't worry I'll protect us" the voice sounded demonic in a sense as it drew near I blacked out.

POV 3rd.

The boy grabbed (Y/n)'s sword preparing to kill him, but when he brought down the blade (Y/n) started laughing hysterically insane laughter filled the air causing the two boys to hesitate for a moment before regaining composure.

Boy3: "What are you laughing about? We're about to kill you and you're having the time of you're life?" He asked confused that this kid wasn't the least bit scared of death.

(Y/n):*chuckles* "Hahaha, no I'm not laughing about that" (Y/N) chuckled softly continuing to look at the ground his hair covering some of his face.

Boy3: "Whatever, I'm done listening to this nutcase!" He shouted raising the sword to strike.

(Y/n): "Big mistake" (Y/n) said under his breath.

(Y/n) overpowered the boy restraining him and used him as a human shield splitting him nearly in half, being diagonally cut in half spraying blood on (Y/n) and the boy, (Y/n) looked at the boy who killed his friend trying desperately to retrieve the blade from his dead thug.

(Y/n): "see what happens when you don't listen? When you don't listen you get hurt, when you get hurt you die" he said punching the kid way from the weapon.

(Y/n):*grabs Katana* "And besides, you wouldn't know how to use this" he said taking the sword and slicing off his head drenching (Y/n) and the ground in a crimson liquid.

(Y/n): "See? Now that wasn't a very smart move on his part*picks up head* right?" He says to the head, loud enough for the last boy left alive to hear, throwing the head away and slowly walking toward the boy on the ground.

Boy3: "L-L-Leave me alone you monster!!" He cried scared of what this kid that had overpowered the two other boys.

(Y/n): "Now do you see why that was a mistake? Now you're going to die" (Y/n) said resheathing his sword walking away, the boy was petrified to move wondering why he wouldn't kill him.

(Y/n): "Oh yeah, I almost forgot" he said turning to the boy still on the ground, walking toward the boy slowly running (Y/n) held the grip of his sword and drew it as soon as he ran past the boy so fasted his movements ceased staying still until (Y/n) was done sheathing his weapon.

As the click of his Katana's scabbard the boy exploded into mist of blood, organs and limbs splashing the nearby lily garden.

(Y/n): "Mmph, I thought they would be a challenge" he said quietly to himself, before he started feeling woozy and blacked out again.

POV (Y/n).

When I regained consciousness I looked at the carnage that surrounded me, blood pooled on the ground around my feet as I looked down at my hands to see them covered with a thick red liquid.

Me:*Heavy panting* "W-What did I do??" My hands shaking looking at the puddle of limbs and blood.

I looked around and seen a person approaching.

Without thought I ran as fast as I could running out of the village it felt like a few hours had past when I gotten back to my house, which was looking like it had been neglected for years it wasn't very big but it had a shed and a dojo for sparring.

Me: 'Why did I feel so good after I killed those kids?' I tried shaking those thoughts out of my head walking through the door.

I immediately ran into the house going straight to the bathroom, making sure no one seen me.

After washing away the blood, throwing away my old clothes I walked back out into the hallway as dad walked up to me.

Vergil: "My son, come walk with me" he requested I was hesitant for a moment, thinking he'd found out about I had done but obliged walking beside father.

Me: "What is it Father?" I asked worried on what he'd say.

Vergil: "Come, I need to show you this" he said calmly, walking into his private room.

The room was huge and filled with training dummies, weights and a rack full of Katanas with different types and sizes.

But there was a stand covered by a white cloth.

Vergil: "Go on, take it off" He points to the cloth, I grab it and tear it off to reveal a long black scabbard with a white handle sitting on a sword rack.

Me: "Whoa! Dad is this yours?" I asked surprised at sword in front of me.

He smiled grabbing it from the rack quickly drawing it really fast I couldn't see it until it was pointed in my face.

Vergil: "(Y/n), this is Yamato it's the same sword the dark knight Sparda used to seal off the demon world from ours. You're grandfather would want you to have it treat it with great respect only the blood of a Sparda can use the blades power to its fullest potential" Dad explains to me putting back Yamato in its scabbard handing it over to me.

Me: "Thank you father" I hugged him out of gratitude as we hear a loud knocking coming from the front door.

Vergil: "Who would be coming here at this time of night? I'll go and check you go see you're mom" Dad told me I obliged, still wondering who could be at the door.

Me and dad walked back into the hallway, dad went to check whoever was knocking and I walked into the kitchen to see mom and Sanji cleaning cutlery.

Me: "Hey mom" I said making her turn around smiling.

Mom: "Hi honey, would you mind helping us?" She chippered I started sorting through the cutlery placing each utensil back in its respective spot.

Then a blur of dark blue sped past us and crashes into the wall revealing Dad in his devil trigger form I looked at his point of entry to see a cloaked figure walking toward us.

Dad immediately got back up and ran at the figure again going for a downward slash only for the blade of his sword to get caught by the figure's hand.

Cloaked figure: "Nice knife!" He shouted snapping Dad's sword in half making him surprise for a second to get the blade stuck in his neck.

I looked on in horror as he choked on his own blood gave me a look that said 'Run' and I did grabbing mom and Sanji.

Seeing more people coming the only thing I could see clearly was a black and red logo that read 'Desperado'.

POV 3rd.

The figure stood over Vergil's corpse as a soldier wearing black armour with a red logo that read 'Desperado Enforcement LLC.' on the right side of his chest.

Soldier: "Sir, the woman and two boys fled out the back door. We can pursue if you'd like" he says to the cloaked figure looking at his hand before clenching it into a fist.

Cloaked figure: "And what of the artifact?" The figure loomed over the body of Vergil.

Soldier: "No where to be found sir" he replies to the figure.

Cloaked figure: "No, burn the village make it look like the Grimm invaded once you're done report back to me in Atlas I'm heading back" the figure commanded leaving the house as the soldier starts pouring gasoline all over the furniture and floors once he completed this task he lit a match throwing it on the floor igniting a blaze that soon engulfed the entire room.

Soldier: "Alright boys! We have our orders. Burn the village and leave no survivors try and make it look like the Grimm attacked" he shouts to the rest of his squad, heading out into the darkness.

POV (Y/n).

We ran out the back door through the forest running for what felt like forever.

When we stopped to catch our breath I got punched by Sanji causing me to fall onto the ground.

Sanji: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? We left father to die! I can't believe how spineless my 'Brother' is, I'm going back to kill that bastard" Sanji walked away only for mom to stop him from what would be sure suicide.

Mom: "Listen to me, you're father would want both of you to be okay, now let's get to town. We need someone to help us get out of here" mother tells me and Sanji with tears in her eyes, I dust myself off when Sanji offered me a hand up.

Sanji: "Look (Y/n), I'm sorry about punching you. It's just we could've done something" he explains while I got back up.

Me:*Sigh* " I know how you feel, but dad gave me one of Those looks like 'Run as fast as you can' kind of looks" I told Sanji we started walking for a few minutes before we seen light coming over the hill.

Sanji: "Hey I think the sun's coming up" he ran up the hill stopping when he'd reached the top.

Me: "So, is it daylight?" I asked looking at him before realizing that what we thought was sunlight turned out to be the entire village burning, fires raging as people fled out of the village screaming in terror Grimm chasing unfortunate people that then got ripped to shreds by Beowolves, slaughtering everything in sight.

We ran away from a pack chasing us, managing to keep some distance from the determined pack before one pounced on mother, me and Sanji stopped dead in our tracks.

Sanji/Me: "MOM!" We both yelled running at the Beowolf stabbing it in the chest then cutting it's head off.

Me: "Mom?! Mom?! Please wake up, please please please" I broke down crying hearing a deep roar coming from behind me and Sanji.

Seeing, three or four Ursai I held my mother's corpse in my arms as they approached, Sanji stood in front of me shielding me from an Ursa's claw knocking him into a tree with a huge gash on his arm.

Me: "SANJI! NO!" Running at the Ursa only for two more to appear knocking me down the hill.

I immediately jumped back up ready to go save Sanji until I heard howling come from behind me, I turned around seeing glowing blood red eyes pierce the darkness making me paralyzed in fear.

One prepared to pounce on me I closed my eyes and waited for my death but it never came I looked at the Beowolf with it's claws outstretched it stood completely still for a moment then falling to pieces.

I looked at the rest of the pack to seen them all start to die in front of me, heads and arms flying off black blood came out of the defeated beowolves some even getting thrown into trees and onto the ground having their skull crushed in by some invisible force.

The rest were tried to flee but didn't make it very far before they were sliced in half and black blood went splattered everywhere.

When I looked to see what had happened I saw the Grimm disintegrating and a orange light floating then a person became visible.

(Like this but imagine a forest with Grimm body's)

When it looked at me, I didn't know what to do scared of if he'd do the same to me as he did to the Beowolves.

He then started to walk towards me holding his blade in his right hand when he got close to me he crouched down so he could talk to me I flinched when he got close

???: "are you okay" he said calmly with a robotic voice.

Me: "y-yeah I-I'm okay" I said nervous weather he would kill me or not.

???: "where are you're parents?" He asked looking around the forest.

Me: "t-they're gone" I said with sadness in my voice remembering the burning village and Grimm attack.

???: "hmmm" he contemplated "Well I can't exactly leave a kid alone, especially in a Grimm infested area" he looked at me, all I could see "my name is frank jaegar but just call me grey fox for short okay? what's your name?" He questions me.

Me: "(y-y/n) (l/n) sparda" I said stuttering with my words.

Gray fox: "alright let's get going" he looks at my fathers sword "do you know how to use that?" I he asks.

Me: "No, not really" I told him showing him Yamato.

Gray fox: "then I'll have to train you to use it" he said as I smiled in joy knowing that I can make my family proud.

Timeskip: 12 years (Y/n) POV.

Gray fox: "Hey kid, how's it going?" He chimed in I looked at the doorway to see him standing there without his helmet which was a rare occasion.

(Y/n): "pretty good, I'm excited for this mission today!" I exclaimed in excitement.

Grey fox:*Sigh* "Look (Y/n), I know you had a rough start and probably never had this said to you but.." I listened intently.

Gray fox: "But uh, I'm proud of you buddy" he scratches the back of his head smiling me making me happy, seeing as he's always so serious.

Me: "Thanks Frank" I smiled back while he walked back into the hallway.

Gray fox: "Oh, and before I forget we have a new mission just waiting on you and here these are for you" he hands me two envelopes, one red and the other green.

Me: "Uh, what are these for?" I ask looking over the letters.

Gray fox: "Well, ones for you but the other is for a friend of mine who I want you to give it too after this mission" Fox explains while I grab Yamato and put the letters into my pocket, then grabbing my helmet.

I looked in the mirror checking out my armour.

Me: "So Frank, what do you think?" I ask fixing Yamato to my side.

Gray fox:*shrugs* "Eh, I think you'd look better going with the traditional look" he said walking out the door.

Me: "I suppose you're right, but I still love my HUD" I yell back.

Gray fox: "Whatever you say kid" I heard distant chuckling.

I looked at the green letter again and seen a name on the front addressed to a 'Professor Ozpin' I heard the name a few times from fox, all he is be is just some headmaster at a hunter academy in Vale.

When I finished putting the letters away I met up with fox in the briefing room.

Me: "Hey frank. What's the mission priority today?" I asked receiving a stern look from him, which made me shrink down in my seat.

Gray fox: "We have a mission handed down from Atlas military. Priority is to infiltrate an airbase Fifty miles out of Atlas controlled areas, it should be a quick and easy strike. But Intel shows some kind of weapons research going on there we don't know what kind, but all we know is that it has the capability to launch nuclear warheads in Remnant and that their planning a hostile takeover of one of the four kingdoms" he elaborates the mission details.

Me: "Atlas huh? You'd think they'd be able to handle it, so get in destroy whatever's going on there get out and we get paid. Who's the PMC on the job?" I ask he brought up a file.

Gray fox: "File says the PMC is Desperado Enforcement LLC." I remembering the logo from so long ago making me angry.

Me: "Frank?" I asked gritting my teeth which he turned to me.

Gray fox: "Yeah kid?" He looks at me as I give him a cold stare.

Gray fox: "Okay, I guess you handle combat and I'll provide reconnaissance" he knew what I had said even if I didn't speak a word.

He smiled one last time before sealing his mask as the cycloptic LED lit up.

I stood back up as we walked to the helipad waiting for the bullhead to finish landing. After we got on me and fox sat across from eachother I dozed off sleeping until fox woke me up.

Gray fox: "Hey Jack, get up we're over the drop zone we'll be landing a quarter mile outside of the base" he says while I stretch my arms and legs.

Me: "So, this is where the fun begins" I jumped out the side door getting a good look at the airbase it was huge, why would Atlas abandon this base? It still looks like it could be operational.

I was nearing the ground but I shifted my body toward a cliff face stabbing Yamato into the cliff slowing my descent as I slid down the rest of the small mountain.

After dropping down I surveyed the compound with my HUD's enhanced zoom function.

Then fox decloaked in front of me.

Gray fox: "So how's security looking like?" He turned to me.

Me: "Not nothing we haven't dealt with before, just a few APCs and a few squads of combat cyborgs" I said scanning the rest of the base.

Me: "By the way, where did we get the mission details?" I ask still scanning the base.

Gray Fox: "Why our good old 'friend' junior" he answers with sarcasm.

Me: "if it's anything like when he contracted us to protect the Malachite twins" I began only for fox to cut me off.

Gray Fox: "Yeah, until you screwed both of them and continued to fuck us over after that by getting so drunk you shot up his bar, destroying his bar, maiming half his staff and almost killing his DJ." He finished listing all the things I did when I blacked out.

Me: "Okay, one they pretty much tied me up, two you shouldn't have let me drink so much and three It's not my fault that they dressed him up as an Ursa." I looked at Fox who'd just crossed his arms and nodding.

Me: "Fuck you" then Fox bursts out laughing.

Gray fox: "Okay, okay. Here's the plan, I'll sneak inside and you..." he paused for a second recalling my skills on previous missions.

Gray fox: "Do your thing" when he said

My visor made an evil emote as I ran straight for the front gate of the base slid kicking a cyborg in the air cleanly slicing through it like butter, some blood splattered the ground as the cyborg's body exploded behind me.

I look around to see that seven or eight cyborgs surrounding me with High-Frequency machetes, one ran at me who I tripped and cut his torso off his body, two more ran at me, one going for a downward slash I stepped to the side making him lose his balance allowing me to stab him through the chest and cut off his head as the other attacked me from behind which I blocked with a sheathed Yamato and kicked his leg out with my back turn I plunged Yamato into his chest creating sparks from the wound I ripped Yamato out of the cyborg nearly cutting him in half, before he could drop to the ground I slash what was left of his abdomen severing his top half from his legs, I use Zandatsu making everything slow down to quickly draw Yamato cutting through his chest and grabbing it's electrolytes, crushing them to power up my suit.

The rest of the cyborg rushed me I cut off one cyborg's head and sliced his leg off dropping it to the ground and kicked it to two more infront of me exploding on impact creating a smoke screen I jumped and plunged Yamato into a cyborg ducking a swing by the cyborg next to me I leg swept him to use Zandatsu again and took him apart slashing upward making him split in half letting out unrelenting strikes being nothing more than a pile of spare parts and blood I seen the electrolyte pack sticking out of the pile before Zandatsu ran out I leap forward in a sideflip retrieving the glowing blue package, landing on my feet and crushing it in my replenishing my suits power.

I looked at the last two ready to attack instead of running at them, I sheath Yamato taunting them to attack me they were hesitant to do anything the first one attempted to go for an overhead strike while the other ran behind me using Zandatsu once more I drew so fast a bluish trace follows my attacks, when Zandatsu ran out the cyborg were frozen in place as I sheathed Yamato until the sword clicked back into it's scabbard when it did they fell down into a pile of parts and blood.

Timeskip 5 Minutes.

After making it through the base I found fox laying in a crater sparks coming off his body.

Me: "Fox! What happened!?" I frantically ask checking the damage.

Gray fox: "(Y/n)? Get the hell out of here" he coughs as I wrapped his arm around my neck helping him up.

Me: "No, I ain't leaving anybody ever again and I'm especially not leaving you here" I help him toward the entrance of the base, then the ground started to shake cracking apart opening up a huge hole while I got Gray fox to safety.

While debris fell into the hole a huge piece of rock almost hitting us cutting it in half. I leaned fox up against a wall seeing what made the ground collapse beneath us.

I stood in front of this behemoth of a machine in awe of the size of it.

Regaining composure readying Yamato as it finished rising out of the giant pit slowly turning around and opening up a egg shaped elevator platform the oval cockpit opened and a man in wearing glasses and a dark blue suit walked out smoking a cigar.

???: "Well, well. If it isn't Jack The Ripper, just a little to late" he checked his watch taking another puff of his cigar as I recognized him as Senator Armstrong.

Me: "Armstrong! Impressive little toy you have there! But your plan ends here" I retorted he continued to puff on his cigar.

Armstrong:*Grins* "Idiot you're not ending our plan you're expanding it, check the internet lately?" I quickly pulled up a few tabs on my HUD revealing news article about this base, one read 'over forty Atlisian soldiers presumed dead' another said 'White Fang terrorists hijacked an Atlas Air force Base'.

Me: "How did you?" I began looking at the news outlets people started commenting on the news feed some readying for retaliation.

Me: "Besides mourning over a few dozen soldiers is tragic, but nothing to start a major war over" I said making him chuckle.

Armstrong: "That's just the spark, son. This is the excuse we've been waiting for. Humans and Faunus can't coexist and with tensions brewing between those dirty animals and Atlas, that will really jump start the economy. Trust me a little war can work wonders" he continues pissing me off with everyword that came out of his mouth.

Me:*Angry*"So grease the wheels with innocent blood is that it?" I interrupted pointing Yamato at him.

Armstrong: "Relax. Jack. It's a 'war on terror.' We're not out to kill innocent civilians. Like the White Fang nothing but a bunch of extremists, lawless gangs. Madmen. Of course that would have to include you." he puffed his cigar again making me growl in frustration.

Armstrong: "Wouldn't want any eyewitness reports complicating the message" He flicked his cigar which I slice when it got close as he walked back into the oval cockpit.

The machine slowly powered back up shaking the ground as it faced me screeching while I got into my combat stance.

It raised two giant High-Frequency sword above itself.

Armstrong: "Now Die! You annoying little shit!" He yells over the intercom bringing both building sized swords down I blocked it using my left hand planting it on Yamato's blade to help guard against the attack. using all my strength creating a crater underneath me pushing it back.

I started attacking the giant blades weaking it, as it brought down the swords again this time I was lucky enough to dodge out of the way before it destroys the ground I was standing on, giving me another opportunity to weaken it's weapons.

Jumping back down to the ground two mechs jumped out of the pit as the giant started charging it's cannons the mechs leaped at me kicking me I blocked cut it's leg off and used Zandatsu ripping out it's core crushing it powering my suit further enhance my speed and temporarily boosting my strength while the other shot a cable into my shoulder trying to restrain me, I pulled out the cable and swung it around in the air tossing it to the side jumping onto it plunging my sword through its head creating more sparks on Yamato's hilt.

As the cannons fired devastating everything that came into contact with the beams I jumped off the mech as the beam touched it destroying it entirely.

Then it started slowly walking back, using its giant blades to sweep the ground I jumped over the first blade blocking the second one as it came from behind eventually it starts using both blades, it began it's attack again I ran straight for the blades rolling between them it tried doing it again only for me to roll through it once more.

It slowly turned revealing one of its many legs, raising up the giant foot to stomp on me I blocked it before the giant leg could flatten me as it continues stomping on my sword making indenting my feet into the ground.

When it stopped I attack the leg, cutting it deep weaking it some more I ran up its leg slashing left and right, flipping onto the base of it's appendage using Zandatsu to cut through its thick armour then completely sliced of the huge leg I jumped back to the ground as I see the machine lose its balance continuing to overwhelm the machine with a barrage of attacks to the head of this mechanical monster weaking it further sparking a bit everytime I cut it.

It uses the same attack as before except this time even faster pushing me nearly to my limits short-circuiting my enhancements giving it a chance to hit me into a giant boulder winding me, knocking Yamato out of my hand.

I looked back at the machine and seen fox block one of its swords he pushed it back throwing his sword embedding it into it's head as it fired two more deadly beams of light as fox back flipped over one only for the second one to sever his left making him grunt in pain, he jumps shooting his arm-mounted laser one last time before the other blade came down pinning his body to the wall rendering him immobile.

Gray fox: "Hey kid" He looks at me his mask slowly breaking away revealing his dull gray orbs tears forming around them.

Armstrong: "In Atlas we don't hunt Foxes we hunt jackals, instead of foxhounds we use royal Harriers! How strong is that exoskeleton of yours?" He asks smashing him against the wall again creating sparks on fox's chest plate.

Armstrong: "Jack, are you just going to sit there and watch him die?" I continued to look on in horror as I seen fox slowly charging his laser before shooting its head.

Gray fox: "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!!!" He shouted shooting out the optics causing his sword to free itself continuously firing his weapon until he ran out of ammo temporarily disabling it's radar making it release him from the wall, falling on a steel beam.

Armstrong: "Impressive. You are indeed worthy of the codename 'Fox'. But your finished!" He said as the cockpit opens I find a stinger on the ground.

Gray fox: "Now! Fire the stinger!" He says with every last bit of strength he had left.

Armstrong: "Can you really shoot? You'll kill him too!" Taking aim at Armstrong I hesitate with my finger on the trigger shaking, looking at Fox and Armstrong.

After a few moments I couldn't bring myself to firing the stinger pulled him off the beam, letting him drop to the ground, stomping on his lower half leaving him pinned underneath the machines foot.

Me: "FOX!!!" I ran to try help Armstrong shot a laser in front of me being forcing me to watch.

Gray fox: "(Y/n)! We're not tools of the government or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing... The only thing I was good at... But at least I always fought for what I believed in..." I continued to look at the state fox was in my eyes watered when I looked at him for once I was glad for the mask.

POV 3rd.

Gray Fox: "(Y/n)? Farwell" he was crushed beneath it's foot.

(Y/n): "FOX!!!" (Y/n) screams blood erupting from underneath it's foot, smearing blood across the scorched land.

(Y/n): "You... You'll pay for this!!" He looked at what remained of Gray Fox, the ground he stood on started shaking and crumbling around him.

A dark red hue formed around (Y/n) eventually engulfing him and becoming so bright nothing was visible soon the ground beneath him caved in.

Rock and debris exploded everywhere revealing a samurai with glowing red eyes, black and red smoke forming in his right hand.

After (Y/n) finished collecting the smoke he clenched his hand into a fist using his other hand to pull the smoke up forming a long thin piece of smoke as he flicked the smoke from the smokey object revealing a smooth black scabbard, he mounted it to his side.

Armstrong: "Still alive, huh? Well let's see you survive this!" He brought down another leg only for (Y/n) to jump onto it running up cutting and slashing up its leg, until he got to the base of it's appendage cleanly severing the giant leg.

As it collapsed to the ground (Y/n) jumped to one of its blades lifting it with all his strength creating sparks on his arms, flipping the entire machine, slamming it into the ground, while it was trying to flip itself over (Y/n) ripped off its sword it spun in the air before crashing down for (Y/n) to grab it, fought the spider looking machine with intensity getting into a sword lock with it before (Y/n) overpowered it by using all his strength.

(Y/n) severed the other sword leaving it completely defenseless, after disabling its weapon (Y/n) used Zandatsu to finish it off with blinding speed cutting through the rest of its armour, (Y/n) finishes it off by slamming the sword on top of it (Y/n) used the momentum from the blade recoiling to launch himself to the top of the machine.

POV (Y/n).

I landed on where the cockpit should've been as a platform opened up to reveal the oval shaped cockpit, when it opens Armstrong came out from inside it fixing his tie.

Armstrong: "Slippery little bastard" he said walking out of the oval shaped compartment, while I continued to stare daggers at him.

Armstrong: "I don't have time for this" he stomped on the platform the whole machine began to shake.

Me: "Oh you've got to be kidding me" just as I finished talking wires burst out of the machine while having the exposed ends facing Armstrong pouring some kind of energy into him.

After all the energy was depleted the legs of the colossus gave out creating a small smoke screen.

When the smoke cleared Armstrong looked visibly more muscular.

Armstrong: "Let's go!" He says while fixing his glasses.

Me: "The hell are you thinking?" Was the only thing I could say before Armstrong charged at me knocking me across the metallic floor.

He picks me up by my head while I try and pry his hand off me.

Armstrong: "Played college ball ya know?" He says while trying to free myself.

Me: "At some Ivy League school!" I retort earning a headbutt in return and receiving a right hook that made me drop to the ground.

He tries throwing another punch I quickly dodge his fist and swung at him my sword being blocked by his arms until I struck his left arm making me lose my balance giving him an opportunity to grab my arms keeping me in a arm lock as he threw punches to my face I kept ducking under each swing before being grabbed by the neck and lifted up while he still restrained my arm, I struggled to breathe and free myself from his grasp.

Armstrong: "Try Atlas academy. Could've gone pro if I hadn't joined the Navy. I'm not one of those beltway pansies, I could break any of the headmasters in two with my bare hands" he said throwing me into the air hard enough to make me back flip involuntarily as I screamed while flipping violently through the air.

Armstrong: "Don't fuck with this Senator!" He shouted kicking me into the closed cockpit I sworn I could heard a crowd cheering like in a highschool playoff.

I struggled a bit to back up I used my new blade as support to get back on my feet.

Me: "What the hell are you?" I stumbled to my feet getting into a defensive stance as he laughed.

Armstrong:*chuckling* "Why don't you stick around and find out?" He grinned deviously at me.

I stood my ground while charging at me blocking one of his fists only losing my balance again as he punched me square in the chest winding me and almost knocking me off the platform.

I quickly got back up nearly being kicked in the face as I dodged a right boot from Armstrong.

I swung my sword at him being flicked away as I got more aggressive swinging at him faster and faster trying to wear him down.

Me: "WHAT!?" I exclaim seeing he'd caught my Katanas blade surprising me.

Armstrong: "Nice knife!" After he said those two words I blanked out remembering my father's death after I regaining my composure as he snaps my Katana in half just like how the cloaked man killed my father I quickly look at my sword which became a dagger in a matter of seconds I backflip barely dodging a uppercut grazing my chin I smirked a bit holding my jaw as he gave me a nasty haymaker which send me flying and grinding my chin against the metal platform when I got back up my jaw was red hot glowing for a bit as I got back up throwing what was left of my sword and threw it at him swatting it away like a bug.

He threw more punches I managed to sidestep a couple of swings until I caught his fist in both of my hands.

Me: "Typical politician... Big promises. But all talk" I struggle pushing against his fist.

Armstrong: "What?" He sounded surprised.

Me: "Jump start the economy? What a load of bullshit!" I pushed him back as he ran at me again.

Me: "All you care about is lining your pockets" I mock blocking an incoming fist and punching him back as he tries kicking me while I kick his leg back down.

Me: "That. and your approval ratings!" I give him a Superman punch making him shield himself.

Me: "You've got no principles, just like all the rest" I said kneeing him in the face making him stagger as I leg swept him away.

Me: "If remnants gone to shit you're just another maggot crawling in the pile!" I yell raising my fists as he slowly got back to his feet.

Armstrong: "Alright, the truth then" he confessed wiping off his face where I'd previously kneed him.

Armstrong: "You're right about one thing. I do need capital and votes, wanna know why? I have a dream!" He said walking toward me as I prepare for any attack.

Me: "What?" I looked at him very confused still not lowering my guard.

Armstrong: "That one day every person in this world will control there own destiny. A world of the truly free damn it" he stopped dead in his tracks which made step back.

Armstrong: "A world of action. Not words. Ruled by strength. Not committee" he says throwing a right hook that I dodged then he gave me an uppercut which made me stumble before being grabbed by the throat again as I try to free myself.

Armstrong: "Where the law changes to suit the individual not the other way around. Where power and justice back where they belong: in the hands of people!" I tried choking him but to no avail he just twisted my arm causing me to let go as he locked my hands with his as he charges almost pushing off the platform while me and Armstrong have a battle of strength pushing against each other.

3rd POV.

Armstrong: "Where every man is free to think *head butts (Y/n) and vice versa* to act for himself!" Armstrong grunts and head butts (Y/n) again making him fall to his knees.

Armstrong: "Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken shit bureaucrats!" He gave (Y/n) a right and left hook winding him as Armstrong grabbed him by the back of his head.

Armstrong: "Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of Trivia and celebrity bullshit" Armstrong slammed his face so hard that it made (Y/n) cough up some blood, Armstrong picks him back him as he prepares to swing.

Armstrong: "Fuck 'Human pride'. Fuck the Media!" He gives (Y/n) a huge left hook which made (Y/n) spin once.

Armstrong: "Fuck all of it" Armstrong kicks (Y/n) square in the chest sending him flying on to his back scraping across the platform.

Armstrong: "This world is diseased. Rotten to the core there's no saving it we need to pull it out by the roots." Armstrong says while (Y/n) gets back up in a small coughing fit.

Armstrong: "Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN!" Armstrong hits him again slamming him face first making him cough more blood as he tries getting back on his feet only to be stomped back into the ground.

Armstrong: "And from the ashes a new world will be born. Evolved but untamed!" He grunted stomping on (Y/n)'s back again.

Armstrong: "The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive free to live as they see fit. They'll make this world great again!" Armstrong shouted pushing his foot down harder on (Y/n)'s back.

(Y/n): "What the hell are you talking about?" (Y/n) wheezed as Armstrong walks away from the broken man on the ground.

Armstrong: "You still don't get it. I'm using war as a business to get elected..." He quickly turned around and kicked (Y/n) flipping him on his back.

Armstrong: "So I can end war as a business" Armstrong looked down at him as he starts having a coughing fit.

Armstrong: "In my new world people will die and kill for what they believe!" As he begins to stomp (Y/n) again.

Armstrong: "Not for money. Not for oil. Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!" Armstrong says while stomping (Y/n) further into the ground with each sentence eventually jumping on his chest like a trampoline.

After he ran out of breath Armstrong grabs a cigar from his back pocket as he retrieved his gold Lighter, lighting his cigar and blowing a cloud of smoke upward.

Armstrong: "So... What do you think?" Armstrong broods over him.

(Y/n): "How the hell did you get elected?" (Y/n) tries pushing his foot off his chest.

Armstrong: "Well I don't write my own speeches." He says walking away from (Y/n) allowing him to breathe and slowly get back up.

POV (Y/n).

Armstrong: "You should try fighting for what you believe in sometime. You should have listened to you're friend. Jack." He said taking a puff of his cigar as I got an idea.

Me: "Maybe I was wrong about you" I held my head in pain.

Armstrong: "Am I finally getting through?" He sounded optimistic while I had a smirk because my plan began to be set in motion.

He helped me back to my feet as he dusted my armour off.

Armstrong: "I'll rid the world of pointless wars. Jack" he reassures me he would still go through with his plan dusting off my shoulders and giving me a hand to shake I look to it then at him giving me a nod of agreement as I held my chest where he'd previously stomped on.

Me: "I was wrong. You're not greedy..." I shake his hand as his facial expression turned into a satisfied one as we embrace in a one armed hug for a moment.

Me: "You're bat shit insane!" I jumped on his arm and quickly put him in a leg lock flipping him to the other side of the platform.

When I got to my feet I was out of breath seeing as it took everything I had to at least flip him he slams his fist into the platform and jumped back up.

Armstrong: "Making the mother of all omelettes here. Jack. Can't feet over every egg" He says irritated.

Me. "Not when you're 'Purging the weak' right? What do you know about being weak? You weren't born poor. You've never been hungry. You don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive" I spat back.

Armstrong: "But you did survive! Through sheer force of will, following your own set of rules, with your own two hands you took back your life" he cuts me off.

Me: "And now I'll take yours" I said pointing at him getting into a martial arts stance.

I ran at him punching him in the face my fists not doing anything he wound up and swings as I block being pushed back a couple of feet.

I looked back up to see a boot flying right towards me not giving me enough time to do anything I got kicked sending me tumbling back.

I managed to get back on one knee then began coughing up the blood that filled my throat I clenched my hand into a fist a ran hitting him dead in the chest doing nothing.

Me: "Ora Ora Ora Ora Oraaa!" I yell repeatedly punching him in the chest as fast as possible while he recoils from some of the blows I looked up at him with shock that quickly turning into determination.

Keeping up with my assault every punch I increase my speed making my fists look a bunch of blurs shooting out like pistons, until I wound up as much as I could and hit Armstrong straight in the chest leaving him unfazed.

I looked at him shocked while he fixed his glasses, before going right back to punching him as hard and as fast as I could go.

I stopped for a second to look at him then unleashing my final strike hitting him with both fists making him slide back mostly unfazed by my attacks, leaving me wide open for an attack as I caught my breath.

Me: "Why won't you die?!" I ask angrily making him chuckle some more ripping off his business shirt revealing black veins leading to where his heart should be.

Armstrong: "Nano-machines, son." He said extending his right arm turning a dark grey almost black beginning from the collection of veins on his chest.

Armstrong: "They harded in response to physical trauma" he continues to look at his fist slamming it into the platform breaking it leaving a small crater.

Armstrong: "You can't hurt me, Jack." I ran straight for him winding up my fist punching him hard as I could only slightly tilting his head.

Armstrong: "What did I just say?" He says punching me in the chest sending me flying a good twenty feet.

Armstrong: "Time to end this" Armstrong said straddling my chest and proceeds to punch me in the face again, stopping to switch to punch my chest indenting me into the platform.

Armstrong: "Die. Die. Die. Die" he says punching even faster than before making me apart of the platform, Armstrong stops for a second before winding up his fist.

Armstrong: "Die, you piece of shit!" Punched in the chest so hard it sent me through the machine creating a huge explosion engulfing both of us, debris crashing down all around me.

When the smoke cleared I was still stuck in the ground as Armstrong walked toward me.

Armstrong: "All right. I think we're about done here..." He says cracking his fingers while I try to muster up some strength to defend myself.

???: "(Y/n)." I hear a soft stern voice called from a distance.

I shifted my focus to where the voice originated and to my complete shock seeing Fox on one of the mech's legs only having two limbs left blood flowing out of his arm and leg stumps, holding his sword with his only other arm.

(Y/n): "Fox!" I said still in shock surprised that he's alive.

Gray Fox: "begin audio playback" Fox said as my voice could be heard from his armor.

Recording (Y/n): "Hey Fox?"

Recording Fox: "Yeah kid?"

Recording (Y/n): "I think this will be my final mission"

Recording Fox: "Is that so?"

Recording (Y/n): "Yeah I want to use my skills to save people, instead of Jack the Ripper I want my blade to become a Tool of justice"

Recording Fox:*chuckling* "I knew you'd want to do something like that" the recording stops as Armstrong speaks up.

Armstrong: "Both of you are starting to be a royal pain in my ass. So you think that little sword can save your friend?" He points to Fox's blade then at me.

Armstrong: "Well go ahead. But make no mistake. Fido. When I'm finished with him. You're next" he taughts Fox even further.

Gray Fox: "I was trained not to fear death. Nor any other emotions. But that all changed when I met (Y/n). If I die here today I'll gladly lay down my life for this kid" Fox voice began to break saying this.

Armstrong: "That's a good boy. Loyalty to the bitter end" Armstrong ridicules him.

Gray Fox: "(Y/n). I know after this you wanted to become a hunter to help and save people... But you can't unless you stop holding back" I continue to stare at him knowing this to be true.

Gray Fox: "I know why you never kill unless you ever needed too but you don't have to hold back any longer. And besides this isn't your sword" his lips shifted into a small grin.

Armstrong: "You little fuck!" His facial expression turned into one of anger and leaps to the edge of the crater Fox tossing his weapon toward me Armstrong landing on the leg while I catch Fox's blade.

Armstrong: "Damn Mutt!" Kicking fox off the edge into more mechanical legs.

Me: "Armstrong!!!" I yell echoing throughout the crater load enough for him to hear which made him turn towards me.

Me: "Like you've heard my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not for vengeance..." I say unsheathing Fox's sword.

Me: "But now... Now I'm not so sure. And besides like Fox said this isn't my sword". My eyes glowed even brighter pointing the blade at Armstrong.
Armstrong leaps off the leg creating a small crater beneath him as he takes off his glasses.

Armstrong: "Come on!" He lands a few meters away taughting me and throwing his glasses to the side.

Me: "Ok. Let's dance!" I readying myself two handing Fox's sword bringing up beside my face in a striking position.

(Play this, seeing as you're pretty much raiden)

Wind blew whistling through the crater, after it stopped Armstrong ran at me his arms outstretched trying to grab me I slid between his legs confusing him as I backflip slashing him as his skin turned back into a steel grey some Nano-machines being chipped off with every swing I smiled knowing that I'm doing damage knowing that he's not totally invincible.

I leaped off his head giving me some distance between us, I put Fox's sword back my hand a few inches above its handle.

Armstrong: "What? Giving up already?" He asks me as I stayed silent.

Armstrong: "Fine. I'll just come to you!" He says charging at me as he sees me sheath Fox's sword again.

(Y/n): "Die" dozens of red slashes appear around him I finish sheathing Fox as the sword clicked the slashes exploded causing more of his armor to shave off making him stumble back.

His face turned from confidant to anger as he jumps up on one of the mechs legs as he picks up one of the legs throwing it at me as it got closer I used Zandatsu slashing through the giant piece of debris cutting through the leg Armstrong tried to grab me again I slash his face stunning him as he flew into me I spun around tossing him into a wall of debris and broken millitary equipment as it came crashing down, Armstrong roars exploding debris everywhere as his eyes glowing a slight red from the Nano-machines inside his body.

Me: "What's wrong? Can't keep up? I'm going to make you suffer for what you've done..." My voice said on its own accord angering him I slash at his arms and legs weaking him shaving off some Nano-machines nearly missing a couple of incoming fists.

Armstrong begins charging his final attack the green energy forming around him as his Nano-machines protected the front part of his body I start sprinting toward him attacking as I run shaving off more of his armor once I finished my barrage of attacks I looked back seeing his steel grey skin was turning back into it's normal colour.

He leaped back on a leg picking up another large piece of debris this time I didn't need to use Zandatsu I attacked so fast when it got remotely close it fell to pieces Armstrong tried going for a left hook but I just cut his face and threw him into another wall of debris bursting out of the mountain of rubble.

Armstrong: "You know what? Fuck this war. I just want you dead" he said winding up a left hook and running way faster than I could react in time, punching me away Fox's sword imbedded in front of me I turn onto my back seeing Armstrong jumping into the air going to elbow slam me I retaliate by kicking him in the side of his chest sending him flying I use the momentum of my kick to land on my feet.

I ran back kicking Fox out of the ground catching it as Armstrong grabs my throat again slamming me into the ground and began choking me to death I flip over his arm kicking him in the face knocking him back as I dropped to the ground retrieving Fox Armstrong winded up his right fist and trys punching me I cut his hand making him stumble as he tries to use his other fist which I just slashed it away.

This time he ran at me again except this time I was ready as he neared I slash diagonally upward making a mixture of blood and Nano-machines quickly spinning around and stabbing him in the abdomen as blood spurts out I let go of the handle letting him stand back up wobbling from blood loss.

We looked at eachother for a brief second before he lets out a roar attacking me I push against his hands headbutting him and grabbing Fox as he stood there stunned.

I use Zandatsu one last time cutting and slashing at where his heart should have been cutting through the rest of his armor blood splattering everytime I retract my sword.

Me: "We're done here!" I ram my fist punching into the left side of his chest, blood bursting out of his torso coughing up blood while my hand still lodged inside his chest.

Armstrong: "Well done, Jack..." He says weakly twisting my fist deeper into his chest.

Me: "Your dream dies with you." My voice took control of itself again like someone or something is controlling me, as I prepare to rip my hand free Armstrong stops me by grabbing my shoulder pulling me close to his face whispering with his fleeing strength.

Armstrong: "Maybe not... You've guaranteed the status quo will go on, for a while longer at least... War... Will continue as an institution. As an industry. Men will fight for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in..." He rambles on coughing up blood in the process.

Armstrong: "But at least I'll leave a worthy successor... You, Jack." I give him a blank stare.

Armstrong: "You carve your own path, use any methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullshit get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it..." He stops rambling as I put my other hand on his shoulder ripping out his heart as blood splashes on my face tubes from his leading to his heart Armstrong falling on his back as I crush his heart in my hand.

Armstrong:*Weakly* "Deep inside... We're kindred spirits... You... And I..." He says with life draining from his eyes while (Y/n) looms over his corpse.

???: 'excellent. I'm glad you're putting my power to good use" a voice says as I quickly scan the area and seeing that Armstrong was still dead.

Me: "Who the hell are you show yourself!" I call out hearing no response.

???: '(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n) how could you forget me I saved you when those bullies came I granted you strength when you needed it. I am a monument to all your sins. I am you and you are me.' The voice replied I figured out that the voice was inside my head bs must have been controlling my voice and my drastic power increase.

Me: "You... You made me into a monster you didn't save me you killed them all, I almost puked what you did to them. You're probably the reason Armstrong attacked the village burned it down and killed my father! You think I'd want your help? Fuck you!" I scream at the voice.

???: 'I don't like it much either, I'd take much more pleasure in killing you and taking over the world.' he says snarky like I sigh in response rubbing my eyes.

Me: "Alright. What do I call you?" I ask the disembodied voice.

???: 'Hmm, I like your nickname. Jack the Ripper. It's got a nice ring to it.' He replied kind of excited at the name.

Me: "Alright, let's get out of here before the rest of Desperado comes" I said jumping up to where Fox was knocked away by Armstrong during the battle.

Jack: 'Hey (Y/n) I have to tell you I only came out to introduce myself I also forgot to mention when you kill without mercy or are in too much pain, me and our personalities merge. Driving you just as insane and bloodthirsty as I." After he said this it began to worry me.

Me: "So I can't do that thing I did when I fought Armstrong?" I question as I sheath Fox's blade.

Jack: 'That's you're power now, use that feeling you felt when Fox got hurt protecting you' he explains to me

Me: "What about you me and you merging?" I ask waiting for an answer.

Jack: 'I only came out when you got hurt and also just to see the terror as I make him suffer, that's why I came back out.' he said as I try to ask him another question but getting no response.

Me: 'Alright, I have to be careful I can't kill unless I need to.' I thought to myself as I came across a blood trail I followed it for a couple of minutes to see Fox laying dead on the ground slumped up against a boulder.

Me:*Sigh* "Fox... I'm sorry I wanted you to see me become the greatest samurai and hunter in the world, heh no chance of that happening now hey?" I asked clearly still in denial I looked beside Fox and seen Yamato and it's scabbard with Fox clutching a blackbox in his hand, I picked up and played the tape.

Recording Fox:*violent coughing* " Hey kid... *Cough* I'm not going to make it, probably know by now cause of the obvious... *Coughing* That last hit broke my rib punctured my lung I'm bleeding out... But I know you'll win kid... *Coughs* You always do... Keep the sword... It's yours now...*static background from the fight*. The recording stopped I grab Yamato tying it to my side I picked up Fox's body I dig a hole carefully placing fox in the grave.

Me: "So long Fox, you were like a dad to me" I smiled shedding a tear.

I began to walk out of the base I seen three other people a skinny tall long haired cyborg wielded a sai in each hand with tiny lighting bolts running down the weapons, another was twice the size of me, he was massive also being a cyborg as well, I'm a Tall guy but he makes me look kind of short next to him, he uses dual machetes holding both in each hand. The last person had a katana like mine but a little bit longer and glowed Bright red with electricity running across the blade.

Me: "Who the hell are you?" I growled at the three.

???1: "Hehehe. Well aren't you charming. I'm Sundowner, this is Sam and monsoon." He answered with a sort of redneck accent, pointing at said names at his sides.

Sam: "So, this is the legendary Jack the Ripper?" The man with the katana.

Me: "No one calls me that any more. Jack's dead." I give the man known as 'Sundowner' a blank stare.

Sundowner: "Hmm, really? Oh well nevermind that I see that you killed my boss, great job but I just lost my paycheck and now I'm pissed off." He looks at me with a stern look.

Me: "Well what are you going to do about it?" I continued to stare him down I dropped to my knees unable to stand after that fight.

Sundowner: "I'm going to let monsoon have his fun." The cyborg duel wielding the sai stepped up.

Monsoon: "How pleased you are to chop away at Armstrong. Jack the Ripper." He said with a condescending tone.

Monsoon: "my name is monsoon of the winds of destruction" he grins underneath his helmet only covering the top portion of his face.

Me: "Ugh. Yeah I guessed as much" I groan trying to stand back up as a purple mist emerged from his body joints on his arms and legs even his torso seperates into for evenly sized pieces all while being held together by purple lighting originating from his chest.

Monsoon: "Feasting on the insides of your enemies. How easily you ignore the loss of life, when it suits your own convenience. So tell me; who saves the weak' from the man who saves the weak?" He talks down to me.

Me: "Your the one exploiting them. You take advantage of their weaknesses... Of course they'd get hurt when you set them up as your human shield." I spat still trying to regain strength.

Monsoon: "Kill or be killed, Jack." I soon drowned out the sound of his voice my body stood still like I'd been frozen even if I wanted to move I couldn't, being able to move and control my eyes was about as much as I could muster.

I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing as a crack of a gunshot went off behind me.

3rd POV.

Having ducked his head just in time for a bullet to whizz right over.

(Y/n): "You're right about one thing... About me I mean, I thought after this I could walk off the Battlefield and into a normal life. But here I am surrounded by death, arguing philosophy with terrorists. I told myself this was about justice. About protecting the weak. But I was wrong." (Y/n) stares down at the battle scarred ground.

Monsoon: "Then you admit it?" He asks waiting for a response.

(Y/n): "I learned young that killing your enemies felt good. Real good. In my village, my family... my friends... They helped me forget the devil inside. But who am I kidding? I was born to kill." He slams his fist into the ground cracking it making a small crater.

Monsoon: "Kill him!" A cyborg runs at (Y/n) stabbing him in the middle of his chest (Y/n) started laughing hysterically insane almost frightening the cyborg as he let go of his sword.

(Y/n): "Is that all you got?" (Y/n) stared daggers at the cyborg also to monsoon (Y/n) grabs the handle of the sword sticking out of his chest and slowly pulls it out grunting and growling in pain as his eyes turning silver as a silver aura forms around him.

Monsoon: "What the hell? What happened to you?" Monsoon asks (Y/n) as he rips the sword out of his chest spraying blood from the wound.

As the three cyborgs tried to attack him (Y/n) stabs the one that tries going for Yamato lying on the ground in front of him, he tried grabbing Yamato getting his sword pinned through his hand and into the ground as (Y/n) stomps on the blades handle which flies into the air before kicking it into one of the cyborg's abdomen, then ripping Yamato out cutting both cyborgs in half.

While the cyborg tries to free itself (Y/n) stomped on the blade pushing it deeper into the ground as he sever his arm from below the elbow blood shooting out slashing his torso diagonally across the top part of his body slowly slid off (Y/n) kicks the lower portion infront of monsoon.

Monsoon: "Sundowner, Sam get out of here. I'll handle this" (Y/n) finally opens his eyes being silver orbs rather than his normal (E/c).

(Y/n) took one step forward then shot forward at blinding speed delivering a kick to Monsoon's face knocking him away.

Monsoon: "What are you? You've lost your mind" he said jumping back onto his feet twirling his kunai trying to intimidate (Y/n) only getting the same blank stare as a reaction.

Monsoon: "nngh, I've misjugded you. You are like us after all." Monsoon grunts jumping onto his feet, (Y/n) still staring him down getting into a striking stance, making Monsoon smile as his helmet dropped down covering his entire face.

(Y/n) moved so fast behind Monsoon he didn't have enough time to react to (Y/n) kicking him in the back sending him flying as (Y/n) drew Yamato slashing infront of himself blue slashes appearing around Monsoon while still in the air (Y/n) sheathed Yamato when the handle clicked the slashes explode making a clanking noise as Monsoon body parts were floating around being controlled by magmatism Monsoon's limbs and body reformed on a ledge as he swung his kunai around using his magmatism to summon nearby metal debris.

(Y/n) looks at the palm of his hand looking at the aura that surrounded him as Monsoon launches a spinning blade of flaming debris ready to crush (Y/n).

(Y/n) ran head on at the flaming pile of debris his hand above Yamato ready to use it on a dime (Y/n) appeared on the other side of the wheel his arm and Yamato extended out as he sheathed his blade when his finished the giant pile of debris exploded into flaming pieces of molten metal and concrete while (Y/n) slowly walked towards monsoon flaming debris flying at (Y/n) when one nearly smashed into him swatting it away while continuing to nonchalantly walk forward.

Monsoon threw a grenade that exploded into smoke obstructing (Y/n)'s vision making him close his eyes as Monsoon uses this to his advantage preparing to attack as (Y/n)'s body reacted without the need for sight or any senses flipping over the incoming attack slicing and cutting apart his entire body small spurts of blood flying every sword swing when (Y/n) was finished the smoke dissipated revealing a pile of body parts with ends that were light grey, eventually the purple hue came back the limbs floating above each other showing he wasn't dead.

(Y/n): "So. You're power is magmatism. This won't be a problem" (Y/n) said in monotone voice as Monsoon jumped back the the ledge of the crater using his magmatism to lift a giant chunk of machinery forming a jagged spear throwing it at (Y/n) as he waited patiently for the debris to get near him.

(Y/n) leaps up just before the spear destroys the patch of ground (Y/n) had previously been on, running across the spear jumping off the end of the edge cutting through a rouge piece of metal kicking Monsoon into the wall kicking further into the cliff as (Y/n) back flips to gain a miniscule amount of distance between them just enough for Monsoon to see the serious look on (Y/n)'s face activating Zandatsu cutting apart his helmet as (Y/n) continued to work his way down cutting away his limbs and body to pieces to the point it would be impossible for him to reform his body after an attack like that.

(Y/n) fell back down to the ground flicking Yamato cleaning the blood from the massacre that just occurred.

After (Y/n) sheathed Yamato he dropped to his knees panting heavily holding his chest in pain.

(Y/n): *Panting* "Jack... What was that?" (Y/n) asks with labored breathing as Jack stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up.

Jack: "No, (Y/n). That wasn't my power." Jack paused for a moment looking for the right words.

POV (Y/n).

Jack: "That was your power. That's you're semblance, just take a look at your hand" I did as I was instructed looking at my right hand I seen it had been healed I look at other parts of my body to see the bruises that I'd got from fighting Armstrong had disappeared.

Me: "What the hell?" I whispered checking for any damage.

Me: "Jack. What is this?" I question wondering how I have no visible wounds.

Jack: "My guess is that you're semblance takes control of your body functions when you're close to death, it seems that you go into a state of complete alertness letting you either defend or attack, it also looks like when deactivated it seems to heal all damage taken but leaves you wide open for an attack." Jack explains as I give a puzzled look.

Jack: *Sigh* "It means that you're body moves on its own" he gives me the simplified version.

Me: "So, that's why I couldn't move and how my body knew exactly where he'd attack next" I ask Jack thinking about my semblance.

Jack: "Yeah, that's the gist of it. Oh I forgot to tell you I won't always be available but like I said killing or too much pain will make my personality merge with yours" he reiterates his explanation from earlier.

(Y/n): "Well, time to get the hell out of dodge" I whispered to myself grabbing a tattered cloak from the ground.

Timeskip 2 days later.

It's been two days since Fox died I've just been traveling to this place called beacon I managed to get my armor fixed when I stopped in this harbor village looking for a boat headed for Vale, deciding to take a break and stopped at a local bar.

I walked up to bartender and ordered a shot of whiskey.

Me:*sigh* "I really wish you where here." I drank my drink signaling for another as I look at a picture of me and Fox smiling as I turn my head towards Fox's sword.

Me: "Hey, do you know if there are any boats heading for Vale?" I ask the bartender drinking my whiskey.

Bartender: "Yeah. If you want to catch that boat you got to wait a bit, looks like their still unloading cargo." I take a look out the window seeing cargo crates being unloaded by a crane as the bar tender noticed the picture in my hand.

Bartender: "Was he a friend? Dad maybe?" The bartender asked me with a curious tone.

I quickly folded up the picture and put it in my pocket.

Me: "He was a friend, eventually he turned into the father I never had" I told the bartender as I finish my drink standing up grabbed Fox and tying it to my side.

Bartender: "Looks like their done offloading the cargo." He said looking out the window cleaning a glass with a white dishtowel.

(Y/n): "Thanks for the help." I say walking away from the counter leaving some money for the drinks.

I was still pretty saddened by his death but I know he wouldn't want me to mourn him forever, I look at the letter he gave me it said not to open it until my birthday.

Then I started walking to the docks checking if I had all of my possessions.

Me: 'guess its time to start a new life in vale' I thought smirking as the wind blew away my cloak.

While I walking to the docks and look at the boat going to vale.

Me: "Thank you. For everything you did for me Fox" I said my voice cracking as I speak while I heard a familiar voice whisper something "I'm proud of you" I heard before I saw a transparent Gray fox standing on top of a crane with his arms crossed I looked around quickly to see if anyone else sees the apparition I look back to see that it was real making my eyes start to water I wave for him to wave back I when I wiped my eyes clean he was no where to be seen.

(This is 10x the original with over 12000 words and I'm sorry I haven't been uploading and going dark for almost a year, I got my house broken into my PC got snatched and I was sick for 2 months)

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