Saved By Grace

By lgdallas

7.8K 691 123

"So, if we hadn't run into each other, then you'd have gone home and I wouldn't have known you were here. Why... More

AN 12/07/2020
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 9

263 17 2
By lgdallas

It was late morning when Grace woke to find Liza sleeping on her stomach, her face turned to Grace with her hands under head. Grace was able to look her over without distraction, she noticed that her color was better. Grace got out of bed and quietly left the room. She stopped to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth on her way down to the kitchen.

Everyone was eating breakfast when she walked in, "Morning."

"How's Liza?" Jess asked.

"Still asleep. I'm glad her phone hasn't rang."

"Sheriff Baxter was here earlier to check on her. Said he'd take over the rest of the weekend." Cali told her.

"She's going to love that. I'll probably have to drug her to get her to take it easy." Grace commented as she opened the fridge.

"I prepped her some grapes and strawberries. I would like to see her eat some protein." Jess stated.

Grace grabbed the bowl of fruit and a bottle of water. Cali handed her a glass of juice on her way past.

"Good luck!" Jess yelled.

"If anybody can get her to take it easy it will be Grace." Meg mentioned.

Liza came out of the bathroom as Grace turned to climb the stairs to their room, "Hi." Grace smiled at her, "I've got breakfast in bed."

"I need to check in."

"Sheriff Baxter was here. He's taking over the rest of the weekend." Grace waited for the explosion but it never came. Liza just shrugged and followed Grace upstairs.

"You're not upset?" Grace asked as she sat in the middle of the bed.

"Work? Or breakfast in bed with you? Not a hard choice to make." Liza walked across the bed and sat with her back to the wall. Taking the drinks from Grace, she put them on the nightstand. She grabbed Grace's legs and pulled her closer. Grace turned sideways between Liza's legs.

Grace plucked a strawberry out of the bowl and bit into it. Liza caught her hand and drew the other half into her mouth. Grace's breath caught when Liza sucked the juice from her finger. "We're not going to be able to eat together if we keep turning it into something sensual."

Liza caressed Grace's inner thigh, "Everything is sensual with you." She leaned in for a kiss and groaned at the knock on the door. "Go away!"

Cali opened the door a crack, "Everybody decent?"

"No, come back later." Liza growled.

"Come in." Grace laughed and set the bowl of fruit between her and Liza.

Cali pushed the door all the way open to reveal Jess next to her in the doorway. "We wanted to make sure everything was okay. Figured there would have been a tantrum or two by now."

"You did tell her the sheriff was here didn't you?" Jess asked as she came in and sat on the bed.


Jess and Cali looked at Liza like she'd grown a second head.

"What?" Liza asked as she ate a grape.

"You've been forced to take time off and you're calm?" Cali was in awe.

Liza shrugged, "Why get upset? I'm not going to get any time off in the next two weeks. I have battle assembly next weekend so I figured I'd take the time where I can get it." She turned to look at Grace, "Besides, it means more time with Grace."

"So you're actually going to take it easy?" Jess questioned, drawing Liza's attention away from Grace.

"For the most part, yes. I do have something I need to go take care of though." She absentmindedly ran her hand up and down Grace's calf. "I need to go see my dad. He's been calling in, making a nuisance of himself just to get me there. So, I need to go take care of it."

"You're not going alone are you?" Cali inquired.

"No, I'm going." Grace said. Reaching for a few grapes from the bowl. Liza squeezed Grace's leg lightly as she watched her pop one into her mouth. Grace turned to look at Liza with a knowing smile and Liza fisted her other hand into Grace's shorts at the back of her waist.

Liza plucked a strawberry out of the bowl and bit into it. "He shouldn't be a problem. Baxter told me he's been seeing someone and she's usually there on the weekends." She looked at Grace as she ate the other half of the strawberry, licking the juice from her thumb.

Grace laid her head down on her raised knee facing Liza. Locking eyes, she reached behind her and squeezed Liza's thigh. Liza cleared her throat as she reached for the glass of juice. She took a drink before she handed the glass to Grace.

"I had to stop by there yesterday because he kept calling in. He made it personal as soon as we got out of the truck so we left. Deputy Matthews wrote the report." She put the glass back on the nightstand when Grace handed it back to her. "Speaking of work, does Mike hang out with Dennis a lot?"

"I know Dennis has been around the shop a lot. He comes into the bar with him at least two nights a week. Why?" Cali finally made her way over to sit on the bed.

"I'm not supposed to talk about it but I have to protect mine." Liza stated.

Jess nodded then said, "So, everything stays in this room."

"If you have any way of getting Mike to stay away from him then do it. He is big time bad news." Liza begged. "I can't talk to Mike about it, he wouldn't believe me anyway. But I have to try to protect you."

"I don't want you to do anything to lose your job either." Cali responded, grabbing Liza's hand.

"I won't, but you guys all come first." Liza squeezed her fingers.

"Okay, on a different note. Liza, get some color in this room. Even the Army decorates better than you do." Cali joked.

"Thanks, I'll get right on that." Liza laughed.

"Alright let's go. I have some things to do in town." Jess said as she stood and made her way to the door.

Cali patted Grace's knee before she stood and left the room. Closing the door behind her.

"It is rather drab in here." Grace agreed.

"Decorate all you want." Liza said, grabbing Grace's legs and turning her to face her. She grabbed Grace by her hips urging her closer so that they were sitting between each other's legs.

"I just might."

"I'll get you money from the bank, you can shop away." Liza whispered as she caressed her legs from knee to hip.

"Have any requests?" Graced asked as Liza nuzzled her neck.

"No flowers. Lots of blue or dark green. I love seeing you in those colors. Highlights your eyes." Liza pulled Grace's shirt over her head. "Probably need a new mattress." Liza said before she suckled a nipple into her mouth.

"Whole bed." Grace moaned.

Liza moved to her other breast, "As long as it's on the floor I don't care."


"Grace." Liza said as she managed to change their positions so that Grace was on her back.


"Shut up." Liza kissed her passionately.

They pulled up at Rodger Dawes' house later that afternoon. Rodger stepped out onto the porch as Grace stepped aside to let Liza out of the truck. He leaned against a porch post and just watched.

Liza closed the truck door and met his stare, "Are you going to be nice?"


"We're not going to stay if you're not."

A dark haired woman stepped out on the porch, "He'll be nice. Won't you Rodger?"

He grunted and went into the house. Liza laced her fingers with Grace's as they made their way to the porch.

"You must be Liza," the woman said as she met them at the top of the steps.

She released Grace's hand to shake the other woman's. "Yes ma'am, and this is my girlfriend Grace."

"I'm Louise Brody." She held her hand out to both young women. "It's nice to finally meet you. Please, come inside." She led the way to the door and opened it, stepping aside to allow them in ahead of her.

Liza took hold of Grace's hand again as she led her inside. When she spied Rodger in his recliner across the room, Liza instinctively pulled Grace behind her to shield her.

"What do you say Rodger?" Louise prompted, following the young women into the room.

"About what? Grown man shouldn't have to apologize for anything in his own home."

"I didn't come here for any apologies. Frankly, there isn't enough time in the world for that."

"Liza!" Grace scolded.

"You see that! Grown woman still has no respect." Rodger growled as he stood.

"Rodger Dawes, you apologize to your daughter right this instant." Louise countered as she took a few steps across the room toward him. "Girls, please sit."

Liza slowly led Grace to the small couch closest to them. Sitting down, Liza never let go of Grace's hand. Louise sat on the end of the other couch closest to Rodger.

"Rodger." She prompted again.

"Oh alright. I apologize for the way I behaved yesterday when you stopped by." He didn't make eye contact with her but Liza was still amazed that the words were even said. Not once in her life had she ever heard him apologize for anything.

"Thank you. I apologize for my earlier comment." She felt Grace squeeze her hand.

After a few moments of silence Louise spoke, "We heard about last night, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm good."

"Would you girls like some lemonade?" She stood without waiting for an answer and headed for the kitchen.

"I'll help you." Grace offered. She patted Liza's knee encouragingly before she stood and followed Louise.

"You look just like your mother," Rodger said quietly, "You've got her Indian coloring."

Liza looked at him in shock.

"Your hair is shorter than she wore hers but I guess that makes it easier in the Army."

She couldn't find her voice so she just nodded.

"So, you and the young Phillips girl? I remember two younger ones following you and your friends around."

"Meg James."

"Yes, the widow's youngest granddaughter. Five of you all together. Never figured out how that old woman handled all of you." He chuckled.

Grace and Louise returned to the living room then with Grace carrying a tray that she placed on the coffee table. Liza watched the older woman hand her father a glass of lemonade. She couldn't remember a time ever seeing him drink anything that didn't have alcohol in it.

Louise caught her expression as she sat with her own glass. "He hasn't had a drink in almost two years."

Liza chuckled as she shook her head.

"It's true!" Rodger bellowed.

"I'm not doubting it. It's just that I quit drinking too. Well, quit getting drunk anyway. I still have an occasional beer but I used to get drunk every chance I could."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Louise inquired.

"There was an incident just after Thanksgiving in Iraq that almost killed me." Liza laced her fingers with Grace's when she laid her hand on Liza's thigh.

"How would..." Rodger started to ask.

Liza looked at him, he almost looked like he was in pain, "Go ahead."

"How would I have known if anything had happened to you?"

"Jess or Cali would have come to you."

He nodded, "Thanks for that. I know I wasn't the kind of father I should have been and there's nothing I can do to make up for it. But I promise to try to be better now if you'll let me."

Liza was speechless, she had no idea how to respond. Grace squeezed her fingers, getting her attention. Liza returned the smile Grace gave her. She looked back at her dad, "I'd like that."

They stayed for over an hour just making small talk. Grace invited them over for Sunday Supper the following day. When they stood to leave Rodger and Louise followed them out. Liza opened the truck door and got in then reached over to help pull Grace up into the truck. Liza returned Louise's wave as they backed out of the drive.

When Grace turned the truck toward home Liza asked "Why do I feel like I just stepped out of an alternate universe or something?"

"It wasn't what I expected either."

"It's great that he's turned his life around but I'm not ready to fully trust him yet. Does that make me a bad person?"

"I think it makes you human. He made your life hell and there isn't anybody in this world that would think any less of you for being leery of him."

Liza raised their joined hands to her lips to kiss the back of Grace's hand. "Thank you for going with me. I don't think I'd have stayed long enough to make it inside the house if you weren't there."

Grace squeezed her fingers, "I'm glad I could go." She paused to look at Liza, "Louise seems nice."

"She does. I think the changes in him are due to her."

"I think so too." Grace agreed as she pulled in at home and parked the truck.

They walked hand in hand toward the house until Liza stopped and tugged Grace back to her. Pulling her face to face and reaching for her other hand. They stood there for a moment just looking in each other's eyes. Hands locked together at their sides.

Liza cleared her throat to ask, "Do you want to do something this evening?"

Grace raised her hand and touched the dark circles under Liza's eyes with the pad of her thumb, "I think we need to take it easy here around the fire tonight. You still need to rest. Your color is back but you still have circles under your eyes."

Liza nodded then leaned her forehead to Grace's, "Sounds good." She lightly kissed her lips. "How about a movie on the couch in the meantime?"

"Sure. What do you want to watch?" Grace asked as they stepped into the kitchen. Grace went to the fridge and got out two waters, handed one to Liza.

"You pick. I'll go up and get us a pillow." Liza returned a few minutes later, tossed a couple of pillows on the end of the couch.

When Grace had the DVD player going she turned toward the couch. Noticing that Liza had changed her shirt she asked. "How are the stitches?"

"A little sore from my shirt rubbing them but good."

Grace lightly laid her palm over them to check for heat. With Liza's naturally tanned skin it was hard to see if there was any redness. "No fever." Grace said as she pulled her hand away.

Liza slipped her sandals off and stretched out on her right side on the couch. Grace laid down in front of her with her back to her.

Jess found them both asleep an hour later when she and the other girls arrived home. "I'm worried about Liza." She said to Cali when she walked back into the kitchen.

"How so?" Cali asked as she helped put groceries away.

"She's exhausted and won't admit it. Every day this week she's gone from sunup to past sundown. The only reason she's resting now is because she got stabbed."

"Grace being here helps too. I noticed she was nonstop while Grace was at school. Where are they now?"

"Asleep on the couch."

"Really?" Cali quietly made her way into the living room to see for herself. "Seeing them like that, I can't help but wonder how they hadn't managed to come together before now. They're so in tune with each other."

"It's amazing." Jess agreed. "John said that Liza was being a handful in the ER last night until Grace got there. He said it was like a switch had been flipped."

"Oh yeah? John said? When did John say that?"

"This morning. He didn't have Liza's number so he called me to check on her." Jess covered.

"Sister dear, you're a lousy liar. I'm a small town bartender, I hear more confessions than a priest."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Cali just laughed and let it go.

Grace woke slowly. Judging by the slow even breaths on her neck, she figured Liza was still asleep. Somehow in their sleep their hands had become laced together with Liza's over the top of hers. She marveled at the stark differences in their skin tones. Liza's Native American coloring against her pale white, common to being a ginger. She admired her long, slender fingers. Her pulse quickened when she thought about what Liza did to her with those fingers.

She jolted when Liza kissed her neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Liza raised up on her elbow to allow Grace to lay on her back a little. The lighting was dim but she could still see Grace's face. "What were you thinking?"

"Nothing." Grace whispered.

"Liar." She chuckled before she leaned down and lightly kissed Grace. "Your heart rate picked up, I felt it in your neck."

"I was admiring your fingers." She breathlessly admitted.

"My fingers?" Liza questioned, then smiled when she realized where Grace's thoughts had gone. Hearing voices coming from the kitchen Liza whispered, "I haven't decided if your sexual appetite is what it is because you're new to sex or if you're just an insatiable minx." Liza moved to trail kisses down Grace's neck.

"Are you complaining?" Grace asked as she shifted her body to accommodate Liza's roaming lips.

Liza rolled slightly over onto Grace so that her thigh pressed into Grace's center. "No." She moaned in answer when Grace arched her hips against Liza.

"Maybe you're the cause of my appetite."

"I'm good with that too." Liza moved back to Grace's lips. "We need to cool this off or we're going to embarrass whoever is in the kitchen."

"That probably wouldn't be a good thing."

Just then the front door opened and Rachel walked in. Both women turned to look at her and laughed.

"Do you two know how to do that in a bedroom?"

"Yes, but it's more fun here." Grace answered.

"Are you jealous? Come here, we'll include you." Liza teased as she and Grace sat up to make room for Rachel to sit.

Sitting next to Liza, she asked "How are you?"

"Ah, wanting to pick my brain are you?"

Rachel shrugged, "It was a traumatic experience, I just want to make sure you are okay."

Liza put her arm around Rachel's shoulders, pulled her into a half hug, "I appreciate the concern but I'm okay and you can pass that along to the nosy bodies in the kitchen doorway too."

"How'd you know we were here?" Meg asked.

"Baby girl, your reflections are in the T.V." Liza laughed.

"Liza, when was your last pain pill?" Jess asked from the doorway.

"This morning, why?"

"How's your pain?"


The other three women entered the room then, each carrying a beer for themselves and one for each already on the couch. Meg sat next to Rachel. Grace moved to sit across Liza's and Rachel's laps freeing space for Jess and Cali to sit down on Liza's right.

Cali leaned forward to look at Rachel, "Are you sure you want inducted into this crazy entourage?"

Rachel laughed, "Are you kidding? You guys are addicting."

"She's probably going to write a book about us and get rich off of it." Meg joked.

"Hey, I just might consider that. It would have to be a series though. There's never a dull moment around here."

"Oh sure there is." Jess said sarcastically, "You'd have to be here while Grace is at school to see it though." She paused to take a drink from her beer, "Liza is naturally broody, but this last week after you two left she was even more so."

"Bite me." Liza growled.

"Grace definitely has a knack for smoothing her rough edges." Meg added.

Liza looked at Grace, "I have no idea what they're talking about."

"Yeah right." Jess scoffed, "I'm surprised your bedroom door is still on its hinges from being slammed so much."

"Not to mention the tossing and turning and the pacing." Meg commented. "You're room is right above mine." She added when Liza looked at her.

"Grace isn't much different." Rachel spoke up. "Mopes around the apartment with her phone in her hand. She never used to even know where her phone was half the time, now it's glued to her hand."

"We don't have to stay here and take this abuse." Grace said to Liza.

"No we don't. Shall we go start a fire?"

Grace got up from Liza's lap.

"Would that be in the fire pit out back or upstairs in bed?" Meg jokingly asked.

"That's it! We're looking for an apartment." Liza joked as Grace led her out of the house.

"I don't know how else to say it other than I'm absolutely in love with those two." Rachel commented after they heard the screen door close.

"They are something." Jess agreed.

"I'm jealous. Mike and I have been together for years now and I doubt we'll ever have what they have. It just floors me how they are together."

"They've had a unique opportunity to build a foundation to their relationship that not a lot of couples get or take the time to build." Rachel observed.

"That was deeper than I want to be." Jess laughed as she got up. She reached for Cali's hand to pull her up who in turn pulled up the other two.

"Let's go see if they actually stop lip locking long enough to get an actual fire going." Rachel said as she followed everyone through the kitchen.

Grace sat down on the log next to Liza holding a paper plate of food, "We missed supper."

"I'm not hungry." Liza responded, looking at the plate. Jess made roast and potatoes.

"You need to eat." Grace said, holding a fork full to Liza.

Liza accepted the bite, "Where's yours?"

"We're sharing, neither one of us can eat all of this." She answered before taking a bite of potato.

Liza noticed that Grace was feeding her the meat, "What gives?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You're feeding me all the meat."

"You lost a lot of blood. You need the extra protein."

"I'm not complaining but you seem to have made feeding me into a new hobby."

"Because you actually eat when I feed you."

Liza lowered her voice to answer, "That's because we're usually alone and it leads to other things." She accepted another bite. "Then there's the added bonus of your fingers. You usually feed me with your fingers." Liza added as she grabbed Grace's other hand and drew a fingertip into her mouth.

Grace's breath hitched, "Which is why it leads to other things." She paused to glance around them, "And we are definitely not alone."

Liza took a drink from the beer that Grace had brought out with her. Offering it to Grace, she took the plate and stood to put it in the fire.

"Liza," Cali called out, "How'd it go today at Rodger's?"

"Surprisingly well." She answered as she returned to her seat next to Grace.

"Really?" Jess asked.

"Yes. We met his girlfriend, Louise. They're coming to supper tomorrow. He's definitely changed."

"You know, he'll be at church tomorrow." Jess added.

Liza took a drink, "Good for him."

"Pastor Blake was asking about you last Sunday."

She leaned over and kissed the side of Grace's head, "Oh yeah? Did he ask if I've come to my senses and decide not to be gay?"

"Come on Liza, it wasn't like that." Jess responded.

"Yes it was. The man wants to throw me into the flames of hell personally."

"Guess it's a good thing he's retired and we now have a new pastor. An open minded one." Cali offered.

"So now you want me to go to church?"

Cali asked, "When was the last time you went?"

"Just a few weeks ago. I may be a lesbian but I haven't forgot how I was raised." She met Cali's eyes, "We do hold church services on post."

"Just making conversation." Cali explained.

The sound of a truck pulling in stopped Liza from saying anything else. "Be right back." Liza told Grace before she stood and made her way over to the two men that just got out of the truck.

"Mike, Wes." She said as she met up with them. "I just wanted to thank you guys for your help last night. I really appreciate you helping my deputy keep those guys under control when that chick went bat shit."

"Glad we could help." Wes said as he waved to Meg, "How are you doing?"

"Good. Going to have an interesting scar." Liza chuckled. She turned toward the fire light, "It looks like a crescent moon, so I'm thinking of adding some star tattoos around it."

"That would be awesome." Wes said. "Glad you're okay. I'm going to go see Meg."

"Liza, look. I know we've never really seen eye to eye." He paused when movement caught his attention, Cali was making her way over. "Last night was really messed up. I'd really like to try to get past whatever this is between us."

"Me too, we have her in common between us. So yeah, we need to get over it and go on."

"It sucked that you got hurt last night but it was pretty exciting."

"I believe his words last night were that you had balls of steel to face plant that dude to the ground and then shove the psycho off of you." Cali offered.

"I think that was probably a lot more than he wanted me to know." Liza laughed when she saw Mike's panicked expression. "But anyway, I really appreciate the help last night." Liza said as she offered to shake his hand.

He accepted the handshake and said "Happy to help."

Liza nodded to Mike and hugged Cali before returning to the fire to find Rachel sitting with Grace.

"Hey, Sergeant!"

Liza nodded as she sat on the ground between Grace's legs. She hooked her arms over Grace's thighs and leaned back to look at her.

Grace smiled at her before leaning down and giving her an upside down kiss, "How was your chat with Mike?"

Liza couldn't help but laugh, "He said I have balls of steel." Both younger women joined in her laughter.

"Do you get comments like that often?" Rachel asked.

"Actually that's mild compared to some of the things that get said behind my back on post."

"But it is a compliment coming from Mike though." Grace offered.

"Overall, I think it went okay. We're not going to be best friends but if we can get along now because of last night then it was worth it." Liza said, reached for her beer. Drained it and moved to get up then Grace stopped her.

"I'll go. Do you want another?"

"Water please." When Grace leaned down to kiss her, Liza sucked Grace's bottom lip into her mouth, "Thank you." Liza watched her lick her bottom lip as she stood back up. They shared a smile before Grace walked to the house.

Liza leaned back and looked up at Rachel. "So, do I get to meet him next weekend?"

"Meet who?"

"Don't you start that secret stuff too. We have enough of that around here with Jess."

"I know. Grace told me! How long do you think before the others figure it out?"

"Good try on deflecting! Remember, I took those same classes too." Liza laughed. "I'll leave it alone for now. I haven't known you very long but I think I know you well enough to say that he can't be too bad of a guy if he's got your attention."

"Thank you."

Grace returned with two beers and a water. She handed Rachel a beer before sitting back down behind Liza.

"You up for a run in the morning?" Liza asked Rachel then yawned.

"Don't you think you should wait a few more days?" Grace asked worriedly.

"A run won't pull out my stitches, but it will get me some needed exercise." Liza paused as she turned to look at Grace, "You could come with us. Make sure I behave myself."

"I'll pass. Save my energy for other things." She responded, never releasing eye contact with Liza.

"Such as?"

Rachel cleared her throat, "Don't answer that. I don't want to know."

After yawning again Liza asked, "Babe, have you noticed how much Rachel and Jess are alike?"

"Yes, I have as a matter of fact." Grace laughed.

"We are not." Rachel objected.

"Quiet, sits back and watches everyone. Always has to have the last word in an argument." Grace stated as she brushed Liza's hair behind her ear when the brunette laid her head in Grace's lap.

"I do not."

"You do too." Grace countered.

Rachel leaned over and quietly asked, "Liza?"


"How's your pain?"


After a few minutes of silence, they could hear Liza's soft, sleepful breathing. "How does she sleep?" Rachel asked.

"She sleeps fine when I'm here but I don't think she sleeps very well when I'm not. She won't admit it but I think she has bad dreams." Grace answered, continuing to stroke her fingers through Liza's hair.

"The dreams are to be expected. She's had the training so she knows how to compartmentalize things but it helps to have the support system that she has. See if you can get her to talk to you. It'll help her process it all. Last night can trigger past experiences to resurface. Her workouts and going running help her cope too."

Grace nodded in understanding. "Thank you."

Rachel smiled, "Very welcome. I'm going to go talk to Jess for a bit. See if you can get your soldier girl to bed."

Grace sat there for a few more minutes holding Liza. She was the one that was looked at as being the strongest of them all. Liza was their protector growing up, even when they were cleaning Liza's bloody face or Jess was stitching her up. It filled her heart to know that Liza was comfortable enough with her to let her guard slip.

Grace leaned down and kissed Liza's neck then moved to whisper in her ear, "Liza?" She kissed her ear, "Liza Love?"


"Let's go to bed."

She lifted her head and looked around her before looking up into Grace's green eyes. She stood and stretched then wrapped Grace in a hug after she pulled her to her feet. She buried her face in Grace's neck, kissing her there and taking a moment to just breathe in her scent. They then walked hand in hand to the house after waving goodnight to everyone.

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