Hold Me Close

By Flurry_Husky

78K 1.6K 895

Multiple POV's of a classic college romance...just with a few twists. College freshman Evan Black is gay, and... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Home...Sort Of
Chapter Two: Huskies
Chapter Three: Waves
Chapter Four: I Did What?!
Chapter Five: Chrone
Chapter Six: Uh-oh
Chapter Seven: Gift
Chapter Eight: Stay
Chapter Nine: Yes and No
Chapter Ten: Revenge Part I
Chapter Eleven: Revenge Part II
Chapter Twelve: The Trip Ahead
Chapter Thirteen: Like a Bird
Chapter Fourteen: Friendly Skies
Chapter Fifteen: Famiglia
Chapter Sixteen: Ringraziare
Chapter Eighteen: Same Fabric
Chapter Nineteen: Repercussions
Chapter Twenty: Christmas Part I
Chapter Twenty One: Christmas Part II
Chapter Twenty Two: Christmas Part III
Chapter Twenty Three: In Between
Chapter Twenty Four: My Girl
Chapter Twenty Five: No Time
Chapter Twenty Six: Waiting
Chapter Twenty Seven: Black
Chapter Twenty Eight: Adjustment
Chapter Twenty Nine: Unwanted
Chapter Thirty: Advil
Chapter Thirty One: Bitten
Chapter Thirty Two: Irish Whiskey
Chapter Thirty Three: Day Off
Chapter Thirty Four: Ski Trip Part I
Chapter Thirty Five: Ski Trip Part II
Chapter Thirty Six: Ski Trip Part III
Chapter Thirty Seven: Welcome Back
Chapter Thirty Eight: Coping
Chapter Thirty Nine: 9mm Bullet
Chapter Forty: Savagery
Chapter Forty One: Mixed In the Dirt
Chapter Forty Two: Hitting the Books
Chapter Forty Three: Finale
What's Next?

Chapter Seventeen: Summer

1.6K 31 63
By Flurry_Husky


It was well past nightfall when I had to be at the airport. The two "love birds" needed a ride home so I offered. Wish their arrival time wasn't so late however. I pulled my car in under the extending carport for pickups and saw the both of them waiting with their suitcases. At the sight of me they both moved forward and got their bags packed into the car.  The conversation on the ride back was mainly silent apart from the typical "hellos" and "how was your trip." Everyone was just plain tired. I dropped them both off and drove back to my place, almost crashing into a tree when I slipped out of reality for a second. Damn, sleepy driving is dangerous. [So is looking at your phone. I'm looking at you. You know who you are.]

The next day Alyssa and I planned to have breakfast with the two of them to catch up on things. The local IHop was as good of a choice as any, so we planned to meet there at nine thirty. When I woke up it was nine fifteen.

"Shit!!" I yelled, looking at my alarm clock. I had forgotten to set it the night before because I was so tired and now I had to pick Alyssa up in five minutes. I scrambled about to get somewhat decent clothes on whilst simultaniously combing my fur at the same time. Hard stuff, but I managed to make it out only two minutes late. Alyssa must not have noticed I was running a bit behind, because when I arrived to pick her up she was jumping up and down outside shaking screaming waffles over and over again. [We need a fucking Waffle House above midland United States. All the way up.]

"Excited?" I asked, grinning with an eyebrow raised.

"I FUCKING LOVE WAFFLES." She yelled, making me cover my ears.

"They pulled them off the menu." I said.

"THOSE CUNTS DID WHAT?!" She screamed.

"I'm joking, I'm joking, let's go." She punched my arm, pretty hard too. I hysterically laughed while she told me off for some "emotional distress" or whatever the fur version of a Starbucks barista white girl would say. [Tim Hortons is way better btw]

When we got there Evan and Alex were already sitting in a torn pleather booth together, looking over a menu.

"You bitches better not be starting without us!" Alyssa warned, sliding into the booth all the way to the window.

"What's with you and IHop?" I asked, sitting down next to her. "If I knew you were this crazy about it I'd take you here a lot more often."

"Take me here more and I will do anything for you after. Anything." She casually said while flipping through the laminated menu. Straight to the waffles. A quiet wolf whistle eminated from Evan, causing me to whip my head up and glare at him.

"Shut it you."

"Not while my littler birdie's getting some fu-" He started before Alex placed his paw over his muzzle. Alex used his other paw to point at a group of little pups sitting in the booth in front of us.

"Thank you Alex. At least someone here is also sane." I said.

"Oh hell no, his" he pointed to Evan "little birdie" in air quotes "is getting" finger-through-the-hole immitation of intercourse "and that's hot. I'm just here to censor." He laughed. I was about to say something but my attention was taken by a male mountain lion waiter coming to the side of our table.

"Hi my name's Tim, I'll be bein your waiter today. Is there anything I can get you guys? And gal. Hey there." He winked to Alyssa. I instinctively pulled her closer, intertwining with her cat paw. I gave him a look that read "Mine" and ordered two pancakes. He looked a little defeated as he wrote down my order. Alyssa however, didn't seem to notice anything and imediately ordered herself a stack of waffles. Ten minutes later I'm just spearing the first of my pancakes and Alyssa is halfway through her stack.

"Jesus, are you even breathing?" I questioned in disbelief. She only shrugged and continued eating, not taking her eyes off the prize.

"Hey guys, Jason and I are gonna be right back." Evan said out of the blue. He looked a little antsy and when I followed his intense gaze over my shoulder I saw him staring at none other than...holy shit.



"Jesus are you even breathing?" Jason asked Alyssa. Then my attention was snapped away. I saw it. I knew I saw it. A familiar red, bushy tail dissapearing into the kitchen. Then through the window in my thoughts were confirmed. It was hi-her. She walked back through the metal swinging doors wearing a waitress uniform. Now I was really confused.

"Hey guys, Jason and I are gonna be right back." I said, hoping I wasn't being too suspicious. Jason looked at me confused, then followed my line of sight behind him, his eyes lighting up in disbelief when he saw who I was looking at.

"Yeah one minute!" He nervously said, standing up with me. "Oh my God!" He mouthed to me as we walked-no-ran over to the red fox cleaning a table. She looked up at us, still ragging down the white booth table. You could see the stages of her recognizing us. First the "holy shit" look, then the quick disbelief, then the checking to make sure it was us, and finally back to the "holy shit!" All within the span of two seconds.

"Holy shit!" She yelled. There it is. The red fox dropped her cleaning supplies on the table and jumped into a group embrace with us. "It's been so freaking long!!" She yelled again, not really caring about the attention that she was attracting.

"When did you get back here?!" Jason asked her, tapping the red embroidered "Summer" right above her heart.

"I just transferred back from Cali a couple of days ago! Just got this new job today and have yet to move into my dorm." H-she answered.

*Image of Evan smashing fourth wall with hammer* Hi, so I feel the need to explain. *Muffled yelling in the background.* One sec. *Stares to the side of the gaping hole.* I'M NOT FIXING YOUR FUCKING WALL YOU PUT ME INTO A SITUATION IMPOSSIBLE TO NARRATE. *More muffled yelling followed by Evan flipping the source of the voice off* Okay, sorry about that. There's this dick out there who clearly can't write. So back to the topic at hand. While we were traversing the oh-so-magical world of adolecence, Jason and I weren't alone. We were also friends with this girl named Summer. But sadly her family forced her into college out in California, it was North-something. I always forget the name. Whatever, anyways we had lost all contact until now when we saw her busting tables. *More muffled yelling." WELL IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT YOU SAID IT WAS ONLY ME AND JASON IN HIGH SCHOOL. HOW ABOUT YOU PLAN THIS SHIT OUT BEFORE YOU WRITE IT? *Looks back* Oh shit you're still here. Back to the narration you go. Sorry about shattering a wall on your face.

"So how did you convince your parents to let you come back here?" I asked her.

"Oh they figured out I dated some guy and ceased to pay for my college, so I came back here. It's fine though, I can afford it I've been saving up some money." She replied to me. Good for her I guess. We spent the next few hours introducing her to everyone because her shift was ending until she picked back up for dinner.

Later that night I was by myself in bed, Alex was at a friend's party back at his dorm. But that was fine, my mind was still on Summer. Seeing her again had brought back a ton of repressed memories, a lot of which I wasn't ready to revisit, but I guess I didn't really have a choice now did I?

-=Evan's Dream=-

Hey, so uh, sensitive stuff from here on out. Fair warning.

"EVAN GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!" My father screamed from what seemed to be the kitchen. Shit what did I do this time?

I sprinted down the stairs two at a time, if I took too long it would only be ten times as worse. I stopped as I entered the doorway to where my father was standing, shaking as he looked over a couple creased papers. I looked to the kitchen table next to him, and there it was. I had been dreading seeing that orange envelope since the beginning of second quarter. My school report card. And imperfection, that meaning anything below an A was considered a failure to the burly black wolf standing in front of me, fuming, that was my father. This was far worse though. The first day of second quarter, as a punishment for getting a B on a test in Pre-Calculus, I was forced to walk the 6 mile trek to school instead of taking a bus. And by walk, I mean run. I did not have enough time in the morning to take that walk and still make it on time, and I showed up to class ten minutes late.

"WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A TARDY ON YOUR REPORT CARD?!!" He bellowed at me, causing the glasses in the cabinets to shake a bit. By now my tail was in between my legs and my ears flipped down. I felt small. I felt weak. I felt helpless.


"SPEAK LOUDER!" He spat into my face. He smelled of booze and cigarette smoke.

"It was when I had t-to walk to school. I w-was only a few minut-tes late, I sw-wear." I said, trembling in intimidatiom and fear of what was to come. Then the fist smashed into my muzzle.

Two hours later I was barely holding myself over the guest bedroom sink. Blood was seeping from multiple gashes all over my body, my eyes were red from the tears, it was bad. I had finally finished picking the broken glass shards out of my chest as well.

When I had "cleaned up," or cleaned myself up as best as someone's whos ass was literally just handed to them, served on a silver platter and all could. There was still dry brown blood on my chest, and fresh self inflicted blood dried to the fur along my forearms and thieghs. I propped myself up, looking into the mirror. Bloodshot eyes gazed back, dry from the extreme lack of sleep Ihave been getting recently. My fur was patchy from some, er, stuff, and I could see all of my ribs. By now I had stopped eating all together, not like my dad noticed or anything. My stomach rumbled loudly and my head pounded like hell. Well, at least I had gotten off easier then I thought I would.

Hi so extra special longer chapter. The dream is sort of a sneak peek into the prequel, which I've just started working on. Don't worry though, this book will be updated just as regularly as usual. Also, I'm thinking about writing all of the prequel before publishing, so it will all come out at once. Forewarning, next chapter will have a very dark swing and story plot twist. It will also include a rape theme, so read at your own discretion.

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