My Bunny Honey (Fanfic)

By swallowtt

89.5K 7.3K 1.4K

Singto's cousin left him a bunny to babysit while he and his boyfriend went on vacation. In a twist of fate... More

Chapter 1: Baby
Chapter 2: On the Bed
Chapter 3: One Word
Chapter 4: Pet
Chapter 5: Bossy
Chapter 6: Double Standard
Chapter 7: Together
Chapter 8: Somebody to Love
Chapter 9: Wish Granted
Chapter 11: Laughing
Chapter 12: Transport
Chapter 13: Medicine
Chapter 14: Declaration
Chapter 15: Crossover
Chapter 16: Useless Muscles
Chapter 17: Scream
Chapter 18: Unconscious
Chapter 19: Flower
Chapter 20: Yes
Chapter 21: Details
Chapter 22: Souvenirs
Chapter 23: Gone
Chapter 24: Peculiar
Chapter 25: Fairy Magic
Chapter 26: Love (Finale)
Thank You!!!

Chapter 10: Do

3.1K 313 78
By swallowtt

            Singto felt a weight lying atop his body and cracked open an eye to see who or what it was. Soft, raven tresses brushed up against his chin. Why does this feel so familiar? Trying to move, he realized that there was indeed someone blanketing over him. "Krist? Is that you?" His mumbling went unnoticed, so he repeated. "Krist?"

The man groaned and gradually opened his eyes. "Yes?"

Yes? Singto thought. Okay, he just answered me like a normal person. He can't be Krist. "W-Who are you?"

"The sun is not up yet. Let's sleep some more."

His voice sounds like Krist, but it can't be him. Right? Singto derived.

The sleeping lad burrowed his face into Singto's neck and made him extremely anxious. What's going on?

"Can I be with you forever?"

Singto gasped at the other's words and shoved the person off him in a panic. "Who the heck are you?" he shouted, panting heavily.

The man groaned when he hit the floor, knocking his head on the edge of the coffee table. "Jep!"

Backing away, Singto snatched the remote control and pointed it at his previous blanket. "W-Who?"

Rubbing the back of his head, the former bunny finally glanced up at Singto. "Sing." He pouted cutely at Singto.


"Yes, I am Krist."

"Y-You could talk like a normal person?" Singto sputtered.

Krist nodded in confirmation and Singto went to help him up to his feet.

"Are you hurt?"

"The back of my head hurts a little," Krist informed.

"I'm sorry." Singto rubbed Krist's head to relieve the pain. "I thought you were a stranger."

"It's okay." The two sat back down on the couch.

"H-How?" Singto wanted an explanation.

"How...what?" Krist blinked, looking tremendously confused.

"How come you could talk?"

"I wished it," Krist provided.

"You what?" Singto heard what Krist said but couldn't stop from asking.

"I wished to be able to speak like Sing, so the fairy granted me my wish."

"Fairy?" Singto knew that by now, pretty much anything was possible. Yet, he still threw Krist a look of bewilderment.

Krist nodded innocently. "His name is Bas and he's the guardian of all bunnies."

"Bas, huh?"

"Yes," Krist replied with a bright smile.

Oh, gosh. Why does he look so cute right now? Singto shook the thought out of his head. What am I thinking? This is not the time for...

"What's wrong?" Krist extended a hand to touch Singto's forehead. "Does your head hurt too?"

"I'm fine." Singto reached over and slowly pulled out the patch from Krist's forehead. "This has been on since I replaced it after your shower yesterday. You don't need it anymore. There's still a faint bruise, but you should be fine."

"My forehead doesn't hurt anymore," Krist affirmed. "But your face is red."

"I just feel a little hot." Singto chuckled nervously.

"Hot?" Krist leaned over and rubbed his chin on Singto's nose. "You don't feel hot."

Singto gulped in nervousness from the other's close proximity.

"Why is your breathing so shallow?" Krist brushed his plump lips against a side of Singto's face.

Oh, no. My body is reacting to his touch. Singto whimpered. I need to get away before it is too late, but why aren't my legs willing to move?

"P'Singto, you two are already at it this early in the morning?"

Crap! I forgot that Nong was here. Singto shut his eyes in hopes that this was all just a dream.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you answering me?" Godt pushed on as he exited Singto's room. "Are you perhaps hoping that this is only a dream?"

Okay. That was creepy. Singto took in a deep breath. "Could you give me some privacy please?"

"You need privacy to do what?" Godt inquired but supplied the answer to it himself. "Actually, I know. You're going to do Krist."

"Do Krist!" Krist chimed.

"Stop putting ideas into the bunny's head," Singto ordered.

"Oh?" Godt proceeded. "Would you rather put something else into Krist?"

"Put something into Krist!" Krist clapped.

Okay. Krist could talk like a normal person, beside the fact that he just referred himself in the third person, but he is still a child. He's playing right into Nong's manipulations. Singto rolled his eyes. "Why are you still here? Shouldn't you go open up your restaurant?"

"I have employees for that," Godt reminded.

"How are you even awake so early? You drank so much last night."

"Alcohol is nothing to me."

"Don't you have a hangover?" Singto grumbled.


"Damn it! Your eyes aren't even puffy." Singto mumbled inaudible words of complain.

"Why would my eyes be puffy?" Godt queried in curiosity.

"You freaking cried like a damsel in distress, because you thought I was calling you fat."

"First of all, I don't cry like a damsel in distress. I only do, the one tear gliding down the face, kind of manly cry. I have an image to keep, okay?"

As if... Singto blurted in his mind.

"Manly tears!" Krist recited.

"See?" Godt uttered. "Krist understands."

"No, he doesn't," Singto retorted.

"Secondly, I work out regularly so my body is very fit. There's no way anyone would ever call me fat." Before Singto could say anything, Godt interrupted. "I'm not a narcissist."

"Whatever." Singto threw him a side eye.

"What? Not going to argue?"

"I'm too exhausted."

"Well, that's what you get for doing Krist all evening."

"Doing Krist!" Krist cheered. ""

"I...I didn't do him," Singto insisted.

"You love touching him all over," Godt purposely stated knowing the consequences.

"Touching...touching..." Krist's hand glided across Singto's abdomen.

I can't... Singto exhaled a shaky breath.

"What's wrong?" Godt tilted his head slightly to stare at Singto with an evil grin.

"J-Just leave, please..." Singto pleaded.

"Why?" Godt smirked.

"B-Because..." Tears were starting to form on the corners of his eyes.

"Because..." Krist pointed to the spot between Singto's legs. "Sing wants to do..."


Ah, I wasn't expecting so many readers and votes for this story.  Thank you so much, my lovely darlings.  I hope you like the new chapter.  I'm midway through the MewArt one-shot, but I need to rewrite it because I don't like it.  LOL  I'll try to post the rest of 'My Beloved Dark Angel' as soon as I fix it up.  ^3^

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