Darkness in the Neon Lights (...

By HyperRedFox

70.3K 3.7K 1.5K

At a young age, Evan learned that the world was very cruel. Darkness destroyed his home, and swallowed his pa... More

Please Read This
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 7

2.3K 120 62
By HyperRedFox

As Smitty fills four pitchers with beer, I gather some cups and take them to the VIP room. When I come back, Smitty is placing the pitchers on two trays for me. "We just put in a keg in the bar in that room, so if you start running low, you can refill them in there." He then chuckles and shakes his head. "Though, since you guys are dealing with Tyler and his friends, you might end early enough that you guys can chill for an hour and drink the last two pitchers by yourselves."

"Got it," I laugh as I pick up the trays and balance them in my hands.

"Hey Evan," Smitty then says in a more serious tone, stopping me as I had just started to turn away.

I turn back to him and just say, "Yeah?"

"Be careful in there, okay. I know Marcel and David are going to be watching over you, but I don't know how many guys are in this party, and I don't know how much they will all drink. I may have just joked about how much they might drink tonight, but since I know nothing about these guys, they could drink that whole keg with no problem. Not only that, but it's different from when they are out here. You can't cut them off; only security can by throwing them out."

"Okay, I will."  I then turn away and walk to the back, going back into the VIP room.

The party isn't here yet, so the dancers are all sitting on the chairs and couch, relaxing and talking to each other as they wait. GaLm and Chilled are sitting on the couch, while Ohm, Lui, and Mini are in the seats around the pole.

They seemed to have been in the middle of a conversation, so when I walk in, I don't get the full context of what they were talking about. Looking at the two on the couch however, I see that they have worried expressions on them, and Chilled looks like he's about to be sick.

"You guys don't have to worry too much, though," Ohm tells them. "Before they come into the room, they are told the rules and are told that if one of them breaks any of the rules, the whole party will be kicked out. And I will say, the pay is much better than working the floor. Not only will Jiggly give us a little extra for the night, but anyone that comes here will only see us, so there is no sharing our tips with anyone else trying to get a costumer, or anyone else jumping on the pole. And half the time, the people who get this room are making bank."

"Not to mention," Lui jumps in. "If you make a really good first impression, sometimes the customers will get this room for a little one on one time, which I kind of like better."

"And like we said," Ohm says as he looks over to me. "Since Evan's here, the guards are going to be put into the room."

I smile and lean against the bar. "Don't forget that this is Tyler's friends. Not only will he be here, but he will push to make sure that his friends don't do anything stupid."

"That's true."

The guys then change the subject, trying to relax more before the party comes in. Ohm and Lui start talking about what they normally do when a party comes through. After a couple minutes, I get a text from Marcel, saying, "Prepare."

I look up and let the others know about the text, and they instantly shut up and stand up. Chilled runs over to the other side of the room and turns on the speakers. Music fills the room, and the boys all make their way to the front of the room, ready to welcome the party. Lui however, being one of the best dancers we have, jumps on the little stage in the middle of the room and poses against the pole. While we wait for the party to come through the door, I start setting up my two trays, putting several glasses on them each one and I start pouring the beer into each one of them.

Finally, the door opens, and the party is let in. Instantly, some of them are picked by some of the dancers and led to the chairs, and the others just go to sit back to watch the show as Lui starts his dance for the song that's playing. I silently count how many people are here and silently sigh once I see that I got the right amount of glasses already put out.

Picking up the trays, I balance them in my hands and walk over to the group, giving the boys that don't have someone on them their drinks first. The last guy I go to give a drink to, I quickly notice that he isn't like the others. He's sitting back, arms and legs crossed, and he looks somewhat bored. Almost as if he doesn't even want to be here.

When I walk over to give him his drink, he looks up at me, and I'm instantly taken back by his bright blue eyes. I flash him a smile before I hand him the last beer on the first tray, and he smiles at me as he takes it.

As I walk away, I keep my eyes locked on him, looking over my shoulder as I walk behind the couch he's sitting on. His head turns as he watches me walk away, and I notice that his eyes are moving up and down my body.

I turn away, feeling my face start to heat up as I feel the man's eyes on me. After almost two years of this, you'd think I'd be use to someone looking at me like that, but something feels different about this one.

Slipping the now empty tray under the second one, I start walking over to the chairs and putting a beer next to each guy, making sure not to get in the way of the dancer, but putting it close enough to chairs so that the guys know it's there. However, when I get to the guy Ohm is giving a lap dance to, I walk behind the chair and put the two empty trays down, before I grab the glass. When Ohm sees me, he smiles and jumps off the man, keeping his hands on his shoulder. He bends over, keeping his legs straight as he drags his hands down the man's body. Finally, he pulls himself up, putting one leg next to the man's lap, before he reaches back keeping his eyes locked with the man under him. I hand him the beer, and he puts it to the man's lips, allowing him to drink a little before he pulls it away, setting it next to the chair. Ohm and I smile at each other before I pick up my trays and walk back to the bar.

I put two of the pitchers under the bar and keep my eye open to the men around the room. Or at least, I try to, until Marcel comes over to the bar and glares at me. I roll my eyes and cross my arms before I glare back at him.

"What," I growl, only loud enough for him to hear me through the music.

He leans over the bar and says," I saw that look you gave that man! Do not look at these guys like that!"

"I don't know what you're talk about!"

"The guy in the blue hoodie!"

"All I did was give him a beer and smiled at him!"

"And keep your eyes on him as you walked away!"

"Okay, so?!"

"So?! Vanoss, these guys are all around Tyler's age! You can't flirt with them!"

"So what?! I can only flirt with the thirty year olds that normally come in?!"

"I don't like that shit either, but at least then I know you aren't going to do shit with them!"

"I'm not going to do shit with these guys either! Just get back to work, already! I have to keep an eye on their beers!"

He continues to glare at me, but backs away, going back to his spot against the wall. I continue to glare at him as David bumps him, giving him a soft smile. Shaking my head, I turn my attention back on the people around the room. As I scan the room, I take note on how often everyone takes a drink, and go out when I see that some of them are starting to get low.

When I go out and start the first row of refills, I look towards the couch and see that instead of watching Lui, the blue eyed man is watching me as I start refilling the glasses for the men getting lap dances first. I smile and look down as I refill Tyler's drink and get ready to walk away, but stop when he loops a finger in one of my belt loops and pulls me back.

I kneel down and come a little closer to him as Mini walks away to give someone else a lap dance. He then turns to me and tells me, "Do not flirt with my friends. None of them know how old you are, and I don't want you to get one of them in trouble."

"I'm not flirting with them, damn it! I'm just doing my job and trying to get them to come back! That's why Panda put me in here."

I then walk away from him and finish refilling the drinks for the guys that were getting dances. As I refill the drink for the new guy getting a dance from Mini, I can't help but chuckle as I see the shocked expression on his face.

Mini may be new, but he's quickly becoming one of our most popular dancers. He's much more dominant than any of our other dancers, and it is drawing a lot of attention his way. It breaks the impress most people have about all dancers being, submissive? I believe that's how Bryce had put it.

After filling that glass, I look pass him and look at the other three that are on the couch. When I look at the glasses however, I can't help but raise an eyebrow. Last time I looked, I could have sworn that the two in the middle were about half way done with their drinks, however, now they're full. However, the one on the opposite side, the one with the stunning blue eyes, has nothing in his glass.

This confuses me since I don't really remember seeing him take a drink, but I walk over anyways. Once I walk next to him, the man instantly looks over to me and smiles at me, handing me his empty glass. As I start to refill it, he turns his body towards me, resting his arm on the back of the couch and crossing his legs towards me.

"Hello," he say, trying to talk to me; however, the music is somewhat drowning out his voice.

I chuckle at this, but smile at him. Once I fill his glass, I lean down to hand him his drink, and just say, "Hey," before I walk away.

I walk back over to the bar and get the next pitcher ready for when they need their next ready. My eyes start scanning the room yet again, and soon I start staring off into space and I actually start listening to the music. I smile when I hear the beat starting for one of my favorite songs coming on, and I see out of the corner of my eye Ohm and Lui trading places, so that Ohm could dance to the song.

I shut my eyes and start bobbing my head to the beat and soon, I start singing along to it. However, I only sing it quietly. I don't want anyone to hear me singing along to it, and tell me I hang out with Bryce too much again.

About half way through the song, I hear someone laughing, causing my eyes to shoot open and I jump back in shock, not expecting anyone to come up to me. When I look to see who's in front of me, I feel my face instantly heat up. It's the blue eyed man.

"What can I do for you," I quickly ask, trying to act like I didn't just embarrass myself in front of a cute guy.

He smiles at me before he says, "You didn't look like the type to be into a song like this. Don't get me wrong, Or Nah is a good song, but it isn't actually classy."

I smirk and roll my eyes, "When you listen to the same songs every day, you learn to either love it or hate it. And what about me says that I'm classy?"

"The fact that you're the only one here not grinding on a guy."

"That doesn't mean I'm classy," I say as I look over and see Marcel glaring at us. It's easy to tell that he wants to come over and tell this guy to leave me alone, but David is holding him back, keeping him in their place.

"What's your name?"

I look back and the man in now leaning against the bar, closer to me. I lean against the bar as well before I tell him, "You can call me Vanoss."

"Awe, can't I get your real name?"

"Sorry, but that stays with me. What about you? What's your name?"

"Jonathan, but my friends call me Delirious."

"Well, Delirious," I say, leaning a bit closer to him. "Was there a reason for you to come over here?"

He looks down and pulls up a empty glass with a bit of foam left from a beer. "I just needed a refill."

"Really," I see, now leaning away from him. "I hope your friends have a good tolerance level then."


"You haven't been drinking. I can tell that since there isn't a single drop on alcohol on your breath, so you've been pouring your beer in your friends' glasses."

He looks at me, shocked at first, but then I see an amused expression come up. "Impressive. Alright. I don't need a drink," he say, pushing the glass away from us. "I don't drink. I hate the taste of alcohol."

"Then why not say so," I say, kneeling down and pulling out a box of coke that I may have taken when Smitty wasn't looking. Once I open the box, I pull out a can and stand back up, grabbing a clean glass and pouring the soda into it. I then slide it over to him.

He takes the glass and says, "Thanks," before takes a sip. He then places the glass down and looks back to me. "So, how much would I have to pay to get you on my lap?"

I laugh and shake my head. "Sorry, but that isn't a rule we can break. I can't give lap dances. I can only serve drinks."

"That's a damn shame. I would give anything to have you just sitting in my lap."

"I get that a lot."

"Oh, so it isn't just a rule for tonight? You never give lap dances?"



I'm about to say something, but stop when I see Tyler pop up from behind Jonathan, and he already looks pissed. He then grabs Jonathan's shoulder and pulls him back. I bite my bottom lip, nervous, as I watch him whisper something into Jon's ear before pushing him back over to the couch. He then turns to me and leans over the bar, poking my chest roughly as he tells me, "Stop flirting with my friends! I love you and all, but I'm not about to let one of my friends throw his life away because he didn't know how old you are!"

I nod and quickly grab the next pitcher of beer before I run out and refill everyone's drink, now trying not to look over to Jonathan as I do so.

As hours start to go by, I try my hardest not to look over to Jonathan too much. Instead, when I'm not scanning the drinks, I'm watching the guys as they dance. It's by doing this, I realize something. Two of the dancers are spending a little extra time dancing with two guys.

Ohm will go and dance on everyone else, including Jonathan, however, before he finishes going around to all the other guys, he somehow ends up dancing on a bearded man. And Mini isn't exactly hiding the fact that he is spending a little extra time with Tyler. Then again, Tyler doesn't look like he's complaining.

I smirk as the next song comes on, and while all the others move onto another costumer, yet again, Ohm and Mini go back to their favorite boys.  It's at this time that I decide to go out yet again and refill their drinks. So, I pour fresh beer into one of the empty pitchers and make my way back out into the party.

As I refill everyone's drinks, I can feeling someone staring at me, but I ignore the feeling, guessing it's either Marcel, Jonathan, or both of them. Once I get over to the couch, I check with Jonathan and make sure that he's good with his soda. When he says he's fine, I start walking back over to the bar, but stop when someone grabs my arm.

I start to turn back and let out a gasp as someone pulls me, causing me to drop my pitcher and fall onto someone's lap. The man starts laughing, the smell of alcohol is much stronger on his breath than many of the others, and he tightens his hold on me as I try to push myself off of him.

I start struggling as the man mutters something and his grip on me tightens even more. He grabs my hip with one hand and tries to make me move on his lap. Once again, I try to push myself away from him, but when he tightens his hold on me again, I hiss out in pain his he digs his fingers into me.

I look over to where Marcel and David were and I see them start to run over to me. However, before they even make it to the front of the stage, I feel the man's grip loosen, and I quickly jump off of the man. When I look back, I see Jonathan holding the guy in a headlock.

Marcel quickly comes over to me and he makes me look at him. "Are you okay," he asks me, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine," I say, looking back to Jonathan and the guy. David gets to them and he pulls Jonathan off of the guy before he forces him into his feet.

"That's it," Marcel yells over the music. "Party's over!" He pull out a little gold button from his pocket and presses it. The music instantly cuts off and the lights come on, making the black and gold room shine brighter than I thought it would.

I look behind me and see all the dancers stop what they were doing and jump off of the people they were entertaining. When Mini gets off of Tyler, I see him quickly jump up as well and run over to us. He looks in between the man and myself before he asks, "What happened?!"

"You're friend here broke a important rule," Marcel tells him. "Don't touch the drink boy."

"We caught him forcing Vanoss on his lap and he was trying to make him move on him," David explains.

Tyler glares at the man and growls, "You Irish fuck."

"What the fuck did I do," David asks, confused and a little angry.

"Not you; the Irish fuck you're holding! Brian, you knew the fucking rules! Why the hell did you grab him?!"

"Save it for the parking lot," Marcel yells out, shaking his head. "Party's over, everyone get the fuck out!"

He starts motioning for everyone to leave and I watch as David and Tyler carry the drunk out of the room. Ohm and Mini run over to me and start asking me a million questions about what happened. However, I walk away from them and try to caught Jonathan before he is kicked out.

"Hey," I say just as he starts walking around the stage. He stops and turns to face me. "Thanks for-"

"You too, buzz cut," Marcel interrupts, grabbing Jonathan by his hoodie and pulling him until he's right in front of him.

"I'm going, mother fucker! Fuck off!"

"Wait, Marcel," I say, trying to grab his arm. "Can I just talk to him for a second?"

"Sorry, Vanoss, but that's a no. I need to get all these guys out right now. You guys wait here until we let you out."

I then watch as he pushes all of the boys out of the room, leaves us in here. "Well, that lasted a lot longer than normal," Lui says as he sits on the edge of the stage.

"Four and a half hours," Ohm says, looking at his phone. "At least we're getting a good amount today."

"What happened," Mini asks, walking over to the chair next to me and sitting down. His question instantly makes everyone turn their heads and look my way.

I sigh and lean against the stage. "One of the guys got really drunk and grabbed me. He forced me into his lap and tried to make me give him a lap dance."

"Holy shit, your hip," GaLm says. I look down and see that the guy grabbed my hip so hard that he left a big red hand print on me.

"Damn it, I hope that doesn't turn into a bruise." Just before I started working here, Panda made a rule stating that if we had bruises anywhere that's visible on us, we can't come back to work until it's completely healed.

"If it does, I'll see if I can work the floor and pole more until it's healed," Ohm says.

"Why bother," Lui says, rolling his eyes. "Panda already has me on the pole and floor more than you and Bryce put together. If it bruises over, I'll just share my tips with you, Evan."

"Thanks guys, but let's just hope that it's just red and that I'm not bruises."

I look down at my hip again and sigh. And tonight was going so well.


Hey Foxes!

Really fast, a quick thank you to my dear friend Melon for showing me this song. I might use it a couple more times in this story, if I can think of any more times I can use it.

Also, I wanted to thank you guys for being so patient and allowing me to take a week off.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for reading and I'll see all you lovely Foxes in the next chapter! Bye!

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