Disney with 5SOS © (Ashton Ir...

By crazyfangirl1D

1.7M 26.7K 7.7K

Bethany Musgraves is your typical 17 year old girl from Miami, Florida. She and her best friend Noelle go on... More

Senior Trip
Day 2 at Disney
Tower of Terror
Ferris Wheel
Last Day at Disney
First Date
LA House with 5SOS
Don't Need Makeup
My Little Pony Socks
Late Night Walk
One Direction Concert
Dance Around the Kitchen in the Refrigerator Light
Puppy Dog Face
Everything Has Changed.
I'll Miss You More Than You'll Ever Know.
Wherever You Are.
A House Full of Boys...and Gemma?
The Best Surprise of My Life.
London Bound
Can I Have This Dance?
Breaking the News
Park Bench
Birthday Date
Birthday Party (Part 1)
Birthday Party (Part 2)
Birthday Party (Part 3)
The Last Time
Now What?
Heart Break
Come Back Be Here
Gotta Get Out
If Only You Knew
Hear Me Out
Love Triangle
X-Rays and Ex-Boyfriends
Disney Tickets
Getting Ready
Hotel: California
Let The Magic Begin
Disney: Day One
Disney: Day One (Continued)
Luke and Noelle.
When Harry Calls
Scholarship Situation
7 Boys, 1 Girl
Baking Class
Movie Night
5SOS aka Dorks
Dresses and Banana Socks
We'll Be Back
Beach Day
5SOS in Suits
Everybody Loves Cake
Styles Siblings
VMA Day (Part 1)
VMA Day (Part 2)
VMA Day (Part 3)
Laundry Day
Home Alone
Dinner for 10
3's a Crowd
Swimming and Sunsets

Telling Luke

13.8K 207 74
By crazyfangirl1D


Luke takes my hand and we follow behind Liam, Niall, and Calum who are chatting away, and infront is Louis, Harry and Michael leading the way.

I stay quiet for a bit, not knowing what to say, just following behind Liam, Niall and Cal who are now laughing about something.

"Noelle, are you alright babe?" Luke asks, looking down at me, concerned as we walk on the trail.

"..mmhmm." I say.

"What's wrong?" He asks, seeing right through my lie.

"Nothing." I say.

He gives me a glare.

"Really, Luke. Nothing. Now let's enjoy the hike." I say, brushing him off. I can't tell him now, not with everyone here around us.

"I don't believe you but okayyy" He says in a sing-song voice.

We make small talk as we get through the first few miles of the hike. It's a nice day out and there's just a light breeze to keep us cool. The One Direction boys tell us stories of crazy fans and I laugh because....I can be a crazy fan sometimes. I understand these girls that they are telling us about.

"And then, when we were like 10 blocks away from the arena after the concert, a girl appeared out of nowhere from our tour bus bathroom! Security was so mad! We were all just laughing!' Niall tells us.

"Dude, if you have the chance to sneak on to One Direction's tour bus, you do it!" I laugh.

"It's true! If freaking Will Smith had a tour bus, I would totally sneak on to it!" Michael adds.

We laugh and joke around with each other as we make our trek to the Hollywood sign.

Finally after almost an hour and a half, we get to the top. The view is amazing. We look out and see beautiful green trees and hills and buildings. It's so pretty from up here.

We hang out and enjoy the few for a good 25 minutes or so, taking picutures and goofing off.

"Too bad Bethany and Ashton missed out on this." Louis says.

"Yeah! They would have loved it!" Michael replies.

"Guys I'm starving, let's eat!" Niall says.

"Eat what? Dirt?" Luke asks, confused by what he means.

"No mate!" Niall laughs. "We packed a lunch. It's in Liam's backpack!"

"Oooh what'd you make?" Calum asks.

"My specialty." Harry says in his deep voice. "Peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches."

I chuckle at his reply and Liam gets out the lunch.

"Let's go sit over here." I say to Luke, pointing to a large boulder that we can sit on. It's not too far away from where the others are sitting, but far enough that they won't hear me when I tell Luke the news.

We take a seat down on the bouldler, and face the view. "It's amazing up here." Luke says, taking a bite into his sandwich, then yelling, "Hey Harry! You make one mean PB and J!" Giving him a thumbs up.

I smile and shake my head, then take a bite into the sandwich.

Come on, Noelle, just tell him. I think to myself as Luke proceeds to tell me some story about a hike he went on back in Australia with his cousins a few years ago.

"Uh Luke." I start to say.

"Yeah?" He says, finishing his sandwich, then taking a drink of water, looking out at the view.

"So my dad called yesterday when we were at Disneyland....and-"

I am interrupted by Liam and Calum walking over to us asking us if we're ready to start heading back down.

"You ready?" Luke asks me.


"Uh...yeah I guess so." I say, annoyed.

"You can finish what you were going to say when we walk." Luke says, kissing my cheek then standing up from the boulder, holding out his hands to help me up.

"Luke I need to tell you now." I say as I stand up. I continue to hold one of his hands and he says, "Oh ok. Tell me."

"I need to tell you in privacy.." I say nudging towards the rest of the group who is waiting on us.

"Oooh. Gotcha. Erm..hey guys, go on ahead. Me and Noelle will catch up with you on the trail." Luke says.

"All right. Don't get lost!" Calum says.

"Stay out of trouble you two!" Louis teases.

We say bye to them and they go on ahead of us.

"Um..let's sit back down." I say to Luke, leading him back to the boulder.

"Noelle, what's going on?" He says with a confused look on his face.

I let out a sigh and he looks at me and then back out to the view in front of us waiting for me to explain.

"Well, like I said, yesterday my dad called me when we were at Disneyland and he told me something.." I start to say.

Luke looks back at me and waits for me to continue. "Yeah, and what did he say?" Luke asks.

"Well...first can I ask you something Luke?" I ask.

"Anything." He says, concerned.

"What's the future like for us? What do you see for us in...say, the next year or so?" I ask.

"Hmm...you always ask me hard questions! You know I'm bad with words!" Luke jokes, smiling.

"No Luke, I'm serious." I say, wanting him to answer.

"Well, I see us like how we are now. A happy couple, doing fun things, travelling around and-"

I cut him off right there.

"That's just it. Luke, my parents want me to start college. As fun as it is travelling around, doing all these exciting things, I can't do that forever." I say.

Luke looks confused.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about, Noelle?" He asks.

"This summer has been the best summer I've ever had. Meeting you changed my life. Literally. I wish this summer could last forever. I wish we could travel the world together for the rest of my life like you said, but I can't. I have to get my education. I have to finish school first."

"What are you getting at?" Luke asks cautiously.

This is when my eyes start to water as I look at Luke.

"Oh Luke, I don't want to leave." I say.

Luke tries to comfort me but I know he is so confused.

"Leave? What do you mean leave?" He says, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug and lightly rubbing my arm. I hold back the tears. I can't cry. I sit up, releasing the hug and look him straight in the eyes.

"My parents...want me to come home to start college." I say.

"What? When?" Luke asks.

"College starts in less than 2 weeks."

"2 weeks?" Luke says softly.

I nod and look down at our hands, intertwined.

Luke doesn't say anything at this point. He looks out at the view of LA in front of us.

"Lukey..." I say, wrapping my arms around his torso and holding onto him tight, burying my face into his chest. He pulls me back in for a hug and just holds me silently.

"If you're gone then...who's supposed to take care of me?" Luke says.

"What do you mean?" I say quietly, still wrapped in his arms.

"You know, who's supposed to tell me to go to bed when I should, fix my hair when it's out of place, tell me they love me, eat the other half of my pizza, hold my hand....that sort of stuff."

Hearing Luke say this makes my tears start to run down my cheek.

"Lukey...don't say that." I say sadly.

"I don't want you to go, Noelle." Luke says, holding me tighter.




After another 10 minutes or so of talking with Luke and trying to figure things out, we decide we better catch up with the others. Luke is silent most of the hike back down. I know he is upset. I'm upset too.


Copyright © 2014 by Ruby C.

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