Mated to the Alpha King | Fir...

By bobachai

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31.8K 962 196
By bobachai

A giggle left my lips as Bryce snuggled closer into me, his heavy arm draping my waist as he drew lazy circles on the cotton of my tank top.

"Tomorrow's Monday," I commented randomly, my eyes on the lit Christmas lights placed in jars on the stand beside my bed. They looked so pretty.

"Aren't you a smart one," Bryce replied, his tone carrying the slight innuendo of sarcasm. I couldn't help but frown.

"Shut up!" I mumbled, smacking his arms lightly while he chuckled and pulled me closer against him, his naked chest touching my bare shoulders. I was thankful he had agreed to at least put on the boxers. The rest of the articles of clothing I had removed from his bag now rested where I had obtained it from.

Inside the bag.

"Can we play twenty one questions?" I asked, turning slightly to look at him. It was obvious that neither one of us were sleepy, and although I could feel his reason of sleeplessness pressing up against my butt, I on the other hand was beyond excited to have the man I thought to be the human replica of Adonis himself lying beside me, whispering soft compliments.

Smirking I looked towards the ceiling and laughed mentally.

"Sure," Bryce chuckled, turning me so I could face him now, I however turned again so that my back rested against the soft mattress of my bed.

"You start!" I said, enthusiastically.

Bryce breathed in, and although I was not looking at him I was sure he had his thinking face on. "Okay... Er... Oh wow I got nothing."

I gasped, and shot upright in bed. He didn't have anything to ask me? Nothing he wanted to know? Did he even want to know me?!

"You have nothing you want to ask me?! Nothing?!"

Bryce grimaced. "Well there isn't much—there isn't much to know anymore."

I stared at him wide eye. What?!

"What do you mean?"

He sighed and pulled on my hand, making me lie on my back again.

"I know everything there is to know about you," Bryce murmured. He changed positions so that he could loom over me.

I gulped.

"I know you Theia," he whispered, his lips now only a pencil's width away.


His lips landed on mine.

Bryce bit on my lower lip, slightly licking on it before pushing his tongue into my mouth, my tongue instantly massaging against his. I couldn't hold off the moan that left my lips as my arms went around his shoulder and pulled him closer. How had we gone from twenty-one questions to kissing?

It seemed like forever when I finally managed to settle back to reality. We couldn't put of knowing each other like this all the time. I was serious. I need to know if he was too.

"Bryce," I breathed, pulling me lips away from his and quickly turning my face so that his lips landed on my cheeks instead. That didn't deter him though, he only continued to place warm wet kisses all over my neck, biting and nipping on occasional spots. I sighed. It was no use telling him to quit it, he would just growl and continue as if I had never spoken.

A soft sigh left my lips again as I felt him trace his tongue over a heated bit of skin. "Bryce! I thought we were playing twen—Bryce!—Please."

Bryce stilled for a second before placing a soft kiss on my neck and moved over to snuggle with me again.

"Theia Anderson. Born on the 9th of March, 1995. You grew up in California and went to school there until you moved to Piedmond a month ago. Your favorite colors are grey and navy blue—two very complimenting colors if you ask me—You love pizza and french fries and grilled chicken. Together. You love Pie more than cake, your favorite ice-cream flavor is cookie dough. You're in love with books and Me. Me more though. You prefer rain over the sun. You're crazy and yet compassionate—" he moved closer, his lips touching my ear before he whispered, "—and you also look extremely sexy in lingerie."


I gulped. "H-h-Have you b-been stalking me?"

Bryce stiffened a little before he turned to face me. I didn't turn towards him.

"Maybe," he whispered, picking up my hand and entwining his fingers with mine.


"What! You stalk me!?" I shrieked out in surprise, turning to face him.

"Not literally. I just... don't you want to know anything about me?" He scolded suddenly, frowning at me.

My startled stare turned soft as I realized he was right in a sense. Well wrong... I did want to know about him.

"You're so strange," I mumbled, turning so I could snuggle against his chest.

"Erm... Sooo, tell me about your family? Where you grew up and all?"

Bryce stiffened again. Why does he stiffen so much...

"I was born in London. That was 24 years ago though, Incase you're curious. My birthday is on the 4th of February. I studied and graduated from high school then after that from Oxford well before my peers and jumped into new businesses and well here I am,"

I frowned. "You didn't tell me anything personal..."


"Yeah, you know... Like your likes and quirks and all those tiny details,"

He sighed. "Oh yes. Well ask away..."

"Well, what's your favorite color?" I asked, settling better against him.


I grinned. "Food? Song? Movie? Food? Drink? When was the first time you kissed a girl? Do you have any embaras—"

"Okay! Hold on there!" Bryce all but yelled, putting his palm against my lips. "Okay let's get through this one by one. My favorite food would have to be good roasted lamb-shang or ribs actually, anything from Stevie Wonder, I don't have time to watch movies, I was 13, and my most embarrassing memory is too embarrassing to tell."


"You don't watch movies??? How can you not watch movies!? Tell me that was a lie!—" I exclaimed after a brief second of shock, grasping onto his shoulders. "Tell me!!"

"Will you calm down?!" Bryce almost yelled, gripping my shoulders roughly and jolting me forward so that I smacked against his chest.

I groaned in pain as the slight tinge on my nose pulsated. It made me cringe, I hope I had not broken it.

"That hurt," I grumbled, rubbing the pad of my index finger and thumb against the tip of my nose.

Bryce only chuckled and pushed closer against the bed, until his face was aligned with mine. He smiled at me softly, and before I could ask him what he was doing, he reached out and placed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

Pulling back Bryce smiled, his warm eyes glowing against the string lights. I smiled back.

"For a big bulky man you're kind of adorable, you know?"


"Do you know..."




"Do you know..."

That's it!

I shot my head towards Marley and glared at her. "How many times are you going to say that and just trail off! I don't know, obviously, are you going to tell me or not?"

She giggled a bit, and I only frowned.

"... So the square root of 49 is 7, therefore the x is 7. Everyone got how we got x? Theia?"

Oh shit.

Sending a final glare towards a snickering Marley I turned towards Mr. Phelps. "Yes, sir."

He looked at me for a second before nodding and turning towards the board again.

Instantly a brief breath of relief rushed out of my lips and I settled into my chair again. That was close.

"So... do you know..."

I shot a glare towards Marley again and she pulled her hands up in surrender before continuing.

"That dolphins are the horniest things ever!"

What the hell?

I flinched.

"Don't you dare continue Ley; or else I am going to kick your non-existent balls!" I hissed, my head nearly against my desk as I tried to make my threat as low as possible.

"And why are you threatening Marlene about kicking her balls Miss. Anderson?" Came a deep voice just beside my desk. A fit of giggles and chuckles ran around the room and I couldn't help but bang my head against the desk once before looking up at Mr. Phelps.

"Well?" He urged, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Why that man!

"I-I... I'd rather not say, Sir."

He grinned. "Oh really?"

Damn him for being so intimidating!

I gulped, "Yes, really sir"

"Meet me after the class Miss. Anderson, you too Miss Smith,"


I nodded. I'm sure, beside me, Marley did too. "Yes sir" we both chorused together. The rest of the class snickered.


"It's all those dolphins fault!" Marley whisper yelled beside me. I almost giggled. Almost.

"Sure! Apparently it was the dolphins who so nicely managed to whine out 'do you know...' all through half of the class!" I whisper yelled back, standing beside her as we watched Mr. Phelps sorting out quiz papers and placing them into his bag patiently. Too patiently.

Finally, he turned and smiled at us.

"Ah yes ladies! You do both know that you two can get detention for disturbing my class, don't you?"

We both nodded.

He smiled. "But because I'm such an amazing teacher, I'm letting you both off this one time. However, please do discuss about the breeding patterns of dolphins at home if you wish. National Geographic channel is a wonderful place."

Both Marley and I could do nothing more than stare at Mr. Phelps with gaping mouthes. He only smirked harder.

Finally as if Marley found her senses she murmured a quick "yes sir," before dragging me out of the class and into the hallway, behind her.

"We shall not speak of this to anyone," I whispered, still rushing behind Marley.

"Agreed!" She replied, looking back and slightly nodding at me before looking back ahead and rushing towards the cafeteria.


"I'm starving!9" I groaned to myself as I took a seat beside Matthew. Glancing at him I remembered how he had reacted that day during the trip.

He on the other hand seemed busy munching on his burger. I rolled my eyes. Typical Matthew.

I nudged his arm.

"Yes Theia?" He acknowledged, still proceeding to bite a huge chuck of the burger.

I glanced at all the boys around the table.

Connor. Keith. Jeff. Matthew.

"Why did you all bow down?"

They stiffened. I suppose they knew exactly what I was talking about, but Marley being at the table only complicated things.

Marley frowned. "Bow? Where?"

I shrugged. My attempt at being calm on the outside was wearing thin, On the inside, I was freaking out.

What am I going to tell her?


"Keith, Jeff and I went over to Matts so we decided to bug Thi a little, you know since she's his neighbor,"

"Oh! God you boys are so typical!" She replied, rolling her eyes. She picked up her sandwich and plopped it into her mouth.

I giggled nervously. "Yeah..."

Maybe you should ask them later...

"Anyone miss me?"

I smiled at the tone of the voice, uncaring and bored, the person placed his tray on be table and then proceeded to sit beside me.

"Of course not dude. Why would we miss you!?" Keith replied, looking at Roman with humor.

"Shut up. I was asking Theia specifically." Rome retorted and I almost burst out laughing.

These two could never stop.

It always seemed to me that Keith and Roman rarely ever saw eye to eye, and their opposite natures but strong personalities often made them clash. Many a times it seemed good entertainment seeing them have an argument.

"Stop it you two," I smacked Rome's arms lightly while looking at Keith intimidatingly. Well, at least I hoped it would be intimidating.

Matthews arms wrapped around my shoulder and he pulled me towards him, causing me to yelp him surprise.

"Say... can I borrow your fruit juice?" He whispered.

Oh... So his aim is set once again.

I rolled my eyes and moving back into place, picked up the bottle and placed it infront of him.

I was actually quite sure I could literally feel his happiness.


"Are you going home now?"

I turned in the direction of the voice but smiled when I saw Roman walking behind me.

"Yes I suppose so."

"You do a great job of hiding those love-bites you know,"

I stilled. "W-what?"

The tips of Rome's lips lifted for a minute before dropping down into a thin line again.

"We... the men in our family... we're very passionate about our ... girls. We're also quite dominant. Love bites are what comes first. And then..."

He trailed off, getting out a green apple from God knows where and taking a juicy bite of it, little bits of juice trailing down from the sides of his lips.

I, however, only managed to nod. The heat on my face was actually becoming quite unbearable.

"Let's go then," Rome chuckled suddenly, his arm around my shoulders as he moved me towards the love of my life, his car.

"What? Where?" I managed to exclaim just as he pushed me onto the passengers seat and pulled the seatbelt into position.

"I have to drop you home." he murmured, his tone serious. He pushed the key into the ignition and started the car in a fluid turn, the engine rumbled to life.

The rest of the car ride seemed boring, mainly because Rome refused to speak or let my various valuable questions go unanswered.

Well that was until he decided to break the silence...

"The staying period starts next Friday,"

I lifted my eyes from my twirling fingers to him. He however kept his gaze on the road.

I sighed. "Yes, it does,"

He nodded then turned towards me slightly for a second. "So you're coming over to the castle ?"

"I suppose I am." I answered, slightly confused why he was even asking. "The library seems to be a great feature, and then there is Bryce and you and everyone else."

He nodded again, but I could see his knuckles turning to a whiter shade.

"Keep an open mind Theia,"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know when the time is right," Roman sighed, his gaze on me for a second.

I frowned. Why was everybody telling me to keep an open mind?

Just then he turned into my drive way and parked just behind my Dad's spare Car. I turned towards him, leaned in and have him a quick hug. "Thanks for the ride Rome."

He smiled and nodded. Again. "No problems, I see you in class tomorrow."


Walking into my home I quickly closed the front door and made my way to the kitchen.

'Better get something to munch on while I unwind,' I thought to myself as I opened the fridge and pulled out a packet of chips and a can of orange juice, holding them close as I made my way upstairs.

"Do you want me to fix up something real quick hunny?"

I halted in my steps and turned around. Agnus looked at me with a soft smile on her face.

"No thanks Agy. I think I'm all set with chips and juice. For now anyways,"

She nodded warmly before walking towards the kitchen. I frowned.

I wonder where Lilly is...

I found Lilly loitering around the first floor, a bucket in one hand white a cloth in another. She instantly sent a warm smile my way, to which I replied softly before opening my bedroom's door and moving in.

Weird one, that one.

I sighed happily as I placed the bag of chips and still chilled orange Juice on top of the study table before moving towards my shower. I felt mucky and sweaty anyway.

Just as I was about to open the door and move in, a ping sounded from my jean pocket and I instantly felt through my pant, slipping my cell phone out of one of the side pockets.

I clicked on the newly received message. It was from Bryce. I frowned. There were only four words plastered on my screen. Four words, that still managed to send a cold chill down my spine.

We need to talk.

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