My Bunny Honey (Fanfic)

By swallowtt

89.5K 7.3K 1.4K

Singto's cousin left him a bunny to babysit while he and his boyfriend went on vacation. In a twist of fate... More

Chapter 1: Baby
Chapter 2: On the Bed
Chapter 3: One Word
Chapter 4: Pet
Chapter 5: Bossy
Chapter 6: Double Standard
Chapter 7: Together
Chapter 8: Somebody to Love
Chapter 10: Do
Chapter 11: Laughing
Chapter 12: Transport
Chapter 13: Medicine
Chapter 14: Declaration
Chapter 15: Crossover
Chapter 16: Useless Muscles
Chapter 17: Scream
Chapter 18: Unconscious
Chapter 19: Flower
Chapter 20: Yes
Chapter 21: Details
Chapter 22: Souvenirs
Chapter 23: Gone
Chapter 24: Peculiar
Chapter 25: Fairy Magic
Chapter 26: Love (Finale)
Thank You!!!

Chapter 9: Wish Granted

3K 266 36
By swallowtt

            "It's nice of you to finally join us." Godt burped and flailed onto the couch.

"Hey, Nong!" Singto griped. "I told you to watch after Krist; not get him drunk."

"It's not my fault that he's such a lightweight," Godt muttered. "He only drank half a bottle. He's just like you...can't hold his liquor."

"What did you expect?" Singto complained. "He's a bunny."

"He's human, P'Singto," Godt reminded.

"Sing!" Krist hopped over to Singto but lost his balance and tumbled to the floor.

"Krist..." Singto hurriedly helped the intoxicated bunny up.

"Sing." Krist leaned over and bonked his nose on Singto's face.

"Alright." Singto struggled to support his weight.

Gazing at Singto with half opened eyes, Krist smiled. "Sing..."

"Let's get you to bed." Singto slung Krist's arm over his shoulders and snaked an arm around the bunny's waist to hold him up.

"What about me?" Godt yelled out. "I need some loving, too."

"You stay away from me," Singto ordered.

"I don't want you," Godt uttered. "I want Krist."

"Well, you can't have him."

"Why not?" Godt got up and stumbled toward Singto. "Are you claiming him all to yourself?" Draping his arms on each side of Singto's neck, Godt rested them on Krist's arm as well as Singto's shoulders.

"Nong, get off me," Singto requested. "I can't hold the both of you up at the same time. You guys are heavy."

"Are you calling me fat?" Godt objected and before Singto could react, the other threw his head back and started crying at the top of his lungs.

"Geez! Get a grip on yourself," Singto commanded.

"'re calling me fat." Godt sobbed.

"Fine. You're skinny."

"Are you calling me a skeleton?" Godt whimpered. "That's just as bad as calling me fat."

"Seriously?" Singto groaned and noticed that Godt was about to sob once again. "Never mind. You're perfect the way you are. Perfect, okay?"

"You think that I'm perfect?"

"Yes," Singto concurred hesitantly and looked over at the coffee table to count the opened bottles of beer. One of them is Krist's. There are two unopened, meaning Nong drank six and a half bottles. Singto blurted his thoughts out loud, "How did you manage to sneak so many bottles, behind my back, without me knowing?"

"You were busy playing with yourself," Godt hiccupped, "with your little fingers, under the running water."

"How are you even able to tease me when you're so drunk?"

"I'm never too drunk to tease you." Another burp emitted from his mouth. "You lucky kitty, you."

"Yeah, so lucky," Singto said sarcastically.

"I'm glad that you agree." Godt planted a kiss on Singto's cheek and then rested his chin on the lad's shoulder.

"Quit molesting me and come." With heavy steps, Singto gradually led them in the direction of his bedroom.

"Come?" Godt chuckled. "You're like my brother. I'm not going to come with you."

Singto stopped in his steps when he discovered that Godt had misunderstood. "Not that kind of come. And...eww!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"N-Never mind. Just come," Singto caught himself and immediately reworded, "I mean, go to my room with us."

"Us?" Godt smirked. "A threesome?"

"What?" Singto wheezed whilst proceeding to lug them along. "No. That's not what I said."

"What did you say?"

"Forget it." Singto sighed.

"Forget what?" Godt wiggled his brows suggestively.

"You're worse drunk than sober."

"Did you just call me a horse with a saber?" Godt's bottom lip wavered, threatening to repeat his previous outbreak of tears.

"No. I said," Singto's face twitched, "I can't believe I'm going to say this." He moaned. "I prefer you sober."

"Aren't you persistent?"


"I know you prefer me as your lover, but it could never be."

"Sober; not lover," growled Singto.

Ignoring Singto's explanation, Godt continued. "I like my man to look boyish and cute. You're too good-looking to be cute, and you're certainly not boyish."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Singto scoffed, yet decided not to agitate Godt to act out any further. "Why does my bedroom seem so far away tonight?"

"Someone is a little too eager. Keep it in your pants, P'Singto."

Singto wanted so badly to retort but refrained. "Yeah...yeah. Whatever." Finally reaching their destination, the lad managed to fling the two drunken men onto his mattress. Tucking them both in, Singto pulled the comforter up for them and panted. "I guess I'm sleeping on the couch." He shook his head and made his way to the living room to clear the coffee table of the bottles. The empty ones were put in the sink to be discarded into the recycling bin tomorrow, while the unopened ones went back into the fridge. Tired from the long day, Singto walked into the bathroom to wash-up. Krist's clothes. He recalled and went to grab them from the dryer. Folding them nicely, the stack of new attires was placed on the counter next to the washer and dryer.

Returning to the living room, Singto switched off the lights and carefully waddled over to sit down on the couch. "What in the world were they watching earlier?" Singto questioned when he saw the infomercial for a split ends removal comb, playing on the television. After a couple minutes of channel searching for something more interesting to watch, Singto came up flat. There was nothing that caught his eyes, so he turned off the TV altogether. "Might as well sleep early," he mumbled to himself. Lying on his back, Singto shut his eyes and soon dozed off.

Everyone was sound asleep by midnight as a man, dressed in pure white, appeared in the bedroom. This should make you feel better, my darling Krist. He reached a hand out to stroke Krist's hair to undo what the alcohol had done to him.

Krist woke up and smiled brightly at the familiar face. His lips spoke inaudible words only the visitor could understand.

I see. The visitor's mouth lifted as he smiled at the bunny. If that is what you want, I shall grant your wish.

Krist nodded happily.

Promise to be good to Singto.

"Sing!" Krist assured.

Alright, then. Snapping his fingers, there was a flash of light that came and went within a second. Krist's smile grew even bigger and he got out of bed to bonk his nose on the male's face. Be good.

Krist half hopped and half walked out of the room to join Singto in the living room.

"W-Who is talking?" Godt murmured.

He really could hear me.

"Of course, I could hear you. You won't stop talking. It is the middle of the night. Who, in their right mind, would disrupt others from sleeping?" Godt opened his eyes and glimpsed around the moonlit room. Huh? There's no one here. A yawn escaped from his lips. Was I dreaming?


 Okay, this was where I left off in the original Korean cast version.  I had to do so much fixing to alter them into this Thai cast.  XD  From here on, updates will be slower since I haven't written any of it yet.  Anyway, I have a MewArt one-shot and a MaxTul to tackle first.  Wish me luck and thank you for reading.  ^__^

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