Silver Linings {A TVD Fanfic...

By xlaurynwritesx

67.1K 1.7K 142

Emmaline Flemming had an ordinary life. Well she thought it was ordinary, at least. Her mother died when she... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three


1.2K 31 0
By xlaurynwritesx

Later that night... Katherine's POV

I wasn't sure if I could trick both of them but I knew Damon was easier to target. Emma, the bold one, was the one he liked according to Isobel and she was definitely more like me. She would be easier to mimic, but she didn't look exactly like me. I decided to cause a little bit of emotional problems through Damon still.

I walked up to the Gilbert residence to visit Johnathon Gilbert. He was a real prick and I wanted him dead, or at least in pain. As I walked I saw Damon walk out of the house.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked looking at him.

"Is Emma okay?" He asked back. God what happened to her?

"Yeah. She's doing fine." I replied hoping for the best. "What are you doing here?"

He sighed. "Good. That's good."

"So... are you going to tell me why you're here?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him. He was still as attractive as ever.

"Well I tried to do the right thing. Emphasis on the try. It was a failed attempt." He replied.

"What did you do?" I asked furrowing my brows a bit.

"It's not important really." He shrugged as I looked at him. I had to be careful with my words. "I came to this town wanting to destroy it, and tonight I realized I was trying to protect it." He explained as if he was uneasy. "How does that happen? I'm not really a hero. It's not me."

"There's always a time for firsts." I was hoping I was saying the right things. I mean I was sure I was. This Elena girl was very friendly, like maybe even too friendly.

"No. Stefan is the one that gets the hero spot." He shook his head. I stayed quiet. Better safe than sorry. "Along with Bonnie. She has every reason to hate me yet she saved me."

"You don't think I'm a hero?" I asked confused. I thought she was a good girl.

"Yeah you too." He added as I lifted my head to him lightly.

"And Emma?" I asked curiously.

"I can't tell with her yet. She's hard to read." He replied as I nodded.

"Why do you seem surprised that Bonnie saved you?" I asked him my arms still crossed. He seemed to be completely buying it.

"She did it for you, but the thing is, I don't think you would care too much if I died." He let out a soft chuckle. "It had to be Emma."

"Of course I'd care." I smiled lightly to him. "I'm the one that convinced her, not Emma." I replied, probably lying. I saw this Emma girl. She would've done this for him.

"Really?" He asked unsure.

"You're important too Damon. Just because you've had a rougher past then Stefan it doesn't mean you can't be better." I smiled stepping closer to him.

"Thank you for helping." He smiled to me.

"Of course." I stepped forward more and he looked down at me unsure. I tilted my head up seeing how far I could push him. How much it would take to get him to come for me. I smiled lightly. I didn't know how she'd respond so I hoped this worked. I probably should've watched over them longer. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek and then rubbed it going for my lips. I leaned in and kissed him lightly before he backed away.

"I'm not gonna go after my brothers girl. It's not right. But I'm completely fine with tricking him that I am." He smiled lightly to me.

"So you like someone else?" I asked curiously. 

A woman walked out. I believe her name was Jenna. "Hey. I was just about to come in." I looked to her.

"Yeah let's go." She spoke looking to me almost in disapproval and worry. "Come on in." She obviously didn't care for Damon. I noticed him looking away from her.

"Bye Damon." I mumbled lightly before going inside with ease. It was time to get to work.

Emma's POV

Later on Elena called me and told me everything was okay. She said she was heading to her house and I told her I'd meet her there. I picked up my phone and read Tyler's name. "Hello?" I asked.

"Emma, I got into an accident. Caroline is in surgery and Matt broke his arm. I'm at the hospital waiting and I-" he started.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I responded. I got my dad to drive and we headed to the hospital. I was too caught up in my own worry that I forgot to tell Elena where I was going. He brought me a shirt to change into then he dropped me off and I quickly ran inside.

"Tyler." I called out as I saw him and ran over. "You're okay?" I asked worried.

"Yeah it's just- Caroline. I don't know what's going on. They don't think she'll make it." He responded worried.

"She'll make it through." I nodded as I hugged him. "She'll make it." I reassured looking up at him. "Where's Matt?"

He pointed to a room and I headed there. He was getting his arm cast. "Are you okay?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah it's just a fracture." He nodded.

"Sweetie you can't be in here." The nurse said looking at me.

"Sorry I just wanted to check on my friend." I replied as I walked back out. I saw Damon talking to Carolines mom. I sat with Tyler for a while when the sheriff told him something happened to his dad. He left and I stayed with Bonnie until I saw Elena.

"Oh my God. I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you-" I started looking at her worried.

"It's no big deal. Matt told me. You should know, John really is our father and someone tried to kill him." She revealed as I scrunched the hair on top of my head. "He's in surgery."

"Oh my God Elena." I sighed as Bonnie walked over.

"Caroline isn't doing well. They say she's really weak." Bonnie explained to her. "They don't know if she'll make it."

"What?" Elena asked as Bonnie hugged her.

"Bonnie you can cast a spell to make her be okay right?" I asked looking at her.

"She doesn't know how. She's not strong enough. It took Emily years to learn that spell." Damon spoke walking over. He looked to Elena curiously then back to Bonnie. I didn't know why though.

"Well I can hurt a vampire. That spell is easy." She warned looking at him.

"I can give her some of my blood. It'll heal her." Damon nodded looking to us.

"No you can't-" Elena started.

"Do it. Caroline doesn't deserve to die. If you can save her do it." I looked at him seriously.

"I agree with her Elena. Caroline doesn't deserve this." Bonnie nodded as Elena sighed but then agreed.

"I'm gonna go check on Matt." Elena told us as she and Bonnie walked away.

"Wait Elena. I know this is a weird time but maybe we can talk about what happened earlier." Damon whispered looking at her. "You know, about when we were talking on your porch." He added as if it was obvious.

"Damon I haven't seen you all day." Elena shook her head crossing my arms. "What's going on?"

"Stop messing around." He rolled his eyes. "We kissed." He said as Elena looked at him confused. I felt almost... angry. "What was it for?"

"I haven't seen you since I was on the float. You stop messing around." Elena shook her head.

I saw Jenna and I looked to her then Damon who looked at me confused. I walked with Jenna to Elena who hugged her.

"Where have you been?" Elena asked looking to Jenna.

"I told you I was filling some paperwork for the police department." She said looking to Elena.

"No you didn't." Elena looked at her confused.

"Yeah I did at the house earlier." Jenna responded looking at her.

"I wasn't at the house. Why does everyone think I was there?" Elena asked looking from Jenna to Damon.

"Oh no." Damon sighed lightly. "You've gotta be kidding me." Damon breathed before he walked away. I looked at Elena and walked towards Damon.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I asked looking at him angrily.

"Katherine. She's in town." Damon replied as Elena looked to me worried.

"We have to tell Stefan." Elena spoke as I nodded.

"You go. I'll stay here to make sure everyone else is okay." I explained to her as she nodded. Damon looked at me before walking away. Did he really think he kissed Elena? I mean he seemed hurt that she didn't know. It was weird. I wasn't sure if I meant something to him but this definitely made it hard. I could've sworn he didn't actually like her and the fact that he might've made me upset.

I stayed with Matt until he told me to go home. I didn't know how else to be okay with everything.


The next day was a wake for Tyler's dad. I was getting ready to go but Elena suggested I go with her to check on John. I was hesitant at first but she said she needed me there and I didn't know how to refuse. Yeah this man was my father but he didn't want anything to do with me.

I got to Elena's house and she seemed tense. "Why the face?"

"Well Stefan is worried." She sighed lightly. "Damon said Katherine kissed him but he thought it was me and Stefan doesn't like that."

"So is he be mad at you?" I asked curious. He did something similar at the fair.

"Well apparently Damon sort of egged it on like he wanted to or something. Damon is dangerous and he doesn't trust him around anyone. Damon didn't agree and they almost fought." She explained.

"At first he didn't want me near you." I smiled lightly.

"You think Damons right?" She asked.

"No definitely not. I'm just saying Stefan is super protective. Don't worry about me I can take care of myself okay?" I asked with a nod. I didn't want to be a damsel in distress. She nodded back and not long after Stefan was there.

We headed to the hospital and they told us where the room was. As we got closer to it I realized that this could be bad.

"Elena I don't think I should go." I admitted to her as they both stopped.

"What? Why?" She asked confused.

"You know him. I don't. I'm worried if I go in there he'll just disappoint me like everyone else." I explained to her. I didn't want to hurt anymore and this could risk that.

She looked at me worried and nodded. "We'll be back out soon." She smiled lightly before walking in.

A few minutes later Elena walked out. "You were right. He would've disappointed you." She spat angrily as she looked at me. I looked at her and hugged her lightly. "I'm gonna head to her Jeremy and Jenna so we can go to the wake. Are you going?"

"Yeah." I saw Stefan. "Do you mind taking me straight there? I need to check on Tyler." I asked as he nodded.

I got in his car and we headed. "I heard you got mad at Damon." I started sitting there.

"Yeah." He sighed. "Has he been messing with you lately?"

"No he's just been talking to me." I replied. "But I don't think he wants to mess with me. I think he just wants me to be his friend."

"Damon doesn't deserve friends." Stefan shook his head.

"Maybe not but neither do I. He acts on impulse and I understand that. I shouldn't but I do." I sighed lightly.

"I just don't want him to hurt anyone else. I'm sorry if that makes me seem overbearing." He apologized genuinely.

"Your job is to take care of Elena. I understand that I'm part of making sure she's okay and all, but I don't think Damon will do anything to hurt me." I responded looking to him. "I can take care of myself okay?"

"I'll lay off a little, but I still think you should get away from him while you can. Like you said he acts on impulse. One wrong move and he might hurt you." He replied as I sat there quietly. I didn't think he'd hurt me directly but I believed Stefan. He would do something to upset me, like kissing Katherine. Wait. No that just upset me because he wanted to take Elena away from Stefan.

"This Katherine did whatever she did on purpose. From what I know about her I bet she's trying to make you both angry. Don't let her win." I added looking at him. We got there and I walked out. I saw Tyler and I went up to him.

"Have you cried yet?" I asked looking at him.

"Most people ask if I'm okay." He replied confused.

"Yeah it's a dumb question. You're obviously not okay. The real question is wether you've had a chance to let it out yet." I replied looking up at him worried.

"No." He replied simply as I nodded and hugged him. "I'm sorry." I spoke as he hugged me back.

I stayed with him for a while until I saw Damon. He looked to me but I looked down and walked the other way. I didn't really want to talk to him about it. I left Tyler and headed to the back to reflect I guess.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and saw Damon. "Hey." He said as I smiled lightly and looked at him.

"You ruined my thinking." I crossed my arms turning around.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked curiously.

"Well first I was thinking that I haven't had the chance to really thank you for saving my life. Thank you for that." I nodded.

"Anytime. Thank you for saving mine." He replied as I furrowed my brows confused. "Well Katherine did tell me that she aka Elena was the reason but I'm not so sure."

"I may have had some input into saving you." I smiled lightly. "What all did she say to you?" I asked curiously.

"She didn't say much. I did the talking." He explained as I nodded. "She did say that she believed in me and thought I could do better. It reminded me of Katherine, the whole look of it all. I thought for a split second it would make me happy."

"Do you actually like Elena?" I asked curiously.

"No." He shook his head lightly looking down. "I mean she's nice but I don't. When she kissed me I pulled away."

"Wait what? I thought-" I started.

"No I pulled away. She tried to kiss me, like I said. I told her I had feelings for someone else." He shrugged lightly.

"Katherine?" I asked nodding lightly. He shook his head. "All that's left is me. So you like me?" I asked almost confused but sort of joking. He looked to me as if it was obvious and then back to in front of him. "You shouldn't." I added as he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious Damon. Wherever I go bad things follow. Everyone else has already had problems because of me. I can't make things worse for you too."

"Please, you don't affect how things end up for other people." He shook his head looking at me.

"Tyler got in an accident because he didn't leave when he was supposed to. He stayed because of me. Caroline is in the hospital now because of that. Matt broke his arm. I ended up being the reason you got stuck in a fire because you were too worried about me to get somewhere safe from the vampires. My dad-" I said before he interrupted.

"None of that was your fault." He looked at me with disbelief. "I was going to end up in the fire wether you were stabbed or not. Whatever you've done that you're so worried about, believe me, I've done worse." He replied as I sighed. I walked away and saw Elena and walk by.

"Hey." I smiled to her as she looked to me and didn't reply but looked confused.

"Are you Emma?" She asked crossing her arms as I put my hand on my purse.

"Katherine." I tilted my head. "Isn't it dangerous for you to be out and about when Elena is here too?" I asked curiously as I pulled on my zipper casually.

"Well I can be her whenever I want. Some people even think I'm you. Perks of having two look alike's wondering about." She smirked lightly.

"Why are you here?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Let's just say I have some Salvatore's to attend to. I did already convince Damon to kiss me. I bet that upset you." She kept smirking.

"Why does everyone think I like him?" I rolled my eyes.

"Please I've watched you for two days and you obviously care about him." She scoffed.

"Can you just leave? No one wants you here." I crossed my arms lightly.

"It will help you to know not to mess with me Emma." She said as she came at me but I didn't move. She pushed me against a wall and put her hand over my throat. "I have 500 years on you little girl. Try to underestimate me one more time and I'll snap your neck quicker than you can even think of screaming for help." She let go and walked away.

I took a deep breath and my heart was racing. That hadn't happened in a while. I rubbed my neck and walked back towards the people. I didn't know exactly who this Katherine was, but I knew I didn't want to cross her.

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