By Eerricab

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Three Young Woman, Nancy, Clare And Jane accidentally transport themselves to another world know as universe... More

This is not a chapter (YET)
Hello guys 😷


313 9 12
By Eerricab

I really tried to find a Picture with everyone but I just couldn't this also might be a long one sorry

Jane head was spinning when she woke back up again looking around she noticed she was still in the school's hallway. And no one was around still.....or maybe .....maybe someone did walk by and though she was dead. She tried getting up but was remembered by the numbness in her legs that she couldn't she forgot all about the part of the celling that fell down on her legs. She knew that it had to be moved but she didn't think she had the energy to move anything else with her mind again. "Okay I haven't tried pushing it off I have to try!" She said out loud to herself. With whatever kinda upper muscle power she had she pushed at the big block it moved! ..... but only a little she was on the urge of tears she was going to need help but no one was fucking around to help! Running her hand through her bangs and away of her sweaty forehead. she started screaming out loud for help.
She was about to give up until she heard a Noise.
She whip her head to her left but she couldn't see much down the hallway we're the noise was coming from was pretty much destroyed the lights that were still working was flickering on and off making it look like a scary scene from a scary movie. the sound sounded like footsteps. A uneasy feeling went down here spine making the hairs on her back stand up what if it was some bad person that was headed in her direction she wouldn't be able to defend herself. Soon she could make out a silhouette of a person They we're tall and slim when they got closer she could tell it was a woman wearing a red dress and high heels shoes but she couldn't see her face but that didn't matter to her right now it was someone that could help and they looked harmless, now that she thought about it it looks to be a teacher. The woman walked up to her. "Hey do you think you can help me move this block it's not super heavy but it is for just one person I would surely appreciate if you could give me a hand?" ...The woman didn't say anything she just stood there Jane couldn't see her face cause her hair was covering it. "Um hey did you hear me."? She still didn't say anything. Jane was slowly started getting creeped out. "hey are you okay"?
Still she didn't saying but slowly the woman lifted her head revealing yellow eyes and a creepy smile. Jane was forced to watch in shock and horror as the woman neck started to stretch apart like something was braking free from inside of the woman's body soon it ripped apart from the rest of the body she could see something dark and black underneath the hands also ripped apart revealing long black hands with claws, next was the icing on the cake. The thing lifted the woman skin off like some type of mask. the black tall thing smiled down at her with sharp bloodied teeth.
Jane SCREAMED so LOUD hurting her throat.
The front doors of the school busted opening and gun shots were heard instantly making her cover her ears from the loud noise.
The thing finally fell back. when they ran out of ammo. "Jane!." Clare ran over to her "dang girl how did you get trapped in this situation?" She glared at her with tears in her eyes. " ha okay to soon I guess." "Just help me get this thing off of my legs please". Clare pulled while she pushed they almost had it moved but it was still to heavy "DAMIT!" After reloading her gun Nancy finally walked over to help. "Okay on the 3!, ...1!2!3!"
Finally they mange to move it but not with out struggle, Nancy pulled her to her feet she almost fell over but regained her footing " can you walk?" Clare ask. "Yes" "Okay lets go!" Said Nancy they turned around heading for the door but Clare was grabbed by the ankle and pulled to the ground she screamed out of shock the creature climbed on top of her she tried her best to get the thing off of her raising it's hand toward her face a dark gray ball of light was forming from its hands she knew if she didn't move away fast her head would most likely get blasted off. Clare took a breath and looked at it in the eyes. Her eyes glowed a bright blue. The thing looked confused for a moment then it couldn't see any but blackness. it stood up with a terrifying screech  and started throwing around its black energy cannons everywhere causing explosions. Jane and Nancy duck down out of the way. Clare Then covered her eyes and face do to pieces of dirt concrete and dust give the thing it's sight back. Charging up another one of its energy cannons aiming it at her face once again.
Black spilled from it's throat an it fell forward landing right on top of Clare's face.
"Aaaahh! Get this damn thing off of me!" Nancy pulled it off of her. Clare got to her feet, "what happened?" Looking at Nancy she spotted a large hunting knife in her hand. "Are you  fucking kidding me!" "Shut up! at least you're alive!" Screamed Nancy. "Yeah and now I smell like ass thanks to you!" "You ungrateful heifer!" "HEY CAN WE JUST GO?" Jane said as she walked toward the exit "Whatever" Clare mumbled.
They made it to the government base luckily with no problems.
Jane got out the car first then Clare, Nancy pushed them out of her way and started walking. Clare rolled her eyes. The building was still standing surprisingly. They walked in but saw no one it was dead quite. "Come on maybe there down stairs." They followed Nancy to the elevators she type in the code and the doors open. They made it down to the bottom floor but still didn't hear or see anybody "Okay something is really wrong here we should turn around why we still can." Clare said. "shhh!!! At least let us check the green room!" Nancy mumbled. Finally they got to A green giant door An once again Nancy type in her code she opened the door it was dark inside she walked in and cut on the lights but she wish she hadn't!
Body's... dead Body's if there team we're scattered everywhere some wear even hang up from the ceiling ripped open. there was a river of blood covering the floor. "Can we go now" Jane asked. Before Clare could respond and agree someone else did.

"Now why would you want to do that" a deep voice said behind them. They wiped around fast Nancy aimed her gun. A super tall man with glowing piercings red eyes a purple thick mist moved around him making him look like he was floating Jane moved back she couldn't believe who ....well what she was seeing.? He can't be hear!. He's not supposed to be real.! he was toying with a orange ball that had stars on it, in one of his hand. He smirk at them. A grey black dark mist formed behind him, appearing the same black creatures they ran into once before only now there was more than just one!. Some given them hungry looks some given them angry evil looks several had there Energy cannons ready to be fired. The man fully smiled at them showing off his sharp teeth's "YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" .,..."RUN!" Nancy yelled. They ran through the blood puddles trying desperately not to slip and fall. Jane spotted a staircase and they followed her up it they could hear howling and screeching behind them as the things gave chase. They ran through a red door and locked it behind them. banging was heard on the other side "This peace of wood isn't going to hold them for long!" Said Clare. "Look!" Jane said catching their attention A strange looking large Machine. it was like nothing they ever seen before. " What is tha—" a purple blast shot through the door. They ran to the door of the Machine that opened up on it's on and closed behind them inside there were many control panels and buttons. And just one Seat. And of course Nancy set down first. "GREETINGS" a A robot voice was heard around the machine "tell me you know how to work this thing" asked Jane "no" answer Nancy. But that didn't stop her from pushing the start button. "choose your destination"
For huge letters stood out A, Q, Y, and S. The door flew off the hinges of the aircraft machine and with out a second thought Nancy pushed the S the last thing Jane saw was Red angry eyes. And a huge purple blast coming straight for them.
The time Machine crashed down on bright green grass knocking the three of them over, looking out the window they saw a super clear blue sky, getting up they walked to the huge window and saw a building with the words CAPSULE on the front it.

"What happened we're the hell are we"? Nancy Ask. "Well we're not in are dimension that's for sure" Said Clare. "Don't be stupid that's impossible .....right?" They just stood there starting at eachother seeing if either one of them new what to do now.
"HI!"   Turning around fast they saw to young boys hovering over the huge tall medicine in mid air! "Who are you guys?" The one with the black hair that was strangely sticky up in different directions asked. he was wearing orange and blue Gi clothing. "Yeah! Wear did y'all come from?" The other one with pastel purple hair wearing a burnt orange and dark green Gi clothing asked. giving them a some what suspicious look. "Trunks! Goten! What are you two doing it's time to eat! An wear did y'all get that Time machine from?" A Woman voice was heard. Looking down they saw a woman with Blue short hair.! The kids flew down to her, "Mom! We saw A bright flash in the sky an down came them." The purple hair kid said pointing at the three of them. The Blue head woman look right at them with a shocked and worried expression. She ran over. "Oh gosh are y'all okay? Hay It's safe to come down no one going to hurt you guys come down." She said.
It took them a few minutes to decide on wether or not if they should, Jane climbed down first and her sisters followed "God What happened to you guys? Geez what happened too you're Arm!" Nancy looked down at her right arm she forgot all about it. "Listen it's a long sto—." "Well you all can tell me about it when I get the three of you taking care of follow me." The Blue haired woman turned and walked toward the building? Leaving them no choice but to follow her inside and around the huge place. She took them up to the second floor that had many doors. She stop at the 3rd room she opened the door revealing a huge room and a huge bed. "Someone can take this room there's already some clothes inside the closet". She said. "I guess I'll take this one then" Clare said walking into the room. Jane took the middle room. "Well I guess the last one is mine" Nancy said. "Oh actually if you don't mind I need you to come with me so we can take care of that arm." the blue hair woman said Placing her hand on her shoulder. Nancy turned to look at her to see if she was up to something to see if she can find anything that would give the woman's nice act away but she didn't see any all she saw was a genuine smile "Okay I guess." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After they washed off the dirty sweat and some blood they dressed in nothing but a plane white white t-shirt and black pants. Jane heard a knock on her door she took a hair tie out of her dirty blue jeans and threw her damp hair up in a messy bun. She opened the door and saw Clare and Nancy. "The woman showed me were the kitchen was after she patched up my arm. She told me she wanted us to join her for lunch. " said Nancy. Jane looked down at her arm and walked out ....they followed Nancy down to the first floor and to the kitchen doors and stop "did she say she was having a party?" Ask Clare. There was loud talking and laughing on the other side "No" Nancy answered "should we go in ?" Jane asked her hands were sweating a sign that she was nervous. "No she didn't even tell us her name! What if it's a trap what if there crazy? What if—"
"Oh sorry I didn't tell you guys, my name is Bulma" a voice said from behind them making them jump an some how trip over each other falling through the kitchen doors an on the kitchen floor. The laughing and talking stop instantly nervously the three of them looked up at the group of strange looking people, they spotted the kids from earlier but now they saw 2 more both girls one with blonde hair and blue eyes that was being held by a beautiful young lady with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes looking like a older version of the little girl. the other girl had short dark hair that was in a ponytail she had short bangs  and was wearing a pink baby outfit she was being held by another young pretty dark short hair woman with brown eyes she was sitting by a tall muscular short dark hair man that was wearing glasses on the other side of the blonde hair woman was a short bald man that had six small dots on his forehead that seem to look like scars. by him was a young man with black shoulder length hair and blue eyes he had on a white and green long sleeve shirt the had MIR on it sitting by him was a man that was a little under average height with black fire fame shape hair, He was glaring at them. Another pretty woman was standing by him that had her hair tied up in a neat bun wearing red lipstick serving a huge plate of food to a man really tall man that was also muscular. He had black dark hair that also stuck up in different directions he was wearing all orange GI clothing, and had a Curious goofy look on his face. There was a lot more people a dark green and light pink skinned man with sharp nails. a man with a third eye on his head a old guy wearing shades. but honestly the ones at the head of the table caught there attention the most there sat a tall purple humanoid Sphinx cat that was wearing Egyptian clothing. Behind him standing was a tall man with a plate in his hand that had pale blue skin and tall white hair with effeminate features. They were all starting down at them.....
"Um Bulma who are they" ???

I tried my best with this chapter lol but thanks Jackelyne8  and LilithWitch for some ideas soon to come hopefully this wasn't a to bad of a  chapter lol.)

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