The last guard : RWBY x male...

By GlenAldoAZE

587K 7K 8.4K

After years of brutal conflict, the civil war in Vacuo is coming near it's end. Just days before the governme... More

The Girls
Part 1 : the last one
Part 2 : finally free
Part 3 : a new home
Part 4 : the first day
Part 5 : Life in Beacon
Part 6 : blast from the past
Part 7 : strange days
The new girls (again)
Part 8 : a new enemy
A new girl (yet again)
Part 9 : secrets
Part 10 : the dance ?
Part 11 : first mission
Part 12 : a familiar sight
New girl (this is the last one) i think
Part 13 : an early victory
Part 14 : an enemy or not ? Pt.1
Another Girl (i swear she's the last one)
Part 15 : an enemy or not ? pt.2
Part 16 : an enemy or not ? pt.3
Part 17 : an enemy or not ? Pt.4
Part 18 : a chocolate and a rabbit
Part 19 : a joyful rose
Part 20 : hard as ice
Part 21 : a sad kitten
Part 22 : flaming yellow
Part 24 : a not so calm before the storm
Part 25 : the fall pt.1
Part 26 : the fall pt.2
Part 27 : aftermath
Part 28 : a new beginning
Part 29 : mistral menace pt.1
Part 30 : mistral menace pt.2
Part 31 : the black bird
Part 32 : mother's rosario
Part 33 : an unexpected encounter
Part 34 : change of plans
Part 35 : the iron city
Part 36 : Homecoming
We have a winner!!!
Part 37 : shady business pt.1
The new girl!!!
Part 38 : shady business pt.2
Part 39 : the end or the beginning ?
Voting time!!!
The result!!!

Part 23 : a warrior or a hero ?

7K 95 49
By GlenAldoAZE

(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to see that i was alone inside the dorm. None of my teammates were here. Where are they ? I got up from the bed and walked towards the table to see a note there.
It said.....

(Y/N), we're all going to the cafeteria early. We know that you need some rest after spending time with us. Join us when you're ready okay.

I then put the note down and went into the shower. After i was done, i saw my Elite Guard uniform hanging on the door and i put it on. I was glad that i could finally wear it again. I feel naked without it. I then hid my daggers inside the uniform like i always do and went outside the dorm.

(Time skip a few minutes)

I was walking through the hallways when i heard someone calling my name.

??? : "(Y/N)!!! Over here" i turned around to see Pyrrha running towards me.

Me : "good morning Pyrrha"

Pyrrha : "good morning (Y/N), where have you been ? I've been looking for you at the cafeteria"

Me : "my team decided to let me sleep in for the day" i said while rubbing the back of my head.

Pyrrha : "so that's why you weren't in the cafeteria"

Me : "you were looking for me ? Why ?" I asked as her cheeks suddenly went red. Is she nervous ?

Pyrrha : "w-well.... i was wondering if you have time to train with me today ?" She said nervously.

Me : "train ? Of course, when do we start ?" I asked as her eyes lit up in excitement.

Pyrrha : "now of course!" She said before taking my hand and dragging me across the hallways towards the arena.

(Time skip 10 minutes)

After we arrived at the arena, we both then readied ourselves to train. I unsheathed my scimitar while Pyrrha readied her spear and shield. I looked around the arena to see that we weren't the only ones training. There were also many other people sparring here. The arena was quite huge.

Me : "are you ready ?" I said as she took her combat stance.

Pyrrha : "ready" she said with a serious look on her face as i took my combat stance.

Me : "go" i said as she charged at me before jumping while thrusting her spear at me. I reacted quickly and rolled to the side to dodge the attack. I then quickly recovered before she slashed at me multiple times which I successfully parried. I then back kicked her shield knocking her back a few feet. She then lunged towards me and performed a series of slash and thrust attacks which i either parried or dodged. Then i remembered something. Her fighting style, i've seen it before. I recognize the pattern. I then readied myself for another round of attack. I took a defensive stance and taunted her to make the first move. If i'm not mistaken, she would start with a ranged attack with her spear before knocking me with her shield to stun me. Then, she would turn her spear into a short sword to attack me with a series of extreme close quarters attacks.

Pyrrha : "here i go!" She said as she was charging at me. It looked like I was correct. She did everything I predicted. And thus, i was able to defend against her attacks with ease. But there's one more thing. Usually, they would try to stab me with their short sword but they would deliberately miss by not thrusting far enough to reach my body but after their target stopped moving to dodge, they would turn their swords into a spear and it would pierce through the body like a bullet.

Pyrrha : "you're very skilled" she said before thrusting her sword towards my chest but missed. I then quickly moved back. It looked like she was going to use the technique. When i saw her blade turned into a spear, i quickly reacted and moved to the side a few inches and the spear missed my chest. I then saw a surprised look on her face as i gripped her spear with my armpit and front kicked her in the chest which sent her flying back. I then held her spear which turned back into a sword before walking towards her to return her sword back to her.

Me : "are you okay ?" I said while helping her to stand up.

Pyrrha : "i'm fine"

Me : "we should take a break"

Pyrrha : "good idea" she said before we went to the seats to rest. After only seconds of resting, a few students who looked like they were visiting from other academies came to us.

Student 1 : "excuse me, you're Pyrrha Nikos right, The world renowned fighter right ?" student said to Pyrrha nervously.

Pyrrha : "yes i am" she said as they all suddenly became excited.

Student 2 : "you're amazing! Please give me your autograph!" another student said while holding a pen and a piece of paper.

Pyrrha : "uhh.... sure" she said as she signed the paper before the others started to asked for the same thing. When i looked at her face, i noticed that she's not enjoying this. She looked uncomfortable, sad even.

Student 3 : "tell me, why are yo so strong ?!"

Student 4 : "are you really invincible!"

Student 5 : "you're Gorgeous!!!" One of the students said which made Pyrrha look uncomfortable.

Student 6 : "please! Go out with me!" Hmm...... this was starting to get weird. I then looked at Pyrrha who was so uncomfortable, she couldn't even say a word. I then decided that to help her. I stood up and confronted the crowd.

Me : "excuse me and sorry to interrupt but as you can see, miss Nikos here is feeling quite uncomfortable. So please stop this. She just finished training and she's tired so please leave her alone" i said calmly while expecting a calm and positive respond. But it looked like i was wrong. I looked at their faces and i only saw anger.

(Pyrrha's POV)

I sat here speechless after hearing what (Y/N) said to them. Something about him made me feel strange. He's different. I felt happy to know that i have someone like him as a friend. But the feeling was short lived as i saw the crowd glaring at him.

Student 3 : "shut up dude! Let us see our idol!" He said in a mocking tone.

Student 5 : "yeah! She's a goddess compared to you!"

Student 6 : "you don't even deserve to sit next to her let alone speak to her!" After hearing that, something snapped inside me.

Me : "hey! Don't you dare talk to him like that!"   I yelled as they all suddenly became silent.

(Y/N) : "Pyrrha, stop" he said trying to calm me down before one of them spoke again.

Student 1 : "but we love you!" He said which made me even angrier.

Me : "then don't speak to my friend like that! So far, he's been the best friend that i ever had! So if i ever hear you talking to him like that again, I'll personally kick your sorry butt!" I yelled at them before they all walk away.

Student 2 : "tch..... lucky bastard" he said quietly. I was so angry until i felt a hand touching my shoulder.

(Y/N) : "Pyrrha, calm down" he said as we sat down.

Me : "i'm sorry that you have to see me like that"

(Y/N) : "you know, you didn't have to do that for me" he said as i couldn't help but smile.

Me : "of course i have to, they were saying some terrible stuff about you"

(Y/N) : "i'm used to things like that so it doesn't bother me as long as i'm helping you" he said as i felt my face heat up.

Me : "thank you (Y/N)"

(Y/N) : "it's nothing" he said as i held his hand.

Me : "no it's not, nobody ever really helped me in situations like that. People were always scared to make me look bad to help"

(Y/N) : "aren't you happy to be a world renowned fighter ?" He said with a confused look on his face.

Me : "well, it's not easy to live like this"

(Y/N) : "what do you mean ?"

Me : "you know, people always treated me differently just because i'm 'Pyrrha Nikos, the world renowned fighter' it makes finding true friends hard. I never really had any meaningful relationships before i met my team and RWBY and well........ you"

(Y/N) : "wow, I didn't know that it was like that. I'm sorry to hear that"

Me : "thanks, for what you did and for listening. You don't know how long i've been wanting to talk about this to someone"

(Y/N) : "glad to help. Still, are you going to be okay with everything ? You should talk about it with your team" he said as i just smiled at him.

Me : "it's fine. Besides, i have you right ?"

(Y/N) : "anytime"

Me : "enough about me, let's talk about you. How did you beat me back there ? It almost looked like as if you knew all of my techniques"

(Y/N) : "that's because i did" he said as i looked at him surprised.

Me : "what! That was supposed to be my secret technique. It can't be. Do you even know what it's called ?"

(Y/N) : "it's the hoplite fighting style if i'm not mistaken" he said as my jaw dropped.

Me : "how did you know that ?"

(Y/N) : "i've seen it before"

Me : "what do you mean that you've seen it before ?"

(Y/N) : "during the battle of Shade, we were fighting against not only rebels but Atlas as well. There, we encountered their war machines and their mercenaries. And that's when we met the Hoplite mercenaries in battle" he said as i felt sad inside. Hearing that story just made me remember just how much he went through.

Me : "Hoplite mercenaries ?"

(Y/N) : "yes, they were the best at using formation based attacks. They used their Phalanx to combine their aura and to make the strongest shield i've ever seen. No weapon could penetrate their defensive technique. They would use that to get close and then break formation before engaging in close quarters. And that's when i learned your techniques" he said as i just looked at him fascinated by his story. He's been through those horrors but he just took the positives. Instead of going insane, he learned. It's amazing how he could do that.

Me : "(Y/N), why do choose to fight here ?" I asked before he looked at me with a serious look on his face.

(Y/N) : "you could say........... redemption" he said as i looked at him confused.

Me : "redemption ?" I said as he picked up his sword and looked at it.

(Y/N) : "yes, this scimitar has taken the lives of many. But back then, i didn't have a just cause like you and now i want to fight not to kill, but to save" he said as i could only smile. He truly is amazing. After everything that happened, he still chose to fight for others. I was then snapped back to reality when my scroll vibrated. I checked it to see that Professor Ozpin wanted to see me. I could only sigh. I finally got the chance to hang out with him and now the Headmaster needs me. Just my luck.

Me : "(Y/N), i have to go. Professor Ozpin needs to see me" i said with a sad expression.

(Y/N) : "i know, i got the message too" he said before we stood up and walked towards the exit.

Me : "okay then, let's go"

(Y/N) : "sure"

Me : "hey (Y/N)"

(Y/N) : "yes, Pyrrha ?"

Me : "maybe we could train again sometimes and maybe we could y-you know.... h-hang out ?" I said nervously. Why am i nervous right now ? I thought as i could feel my face heating up.

(Y/N) : "of course Pyrrha" he said as i smiled happily.

Me : "it's a date then" i said while smiling. Why am not blushing right now ? Maybe i'm happy.

(Y/N) : "oh yeah, one more thing"

Me : "what is it ?"

(Y/N) : "consider deeply what the Headmaster will say to you when you meet him" he said as i looked at him confused.

Me : "what do you mean ?"

(Y/N) : "you'll see" was all said before walking away. I can't help but to think about what he said earlier.

(Time skip one hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking through the hallways when i received a message from aunt Glynda. She told me to go to Professor Ozpin's office. I then made my way there as soon as possible. It looked like Professor Ozpin is already done explaining things to Pyrrha.

(Time skip to Ozpin's office)

I stood here waiting until the elevator door suddenly opened to reveal Professor Ozpin, aunt Glynda, General Ironwood, Qrow and Pyrrha.

Ozpin : "ah (Y/N), i'm glad that you could join us" he said as Pyrrha had a surprised look on her face.

Pyrrha : "(Y/N)? What are you doing here ?"

Ozpin : "(Y/N) here will help you understand the responsibility you're going to take. So if you  have any questions, feel free to ask him" he said as Pyrrha looked at me confused.

Pyrrha : "so, he knows everything ?"

Ozpin : "yes" he said as i remembered something.

(Flashback to the night after the incident at the docks)

I was inside the elevator heading towards Professor Ozpin's office with Marie hugging my arm. I need to introduce her to Ozpin. He'll know what to do. The elevator door then opened to reveal the Professor sitting behind his desk.

Me : "Professor, i need to talk to you for a moment" i said as he looked at me

Ozpin : "what is it (Y/N)? Is there something wrong ? And who is that ?" He said after he saw Marie beside me.

Marie : "my name is Marie Aestesia, the summer maiden" she said as Ozpin had his eyes widened.

Ozpin : "what ?! The summer maiden ?" He said with a shocked expression.

Marie : "yes" she said proudly.

Ozpin : "and why should i believe you ?" He said as Marie held up her hand and suddenly, a small fire appeared from nothing. Then, the fire suddenly disappeared but instead were replaced with ice.

Marie : "is this enough to convince you ?" She said as Ozpin smiled.

Ozpin : "yes but why can't i sense your power ?"

Marie : "i was kidnapped from the facility in Vacuo. They tried to kill me and take my power but i escaped but before i did, one of them injured me and took more than half of my power and now, my powers have been weakened" she said with a sad expression.

Ozpin : "so that's why we didn't find you at Kazak"

Me : "yes Professor. Now, she needs a place to hide. Keeping her here in Beacon will ensure her safety"

Ozpin : "i have one question though, how did you find her ?" He asked me.

Me : "I didn't, she's the one who found me"

Ozpin : "i see"

Me : "let her stay here Professor, you'll need all the help you can get to fight her" i said as he looked at me confused.

Ozpin : "her ?"

Me : "Salem of course, you already knew about her don't you ?"

Ozpin : "yes, but how do you know about her ?"

Me : "the same reason the government were keeping Marie in Kazak. We were also looking for Salem"

Ozpin : "Vacuo was also looking for Salem ?"

Me : "yes, there was a secret organization within the government code named Saviors who were tasked to find Salem ever since the government found out about her existence"

Ozpin : "since when did they knew about Salem ?"

Me : "a few decades" i said as he had a look of shock on his face.

Ozpin : "why didn't you tell me of this sooner ?"

Me : "i didn't think it was relevant to the situation until i met her again"

Ozpin : "again ? You've met her before ?"

Me : "yes, she was named subject 5-UMM-3R back in the research facility"

Ozpin : "but how do you know about all this ?"

Me : "the Elite Guard Corps were among the few organizations to form the Saviors"

Ozpin : "and have you found Salem yet ?"

Me : "no, but we were close but were set back by the civil war"

Ozpin : "hmmm...... interesting"

(End of flashback)

(Pyrrha's POV)

After we were done talking, me and (Y/N) then left Professor Ozpin's office and decided to go back to the dorms. As we were walking, I couldn't help but think about what they said.

(Y/N) : "are you okay Pyrrha ?" He suddenly asked.

Me : "i'm fine, it's just that, how are you so calm ? The professor said that the world is in the brink of war. Everything is literally breaking apart" i said before i felt a hand on my shoulder.

(Y/N) : "what am i supposed to do then ? Panic ? Stress ? Those things doesn't really have any positive effects on your psychology. And you need to be on your best wits in the fight to come don't you agree ?" He said as i smiled. Why do i feel like i can do anything when i'm with him ?

Me : "thanks (Y/N), thank you for being here with me. I don't know what i'll do if i had to face this alone"

(Y/N) : "you'll never be alone. We will all be your allies forever" he said as i smiled. He really does have a weird way of talking.

Me : "thank you" i said as i embraced him in a hug. I didn't let go for a minute.

(Y/N) : "ummm.... Pyrrha, you're starting to suffocate me" he said as i quickly let him go. I could feel myself blushing with embarrassment.

Me : "i'm sorry" i said before we continued walking.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I walked next to Pyrrha as we were heading back to the dorms. I then looked at her to see her with a conflicted look on her face. She must be confused. She was suddenly pulled into this secret war.

Pyrrha : "hey (Y/N)" she called me as i turned my head facing her.

Me : "yes Pyrrha ?"

Pyrrha : "what do you think i should do ?"

Me : "about the maiden situation ?"

Pyrrha : "yeah, I don't know wha to do anymore. I want to help but i'm afraid of the consequences" she said with a sad look.

Me : "someone once told me, with great power comes great responsibility. If you took the power and become the fall maiden, like it or not, you'll have to fight eventually. Don't get me wrong, war is coming and when the time comes, you'll have to be ready to fight, not for yourself but for everyone. And if necessary........ you'll have to be ready to make sacrifices. Even if it meant losing yourself" i said as she looked sad.

Me : "but it'll be worth it. You'll know that with every fight you fought, more lives you will save. And you will know that for every second you bleed, you'll be taking the world a few steps closer to victory"

Pyrrha : "really ?" She said with a slight hesitated look on her face.

Me : "yes, because Professor Ozpin once told me that we as soldiers fought on the frontlines so that others don't have to" i said as a smile grew on her face.

Pyrrha : "you're right..... i'll do it....... for everyone.......... so that they won't have to fight. Thank you, (Y/N)"

Me : "glad to help" i said as we finally arrived in front of our dorms. I then went inside my dorm to see my teammates sleeping. I was going to sleep on the floor when i felt a hand grabbing my arm. I looked down to see Ruby holding my arm. It looked like she was asleep. I then sighed before laying down next to her as i began to fall asleep.

END of part 23

I do not own RWBY and any of the pictures I used

Thank you and see you later


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