Little Sisterplier

By TealBubbles_

145K 3.3K 4K

You are Markiplier's little sister, and you are just graduating from high school. You are going to go to LA w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note - Thank you
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 10

4.8K 99 112
By TealBubbles_

Three hours into the stream

The camera was on you. You had fallen asleep, and, thanks to the comments, Mark had decided to prank you. He was gonna do the old "Put shaving cream on their hand and make their nose itchy" prank.

Little did he know, when he was putting shaving cream on your hand, the cold foam had woken you up. You didn't open your eyes, but you were awake.

You realized that you had fallen asleep, and you opened your eyes the tinest bit to see what was going on. Nobody noticed. You saw the shaving cream on your hand and came to the conclusion of what they were trying to do.

You decided it would be fun to prank them. You lay still, waiting for something to happen. Mark leaned over you, and blew on your nose gently. You shoved the hand of shaving cream right into Mark's face.

He jumped back, in shock. You sat up in your chair, and smirked.

"Gotcha!" You said.

"(Y/N)! Its getting in my mouth!" Mark made a face, but you couldn't tell because his face was covered in shaving cream.

"Thats what you get for trying to prank me." You stated.

"Its not my fault!" Mark whined. "The people told me to do it!" He pointed to the screen and shook his head. "Shame on you guys."

You laughed as Mark went to go clean himself up.

You turned to Amy. "Did i miss anything?"

"Not really," She said. "They did a QnA, then they played a game of  cards against humanity. Mark lost. They were going to have him pick a punishment, but that was postponed because of him attempting to humiliate you."

"Oh, okay." You said.
So on top of mark getting creamed in the face, he's gotta get a punishment on top of that. You would've felt bad, if it weren't so funny.

Mark returned with a clean face. Ethan was holding the punishment jar. Mark groaned.

"Yeah. You tried to get out of this, didn't you? How'd that work out?" Ethan teased.

"Just give it here." Mark snatched the jar out of Ethan's hands. He stuck his hand down into the jar, and pulled out a piece of paper.

Mark winced as he read it.

"What does it say?" Wade asked.

"I have to wear mickey mouse gloves full of peanut butter for 5 minutes," He muttered.

"Good thing I didn't get that one!" Ethan said.

"Why is that?" You asked.

"Oh, its because I have a bad peanut allergy." Ethan made a fake sad face.

Tyler got the gloves and the peanut butter. Jack helped by holding the gloves while Tyler poured the peanut butter in them.

"Here ya go Mark." Jack said as he held out the gloves.

Mark cringed as he stuck his hands into the gloves.

"This feels so weird!" He said. "I DON'T like this.."

Five minutes of Mark complaining later..

Tyler told Mark that the five minutes were up, and he could take the gloves off.

"Finally." Mark said, relieved.

He took them off and told the viewers that they were going to take a short break. Katherine paused the stream, and Mark went to go wash his hands. Everyone else was getting water, or sitting down.

You watched everyone, and you started thinking. You went into a daze.

Ethan walked up to you and sat down beside you.

"Hey, What's up?" Ethan said.

"Huh?" You broke out of your thoughts and snapped back into reality.

"You okay?" Ethan asked.

"Oh.. yeah. I'm fine. Just lost in thought I guess."

You two sat in silence, staring at the wall.

"So.. you have a peanut allergy?" You asked Ethan.

Wow. Very smooth. Ask him about his allergies. He won't think you are a total weirdo. You thought.

"Yeah. It kinda sucks, but I've learned to deal with it."

"Oh." Was all you said.

The awkward silence commenced yet again.

Mark walked into the room. "You guys ready to start back up the stream?"

"Yeah." Ethan said. He turned to you. "Sorry (Y/N), gotta get back to streaming."

"Okay." You replied. He got up, and went back to where everyone was. The stream started back up.

You listened as Mark welcomed everyone back to the stream.

You were starting to get a bit hungry, but It wasn't quite lunch time yet.
Snack time, you thought. You got up out of your chair.

"Where you going?" Amy whispered to you.

"I'm gonna make myself a sandwich for a snack. Want one?"


"Okay. Be right back."

You went to the kitchen, and stopped.
Wait. Where does Mark keep the bread? You opened up the pantry and looked around. There's the peanut butter- But no bread.

You looked in the fridge and took out the jelly. As you shut the fridge door, You looked up.

The bread was on top of the fridge.

Who the heck keeps their bread on top of the fridge?! You thought.

Of course, you couldn't reach all the way up there. You looked around for something to stand on, and spotted a chair. You pulled the chair up to the fridge and stood on it.

Still can't quite reach..
You stood on your tippy toes, and reached out for the bread.
Suddenly, you lost your balance. Your foot slipped off the edge of the chair, causing you to scream, But only for a split second, Because you hit the floor.

Your vision drained quickly. The last thing you saw was a blurry figure rushing towards you before everything went dark and silent.

A/N Just when you thought the story was getting boring.. Oh no! You slipped! You should be more careful.


P.S. Thx for 60+ Reads. I know its small but it means a lot to me :)

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