Silver Linings {A TVD Fanfic...

By xlaurynwritesx

71.5K 1.8K 148

Emmaline Flemming had an ordinary life. Well she thought it was ordinary, at least. Her mother died when she... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three


1.6K 49 4
By xlaurynwritesx

The next week came around and I was glad it was the weekend. Caroline and Elena didn't talk much with me since they were worried about Bonnie. Her grandma died in her sleep apparently the night of the party. Matt finally got the chance to thank me for everything and I had talked to Tyler some more. I blamed the kiss on the alcohol because it was to blame and he was fine with it. Everything was surprisingly normal.

I was getting ready for the day and I was planning on playing pool at the grill with Tyler. I checked my phone and I had a message from Elena.

Need to talk to you. It's urgent. Stop by my house ASAP.

I looked at it confused. I guess I could stop by her house really quick. I told my dad I was heading out and then I left. I got to her house and rang the doorbell. She answered and she smiled lightly to me, but she also seemed emotional.

"What's going on?" I asked confused crossing my arms lightly as I walked inside.

"Remember when I told you I was adopted?" She asked as I nodded. "I found out who my birth mother is." I sat at the table where Stefan was as well as Jenna were waiting.

"When's your birthday?" Jenna asked me as I sat down.

"June 22. Why?" I asked as they all looked to me.

"And what was your mom's name?" Jenna asked with a smile.

"Isobel Flemming." I replied looking to her. "What's going on?" I asked looking at Elena.

"We know why we look so similar Emma. We found out my mom is Isobel Flemming. My birthday is June 22, 1992." She said looking to me as I squinted.

"You can't be serious." I shook my head. "I mean- why would she not take both of us?" I asked confused. "You have to be lying."

"I'm serious." Elena shook her head as she was smiling. "Emma I think we are twins."

"What?" I asked quieter as I looked at everyone. Jenna was smiling and Stefan looked at me with a blank expression.

"I have record of an Isobel Peterson going into Grayson Gilberts doctors office. It said she gave birth to two babies." Jenna said as I looked at it.

"Oh my god." I said as I looked at it.

"And she used the name Peterson, but I found it was fake too." Jenna explained. "Do you know where it could've come from?"

"I have an Aunt Trudie. I mean she's not my real aunt. I haven't seen her in forever. Her last name was Peterson." I said looking to Jenna.

"Is this them?" Jenna asked as she showed me a picture of my mom and Trudie as cheerleaders.

I smiled at it. "Yeah that's them." I turned to Elena. "This is like the real parent trap." My smile faded. "I just don't get why she'd-" I shook my head. "I'm sorry." I looked to her worried.

"Honestly right now I'm more shocked that I'm a twin." She shook her head with a smile.

"You know the other day, the foot thing." I said as I demonstrated my foot. "I do it too. It's my nervous tick I guess."

"Mine too." She chuckled.

"I have to tell my dad." I sighed. "Wait you have a brother." I said as I shook my head. "Did you find anything on my-our real dad. Was he an ass? He probably was." I sighed lightly. "This is-" I shook my head. It was too much to take in. "I- I have a twin sister." I smiled to her. I laughed lightly before everything came into realization. "Oh my god." I stood up and look to her. "Oh my god." I said as I hugged her.

She started laughing lightly. "You're really weird with your emotions aren't you?" She asked as she hugged me back.

"Yeah it's not my strong suit." I said as I backed away and looked at her. "God I was trying to convince myself it was some weird coincidence." I shook my head. "I'm sorry I'm being dramatic."

"You have every right to be confused. We all are." Jenna nodded lightly.

"We should visit Aunt Trudie sometime. She probably knows a lot about mom. That she can tell us." I said looking to Elena. Mom's hometown was twenty minutes away barely so we could be there and back in no time.

"When do you want to go?" She asked hesitantly.

"I don't know, now?" I responded with a shrug as she nodded sort of nervous. She never even knew our mom so I understood. "My dad is probably getting ready for the auction right about now. I think we should tell him before we go anywhere." I explained looking to Elena who nodded.

"The auction! I have to be there like now." Jenna said as she stood up. She hugged me lightly. She hugged Elena and walked out. I chuckled lightly. I went from having one family member to having at least three.

It was surreal, but I couldn't tell if I was excited or not. Elena knew vampires and Stefan was a vampire, but for some reason I wasn't afraid of Stefan. He seemed to spare me before, and even though he didn't know I was on vervain he seemed to watch over me. Maybe it was because I looked like her.

"Okay so do you want to be there when I tell him?" I asked looking to Elena.

"I think it'd be better if it was just you two." She nodded lightly.

I smiled. "Well this will be interesting. I'll be back as soon as I can and we can go."  I left Elena's house and went to mine.

I went home and caught my dad right before he headed out. "Dad." I said as I took a deep breath.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked looking at me from the doorway.

"I just went to see Elena. She told me she was adopted and she was looking for her biological parents." I explained looking to him.

"Okay?" He said confused almost in denial.

"Dad." I said seriously. "She thinks it's mom. She has proof that it's mom." I smiled lightly to him.

"There's no way. She never said- why would she only give one of you up?" He asked confused.

"I don't know. I wanted to visit Aunt Trudie and see if she knew anything." I said looking to him. "But if it's true you might kind of have another daughter." I smiled lightly.

"I don't know wether to be excited or worried about that." He joked smiling lightly.

I gave him a hug. "I just hope it ends well." I sighed holding onto him.

"How could it not? I mean Elena's family seems normal. I think it's a good thing." He said as he squeezed me lightly.

"Yeah well a girl can hope. I'll meet you at the auction later." I said to him as he looked down almost in a daze. "You okay?"

"Fine. Just surprised." He took a deep breath. "Be safe." He nodded once before I went back to Elena's.

I was about to knock on the door when Stefan opened it. I smiled lightly and walked in when I saw Elena standing there.

"Ready to go?" I asked looking to her as she seemed a little nervous, but didn't she always?

We got in her car and she drove. She was really antsy. "If you are nervous you don't have to go, but I promise Aunt Trudie is nice." I explained looking to her.

"It's not that. I mean a little piece of it is, but I do feel a little better that you know her already." Elena shrugged.

"Then what is it?" I asked as she stayed quiet. "Really?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Emma. It's just I can't tell you. Not yet." She said with a sigh.

"So I just started knowing you and you're already keeping secrets?" I asked crossing my arms.

"It's not because I don't want too it's because you'll be safe if I don't." Elena responded as she drove.

"I can take care of myself." I responded quietly. "Do you even know how she died?" I asked looking to Elena.

"She- she was murdered." Elena said sadly.

"Yeah." I nodded lightly. "Anything else?" I asked.

"No just that they couldn't find her." She shrugged lightly.

"Okay. Imagine me, a fifteen year old girl, getting home from high school to learn that my mom was dead. I had to live with that for 2 years. I can live with that so surely whatever you're hiding isn't as bad." I responded out of anger. It might've been too much but I didn't care.

We got to Trudie's house and we went up to the door. "Are you sure it's a good idea to do this?" Elena asked looking to me.

"Yes Elena. I haven't seen her in forever and she was mom best friend and high school. She'll know whatever we are wondering about." I explained to her as she nodded. I knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Aunt Trudie said opening the door as I smiled.

"Aunt Trudie, its-" I started.

"Emmaline. I haven't seen you in so long." She smiled realizing who I was. "And this is?" She asked looking to Elena.

"Well it turns out I have a twin sister." I said looking to Elena.

"You found the other baby?" Aunt Trudie asked smiling to me.

"You knew?" I asked confused.

"You must be wondering. I was just making some tea. Would you like some?" She asked as I looked to Elena.

"Yeah. Sure." Elena nodded with a smile as I looked back to Aunt Trudie.

"The kitchens this way." She said as she opened the door and I walked in then Elena followed.

"You two look so similar but too different, especially for identical twins." Aunt Trudie said as she sat down with us at the table.

"So you knew we were identical?" I asked curiously.

"Yes but that was it." She sighed lightly.

"Dad didn't even know there was two of us." I explained looking to her.

"How has he been?" She asked kindly.

"Good." I smiled. "I didn't find out until a couple hours ago. Now I have a whole new family." I chuckled lightly.

"You deserve it too sweetie." She smiled lightly. "Now I'm warning you my facts might be a little rusty. I haven't thought about her since she- you know." Aunt Trudie said before clearing her throat.

"Well I had one question." Elena said looking to her. "Do you have any idea who our father is?" She asked as I looked to Aunt Trudie.

"I could never get her to fess up." She answered. "Anyway she finally pulled it together and went to college."

"Where did she go?" Elena asked curiously.

"Somewhere in North Carolina." She shrugged not sure where.

"It was Duke. She met my dad there." I explained to Elena.

"Smart school for a smart girl." Aunt Trudie smiled.

"Do you know why she didn't keep us together?" I asked her as she sighed lightly.

"I knew she wanted both of you but she didn't know how she could manage you both. I assume she only took one of you because it's all she could do." She shrugged.

"I just thought that she would maybe want both of us together no matter what but I guess-" Elena shrugged lightly.

The teakettle started whistling and Aunt Trudie went to get it. "I'll be right back." She said.

We spent the rest of the time talking about high school. Mom was a cheerleader and she was a leader type. She put herself out there a lot and she was always in the middle of attention.

"Neither of you have touched your tea." Aunt Trudie said as I looked at it.

"Sorry caught up in the mom facts." I said as Elena took a sip and then I took a sip of mine.

"What type of tea is this?" Elena asked but I could tell. It tasted like vervain. I looked to Aunt Trudie confused.

"Just an herbal remedy I came up with." She shrugged lightly.

"Vervain?" Elena asked as I turned to her and back to Aunt Trudie.

"I think it's time for you two to go." She said standing up.

"You know. You didn't invite us in and you are serving vervain tea." Elena said looking to her.

"Aunt Trudie why do you have vervain? What's going on?" I asked as I looked to her standing up.

"You need to leave now!" She warned as I got up and walked out with Elena right behind me. I got in the car and Elena did too.

"How do you know about vervain?" Elena asked looking at me.

I sighed.  "I'm not gonna hide anything from you if you promise not to hide anything from me."

"I-" she sighed lightly. "Do you believe in vampires?"

"Come on Elena. Yes." I answered. She knew I did.

"And what do you think of them?" She asked.

"I hate them." I responded. "I'd kill them if I could. They ruined my life." She looked at me worried. "I know Stefan is one Elena and Damon too." I added.

"Why do you want to hurt them?" She asked looking to me.

"A vampire killed my- our mom." I responded. "Look, I didn't come into town with a stake ready to go, I actually wanted a normal life." I explained to her.

"Can you promise not to hurt them? Please Emma? I'll help you find the one if you just promise me." She said looking to me. "I know you think all vampires are bad, but-"

"Elena I already know who killed our mom. I also don't think all of them are bad." I responded crossing my arms. "I won't hurt Stefan. I couldn't do that to you, but I just want you to know I don't approve. He is always eyeing me as if he's waiting for me to do something." I explained looking to her.

"He thinks you are going to kill him I think he has reason." Elena defended him.

"You love him don't you?" I asked squinting lightly as she looked at me and nodded lightly. "Well I'm not going to hurt him, like I said before so tell him to back off and we have no problems." She nodded lightly.

"You're kind of callous aren't you?" She asked looking to me.

"Please, you'd be too if you grew up how I did. You might not have had my mom but you had a perfect family." I said looking out the window.

She stopped the car by the grill and I got out. "I'll see you later." I said as she looked away and drove to Stefan's house.

Great. She hated me already. I guess that's what I get for basically telling her I hated her boyfriends species.

I went inside and saw my dad drinking. "Hey."

"Hey. How'd it go?" He asked with a sigh.

"Bad." I replied holding my head. "Maybe I'll be happier when you are up there looking like a fool." I smiled lightly but he didn't make a face. "Hey are you okay?" I asked curiously.

"Jenna just asked me if I wanted to talk to Elena about your mom, but-" he started taking another sip of his drink.

"She doesn't know about Damon." I explained to him. "It's hard to talk at all."

"My point exactly." He nodded.

"Well I'll do the talking. You just lay low and figure out the vamp problems." I smiled lightly.

"Will do." He sighed. He was definitely having a bad night. I wasn't really good with helping people out of bad moods so I just avoided him.

Not long after a while Jenna asked me to sit with them. I agreed and there was some tension between me and Elena. It was dads turn and Mrs. Lockwood started asking about him.

Elena nudged Jenna and I laughed lightly. "I think they are great together." I smiled to Elena who smiled back. I didn't need it to be awkward between us, especially in the overly dramatic situation we were in right now.

"Yeah." Elena nodded with a smile.

"Beauty and brains ladies. This ones a keeper." Mrs. Lockwood said as I started laughing. I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows lightly at me. "What do you teach?" Mrs. Lockwood asked looking to him.

"History." He nodded lightly.

"Well do you know any history of Mystic Falls? Something crazy?" Mrs. Lockwood asked as dad turned to Damon.

"Uh well-" he started as I looked to Damon who was acting annoying. What an ass.

"He's probably saving the best stories for his date." Mrs. Lockwood smiled. She kept talking while I gave a thumbs up to my dad. He rolled his eyes and looked to the other side of the room with a smile.

"We don't have much on you." I heard Mrs. Lockwood say as I started paying attention.

"Well I'm tough to fit on a card." He responded in his grungy voice which made him seem drunk.

"Do you have any hobbies? Do you like to travel?" Mrs. Lockwood asked.

"Yeah. LA, New York. Couple of years ago I was in North Carolina near the Duke campus. I think- I think Alaric went to school there." Damon said as he looked to dad and I looked at Damon confused. "Didn't you Ric? Yeah cause I- I know your wife did. I had a drink with her once. She was a great girl." Damon said as I looked at him angrily.

I knew I couldn't stake him right then and there and I didn't know where to put my anger so I started to cry.

"She was- delicious." Damon said looking to dad as I got up and my chair fell over. I looked at it and picked it up. I looked to Damon angrily and I saw him looking at me. I couldn't tell if it was worry or confusion. I wiped my tears and left.

I ran outside and to the side of the building. I started crying as I sat there. I hated being hopeless. I hated not being able to do anything about what happened to her.

I sat there for a while until I heard footsteps. I pulled the small stake from my purse. "Hey." I saw Elena standing there.

"Go away." I said putting the stake back up as I wiped my eyes.

"Do you have anyone to talk to?" She asked looking down at me sitting there.

"I mean there's my dad, but he's not always stable." I shrugged lightly. "I don't want you here okay?"

"Emma, you don't have to go through everything alone. I'm here." She said looking to me.

"Are you? I barely know you but you are lying to me all the time. How can I trust you with anything? How can I trust you when you are buddy buddy with the guy who killed the person who gave birth to you?" I asked standing up.

"I didn't know about what Damon did." Elena said with a sniffle. "And I'm not buddy buddy with him."

"Yeah sure Elena." I shook my head. I didn't believe her. I'd seen her talk to him.

"It's true I promise." She said seriously to me.

"Okay." I sighed. "I'm gonna go home. I'll see you later."

I went home and went straight to bed. I cried myself to sleep. I hated the situation I was in so much that I had no chance to appreciate the new family I had.

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