Just as bad as him

By mystery_writer_17

4K 128 101

"Huh. I guess you're immune to my charms after all." He crossed his arms, looking impressed. "What charms?" S... More

1.The News
2. Goodbyes are never easy
3. Being the New Kid
4. Tryouts Part 1
5. Tryouts Part 2
6. "You."
Another A/N
7. I don't like her...Do I?
8. "Always"
The Party
9. Confessions
A/N Please Read

In his dreams

73 3 17
By mystery_writer_17

Alix's POV
It's been exactly a week since the whole 'confession' thing and honestly, I don't know how I feel. Part of me thinks that everything could go back to the way it was. I mean, he was the only person I really connected with.

A few weeks ago, I barely thought about him but now suddenly all those memories that I had locked away have come crashing down and I can't seem to get them out of my head. Especially the day he left - that was the first day he broke a promise, but that wasn't the only thing he broke.

You know what? I just need to carry on like normal. Forget he fucking exists. I don't need him. I got through the toughest years of my life without him, just because for some weird reason we've met again - it doesn't mean anything. Nothing. At all. 

I need some pot. And before you judge, it's the only thing that got me through my fathers death so don't.  I put the weed in the bottom of the bong and grabbed my lighter. I lit one end and inhaled from the other. God I missed this.

Some people are stingy but honestly getting high is the best feeling. You have the best thoughts and forget all the crap that's going on in your life.
"Alix?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Ryder's voice to be precise. " god are you stoned?" He asks, coughing. "It stinks."
"Oh come on, you're telling me that the bad boy of Wilcrost High has never gotten high? And here I thought phoney bad boys only existed in Wattpad." He scowled at me.
"Ha ha very funny now shut up and pass the blunt."
And we just sat there for what felt like hours until I piped up.
"Holy shit." I whispered.
"Mercedes has three e's in it and they're all pronounced differently." I stated like I had found the cure for cancer. If only.
"You know what I wanna know?" He whispered, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Do caterpillars or butterflies give birth to caterpillars?"
"Dude what? I'm too high for this shit."
"I'm serious." He argued. "Caterpillars turn into butterflies right? So who gives birth to who?"
"Huh. I never thought of that."
"That's why you should get high." He reasoned.
"Yeah right. I still think you're a dick though."
"Just admit it." He said.
"Admit what?"
"Admit that you're in looove with me."
"Keep dreaming." I said, shoving his shoulder.
"Oh I will." He smirked. "So what's your deal?"
"My deal?" I replied.
"Why are you so shut off?" He asked.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Fair enough."
"What about your story?" He asks.
"I don't have a story." I reply before taking another hit.
"Everyone has a story."
"Not me" I argue, " I like to think that people can be defined by more than one thing that happens to them."
For a few minutes it's silent until I pipe up.
"What are you doing here Parker?"
"I don't know. I honestly don't fucking know. You're like a puzzle that I can't seem to solve. Don't you ever wonder what could have happened if I didn't move?" He asks and the truth was yes I did. I thought about it all the time, but he couldn't know that. It will take a lot more than one douche bag to break down the walls I have spent years building.
"It doesn't matter. " I answer truthfully,

" you did leave."

" I didn't want to."

"I'm not getting into this right now. I'm too tired."

"Then when will we get into it?" He argued.

"Not now. Why did you come Parker?"

"You're right I should probably get back." He mumbles before heaving himself up off the floor.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Yeah." He says before closing the door behind him.

I am normally great at reading people so I don't know why he is so hard to understand. Almost as hard as me. Almost.

*next day at school*

"So what happened this weekend?" Kayla asks, causing the whole table to turn their heads towards me.

"Nothing, why would you think something happened?" Ciara gives me a look.

"Seriously. Nothing happened. So just fucking drop it ok?" I snapped.

"If you say so," Ciara says, winking at Kayla.

Just then I hear the worst sound in existence.
"Great that's the bell. Bye." Kayla says before scurrying off.
"She does know we're in the same class doesn't she?" Ciara turns to me.

"I have no clue"

"Miss Parker and Miss Evans you're late. Again. Detention after school today." The teacher said, looking like Miss Battle-axe from Horrid Henry.

"Great. Fucking great." I mumbled.
"No swearing young lady."

"Shit sorry." I said before hearing a cackle from the class. I turned my head round to meet a smirking Ryder. Of course.

"Alix? Hello? I said detention for the rest of the week."

"Why?" Ciara butted in. "You shouldn't take out your bitchy mood on her."

"You know what? Detention for both of you and go and sit down. I'm too old for this."

"Ok!" I said in a fake high-pitched tone.

*after class*

I feel my phone buzz.
I sigh before picking up my phone.
"You do know that the skating competition is in a week right?" It was my coach. Shit. With everything going on I completely forgot about it.

"Yep. Definately. Been practising all week." I say but he knows me too well.

"Alex cut the crap. I know you haven't practised which is why I'm reminding you. If you win, it could be huge."

"For you or me?" I joked.

"For both of us." He replied, bluntly.
"I'll go the skateboard park after school to practise for the competition."

"Good." He says before hanging up.

"Hold up. You're competing in the skating competition next week?!" I heard a shriek behind me to see Ciara.

"Yeah why?" I ask, not seeing the big deal.
"Ryder enters and wins every year. Are you sure you can beat him?"

"Yep. He needs to be brought down a fucking peg or two anyway." I decide.

I was going to win, and not even some fucking douchebag was going to stop me. Not even in his dreams.

A/n: I'm so sorry this chapter is so short. I have had writers block but I managed to write this. If anyone has any suggestions on what could happen next, please let me know! Also is anyone actually reading this story? Feedback is much appreciated 👌

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