Strawberry Boy (BxB)


232K 5K 457

"I'm maybe a man, but I could still rock pink better than bitches," his hot breath lingered on my dry lips wi... More

~*Chapter Two*~
~*Chapter Three*~
~*Chapter Four*~
~*Chapter Five*~
~*Chapter Six*~
~*Chapter Seven*~
~*Chapter Eight*~
~*Chapter Nine*~
~*Chapter Ten*~
~*Chapter Eleven*~
~*Chapter Twelve*~
~*Chapter Thirteen*~
~*Chapter Fourteen*~
~*Chapter Fifteen*~
~*Chapter Sixteen*~
~*Chapter Seventeen*~
~*Chapter Eighteen*~
~*Chapter Nineteen*~
~*Chapter Twenty*~

~*Chapter One*~

54.5K 482 68

 - This is one of my guilty pleasures, so sit back, relax, and enjoy -

                                                                    ~ *Chapter One* ~

"Where you think you're going?" I yelled, the vein in my wrists pulsating.

He stopped in front of the porch, door wide opened for me to stare at his broad back. I could hear my own heart beat pumping fiercely, feeling the eruption of my emotion. I widened my eyes as he looked back one last time, meeting his lazy blue gaze again. The effect had my heart stopped, legs lost their strength. My watery eyes searched for his blank ones, trying to find some emotions in that deep blue sea, hoping to seek some hopes and answers. Panic rose within me as I could not make out what he was thinking, his poker face scared me. His mouth started to move, slipping out some hurtful words which I wished I could still take back.

"I'm leaving you, Tristan. We're done."

With one last emotionless glance, he closed the door and walked away. When had the air become so thin, who had suck away my last breath of oxygen, the last amber to my life. I wanted to scream, I needed to wail, but I did neither. Instead, I slid to the floor, crouching down. I hid my shameful face between my knees and sobbed, slowly building myself a river.

I'd forgotten how many tears I'd shed and how many hours I'd spent before I decided to stand up and call my brother, Eden.

The ring only took about two times before my brother answered.

"Eden. I need to go back, back to the top."

I went through dirt and dust for him and he dared to shut the light to my world, leaving me in the darkness. He bet he could just blow out my life breath candle, but he's dead wrong. The fire was still burning, the heat was endless. He thought he could walk in and out like he owned me, stomping all over my trails and leaving hot steps on my broken pieces. 

He hadn't seen the last of me just yet.

"I thought you'll never ask."


                  Two years later...

The AC had blasted off to maximum, cold air rushing around the space in the car. Still, I was perspiring profusely, wiping my sweaty skin with the handkerchief. I blared the music up, hitting it to full volume. I needed to calm down, the scroching heat had already gotten on me and I couldn't lose any focus on the road any longer. Concentrate, Tristan.

I indulged myself in the music, 'Decode' by Paramore. I enjoyed rock music, and Paramore is the rockest band I'd ever listened to. Mostly because I didn't listen to others, but I bet no one could be any better than them. Pumping my fist in the air, I nearly lost my balance when the car suddenly bumped me up and I headbutt to the ceiling.

I rubbed the sore spot and surprised to realize the car had slowly losing speed, but my feet hadn't left the gas pedal. I tried to stomp it again and again, reaching the gas pedal limit. The car gained no speed, getting slower and slower.

Finally, it came to a stop.

I checked the fuel meter, cursing at it when the pointer gave me no mercy.

E, how I hoped it was supposed to be called 'EXTRA FUEL'.

The unbearable heat had begun to smash onto my skin, salty sweats coming out triple in a row. I untied my tie, unbuttoning the first and second button of my shirt. I fanned myself, flapping my hands to produce a hint of cool air. I yelled and hit on the steering wheel constantly and randomly, sending loud honks throughout the atmosphere air.

I was becoming crazy, the heat had definitely made me lost my damned mind. I unlocked the car, pushing the door wide apart and escaping the heat wave. Just when I thought I was welcomed by the cool air of serenity, it was the ruthless and merciless bright sunlight that caught me inside his hands. I fell into his trap, oh the Lord Apollo, do have mercy!

I didn't dare to lean against the burning skin of the car, it might fry me alive. My eyes barely could open, the blazzing light had scar my vision. I blocked the sunlight with my back hand, peeking out at the surrounding through my squeezing eyes.

Horror struck me, revealing a land of endless soil and wide clear sky. Without a single clue of human existence in this every land. My tummy hurt at the sight, like a sharp sword ran through me. I wanted to pass out, but god forbid. I panicked, looking around and wiping away the tension on my skin. 

Here I was, standing in the middle of nowhere, completely helpless. Why was I in this situation? When did I come here? Where did I come from? How I got myself here? And the big question is, who was I?

I fished out my iPhone from my pocket, randomly clicking buttons and ended up hitting the ID caller that I dialled the most. I didn't know who was this person I was calling, but since I called him the most I believed he would know who I was.

"Tristan?" The voice was familiar but I couldn't seem to make out who he was. He called me Tristan, my name was Tristan?

"Whoever you are, please tell me who I am and why I am in the middle of nowhere," I pleaded, hopefully to get some answers.

"Shit," the other line cussed and everything went very noisy. It sounded like papers being rummanged through. I waited impatiently, tapping my feet furiously. The heat was suffocating me, I could barely breathe. When my mind was about to spin away to paradise, the man finally spoke.

"Okay. Just take a deep breath, Tristan. You are having one of your panic attack again, just breathe slowly and try to even your breathing." The voice advised, telling me to calm down. Panic attack? I took in deep breaths repeatedly, trying to calm down.

"Who are you?" I asked, still inhaling and exhaling. I started to feel better and memories started to flood in. Instantly, everything came back.

"Seriously, Tristan? I'm your beloved brother, Eden!" I rolled my eyes at his comment, beloved my ass.

"Thank you Eden, I'm feeling better now. But I'm still angry at you for forcing me to come here that miles away from my cozy home. I'm the Tristan Rince, Hollywood Music Producer and Director for god sake, why am I heading to Texas? Humour me, my beloved brother." I felt much better after scolding the shit out of him.

Eden was quiet, but he'd soon recovered and snorted on the other line.

"Yeah, yeah. When Eden saved the day, he got scolded from Miss Drama Queen. Ungrateful punk. And stop being such a whiny baby, this is your job."

"So when is the time that my job consists going to the land of stubbornness to find some country bumpkin and just to congrate him on his winning in our company's silly singing competition? Huh?" I hissed, biting my lower lip.

"He might be the next biggest star you're looking for. You need to check him out yourself. You told me to find somebody fast before Miss Feline finds out you pissed off Jordan Sparks. Your mistake, your call." I could seriously taste Eden's toxic in his words.

I snorted, "superstar in Texas? I doubt that. Who he thinks he is? Miley Cyrus? Oh yeah, I pissed her off too. Who says Texas has the biggest heart? Definitely not Miranda. She is one nasty woman."

"Enough, Tristan. You shouldn't talk that way, just go and finish your job. I have plenty to do too."

With that, he ended the call. I groaned, shoving back my iPhone. Useless prick, good for nothing. I kicked my tire, sighing as I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. I believed there was still a long way until I reached Texas. There's no sigh board or whatsoever. Was I going to starve to dead? 

I was too young to die, or too famous to die. I could foresee the headline, 'Tristan Rince: Dead in Texas Heat Wave.' Oh god, I needed to get out of here.

If this weather didn't kill me, then Channing Tatum is hotter.

Even I called for Eden's help, he couldn't do much because basically I was indeed in the middle of nowhere. So I decided to wait for some nice people to come by and ask them if I could have a lift. If they were really nice what they said, then I would take back my words. If not, I was sueing Miranda.

I had my car door opened, sitting on the edge of the seat and eyes kept snapping left to right. This kind of clean and empty road would never occur in Los Angeles, I meant never.

When it seemed like hours had passed by, I finally saw a vehicle coming right towards me. Hope ignites inside of me, I could hear the choir sang divinely. A row of Hallelujah was heard above me, was this Garden of Eden?

Waiting patiently, the vehicles came into view, clearer each time the distance was shortened.

I gulped at the vehicles driving towards me, wiping another fresh beads of sweats away.

It was huge, no, it was a monster. It was a mammoth-sized red truck that was coming right at me, charging like a bull on rage. I forgot to wave or signal him to stop, just watching it slowly approaching me. Finally, the creature stopped in front of me. Up close it looked bigger... and much dirtier. There was mud clung to the huge, deep-treaded tires, hung like dripstones from the cave, splattered over the faded red paint and blotchy gray primer of the door, and flecked the side window. I had no doubt it was a generation car. I saw shadow moving behind the side window. A window that I could barely reach. And I was considered as tall, a good five-foot-ten inches. Still, it was mind-boggling that a vehicle could be jacked up to such impressive heights.

What kind of a beast owned it, anyway? I hoped it wasn't a redneck, Eden warned about them.

Get the hell out from there if you'd ever seen one, do you hear me Tristan?

But I was really hoping it wasn't one of those beer belly old farmers, I rather died to share a ride with them.

The door flung opened and a pair of dirty boots came down first. I was praying for somebody else but an old man with a big gun, and my prayer was answered.

The man in front of me wasn't anything close to whatever I had said.

He was a beast, a sexy beast with big guns on his arms and bulging six-packs behind his white torso. I nearly let my saliva slipped out from the corner of my mouth, talking about embarassment. He was tall, way taller than me. A warm coffee-colored skin paired with a pair of blinding hazel eyes. He was smiling shyly at me, tipping his black cowboy hat. I returned a nod and didn't dare to look at him anymore, I was afraid somebody down there couldn't stop himself to greet him too.

"Car trouble?" His southern accent was thick but it was still okay. I nodded, blushing madly and avoiding his hot gaze.

Sorry Channing Tatum, this guy was hotter and it did kill me inside and outside.

 "Looks like out of petrol, I'll call somebody up to pick up your car. Let me take you to the nearest bar, I bet you're exchausted out of this weather. Come on," I followed him to his truck. He noticed I couldn't get in and he helped me out by boosting me up into the truck. 

A gust of strong cigarette smell panged into my nostrils, nearly making me puke. But I remained calm, sitting quietly. This truck didn't fit his personality at all. Although I just met him, but I was good at reading people. He came in, closing his door before starting the engine.

The truck roared into life as the radio blaring out music, scaring the shit out of me. The guy smiled apologetically and tuned down the volume.

"Pardon me, this is my friend's car."

See? It wasn't his. He seemed to nice and kind to be this kind of horrible truck. Whoever owned this truck must be filthy and disgusting.

"It's okay." I replied, smiling back at him. He returned a small smile before pressing the gas pedal and off we went.

Mother might say never to take a ride with stranger, but she never said not to take a ride with a hot nice stranger. 

I was so screwed up.


                                             ***********~~End of Chapter One~~***********

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