Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...

بواسطة xbookgirlx15

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"No!" I say softy, choking back tears that were threatening to pour out. "It just can't be!" I say with my h... المزيد

1. Prologue -Nora Faith
2.Prologue -Alpha Damon
3. The Start...
4. The Meeting...
5. The Truth...
6. The Proposal...
7. Here Comes the Bride...
8. The Offering...
9. His Victory...
10. The Farewells...
11. The Perfect Illusions...
12. The Collisions...
13. The First Appearance...
14. The Lost Luna...
15. Wedding Flashback...
16. Wedding Duties...
17. The Crest...
18. The Home...
19. The Stairway...
20. The Last Farewell...
21. The Alpha...
22. The Dealthy Silence...
23. The Trip Home...
24. The Trip to Hell...
25. The Christmas Sprirt...
26. The Unexpected Guest...
27. The Attack...
28. The First Page...
29. The Fight...
30. The Bad Liar...
31. The Cruelty Of The Alpha...
32. The Third Entry...
33. The Luna and the Rogue...
34. The Waken and Riven...
35. At The Strike of Midnight...
36. The Truth Behind the City Lights...
37. If It Was Meant To Be...
38. The Deliberate Move...
39. The CommonWealth Games...
40. The Wander, the Broken, the Helpless and Pawn
41. The Skeletons of Not So Long Ago...
42. The Final Pages...
43. The Promise...
44. The Coming to Truth...
46. The Morning Sun...
47. The Complications...
48. The Late Guests...
49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...
50. The Heat of Night...
51. The Glorious Dawn...
52. The Distraught...
53. The Leaving and Coming...
54. The Awakening to Something...
55. The Heavy Nightfall...
56. The Changes...
57. The Morning News...
58. The Rainbow to his Rain...
59. The Evening Of...
60. The Villa We Shall...
61. The Night to Relish...
62. The Bartering Risks...
63. The Night Goes on...
64. The Sadness...
65. The Fear...
66. The Night Rather Then Day...
67. The Growing Pain...
68. The Beginning to an End...
69. //Epilogue// A New Entry...
llYou Are Most Welcome Alphall
~*Alpha Royale*~
70. //Epilogue 2//
//Regina Luna //
71. //Alternative Epilogue//

45. The Heart Knows What It Wants...

15.1K 411 43
بواسطة xbookgirlx15

Damon's POV;

It was a clear starry night. The florescence sphere above basked the land beneath in rays of lights, stars twinklings in the nightlife like a sheet of billion reflecting diamonds.

Hair stood on my forearm with the passing of a breeze. Hands furrowed in my trouser's pocket I cock my head, surveying the experience of Kaden's party from afar. The oddly shaped pool was flashing with life, colours changing every other second. Drunk Pack member's loomed in and out the pool deck, skin more revealed than covered especially with the girls in their shameful two pieces. Their elegant evening gowns were forgotten in a heap in the corner.

Torches were lit framing the poolside, lawn and porch, light from inside the house hardly visible with the swaying of the curtains. Laughter and chatter could be easily heard, voices easily distinguishable. My ears perked in hope of hearing something above them all.

Kaden told me he had invited her, though he never confirmed if she came when I mind linked him. I don't know what I was expecting more, her being here or not.

My eyes narrowed on onto a dark figure, stumbling and cursing around the side of the pool most empty. I transfer my weight off my feet and walk out from the darkness on to the lawn. Given the highly intoxicated state of everyone present, I could freely walk through without them sparing a second glance. A few of them on the more sober side, gave no more than mere sloppy nod before lifting the glass to their greedy mouths.

"Kaden." I approached the figure now as he was sprawled on the ground, legs out stretched before him and a palm on the ground to hold himself up with while his head was drooping to the side. His clear hand held a glass of amber liquid with the most repugnant scent I'd recognize anywhere. It was an unique of blend of whiskey, tequila and four of the rarest rums from around the globe, Kaden's specialty as he called it. "Kaden," I sigh again.

His head titled to the other side, peeking a glance up through his dark locks. "Ah, brother, brother, brother, brother. Finally someone I can talk too-" "Do you want your mouth stapled?" "-or not," He huffed, tilting back his head to drink his glass's contents.

I roll my eyes, catching Hunter without his coat and only in his suit's dark vest talking lowly with an arm around Leila reassuringly on the outer staircase going to the top bedrooms. He said something that made Leila hiccup with tears into her palm. Reaching over, he drew her in to himself.

"So it's true then," I said, without shifting my eyes from them, "You're all siblings."

"No, I figured we were a family of bloody thirsty penguins," Kaden murmured from beneath. Cursing under his breathe he rose off the ground, staggering back a few steps before fully standing. Even when standing tall, I noticed his body leaning to one side.

"And about her and Rossi?" I asked curiously, triggering Kaden to purse his lips downwards. "It's true then, the rumour of that teenager who raped a 6 year old Omega years ago. It was Rossi who done it to Leila, he raped her as a child starting her career as an Omega."

"That fucking fucktart still touches her as he did all these years ago! It was also rumoured he stopped all those years ago but that's nothing more than a rotten lie. She didn't say a word you know," Kaden said sounding remorseful. "Even right after he'd leave her molested body slumped in the corner, struggling to get off the ground. Struggling to fend off the other unMated males with one only intent on their nut sized mind as they would forcefully make their way into her.

"She never uttered a word against the years of violence and abuse."

"Kaden," I said, reaching a hand to place on his shoulder. Instead he grasped onto my shirt's collar, pulling me close.

"I swear to bloody fucking God Damon, to this day I would still crack all the bones in his body with an ice pick if she permitted. But she's not like that. Leila's better than that and she knows it. She's the one of forgiving types from us all, but not the only one left in this Pack.

"You know who I'm referring too, don't you?

"She doesn't hate you, only dislikes. Learn to respect her like the angel she is before you learn it's too late and she learns on how to hate you," He seethed, his eyes swirling to charcoal.

"Kaden, let me go," I growl threateningly, trying to shove his arm aside.

"Are you two facing some boyfriend problems?" Asked a loud voice from behind.

Here she was, cheeks flushed and more skin then I would've liked exposed in her dress. It started just below the mark on her shoulder, and ended by her thighs, more skin uncovered in the front. My heart misses a beat from seeing her so happy and full of life, and not teary and red puffy eyed from crying herself hoarse. My eyes rose questionably at the glass in her hand and it's reflective amber-ish liquid.

Dylan growled from within, wanting me to go cover our Mate from the Pack members and their predatory eyes. "You'd want to go in amore mio." Dylan arisen to the surface, and now with control, was pushing her hair back from our mark. She gave a pleasurable moan from the glaze of our finger.

"You never answered the question you bad boy, I may have to punish you," She held my nose a finger, pushing me away from her face. Her eyes were glinting from gold. "Good doggy. Now play dead."

I snarl, shaking with fury. Dylan purred dreamily, staggering off in the back of my head like a drunk.

"Does that one need to be sobered? His posture is as good as the leaning Tower of Pisa," Nora remarked, sweeping aside me to get to him. Her eyes had receded to brown for now. "He'd probably not remember what got him by morning." She cracked her neck, wearing a dangerously playful smirk.

"Oh no you don't," I latch onto her waist, holding her close. Our eyes lock with burning intensity. Her eyes memorized as me as they went to gold and her usual brown in a heartbeat.

Her eyes fluttered, and so did mine as she was leaning over ever so gently towards my face. My hand was sliding up to her back when I felt a sharp pain in my groin. She grabbed me with a single hand as I was doubled over, and rammed her knee up to my stomach twisting me over to fall onto my back. I cripple to the ground, groaning, with Dylan rolling with laughter in the back of my mind. "I said to play dead."

She drain another gulp, cheeks as puffed as a squirrel with acorns in it's mouth, quirking her bemused eye at me from above before giving a wink.

I managed to stand and stay standing with the ache in my side.

Oh what a feisty drunk she-wolf she happened to be, Dylan grinned. Reminds of a certain Alpha someone when they're drunk. I wonder who?

Instead of loosing my head, I ask slightly annoyed wiping some blood from my nose; "You? And know how to sober someone."

"OH SURE!!" Nora assures with a wave of her hand. She brought the glass to her lips and took in a mouthful before marching behind a busily drinking Kaden and with a boot of her six inch heel to his butt, launched him into the pool.

My mouth hanged, a laugh in midstream. Kaden sank in face forward, resurfacing after awhile. "HOW DO YOU FEEL KADEN!"

"Like I might need my counselor," Shaking his wet hair like a cat in water wearing a tight scowl. Nora erupts into a fit of giggles, the sound so sweet it warmth Dylan's heart, while sipping her glass of amber striding away barefoot, heels in hands now, giggling to herself.

"What in the FUCKING HELL Damon?!" Kaden yelled, forcefully snatching my eyes off her. I wasn't aware of the fact that I was staring at her as she left. Kaden did however, but still a scowl nonetheless.

"Ill be back!" I hollar, sprinting up the flight of stairs in the way she used to vanish back inside the house.

My ears heightened to the peek and so does my nose, swatting the curtains away from my vision. It was hard to miss that never-ending trail of glorious roses and vanilla. Besides, she was the only lonely person drinking at the bar in far corner. Even being on her stool, she kept her feet, with the heels back on, swaying and shoulders shaking to the tempo of the music.

Well, what are you freaking waiting for! Dont stalk her, move your ass boy!

My feet moved on autopilot, taking each step slower and slower to her. Why I followed her in, I don't know. What I did know, was that my beating of my heart was profoundly loud and I felt light headed and ready to retch.

"Nora. I-I," She looked up. Inhaling, my sense short circuited with the overwhelming stench of alcohol from her. She's too drunk.

Yes... and your point being?

"Er, would you mind one dance with me?" Hell. I just wanted to drag her ass to the closest bedroom and bang her all night long.

Nora gawks from me to the dance floor strangely as if I had spoken out loud about the bedroom. Later I realized she was surveying me head to toe, staring a good length of time at the bulge in my pants before moving upwards once more. I receded myself from reddening in the cheek.

I had grabbed the closet thing in my closet. What I had gotten was a darkly printed dress shirt -rolled to my elbow and clinging vest with matching trousers. All black.

Eventually she gave a shrug, abandoning the glass of Kaden's concoction behind and sticking out her hand. I lace our fingers together, taking us to the center of the floor. On cue 'Echame la culpa' by Demi and Luis Fonsi begins playing.

Cupping her waist as I had imagined only minutes ago, I take her other hand and interlock our fingers. Starting slow, our feet move back and forward in low strides. Afterwards, I realized that she was singing. Her Spanish was perfect. I hesitate for a minutes before unlocking the chains binding me down and join her in time for the chorus.

Our body sway in full, forward, backward and sideways, taking twist and turns. Where I stepped back, she went in with her heel and vice versa.

'Okay, I don't really, really wanna fight anymore

'I dont really, really want to fake it no more

'Play me like The Beatles, baby, just let it be

'So come and put the blame on me, yeah'

Unlacing our fingers, she kept a hard hand to my chest for English verse, hips swinging along with her feet. Both hands moved to her waist, drinking in her eyes basking in the moon light from the glass opening above, I take her arm from behind and spin her around the floor twice.

Our bodies molten into each other's. My leg between hers, our hips still moving to the beat of the other's movements. Our hands were running down each other's bodies, her curls bouncing side to side behind. Grasping on to each other for dear life, we made every pivot as sharp as we could.

At one point, she decided to wrapped her legs around my hips, twisting her head down and around before leaping back to her feet. I held her head down for another dip to the side. Rising, she left go of me, spinning around me with her back. Twirling I grasp her thigh from behind.

Nuzzling my chin into the arch of her neck, I press my lips firmly to our mark, my hands gliding up dangerously to her chest. Her hands stopped me from ascending further, and giving her waist a twist, she flew around and into me.

Towards the ending just before then notes grew heavier and shallow for the final chorus, our faces inched closer for each step, her hands around my shoulder and eyes busy on me. I took lead, taking control and shifting our positions to accommodate for the risen tempo.

By the last note, we both were panting, breathless with our mouth only a close distant apart. Fireworks were not only sizzling our skin, I felt feverish inside out. There was a stunningly loud erupt of applauds and many pairs of eyes staring in our direction.


Everyone was widely circled around the pair at the center of the room. Hunter and Leila hand in hand each with a drink of their own but still clapping loudly, Kaden with an another glass of his concoction extend in their way and an approved grin.

Damon felt a heaviness on his shoulder. Turning around, he met some loosened brown curls to his face, a head resting tiredly.

Nora reluctantly had settled her cheek over the flat of his chest expecting it to be pushed away but what happened next was just at astonishing as what she expected in return. He lowered his chin, resting it on her head, his grip loosening from her waist and softening.

Damon heard Nora give an exhausted sigh, her dark lashes fluttering shut. Rocking side to side, the dance floor was soon filled with members and their Mates still in their gowns and suits.

"I don't understand this feeling, but something inside me is warning me I should be hating you. Why is that?"

"Do you want too?" Damon ask rather breathlessly. Her hand was positioned lowly on his back and another on the shoulder, a hand of his cupped on the nape of her neck and lower back.

Nora shifted her in head in thought. "No. Not really but this feeling is so strong to ignore, so vivid that maybe I should be listening to it. I cant remember why again."

"What do you feel like? What should you be doing right now?" He tightened the hand on her neck, burying his face even further in her chocolate waves, loosing himself to her sweetly rose scent and the feeling of her body on him.

She doesn't hesitate at this, her eyes and heart seeming to be fluttering off somewhere else.


I swear it feels as if Spring Break just began. I haven't read in 2 weeks and I probably cant read today or tomorrow because of this special festival happening tomorrow....

Today, I literally woke up 10 minutes before the school rang and ran the 15 minutes walk, nearly tripping on the sidewalk and into my death by being run over speeding cars. I also probably failed my math test. Stupid x's and y's.

Comment your day, Im all ears.

Just started The Crown of Midnight from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.

The Author;


*P.S-Because of the app constantly crashing, I wouldnt be able to set this chapter as I like. This chapter will be reedit as soon as the app problem is resolved. Thank you, have a good day!*

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