Stray Kids Imagines

By aestheticallyplsed

276K 7.5K 3K

Semi-hiatus but still busting out whatever I can 🤪🤙🏼 More

The Beginning - Han Jisung Imagine
It's Going to Be Okay - Lee Felix Imagine
You and Me - Bang Chan Imagine
Unrequited Love - Seo Changbin Imagine
Unrequited Love (Pt 2) Seo Changbin Imagine
Sundays, Sun Daze - Bang Chan Imagine
Unrequited Love - Seo Changbin Drabble
Update about Updates
The First - Yang Jeongin Imagine
Thunderstorms - Han Jisung Imagine
Fall Out - Seo Changbin Imagine
Lazy Days - Kim Seungmin Imagine
Fate - Lee Felix Imagine
At War - Hwang Hyunjin Imagine
Royalty - Bang Chan Imagine
Hi Friends!
Prince Charming - Han Jisung Imagine
Photographs - Kim Woojin Imagine
Forbidden - Lee Minho Imagine
Slide Into These Dm's - Yang Jeongin Imagine
Birthday Boy - Hwang Hyunjin imagine
Midnight Skater Boys - Stray Kids Imagine
your girl is dead and gone
It's All In Your Head - Bang Chan Imagine
Late Night Snacks - Kim Woojin Imagine
Shouldn't You Be With Her? - Bang Chan Drabble
You're Safe With Me - Bang Chan Drabble
The Little Prince - Lee Felix Imagine
What's Cookin Good Looking - Hwang Hyunjin Drabble
Bows - 3RACHA Drabble
Late at Night - Kim Seungmin Imagine
The Purge - Part 1
You're A Superhero? - Lee Minho Imagine
Friday - Han Jisung Drabble
Fireflies - Kim Seungmin Drabble
Band Bonding - Aussie Line Drabble
The Royal - Seo Changbin Imagine
Safe - Yang Jeongin Imagine
Just Friends Pt 2 - Hwang Hyunjin Imagine
Everyday - Bang Chan Imagine
Heights - Han Jisung Imagine
Thank You, Woojin Drabble
Happy Ending - Han Jisung Imagine
Hi Friends :)
Forbidden Part 2 - Lee Minho Draft
Ramen - Seo Changbin Unfinished Draft
The Eight - Stray Kids Unfinished Draft
Royal Yang Jeongin and Seo Changbin - Unfinished Draft
The Purge Part 2 - Unfinished Draft
Prince Seungmin AU - Unfinished Draft
Minho Greek God AU - Unfinished Draft

Colors - Yang Jeongin Imagine

5.5K 191 60
By aestheticallyplsed

Synopsis: Your dark world becomes filled with color once you meet a certain boy named Yang Jeongin. 

Genre: Fluff 

Pairing: JeonginxReader

Word Count: 2369

Hey, can I request a soft Jeongin fluff scenario? Thanks~♡♡ You can decide the plot...

A/N: I have no explanation for what's happening in this.  

Walking down the street, you enjoyed the brisk breeze that flowed across your face. Earbuds popped into your ears playing one of your favorite tunes, you took in your surroundings. The tree next to you appeared to be a dark grey, but not a black color. All the people that passed by you wore the same colors; black and white. Sometimes a person would be wearing a grey colored shirt, but for the most part, they all appeared the same. 

You wondered how different they all actually appeared to be. What kind of colors they were actually wearing - if their hair was actually black or if it was another shade of dark colors. Maybe a teal? A blue? Purple, perhaps? You would never know though. 

It had been so long since you saw a color that wasn't black, white or grey. You vaguely remember a time when you were small and able to see how green the leaves on trees were, or how brown the color of your mother's coffee looked like in her bright red mug. 

You don't know how or why you weren't able to see colors anymore. It just happened suddenly one day when you were in second grade. You were on the playground when all of a sudden you realized that weren't able to see the yellow color of the monkey bars, or the bright blue of the sky. You glimpsed down at your shirt only to realize that you had gone to school in the morning wearing your favorite pink shirt, but now it looked like black piece of cloth draped on you. 

Immediately, your seven year old self burst into tears while trying to explain to your confused teachers that you couldn't see colors anymore. But they simply dismissed you thinking that it was your childish imagination acting up. You were now turning 17, going onto your tenth year of being unable to see colors. Nonetheless, you managed to adjust to your different perspective of the world. You didn't mind being unable to see colors, but you did miss being able to see how pretty sunsets were. 

The plus side of not being able to see colors were that you didn't have to see how ugly your school uniforms were. That was one thing you were glad for, you thought as you took your seat in class. Already beginning to zone out as the lecture began, you softly tapped your pen against the wood of your small desk in a steady beat while staring off to the side. You didn't even notice the classroom door opening to reveal a new stranger stepping inside the room, and you most definitely did not hear your teacher call your name to raise your hand so that the new stranger could take a seat next to you. 

Your teacher's snappy voice shouting out your name was what pulled you back down to earth and was what caused you to jump in your seat. 

"Yes, I know the answer," was your immediate reply in some sort of attempt to cover up the obvious fact that you weren't paying attention. Your teacher gave you a suppressed smile, annoyed at the fact that you had been daydreaming in class. 

"I'm so glad you know the answer to a question that I haven't even asked. Jeongin, you can sit next to Y/N over there," your teacher said pointing in your direction as you slowly lowered yourself in your seat, embarrassed that you had been caught not paying attention in class once again. But you couldn't help but keep your curious eyes trained on the boy that began to make his way over to the empty seat next to you. 

The boy, Jeongin, sat down in the desk and gave a small bow your way before averting his eyes and turning away from you to focus on the lecture; something that you should have been doing, but weren't, as you continued to blatantly peer at the boy next to you. 

When the bell rang signaling the end of class, Jeongin quickly jumped out of his desk and skedaddled out of class, while you slowly packed up your things, too lazy to get out of your seat. The rest of the school day dragged on, and you discovered that Jeongin was in every single one of your classes. And in every single one of your classes, the girls fawned over him, while you didn't care much for him. Jeongin was simply another classmate to deal with. 

But as time went on, Jeongin gradually opened up to you. Each morning in your first class, he began to greet you in the mornings with a bright, "Hello Y/n! Have a good night's sleep?" You didn't have any intentions to become all buddy buddy with him, but something about the way that Jeongin smiled at you made it impossible to not smile back at him. 

One morning, Jeongin approached you with a bag full of cookies. "Good morning Y/n! I was baking last night, and I remembered one day that you said that you loved cookies. Would you like some?" He asked while holding out the sandwich bag full of cookies towards you. Sheepishly nodding, you reached inside to pull out a cookie. 

"Are these... colored?" You asked as you inspected the  appearance of the small baked good. It didn't appear to be the grey color that you would normally see within a cookie, but it seemed to have a tint of.. something. You just couldn't tell what. 

"Yes, you can't see it? They're pink. I just thought it would be nice to color it since it's nearing Valentine's day, and since it's your favorite color," Jeongin admitted before scratching the back of his neck while feeling a blush begin to form on his cheeks. The corners of your lips turned upwards as you continued to examine the cookie trying to remember what the color pink looked like. 

"No, I actually can't see it," you whispered. "But thank you, I appreciate the thought." 

Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked back down at the cookies he held in his hand, while you bit down into one. "You can't see it? They're a really bright pink though." You shook your head as you swallowed, looking back up at Jeongin. 

"I can't really see color," you responded. 

"What? Are you color blind? Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry-" Jeongin began to say before he was cut off by the teacher entering the room, telling people to take their seats. Throughout the entire duration of the lecture, Jeongin couldn't help but wonder what you meant by not being able to see colors. It puzzled the boy, yet he wanted to find out more. 

Jeongin finally got his answer when he approached you after school. 

"What do you mean you can't see colors?" He asked, jogging up to you to reach your pace. 

"Is that really what has been troubling you all day?" You responded, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Yes, it has been. You're color blind?" He asked. 

"No, I'm not colorblind," You rapidly shook your head denying his theory. 

"What do you mean you can't see color? How is pink your favorite color if you can't see colors?" Jeongin asked throwing questions out at you. 

"I used to be able to see colors, but now I can't. And pink is my favorite, because that was the color I loved the most when I was little. But now I forget what pink looks like. I only know grey, black and white." 

Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed even more as he began to become even more puzzled. "I am genuinely confused." 

You gave him a small smile before stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to simply feel the sun shine it's warm rays down on your face. "You don't have to be confused. Just know that I live in a world full of black and white. But that's okay." 

Jeongin nodded, processing all of the information. However, the next day at school, the first thing he did was approach you with determination in his eyes. "I'm going to help you see color again," were the first words that he spoke to you. 

You leaned away from him, a bit taken aback from his boldness. "Jeongin, I don't think it's possible for me to see color again." 

"Well, have you ever tried to see a rainbow after a storm?"



"Because the rainbow blends in with the sky because I can't see colors."


But nonetheless, Jeongin still tried to help you be able to see colors again. At first he didn't know where to start. He kept pointing out what object appeared purple, and what shirt looked teal. But all the colors appeared the same and looked either grey or black. At some point, Jeongin stopped trying to help you differentiate the different colors, but rather began to help you associate feelings, tastes and emotions with colors. 

Jeongin tried to connect the color orange to the feeling of the sun rising, telling you that it was the start to a new day. The peaceful feeling of the sun rising admist the quiet city. At first you didn't understand, but one morning, Jeongin arrived at your house in the early dawn to have you see the sun rise. As the two of you laid in the middle ontop of the grass that was covered in the morning dew, he began to describe the colors of the sunrise, and what emotions he was feeling. When the sun began to turn orange, he told you that he felt a little excited. But rather than associate the color orange to what feelings Jeongin was telling you about, you associated with the feeling of tranquility. The feeling of laying next to Jeongin, listening to him ramble on and on in a soft voice, with no one but you around to hear him talk. 

Jeongin related the color yellow to a bumblebee. He told you that bees have yellow and black stripes on their backs, and that the color yellow was the buzzing sound they made when they flew by you. You didn't really understand, but the way he excitedly talked about bees made you happy. And therefore, you began to think of yellow as the way Jeongin talked about bees. The color yellow excited you. 

Jeongin tried really hard to explain the color pink to you. He really wanted you to be able to see or feel your favorite color again, but he didn't know how. But one day, as Jeongin was explaining what he felt when he saw the color pink, you placed your hand against his cheek. Immediately, Jeongin's cheeks began to blush as he became flustered with your action. 

"What- what are you doing?" He asked peering curiously at you. 

"Feeling what the color pink looks like... They feel like your cheeks when you become embarrassed," you said giving him a wide smile as you giggled, feeling his cheeks begin to heat up even more. 

Each day, Jeongin went through the colors of the rainbow, explaining a new color to you every morning before class started. And at the end of each day, he asked you if you could see colors again. Your answer would usually be no, and Jeongin would usually be disappointed. 

But one day, when Jeongin asked you if you could see a color he had taught you, you answered yes. 

"Actually, yes. I can see how your eyes are a dark chocolate color," you said looking right into his eyes. Jeongin immediately let out a cry of joy and pulled you into a hug, feeling very excited for you. 

"I knew it! I knew that you would be able to see colors again, one day!" He exclaimed still holding onto you. 

But you had actually lied. You couldn't see what color his beautiful eyes were. You simply assumed that they would be a dark brown color, and you were lucky that they actually were that color. You had only wanted to make Jeongin happy. And although Jeongin was trying his best to explain what feelings he associated with what color, you rather began to link memories with each color. 

For example, the day you watched the sun rise with Jeongin would be the color orange. Jeongin being embarrassed and blushing would be pink. Eating cookies with Jeongin on a Sunday morning would be purple, as Jeongin has told you that the baking tray was a purple color. The way grass felt under you as you laid next to Jeongin after school would be green. The week that Jeongin was gone from school due to traveling was blue. And red would be the way that butterflies erupted within your chest when Jeongin's lips fell upon yours when the two of you had your very first kiss. 

A/N: The entire time I wrote this, I was really confused as to what "grey" i should use. Like do I write it as "grey" or "gray" because wtf is English. 

Aklhasge this was requested sO long ago and I'm so sorry for the long wait. But I hope that it lives up to your expectations. This isn't edited and I'm really sorry about that but honestly I just... sigh. Tbh, this didn't turn out the way I necessarily wanted it to. It first started out as a soulmate au, but then I realized that I write too many soulmate au's. So then I turned it into a nonsoulmate au. And then I became slightly stuck with what to write. And now it has just turned into this lmao. 

But thank you so much for reading! I hope that you all enjoyed this mess that I wrote at 10:30 pm because I wanted to write but this really didn't turn out the way I wanted. :((. 

Follow my Tumblr, I post more things on there! @STK0t9

-Maddy 💕

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