Strangers of Love

By Fierylight

10.7K 430 38

Greyson Lockwood He's well known for being the most heartless beast around. He is seen as immature, bitter, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

327 18 3
By Fierylight

Drop a comment and let me know what you think so far. I hope you all have enjoyed so far, :D

Charlotte's POV

I hate my life.

"It's not even that bad." Rolling my eyes I slammed the pantry door as I entered the kitchen, glaring at Vi. "Come on, Luke and I have hot guards." She smirked at me. "You kind of do."

"I will literally rip out your hair extensions." Muttering, I threw the items in my arms- on the counter. 

"Come on, Charlie." Luke sighed from the stool next to Vi with a soft smile. "It's literally for 24 to 36 hours." He shook his head.

"Easy for you to say, bird-brain. You have decent and respectable men to actually guard you. I'm stuck with some Ogre looking prick who can't tell the difference between men and women." Both Vi and Luke burst out laughing, knowing what I was talking about. His growl let it be known that he entered the area. 

"I will honestly lock you outside your own home." A snort left my mouth.

"And? I have people around here that would be more than willing to house me. Then, tomorrow-" I said smiling. "you can tell my brother where I went and how I died." He rolled his eyes before taking a seat on the stairs. "Go away and hide in the spare room or something. You're lucky I'm allowing you inside my home, d***-breath." 

"Charlotte!" Matthew's voice made me groan. Greyson snickered, earning a glare from me. "Get over it, I have to go back to work. Behave, please. It's no more than 48 hours, you will live. If anything happens, call me at work. Call Luke or Violet." He shrugged and hugged me. "I love you." He poked me, making me smile gently. 

"Love you." He kissed my head before going to the door with Michael. 

"Behave for her." Michael said quietly to Greyson, earning a snort from all three of us teens. Greyson sent us all a look, zeroing in on me. I went to making some food, ignoring the two men leaving. The sound of their cars leaving the driveway let us three burst out laughing. 

"What is so funny?" Vi's guard asked in confusion. 

"Greyson-" Luke snorted as he pointed at an irritated Greyson. "your face when he-" He put his head down and his body shook as he laughed. 

"He's not my boss. I'm a grown man." He leaned on his thighs as he watched us three. 

"Okay." I snorted, turning to the fridge. "Says Gimpy who can't function without Daddy." When I turned back around, I jumped to see Greyson leaning against the counter. His eyes bore into me. 

"Charlotte, we're stuck in a house for the next-" He thought. "day, minimum-" He took a breath. "two days maximum. I'd be a lot nicer to a Beasty who has the potential to rip you apart with my teeth." He shrugged.

"Gimpy," I said softly, staring at him. "if a single hair on my head gets hurt, your Daddy will castrate you for harming his asset. My brother on the other hand? He'll kill you. I'm pretty set right now, but thanks." Shaking my head, I went back to my food. His chest rumbled with a growl.  This is only the beginning, Gimpy.

A good few hours passed before Vi and Luke had to leave. That means Greyson and I are now alone in a house for the next two days. Shaking my head, I made my way up to my room. After slamming my door, I went to work on my homework. I might as well make use of my time.

Greyson's POV

I knew that I'd have to be her guard, my father is twisted like that. Of course he'd forcefully tempt me with a forbidden fruit. She seemed different, as if she was showing off for Violet and Luke. It's perfect that they left, I'm curious to see how she reacts. 

"You are so stupid." Muttering to myself over and over as I sat in the living room didn't help. A couple hours passed before I decided to shower. This means I'm not getting any sleep because I'm on baby-sitting duty for the next two days. Maybe she'll warm up to me. 

The water beat down on my skin as I stood under the tap. It hasn't been more than half an hour before I stepped from the bathroom and into the guest bedroom. 

"Greyson!" Charlotte's voice sounded frantic. I threw on sweatpants and a shirt before running downstairs to see what she was freaking out about. When I entered the kitchen, I saw her sitting by the back door. An irritated growl left my throat. 

"Charlotte." She looked up at me with a chuckle. "It's not funny. Don't play that game because I will handcuff you to me." She sighed and looked back outside. 

"I thought you'd want to see it too." She shrugged and watched outside calmly. Sighing, I made my way to her and looked outside.

"There isn't anything, Charlotte." She clicked her tongue at me and yanked my hand so I was forced to my knees. When I went to yell at her, she nodded outside. Rolling my eyes, I looked. "You cried wolf just so you could show me a rabbit?" 

"Not just bunnies-" She said innocently, not moving her gaze. She seemed so content, so peaceful. Her eyes held calm as she watched animals outside. "many animals cross my back yard to get to the water source. I made Matthew make our yard animal friendly because it's in the main migration pattern of the town in this part." She was so caring, how could I have ever mistreated her. "You're not watching. We can get a better view outsi-" She went to get up and open the door.

"Charlotte-" My hand grabbed hers gently, stopping her. She flinched gently at my move, forcing my heart to beat faster in pain. "it's not safe for us to be outside at night." Her excitement deflated. No one would harm her if I was with her outside, they haven't yet at least.

"We can go sit on my balcony and watch, the view is better." She said hopefully as she stood up. She earned a growl from me as I stood up. Her excitement and happiness was immediately extinguished from her eyes and body, her body shrunk. "Fine, goodnight." She turned and ran up the stairs. Is she truly that scared? That wasn't what I meant to growl at...

Charlotte's POV

When I got to my room, I sat on my balcony for a good hour. The animals crossed calmly because they knew it was safe in this area. Smiling, I went back inside and showered. It was around one in the morning when I was able to lay down to sleep. 

The sound of something being smashed forced me awake around four in the morning. When I looked around the room, everything was fine. When I peered into the hall, I froze. A Beasty was standing in the hall, sniffing around. I slammed the bathroom door, then hid. 

The sound of my bedroom door being torn down made me shake in fear. Then there was loud banging and snarling outside the door. I could see paws across the floor- hear its claws scrape against the wood floor. Another snarl was heard, not like the first. I covered my ears, listening to and feeling the vibrations from the door and wood being shaken from some fight out there. What do I do?!

When it fell silent outside, I held my breath in fear something was still out there. Where is Greyson? Is he okay?

When the door was pushed open, I smelled familiar cologne. Looking up I saw Greyson panting. He knelt down and watched me silently. My eyes took in all details before I attacked him in a hug. His hands gripped onto me as if he needed a hug more than I did. 

"You're safe." His voice was gentle and calm. 

"Are they gone?" He nodded at me once. "Are you okay?" He chuckled at me before standing up. I hesitantly left the closet, seeing that my room wasn't terribly destroyed. "At least I can decorate now." He gripped my hand as he helped me meet the hallway. 

"Did you get hurt?" His voice was groggy and tired. My eyes took in the fact he had no shirt on and had a few scratches on his abdomen.

"You got hurt." He led me to his room, pushing the door open and rolling his eyes. He had me sit on the bed as he closed and locked the door. He pulled out a go-bag and made a phone call before speaking again.

"My father is sending some men out to check the grounds. No other heart beats or scents are in the house or around the house. We should be safe, they shouldn't be more than fifteen to twenty minutes. I have to shower this all off." He nodded at me. 

"C-" He nodded without me finishing. I sat on the floor with my back to him as I played on his phone. He took at least twenty minutes. His voice scared me, making me jump. When I looked at him, he had on sweatpants. 

"You can shower now. I'll grab some clothes for you." He nodded before stepping past my into the room. Confused I looked at my shirt and saw that I had blood all over me. I stood up and set his phone on the fresh bed before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door enough so he couldn't see me, but not all the way so I knew he was still there.

Greyson's POV 

I haven't been able to sleep, so I've been sitting on the floor by my balcony door. I haven't been able to pick up any other scents or heartbeats yet. Charlotte's been in her room for a good hour now, maybe I'm okay to relax a bit.

I woke up to the sound of her door being torn down. My wolf had me shifted and in her room to reveal two rogues going at her bathroom door. She's probably scared and crying right now. Anger set in and I soon had the situation handled. They took down the bathroom door, the bathroom was empty- smart, Charlotte. When I stopped and listened, her heartbeat wasn't audible- even to me. Taking a breath, I thought. Where would she hide if she's not in the bathroom? Closet.

After she hugged me, she was worried about how I was. I suppose some of our decisions pay off, Charlotte. When I carefully brought her into my room, I locked the door behind us. She was shaking, her heart was now audible and it was pounding. Fear and worry was palpable from her. My heart broke to see her so fearful, you fell asleep Greyson. She could have died because of your ignorance.

"My father is sending some men out to check the grounds. No other heart beats or scents are in the house or around the house. We should be safe, they shouldn't be more than fifteen to twenty minutes. I have to shower this all off." She was staring at me with doe eyes, similar to those of the animals I watched cross her yard. I knew what she was going to ask.

"C-"I cut her off with a nod. As I scrubbed the blood off of me, I watched her play on my phone. Her shirt was a night shirt, almost half off her body from the size. Her scars were visible and clear to me. My friends and I did that to her. I allowed my friends to do that, I allowed my pack mates to do that to her. She jumped in fear of my voice, she was so focused on the game. She was giving me privacy, but almost protecting me at my weaker point.

"You can shower now. I'll grab some clothes for you." When I walked past her, she stared at me confused. She hugged me, getting blood all over her. She hadn't noticed yet? She must be focused on something else, more important. She's a germ freak, for her not to notice someones blood on her is shocking.

As she showered, I could still see her through the door. She wanted to make sure I didn't leave. She was really scared... Shaking my head, I focused on communication between the respected people and I. Luke and Violet would have to be guarded with two instead of one after this attempt. Maybe it's because the teens are writing a new code for our pack...

"Grey..." Her voice was soft and not herself. I looked up at her, she hid behind a towel and waited awkwardly. I turned and grabbed the clothes, looking down and away as I held them out to her. She took the clothes gently, then closed the door a little. When I took a seat on my bed, I glanced up at her in the bathroom. She has super long hair now, her scars were horrible- they've healed though. There isn't a possible way for me to apologize for that...

"Greyson." Matthew's voice was worried and frantic. I let them in the room and that's when he searched the room for his sister. I always wished to have something like that with my siblings.

"Matty." Her voice was soft and both sighed in relief as they hugged tightly. It was nice to see her in my clothes, something she won't find out about for a while. He didn't let her go for a good few minutes, he calmed down enough to let her sit. We watched her climb into the bed and lay down. We watched silently as Matthew basically tucked her in with a kiss and watched as he opened the door. 

We all followed in silence, this should be good.

Charlotte's POV

Matthew and I hugged for what seemed like seconds, it was actually minutes. I won't admit this, but Greyson smells really nice and it was calming to have another scent to hug. Matthew tucked me in the bed with a look before kissing my head and leaving the room. The others followed silently, the door closing gently with a click behind them. Letting out a puff of air, I got out o the bed and made my way to the closet. I curled into a ball as I hugged a pillow. My body shook gently from the cold and mainly fear. 

When I was woken up, it was to commotion in the house. A warm blanket was covering me now, the door was open and no one was in the room. Sunlight streamed in through the balcony and the windows. When I got up, I didn't look at my door in the hallway. Voices stopped when I got to the kitchen, my eyes scanned how they got in. 

"Why would they do that?" Violet's angry voice was heard as she entered from the backdoor. Confusion set in my face, hers went to guilt and fakeness. 


"Nothing." Luke said as he rubbed his neck. Ignoring them, I pushed past them to my back porch. On my lawn sat some animals that crossed every night.

"No." I whined as I saw the few scattered around. "They were innocent." 

"They're animals, get over it." Luke's guard said with a snort. I growled and shoved him off the porch. He looked up at me shocked.  "What the Hell, Little Girl?!" He all but screamed at me.

"You respect everything on my land, including animals." He growled at me, earning one from me. 

"It isn't your land, Princess." He snapped. "It's the Alpha's, you're nothing but a rogue." He growled in my face. He earned a hard punch, sending him to the ground. 

"Charlotte!" Michael's voice snapped from my left. He appeared and watched the man on the ground in confusion. When the man stood, he wanted to snap my head off. "What is going on?" 

"He disrespected the animals." Luke shrugged as if he knew. Greyson looked at me before the animals, then to the man. 

"It's not her land, sir. It's yours." The man tried to reason, earning a look from Michael. 

"I appreciate your loyalty, but you respect the dead. All beings." The man nodded before being sent off. "You really like animals." Michael said with a chuckle.

"I like innocent things. They make me have faith." He watched me as I turned and went into the house. 

This is stupid.

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