The last guard : RWBY x male...

By GlenAldoAZE

587K 7K 8.4K

After years of brutal conflict, the civil war in Vacuo is coming near it's end. Just days before the governme... More

The Girls
Part 1 : the last one
Part 2 : finally free
Part 3 : a new home
Part 4 : the first day
Part 5 : Life in Beacon
Part 6 : blast from the past
Part 7 : strange days
The new girls (again)
Part 8 : a new enemy
A new girl (yet again)
Part 9 : secrets
Part 10 : the dance ?
Part 11 : first mission
Part 12 : a familiar sight
New girl (this is the last one) i think
Part 13 : an early victory
Another Girl (i swear she's the last one)
Part 15 : an enemy or not ? pt.2
Part 16 : an enemy or not ? pt.3
Part 17 : an enemy or not ? Pt.4
Part 18 : a chocolate and a rabbit
Part 19 : a joyful rose
Part 20 : hard as ice
Part 21 : a sad kitten
Part 22 : flaming yellow
Part 23 : a warrior or a hero ?
Part 24 : a not so calm before the storm
Part 25 : the fall pt.1
Part 26 : the fall pt.2
Part 27 : aftermath
Part 28 : a new beginning
Part 29 : mistral menace pt.1
Part 30 : mistral menace pt.2
Part 31 : the black bird
Part 32 : mother's rosario
Part 33 : an unexpected encounter
Part 34 : change of plans
Part 35 : the iron city
Part 36 : Homecoming
We have a winner!!!
Part 37 : shady business pt.1
The new girl!!!
Part 38 : shady business pt.2
Part 39 : the end or the beginning ?
Voting time!!!
The result!!!

Part 14 : an enemy or not ? Pt.1

9.2K 129 116
By GlenAldoAZE

((Y/N)'s POV)

I opened my eyes to see that i was standing in the middle of a vast desert. I soon realized that i was in Vacuo. I looked around to see that i'm alone until.....

??? : "(Y/N)" the voice sounded familiar.

Me : "who's there ?"  I said as i kept looking for whoever said my name.

??? : "have you eaten yet ?" I heard the voice again.

Me : "what ?" I started to walk around.

??? : "i know they told you that you're nothing but a slave. But (Y/N), you can be so much more"

Me : "w-what did you say ?" I said as memories were filling my mind.

??? : "just, stay with me okay"

Me : "i-it can't be.....    m-mother ?" I said as everything went bright.

I opened my eyes to see that i was lying inside a hospital room. I then remembered the bizarre dream i had when i was still unconscious.

Me : "that was a dream huh ?" I said out loud as i moved my hand and i felt something like hair. I looked beside me to see pink colored hair. It was Marie. I gently touched her head to wake her up.

Marie : "huuh....... (Y/N)!! How are you feeling?! Does it still hurt?!"

Me : "slow down Marie"

Marie : "sorry (Y/N), i was just worried"

Me : "i'm sorry that i made you worry about me"

Marie : "it's fine (Y/N), i care about you"

??? : "i care about you (Y/N)" a voice said inside my head.

Marie : "(Y/N)? Are you okay ?"

Me : "huh ? Yes, i am fine" she looked at me with a concerned expression.

Marie : "if you say so" she then smiled.

Me : "what about the others ? Are they okay ?"

Marie : "they're fine, they're fighting in the festival right now"

Me : "wait what ? How long have i've been unconscious for ?"

Marie : "a week"

Me : "what ?"

Marie : "yeah, the doctors worked non stop to get every last drop of the poison out of your body but it was worse than they thought since you forced yourself to fight even after getting stung"

Me : "sorry about that"

Marie : "you should be! You could've died!" She yelled as she suddenly embraced me, burying her face on my chest.

Me : "it's okay Marie, i'm here. I'm fine. I'm alive"

Marie : "i finally found you, I don't want to lose you" she said while crying.

Me : "trust me, you won't"

Marie : "you promise ?"

Me : "yes, i promise" i said as she let me go and i stood up. I then put on my uniform before i head to the door to see Marie outside the room waiting for me.

Marie : "you ready ?"

Me : "yes, i should check on the situation" i said before walking towards the exit.

(Meanwhile somewhere in Vale)

(Winter's POV)

I stood inside the airship waiting to land. I looked through the window to see Vale. It was different than Atlas. I then felt the airship getting slower and finally descending. When the airship touched the ground, the door opened and i walked out and i looked around. Everything looked like it was going according to plan until.....

Weiss : "WINTERRRRR!!!" I heard a familiar voice yelling my name. I turned around to see my sister and a girl in a black dress running towards me.

Weiss : "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh, your presence honors us" she said while bowing while her friend just looked like she doesn't know what to do. I then took a few step forward.

Me : "Beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels different"

??? : "i mean it is fall, sooo it's probably colder" the girl in the black dress said nervously before Weiss hit her in the shoulder.

Weiss : "so, what are you doing here ?"

Me : "Classified" i said coldly. I can't tell her the real reason why i'm here.

Weiss : "oh right, well how long are you staying ?"

Me : "classified"

Weiss : "of course"

??? : "well, this is nice, i think"

Weiss : "you're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas, Vale too. The government and school are completely separate can you believe it ? I-" i cut her off.

Me : "i'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles it's bureaucracy. That is not why i came"

Weiss : "right!! I'm sorry"

Me : "nor did i come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears i don't have a choice in the matter"

Weiss : "but, we won"

Me : "only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed. Leave us" i said as the knights took a step back away from us. I then sighed. I could finally stop the act.

Me : "how have you been ?" I asked before Weiss babbled about her sparring matches and rankings. It was getting annoying so i smacked her head.

Me : "silence you boob!! I never recalled asking about your rankings, i asked how you've been ? Are you eating properly ? Have you taken any hobbies ? Are you making new friends ?"

Weiss : "well there's Ruby here and my teammates and a bunch of other people"

Me : "hmmm... tell me about your teammates, where are they ?"

Weiss : "well Ruby is here, Yang and Blake is going shopping to make food for (Y/N) and Marie" the last part got me interested.

Me : "(Y/N) and Marie ?"

Weiss : "yeah, they were added into our team due to some uhh... circumstances"

Me : "where are they then ?"

Weiss : "(Y/N) is in the hospital with Marie"

Me : "hospital ?"

Weiss : "yeah, he was injured while trying to save me" she said with a sad expression.

Me : "injured ? Was it severe ?" I asked as she looked at me even sadder.

Weiss : "his arm was scratched by a king taijitu's fang and the poison got into him but what's worse is that he kept fighting afterwards"

Me : "the pain must be unbearable" i said as Weiss and her friend Ruby had sad expressions.

Me : "he must me strong then" i said as their eyes suddenly lit up.

Weiss : "yes he is! He's amazing he could do many amazing things!" This seems interesting.

Me : "like what ?"

Ruby : "he can make bombs!"

Weiss : "he could destroy Paladins!"

Ruby : "he can ride grimms"

Weiss : "he could lead an army of Atlas soldiers!"

Me : "it sounds like this person has a lot of abilities" i said as i remembered something.

(Flashback a week ago)

I was walking towards General Ironwood's office after i was called in for something 'important'. I arrived at the door and i knocked.

Me : "sir ? It's me, i have arrived"

Ironwood : "come in, we have something important to discuss"

Me : "yes sir" i said as i walked inside.

Ironwood : "miss Schnee, i have an important mission for you"

Me : "i'm ready for anything sir"

Ironwood : "good, i expected no less from one of our best specialists"

Me : "thank you sir"

Ironwood : "now, let's get straight to business, what do you know about the Vacuo civil war ?"

Me : "hmm... not much sir, i wasn't assigned to anything that involves with that"

Ironwood : "relax, you don't have to know many for this mission"

Me : "if i may ask, what is the mission ?"

Ironwood : "you see, the war ended when the fortress Kazakh, the last military stronghold held by the government fell into rebel hands. In that fortress, the last remaining government troops were wiped out. Those who remained loyal that is"

Me : "where are you going with this sir ?" I asked before he looked at me with a serious expression.

Ironwood : "what i'm about to tell you cannot leave this office"

Me : "understood sir"

Ironwood : "good, I'll continue. Among the defenders was The Elite Guard Corps, the special branch of the Vacuo military. Every last one of them were killed in the fortress"

Me : "they're ones rumored to have the ability to tame grimms right sir ?"

Ironwood : "that's correct"

Me : "what do they have to do with my mission ?"

Ironwood : "every last one of them were supposedly killed in the fortress but that's not true"

Me : "there's more of them ?"

Ironwood : "yes, there is one more to be precise"

Me : "how do you know that sir ?"

Ironwood : "i was there when Ozpin saved the boy"

Me : "Ozpin ? You mean the headmaster of Beacon academy ?"

Ironwood : "precisely"

Me : "then what does this have to do with me sir ?"

Ironwood : "you're going to Beacon to keep an eye on him during the Vytal festival"

Me : "why, sir ?"

Ironwood : "I don't trust him. There were some government officers that escaped the country after the government surrendered. They must be planning something. If he's somewhat connected to them then we have to take action"

Me : "understood sir"

(End of flashback)

I stood looking at my sister and her friend Ruby after they finished telling me about their new teammate (Y/N).

Me : "i would like to meet him and the rest of your team when i have the chance" i said as we walked towards the city.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking through Vale until i saw some students from Shade academy. The school located in Vacuo. Looks like they haven't recovered that well since the war. They don't even have uniforms yet. Marie then bought me a cloak to hide my uniform so that i can walk through town without hiding.

Me : "this sure is different from Vacuo" i said to Marie who was walking beside me while holding onto my arm.

Marie : "yeah, i like being here. You know what, i like being anywhere as long as you're there" she said as i looked at her confused.

Me : "why ?" I said before she suddenly lets go of my arm and jumped in front of me facing me and stopping me from walking forward.

Marie : "because you're my fiancee of course" she said with the warmest smile i've ever seen.

Me : "can you please tell me what a fiancee is ?" I asked as she just giggled.

Marie : "i want to but i'm afraid the others would kidnap me and kill me before dumping me in a river" she said with a horrified expression.

Me : 'why is it so detailed ?' I thought as she grab my arm again and we continued walking through the city. After a while, we decided to rest in a cafe. We ordered some coffee before i remembered something.

Me : "Marie" i asked after drinking my coffee.

Marie : "yes (Y/N)"

Me : "when are we going to start training ?"

Marie : "we could start today ooor.... we could just spend the entire day together in Vale!" She said while giving me a look that's somehow making me wanting to follow her every command.

Me : 'what kind of psychological technique is this ?' I thought as she just kept looking at me with that look....

Marie : "pleeaaasseee...... it will so much fun!"

Me : "fun ?"

Marie : "just trust me, you'll like it!"

Me : "understood" i said before we left the cafe to have 'fun' in the city. We then walk through the city again. We went into different types of restaurants and we went into a strange place called an 'amusement park' where people enjoyed all kinds of torture. There's this thing called 'laser tag' where people fight to the death with some kind of sophisticated light weapon and there's this horrifying 'ride' of nightmare that Marie forced me to try called a 'Roller Coaster' even the name sounds like some torturing device. 'People actually like this thing ?' I thought as i was riding the train of death. The sensation reminded me of one of the aerial assaults back in the war where we jumped and parachuted down on an enemy fortress. After spending almost an hour full of terror, we finally decided to do what we were supposed to. Finding the others.

Marie : "that was fun right ?!" She said while holding onto my arm as we walked through the exit.

Me : "it was... enjoyable" i said as she gave me a hug.

Marie : "thanks for spending time with me"

Me : "anything for you Marie" i said as her cheeks went red.

Marie : "T-thanks (Y/N)" she said as we walked towards Beacon. As we were nearing the entrance, we saw a crowd and we heard something that sounded like fightings. Me and Marie then went through the crowd to see a man and a woman that resembles Weiss fighting in the middle of the street. I looked around and I saw Weiss and Ruby. I then walked towards them.

Me : "what's happening here ?" I asked as they looked at me shocked.

Weiss and Ruby : "(Y/N)! You're already awake!" They said in unison.

Me : "ever since this morning actually"

Weiss : "why are you wearing a cloak ?" She asked while examining my cloak.

Me : "i can't let the students from Vacuo recognize my uniform"

Weiss : "oh, by the way, why didn't you look for us ? Where were you all day"

Marie : "(Y/N) has been accompanying me all day" she said proudly.

Ruby : "oh yeah ? accompanying her to where ?" She asked me. No, it's more like an interrogation.

Me : "we went to this uhh..'amusement park'" i said as they all had these terrifying look on their faces. 'Maybe i should've let them know that i'm already awake first before doing all that' i thought as they kept looking at me and Marie with that 'look' i then tried to change the subject.

Me : "sooo... what's happening here ?"

Weiss : "some crazy guy just attacked my sister!" She said while pointing at the man fighting the woman that appears to be Weiss's sister. I've met Yang's mother and now Weiss's sister. Who's next huh ? Ruby's uncle ?

Ruby : "and that's my uncle!" She yelled while pointing at the man fighting Weiss's sister.

Me : 'well i'll be damned' i thought as i was watching the two fight.

Weiss : "(Y/N), we have to do something. This is getting dangerous" she said as i unsheathed my sword.

Ruby : "(Y/N), what are you going to do ?" She asked looking concerned.

Me : "somebody has to do something" i said as i said as i charged at the two of them who were locking blades with each other and i slashed in between the two swords. They both then looked at me confused.

??? : "who are you ?" Weiss's sister asked me while pointing her saber at me.

??? : "what's with the cloak there ?" Ruby's uncle asked while also pointing his sword at me.

Me : "please stop this fight, you are endangering civilian lives here"

??? : "hmph, out of my way" Ruby's uncle said as he charged forward trying to slash at Weiss's sister but i used one of my techniques and i quickly parried his attack while he looked at me shocked. Weiss's sister then tried to thrust her saber into Ruby's uncle but i also parried it by pushing her saber away from Ruby's uncle making her stumble. The two of them looked at me slightly angered and charged at me at the same time. I then threw my sword high into the air as i pulled out my secondary weapons. I then used the daggers (i'm going to call it daggers since i don't know what type of blade they were).

(This is the weapon by the way)

I used the dagger to parried both of their attacks. They then attacked me with a series of slashes and thrusts but i parried them all since i recognize their attack patterns but Ruby's uncle's attacks were getting more unpredictable and thus more difficult to counter while Weiss's sister used Atlesian fighting techniques which i was familiar with. I then realized that i can't hold them off for much longer and so, i decided to use a smoke bomb that i crafted to stop their attacks for a moment. When i threw the smoke bomb, they were surprised and they immediately covered their eyes since they were not used to the smoke. While they were distracted, i kicked their feet making them fall to the ground.

(Winter's POV)

What's with this guy ? He suddenly showed up telling us to stop but he himself eventually joined the fight. But the way he fights, it looked like he was militarily trained judging from the way he countered my attacks. And why is he wearing a cloak ? I then summoned birds and sent them flying towards him but he just moved and destroyed the birds with his sword as he was fighting Qrow.

Me : 'who is this person ?' I thought as he and Qrow suddenly stopped fighting and he sheathed his sword while Qrow was taunting me. I was triggered and i charged at them seeing this as a chance. My blade was inches away from them until.....

Ironwood : "Schnee!!!" I heard the General's voice calling my name. I then turned around to see him looking at me disappointed.

Me : "General Ironwood sir!" I said as i saluted him.

Ironwood : "what in the world do you think you're doing ?!"

Me : "he started the altercation sir!" I said before i heard Qrow said.

Qrow : "that's actually not true, she attacked first"

Ironwood : "is that right ?" He said as i could only lower my head in defeat. He then looked at Qrow and the cloaked person.

Ironwood : "and you" he said as Crow pointed at himself.

Ironwood : "what are you doing here ?"he said while approaching Qrow.

Qrow : "i could be asking you the same thing"

Ironwood : "i-" he was cut off by someone wearing a black suit. He must be Ozpin.

Ozpin : "now now everyone, there is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the colosseum that i can assure you has better seats and popcorns" he said before Glynda Goodwitch, one of the professors in Beacon stepped forward.

Goodwitch : "break it up everyone! We'll take care of this mess" she said while glaring at Ironwood.

Ironwood : "let's go" he said before we left leaving Qrow and the cloaked person with Ozpin. I looked behind me to see Ruby clinging to Qrow but then i saw something that intrigued me.

Ozpin : "care to explain why you're fighting those two (Y/N)?" Ozpin said to the cloaked person while Qrow just looked at them confused.

Weiss and ??? : "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Weiss and a pink haired girl yelled as they held onto each of the cloaked person's arms looking concerned. I then thought to myself.

Me : 'so that's (Y/N) huh ? the last surviving member of the Elite Guard Corps. The army of soulless killing machines. Why is he so close to my sister ? I'll have to keep an eye on him to see of he's an enemy or not ?'

END of part 14

I do not own RWBY and any of the pictures that I used

Thank you and see you later


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