Rejected? Whatever. (UNDER MA...

By Anubis27

1.2M 36.4K 6.8K


Rejected? Whatever! Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Little bit of Ryder's POV)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Ryder's POV)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Jason's POV)
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 RYDER'S POV
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Ryder's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter #2
Spin off: Shadow West
Spin-Off's Release Date / More Bonus Chapters Coming Soon

Chapter 28

21.4K 684 33
By Anubis27

The first thing I did after accepting the fact that Ryder is taking me back was write notes to everyone telling them that I left. 

If I didn’t, they would think that I got caught up in the snow somewhere and they’d spend at least a year looking for me or my body. 

“C’mon, babe,” Ryder whined for the seventh time in fifteen minutes. “When can I hold you?”

I rolled my eyes. “If you ever want to get back to Blood Moon, I suggest you shut up.” I wanted to comment on the whole ‘babe’ part, but I knew I had to let it go or I’d never get these notes finished.

He huffed and plopped into a chair.

We were still in the diner. There was only one light on and all but two chairs were up on the tables. I had locked the door and the ‘open’ sign was flipped to ‘closed’.

“I don’t see why you have to tell them that you’re leaving anyway. It’s not like they own you. There are no wolves here. You’re not in a pack.”

He was really starting to annoy me. “These people have been my family for the past month. They helped me passed really dark times. If you didn’t find me, I would have probably spent the rest of my life here. These are good people. I’d give my life for any one of them. I’m not going to leave them without at least a goodbye.” It was strange, but true. I feel as if I’ve been here all my life.

Sensing that I was not happy with them, Ryder looked slightly panicked. “I’m sorry. I love you, I just want to get you in my arms, where you belong. Don’t be mad at me.” He pouted him bottom lip.

It was weird to see Ryder be so playful, but whatever. 

“I’ll be done in about ten minutes. By the way, by ‘in my arms’ you better have just meant a hug. I’m not going to sleep with you or even kiss you for a long while. I have not been properly wooed.” I stuck my nose up jokingly.

“I’ll spend the rest of my life ‘wooing’ you if that’s what it takes to get you to stay.”


True to my word, I was done with the notes ten minutes later. 

I left them on the counter for Denise to find in the morning. 

“Let’s head back to my room.” I walked towards the exit, expecting Ryder to follow.

“Room? I think I like that idea.” He rushed to catch up with me.

“I’m just going to grab a few things before we get on the road. Anyways, my room is Mrs. Jensen’s spare room. She’s an eighty year old cat lady.”

“Isn’t there a motel or something here?”

“There are fifty seven people living here and no one vacations here. It’d be bankrupt in the first year. If someone needs a place to stay, the people let you stay. I live here for free actually.” I smiled.

“Lived. As in past tense, Mika.” 

“Whatever. Let’s just get my stuff so we can go.” I unlocked my rusty old pickup. As old as it is, the tires are new. They are perfect to travel in the ice and snow daily.

“Um, that doesn’t look safe.” Ryder looked disgusted. 

“Why? Just because my baby isn’t your Ferrari, doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful in it’s own way. This truck has been good to me.” I patted the side of it.

“I’m happy that we’re leaving this pile of junk behind.” He walked over to the passenger side.

“Get in your own car.” 

“I ran here.” He opened the door against my protests.

“You were mean to my baby, and now you think you can just Ryder her like it’s nothing.” I complained only half serious.

“Did you just accuse me of riding your baby? You are one weird cookie.” He shook his head.

“And you are one persistent jerk.” I started my truck. It rumbled to life.

I drove to the Jensen house. All the lights were off. Mrs. Jensen must be sleeping. She usually is by the time I come home from the late shift.

I unlocked the front door and crept down the hall. 

My room was plain. I didn’t want to spend the money to decorate it. I’m broke now that I can’t use the bank account from the rouges pack. I was saving every cent. I wanted to build a cabin. Well, that plan went to shit.

I grabbed my clothes and stuffed them in plastic bags. 

“Uh, Mika, all of your clothes are way too heavy for Wyoming.”

“I know.” I sighed, sitting on the bed. “I don’t want to leave.”

“We’ll be back. Let’s go.” He gently took my hand and pulled me up from the bed. 

Ryder grabbed the keys out of my pocket. 

“Hey!” I protested.

“I’m the man. I drive.” 

“But Ryder-”

“No buts. Get in the car.” 

If I wasn’t so tired, I would have argued more. I get to sleep, while he’s stuck driving all night. Jokes on him.

I slept for the for the first twelve hours. I know it’s a lot, but I was really, really, really tired. 

I felt so safe with Ryder there.

It was the second best sleep I’ve ever had, the first being after my date with him.

I made Ryder stop at rest stops nine times. 

Sometimes it was that I had to go to the bathroom. Other times it was that I was hungry or I needed to stretch my legs. I even claimed that I was carsick, which is not possible for a werewolf, nevertheless, Ryder still stopped.

I turned what was supposed to be ten more hours into over twelve. 

I was stalling. 

I’m not the type of person to worry about what people think of me. 

However, I didn’t want to deal with the scrutiny of Blood Moon. 

I wasn’t nervous either. 

I just don’t want to deal with them.

I don’t need their approval. If that mattered to Ryder, he wouldn’t have come after me.


Just under 24 hours since we left Dawson Creek, Ryder pulled into the driveway of the pack house. 

“We’ll be fine.” He smiled at me. 

I wish I could believe him, but I’m not stupid. 

I’m not blind either, I can see the glares that are being sent my way from the windows of the house. 

Really? Glaring at me from the window?

I glared back at each one of them. One by one, curtains were drawn back in place. 

Melissa came barreling out of the front door. 

I was surprised when she ran up to me and tackled me in a hug. 

“Mikky! I was worried about you.” 

“Really? You’re not mad about what I did?” I asked out of curiosity.

“I’m not happy about it. I don’t approve at all, but you are my brother’s mate and my friend. I can’t just turn my back on you.” 

“Okay, get off my mate, squirt.” 

She backed away. 

“Not everyone is happy that you are home. Just be careful.” She smiled at me again before walking back inside.

As I walked inside, I headed straight for Ryder’s room. I really don’t want to deal with anyone else tonight. 

I walked through the kitchen where about twenty wolves were. They all looked at me.

They glared at me. A few even growled. 

“Show respect to your Luna.” Ryder barked at them.

“I can’t respect a murderer.” Jay stood up and walked out of the room. I can’t say that it didn’t hurt to have him turn his back on me, but he’ll get over it.

Ryder made a move to go after him, but I grabbed his arm. “Let him go.” I whispered.

“I wont take any disrespect regarding my mate. Next person to insult her, it sentenced to death.” He spat.

I dragged him upstairs. 

Once we were in his room, I closed the door. “I know you want to protect me, but this is not the way to do it. I’ll have to earn their respect back and threatening their lives is not the way to do that.

“I know. I just want everything to be fine.” He sat on the bed and I heard a crunch.

Ryder must have too becuase he stood up and looked at the spot where he was sitting.

There was a crumbled paper laying on the bed. 

He picked it up and read it. 

Growling in frustration, he threw the paper. 

I snatched it up.

Alpha Ryder Ryan, 

How could you betray wolves everywhere?

You welcomed the woman who killed your brothers, fellow wolves, into your home and even into your bed? You are a disgrace.

You bring dishonor to your pack. 

This will not go unpunished.

Expect the worst.

I promise you that what is coming your way is going to be ten times worse than that.

At the bottom of the paper, there were seventeen signatures. I recognized than all as Alphas in the United States.

My face paled.

“What does this mean?”

“It means we are in for a very bloody war.”


Dun Dun Duuunnnnnn

I finally figured out how exactly the story will end. 

I also decided that there will be a spin off. I'm not sure how long after Rejected? Whatever! is over that I'll start writing it. I'm thinking of calling it You're my mate? What the hell does that mean?!

I was thinking about it earlier today and i think I have a unique plot idea. I con't go over it because I don't want to give anything away for this book. 

FIVE more chapters and an EPILOGUE left! 

This story is coming to an end, but that doens't mean that it's over yet. 

There is plenty of action in store for these last few chapters and even a surprise here and there! 

Book Stats!

Reads: 5,639

Votes: 263

Werewolf # 629

(Wattpad) pages: 52

Next Update: Saturday!

Anubis xx

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