The last guard : RWBY x male...

By GlenAldoAZE

582K 7K 8.4K

After years of brutal conflict, the civil war in Vacuo is coming near it's end. Just days before the governme... More

The Girls
Part 1 : the last one
Part 2 : finally free
Part 3 : a new home
Part 4 : the first day
Part 5 : Life in Beacon
Part 6 : blast from the past
Part 7 : strange days
The new girls (again)
Part 8 : a new enemy
A new girl (yet again)
Part 9 : secrets
Part 10 : the dance ?
Part 11 : first mission
Part 12 : a familiar sight
New girl (this is the last one) i think
Part 14 : an enemy or not ? Pt.1
Another Girl (i swear she's the last one)
Part 15 : an enemy or not ? pt.2
Part 16 : an enemy or not ? pt.3
Part 17 : an enemy or not ? Pt.4
Part 18 : a chocolate and a rabbit
Part 19 : a joyful rose
Part 20 : hard as ice
Part 21 : a sad kitten
Part 22 : flaming yellow
Part 23 : a warrior or a hero ?
Part 24 : a not so calm before the storm
Part 25 : the fall pt.1
Part 26 : the fall pt.2
Part 27 : aftermath
Part 28 : a new beginning
Part 29 : mistral menace pt.1
Part 30 : mistral menace pt.2
Part 31 : the black bird
Part 32 : mother's rosario
Part 33 : an unexpected encounter
Part 34 : change of plans
Part 35 : the iron city
Part 36 : Homecoming
We have a winner!!!
Part 37 : shady business pt.1
The new girl!!!
Part 38 : shady business pt.2
Part 39 : the end or the beginning ?
Voting time!!!
The result!!!

Part 13 : an early victory

8.9K 133 93
By GlenAldoAZE

(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood here along with my teammates in the middle of the chaos happening all around us. I unsheathed my scimitar and took a battle stance but then my scroll rang. I look at it to see that Ozpin was calling me.

Me : "Professor ?"

Ozpin : "(Y/N)! They're near! Be careful! I'm sending the teachers there too!"

Me : "thank you Professor, i will defend the city or die trying"

Ozpin : "you better not die!!!"

Me : "sorry sir! Saying that was an old habit"

Ozpin : "just, stay safe"

Me : "yes sir!" I said before hanging up. I then looked over to my teammates.

Ruby : "(Y/N), who was that ?"

Me : "that was the headmaster. Anyways, i have a plan"

Weiss : "NO! NO! NO! The last time you said that you almost died!"

Me : "do you trust me ?" I said looking at them.

Blake : "we trust you (Y/N) but we're worried about losing you more" she said while holding my hand which made the others looked at her with suspicion.

Me : "thank you Blake" i said as a voice rang in my head.

??? : "stay with me and stay alive (Y/N)" why am i hearing her voice now of all time.

Me : "please just trust me"

Yang : "fine! But if you get killed! Then i'm gonna have to kill you!"

Me : "that's a bizarre logic Yang" i said as she gave me a smile but somehow a concerned expression.

Ruby : "what do we have to do ?"

Me : "i need you guys to hold off the grimm here until i return"

Blake : "where are you going ?"

Me : "to get plan B"

Weiss : "i'll go with you then"

Me : "no Weiss, they're going to need all the help they can get. You're needed here more" i said as she just looked at me concerned.

Weiss : "what about you ?! You're going to be alone there! What if you ge-" i cut her off.

Me : "trust me, i've done this many times before" they all looked at me with sad expressions.

Weiss : "fine, be safe"

Me : "i will" i said as i saw a flare from the north.

Ruby : "what's that ?!"

Me : "that's plan B, i have to go"

RWBY : "(Y/N)! Be careful!" They all said as i ran towards the direction of the flare.

Me : 'what did i ever do to deserve a team like them' i thought as i saw beowolves charging at me as i sliced through them.

I then ran towards the flare until i saw a little girl and a woman resting outside one of the buildings. The woman's leg was injured while the little girl was trying to help her get up. Then suddenly a group of beowolves rushed towards them. I then reacted and i threw some of my bombs at them killing then instantly. I then ran towards the injured woman. The little girl looked at me in fear at first. Probably because of my uniform.

Me : "can you walk ma'am ?" I said as she groaned in pain. The little girl was now more afraid of losing the woman.

Woman : "I don't think so" she said as the little girl walked over to me and tucked my sleeve.

Little girl : "please help my mommy mister"

Me : "understood" i said as i picked up the woman and we all ran towards the flare. We went through a couple of alleyways until we finally reached our destination. There, an Atlesian airship and some soldiers were fighting grimm. We then ran towards them.

(AS : Atlesian Soldier)

AS 1 : "are you major (Y/N)?!" The soldier said. Ozpin must've gave them the details about me.

Me : "affirmative"

AS 1 : "we have assigned to you sir, what are your orders ?"

Me : "get this woman and her child on that airship and to a hospital!"

AS 1 : "yes sir!"

Little girl : "thank you mister!" She said as she hugged me tightly.

Me : "you are welcome, now get on the airship with your mother"

Little girl : "yes sir!" She said mimicking the soldier before she ran towards the airship.

Me : "okay then, now we have to get to the town center! There are huntsman and huntresses that's going to need reinforcements!"

AS : "yes sir!" They all said before we all left the  place and head towards my teammates.

Me : "how many men do we have left ?"

AS 1 : "we have forty five men sir"

Me : "that will have to do for now, what about air support ?"

AS 2 : "a few airship should be arriving pretty soon"

Me : "good, we're going to need them" i said as we all walked through the buildings and finally reached my teammates. Team JNPR was there too.

AS 1 : "sir, you almost forgot this" he said while handing me a comm device.

Me : "this will be useful"

AS 1 : "that's a lot of grimm" he said while looking at the grimm around team RWBY and JNPR.

Me : "you haven't seen anything if you haven't seen what we were fighting back in Vacuo"

AS 2 : "what now sir ?"

Me : "i want you to take up positions on those two buildings with ten men each and heavy machine guns on the roof" i said while pointing towards the two buildings.

AS 1 : "yes sir!" He said before they all rushed towards their designated positions while twenty five men stayed with me.

Me : "i want ten men to go to the street east from here and create a defensive perimeter to prevent the grimm from getting to the fleeing civilians"

AS 2 : "yes sir!" He said as they all readied their weapons.

Me : "protect those civilians or die trying!"

AS : "yes sir!" They all said before they head towards their objectives while fifteen men stayed with me.

Me : "okay, you're all going with me. We're going to support them" i said while pointing at my teammates and team JNPR.

AS 3 : "we're with you major!"

Me : "good, now Get ready!" I said the soldiers readied their weapons. I saw my teammates and team JNPR were about to get overrun when i heard a transmission from the comm device.

AS 1 : "major, we're all in position"

Me : "good, now open fire!" I said before i charged forward with the soldiers who were down here with me while the soldiers inside the buildings opened fire onto the grimm killing every grimm in the area. My team and team JNPR just stood there surprised.

RWBY + JNPR : "(Y/N)!" They all yelled in unison.

Me : "hey guys, i brought reinforcements" i said as the soldiers set up defensive positions around us as more grimm came charging towards us. I then grabbed by comm device.

Me : "i need air support! Where are you" i said through the comm device.

Pilot : "eta five minutes sir"

Me : "good, i need a bombing run in these coordinates" i said before i gave him the coordinates of the street swarming with grimm. I then looked over to the others to see that they're all looking at me confused.

Pyrrha : "(Y/N), who was that ?"

Me : "you'll see, now get ready fight" i said to them as they readied their weapons once again. I then ran towards the soldiers.

Me : "men, get ready. You're going to hold the grimm coming from this side while they're going to handle the ones on the other side"

AS : "yes sir!"

Me : "good! We'll defend this city or die trying!" I said as the grimms were getting close.

Me : "open fire!" I said as the soldiers all fired their weapons at the grimms. The heavy machine guns that were positioned on the roof shot down dozens of nevermores while the soldiers positioned on the windows we firing at the enemies below. I then ran towards my teammates and joined them in the fight. I saw five beowolves charging at me and i charge at them and i decapitated all of them with my scimitar. I then saw dozens of them jumping off the roof ready to attack my teammates. I then readied my bombs and i threw it at them killing them all. I then saw a king taijitu ready to lunge towards Weiss and i ran towards her. The king taijitu lunged but i was barely able to push her out of the way but my arm got hit by it's head and it's fangs scratched my left arm as i was thrown away by it's force. I then tried to get up but i felt pain.

Me : 'looks like it's broken' I thought as i was trying to stand up.

Weiss's POV

I was shoved by somebody making me fell to the ground. I then heard a grunt and i looked behind me to see (Y/N) getting thrown away by a king taijitu.

Me : "(Y/N)!!!" I yelled as i ran towards him.

(Y/N) : "are you okay Weiss ?"

Me : "what do you mean am i okay ? I should be asking you that!" I yelled as before i saw his hand.

(Y/N) : "it's fine Weiss, as long as you're okay"

Me : "no it's not! You're hurt because of me! That's not fine!" I yelled before i saw the king taijitu coming back. I then focused and used myrtenaster to slice it into two.

(Y/N) : "thank you we- gargh!" i heard a small grunt from him. It sounded like he was trying to hide the grunt. He then fell to his knees.

Me : "(Y/N)! Are you okay ?"

(Y/N) : "i'm okay, it's just my arm that's all" i looked at him with a concerned expression as i knew that wasn't true while the others formed around us to protect us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I told Weiss that it was only my arm hurting. I don't think she was completely convinced though. I then saw Ruby having a hard time fighting against a lot of grimm.

Me : "Weiss! Ruby needs help!" That should distract her.

Weiss : "stay here okay!"

Me : "sure, now go!" I said as she ran towards Ruby. I then take a look at my left arm and i saw the wound from the king taijitu's fang.

Me : 'look's like the venom got into me' i thought as i felt even more pain but i was train to take the pain.

Me : "mind must be the master of the body" i said as i bare with the pain. I then used my secondary weapon and stabbed my left arm and i sucked the venom out and spit it to the ground.

Me : 'looks like there's still some left inside. At least it's no longer spreading" i thought as i was still feeling pain. I stood up bearing with the pain as i could feel them all over my body. A taijitu venom will cause pain all over the body when it reached contact with the nerve system but luckily i prevented it from spreading but the pain won't go until every drop is out of my body.

Blake : "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" She said while running towards me.

Me : "i'm fine, this will all be over soon. We just need to hold them off a little longer" i said holding back the immense pain i'm feeling.

Blake : "okay, you stay behind me okay"

Me : "sure" i said as Blake fought off an Ursa. I then saw a Beowolf charging at her from the right and i charged at it. I hold it's attack and i felt the pain intensified. I then forced my hand to stab the beowolf right in the chest while holding the pain from every movement i made.

Blake : "(Y/N)! You need to rest! Stay behind me!"

Me : "it's okay Blake, i'm fi- gargh!" I let that grunt slipped due to the pain.

Blake : "(Y/N), you're not fine" she said before dozens of grimm came charging at us as Blake and i just stood there knowing that there's no way we're getting out of this. But then all the grimm were suddenly destroyed by machine gun rounds. I looked at the direction the shots were coming from and i saw Velvet and her team.

Velvet : "(Y/N)! Are you okay!" She said while running towards me.

Me : "i'm fine Velvet, thanks for the save"

Velvet : "don't thank me" she said as another girl walked towards me and Blake.

??? : "so this is the (Y/N) guy you've been telling me"

Velvet : "yes, (Y/N) this is Coco my team leader"

Me : "nice to meet you and thank you for the save back there" i said as she smiled at me.

Coco : "anytime (Y/N) and thanks for helping Velvet here"

Me : "glad i can help"

Coco : "you're injured (Y/N), we'll protect you. Stay behind us okay" she said as a voice came out of my comm device.

Pilot : "sir we've arrived at the designated location" he said through the comms.

Me : "miss Coco, that won't be necessary" i said as they all looked at me confused. I then pulled out my comm device.

Me : "commence the attack" i said as the airship flew past us and began dropping firebombs onto the grim horde in the streets as my teammates and the other teams were just shocked by what just happened.

Coco : "nice"

Blake : "what was that?!"

Me : "plan B" i said as they all looked at me confused.

Yang : "there's still some of them left let's k-" she was cut off by the grimms getting destroyed by the teachers. Professor Oobleck also came driving a Paladin and aunt Glynda came and used her semblance and repaired the damages in the city within seconds just like what she did in the cafeteria.

Yang : "nevermind" she said as more Atlesian airships came.

Weiss : "looks like it's finally over"

Me : "yes we did i- GAAAARRRGGHH!!!!" I can't bare the pain anymore. It's just getting worse. I fell onto my knees as the others ran towards me.

RWBY + JNPR + C??V : "(Y/N)!!!" I heard them calling my name before everything went dark.

??? : "(Y/N) stay with me" i heard her voice

Why now.....

END of part 13

Should i add Coco into the harem ? I literally forgot about her until i wrote this part

Tell me what you think about this

Anyways, I don't own RWBY and any of the pictures I used

Thank you and see you later


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