quaint [h.s.]

By life_in_the_rain

1.9K 124 8

eighteen year old Jessamine Reynolds gets trapped in a whole different year before her existence and the only... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


659 22 0
By life_in_the_rain

Hello this is a new harry fanfic I need to make something clear. this is an alternate universe (au) fanfic. which means I can change anything in this story. so I hope you like it and vote/comment


"It's so hot!" I exclaimed, trying to fan myself in an attempt to cool down.

"It's not hot, it's just hot in here," A classmate next to me said with a roll of her blue eyes.

"Whatever," I snap. "It's still hot. Hot is hot."

The girl popped her gum and she turned her attention to the teacher with a sigh escaping her lips that were covered in blood red lip gloss.

Good thing that it's the last period of the day, I'm not sure how much of this can I take.

"Jessamine." I shoot my head up at my history teacher who is talking about the Great Depression. Something that happened in the 1930s.

"Yeah?" I answer back.

My history teacher cleared her throat as all the attention was suddenly turned on me. "When did the Great Depression begin?"

Oh, that was easy. "October 29, 1929."

My teacher has a smirk playing at her lips and she tries to stop it. "Very well."

Good thing that my ex boyfriend's birthday is on October 29.

Soon and thankfully, the final bell rings and I bolt out of my seat, heading out of the classroom door. I clutch my history book to my chest as I walk to my locker, stuffing them inside and grabbing my purse.

As quickly as I turn my friend, Casey, greets me. "Hey, Jess."

"Hey, what are you doing after school?" I push a lock of brown hair out of my face.

She paused for a split moment. "We could hang out if you want, we still need to do research together on the Great Depression."

I roll my eyes at her boring suggestion. "Sounds nice, wish I could live it out instead of stuffing my nose in a book."

Casey laughed lightly. "We have no choice. So about 4:30-ish? I'll pick you up."

"Yeah, that's good," I replied and we walk out to the partly sunny day.

When I get to my house, I see some cookies on the table and a note.

I'm out with your aunt shopping.. be back by 5 xx -mom

I set the note down and grab a new sticky note. I write down that I'll be out also, with Casey, and that I'll be back by six - before dinner.

I look at the granite counter top and grab an red apple instead of a chocolate chip cookie. I glance down at my casual attire and decide to leave it on, who cares.

Around 4:45, I hear the horn of a car outside of my house. Probably Casey. I grab my purse and dispose my second apple. I step outside and it's finally more sunny. I hop into Casey's car which was painted a nice shade of grey.

"Why do we have to do a report on this anyway?" Casey sneers once I'm inside, putting out her cigarette since she knows how much I even loathe the smell of it.

"Ask Ms. Connors," I mumbled. "At least it's not about hmm.. well this does seen like the most intricate subject."

It would be better to be there I guess. It was probably better back in the 1930s-1940s. But then again, that was when World War II had broke out. At least I think, I could be wrong.

"Lets just get this shit over with," I hear a sigh rumble off of her lips.

Ten minutes later, we wanted to stop at an restaurant. I suggested McDonald's--it's one of my favorites.

The city buzzes with people talking, yelling with commotion, and lots of cars blowing horns. Well that's New York for you. Manhattan is just another loud large city, which I'm quite find of now.

Casey goes inside of the restaurant and I take a seat on the picnic table nearby, taking in all the sights. I look towards the street, where cars and multiple taxi cabs wait; waiting for the light to change. Lots of people walk by, talking on their phones, carrying briefcases, usual Manhattan.

Bags are set on the picnic table and I glance up to see Casey taking a seat beside me. "Sorry it took awhile. The worker is really rude."

I chuckle softly. "I bet it was your fault."

Casey gives me a glare and I laugh more, causing her to stifle a laugh herself.

She brings out the food from the bags and all I ordered was Mcnuggets and medium fries with a coke. I still have money left, luckily.

"So lets get started," Casey asks, biting into her Big Mac.

I flip open her textbook, since I left mine in my locker at school. I get to the page and sigh with frustration already. "So obviously Hoover was president."

"Who?" Casey asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Herbert Hoover."

Confusion flashed through her blue eyes. "Oh."

I close my eyes and huff. This is going to be a long and exhausting day.


"Mom, I'm home!" I yell and shut the back door, locking it as well.

"Just in time for dinner," She grins.

I glance up at the clock which read six twenty five. Casey and I got little work done today, it's better if I just work on my own. I figured that out ages ago but Casey needs help and since I'm her friend, I should help her pass.

"How's school going for you, Jessa?" Mom utters.

"It's fine for now. Casey and I are still trying to get this all down packed. Its hard to do this since it took place in the thirties. We should've chose the eighties or something."

Mom shakes her head. "Jessa you're very bright. It may be tough, but you're smart enough."

Moments like this, I wish dad was here.

He knew everything about history and he could've been a great help. Too bad he died when I was smaller. I can't help but sigh and mom already knows what I'm thinking -I'm an open book.

"Look Jessa.. we both miss him. He was a huge part in both of our lives. The last thing I need is for you to troll around the house again moping."

I glance at mom, then quickly shift my gaze back to my plate and I'm suddenly not hungry anymore. "Why did it have to happen?"

"It's not your fault.. don't put this on yourself, Jessa. Just listen -"

I stand up. "You know, you don't have to lie; I was the cause of dads death. The reason of what had happened to him!"

I walk away angrily and hot tears brim over my eyes. Mom calls out, " Jessamine!"

I don't listen to her stupid pleads or calls. I stomp quickly to my bedroom and once I'm inside I slam my door, locking it afterwards.

My mom hasn't come afterwards me-she doesn't anymore. There has been many arguments like this. I stand in front of my wide mirror and angrily brush my tears away with a Kleenex tissue before disposing it in my nearby bin. I flop on my bed.

Every aspect of me misses my father. We used to pretend that we were I'm the future, or that we were pioneers in the 1800s. Well, when I was younger. He was a scientist and he used to try to help make inventions in helping me just catch a glimpse on what the future will be. Somewhere like 2080.

He even promised me.

I pull my dark hair into a ponytail and stare at my feet. I shouldn't have this much memory and I damn sure shouldn't still be grieving over it, something that happened about a decade ago. I stare at my cream colored wallpaper and then back to the burgundy carpet.

I don't think that I should stay up all night wondering about this. It's best if I sleep to get my mind off something so tragic.

I quickly slip on my pajamas and shut the shades of my window before lying in my bed. The light was already off. I love being in the dark, it feels soothing to my mind and I can think freely about anything.

Slowly, I drift off to sleep. Mentally deciding that I'll visit my fathers grave tomorrow.

The next morning, mom left another note saying she left. But this time she didn't say where. I shrug it off. I get dressed into something casual and take my truck to school. I walk outside and the cold blistery air hits my cheek. It's the middle of March and it's still unbelievably freezing in the mornings.

Today is Friday, and I don't really care if I'm late for school. It's not a first. I get into my black Ford Explorer, which used to be my dad's. I adjust the mirrors before turning on the rough engine and hearing it roar to life instantly. I back up, careful not to hit something.

I remember the way to the cemetery, I've been there multiple times but it feels different maybe. I would always run here when something unpleasant breaks. Such as, the yelling my mother and I exchanged last night.

I pull up to the cemetery and no one is there, as usual. No one is ever here, except maybe the person who keeps this lawn in shape and we get along well. He's well into his thirties. I shut off my car and walk, taking the usual route to my fathers tombstone. I still carry my father's obituary in the truck, only read once and I couldn't bare open it again and re take in this thing.

I pass a few usual tombstones, knowing that I'll get to my dad's soon enough.

Franklin Jones: 1955-2011

Marie Fowler: 1910-1959

David Reynolds: 1967-2002

That's him. The last one is my dad, David Reynolds. I sit in front of his stupid stone that wasn't supposed to be engraved with his name until many years later. I cross my legs in a criss-cross style. Maybe that's what the other people who lost loved ones too.

Why did my dad seem to have a short life? That's my main question.

I stare back at my dad's stone. And wonder what I wonder most of the time: why? Why would that happen? Why? I look at my watch that reads 8:00 a.m. I'm officially thirty minutes late for Hell.

Rain droplets hit my head and my hands. I get into my truck before the rain starts to pour buckets. I drive to school and arrive around 8:10. I park my truck and hop out, slowly walking into the building.

I get to my locker and grab my textbooks needed for Algebra even though it's half way over. I was hoping to be unseen when I entered the class room but I was wrong. Everyone heads turn to me and I sit in my seat in the back, wishing that the day was over already.

My teacher, Mrs. Nelson, looks at me with a small frown. "Jessamine, why are you late?"

The class waits for my response. "I uh, I overslept." The lie tumbles off my lips.

"Again? Frankly, Ms. Reynolds I don't believe that. See me after class," Mrs. Nelson narrows her eyes at me and then tells the students to look ahead and pay attention. I relaxed once their gaze was off me.

I wonder where Casey is. We both have Algebra together in first period and I'm surprised she isn't here. I pay attention the rest of the class period and when the bell rings, I stay behind.

"Jessamine, what the hell is the deal? You're always late!" Mrs. Nelson scolds. She's known to be strict.

"I'm sorry. I'm a heavy sleeper," I reply.

She pursed her lips. "Nonsense. I'm tired of just giving you detention. Come on for God's sake how old are you-do you need me to call your mother, child?"

I take a deep breath. "Most of the time I was late is either because I came too slow or I was at the cemetery."

The last reason seemed to reel her in. "Cemetery? Why?"

Oh, what a dumb question. Why do you think people visit cemeteries? "Um, my father died when I was younger and I still visit him."

My teacher has a hint of pity in her eyes. She shouldn't pity me; I hate when I'm pitied. "I didn't know of this, Jessamine. How did he pass?"

I shifted my glance to my feet and suddenly clutched my book to my chest tightly. I said it softly. "He killed himself."

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Reynolds," My teacher pulls me in a hug and we stay like this for two minutes.

We let go and she gave me an excuse and politely asked me to try make it on time.

The school day goes by smoothly and soon it's lunch time. Since I'm a senior, I can eat lunch off campus. I shouldn't come back, I think bitterly to myself. Then I realize I can't since history class. I mentally groan.

I walk out of the school door as someone calls me. "Hey, Jess!"

I turn around and see Sunny. Her real name is Sunshine, but we call her Sunny instead. Her parents are hippies and they've always liked that name. Sunny has pale blue eyes and long black hair. It's so long that when she sits, she has to move it. Her hair is jet black and she's not allowed to cut it until she turns 18 this fall. She could almost pass for a ghost, her skin is so faded.

Sunny and I decide to go to Subway to eat lunch and then come back here. So much for skipping the last few classes. For some reason I have a feeling about Casey and mom. They're both not answering their phones. Definitely up to something.

disclaimer: this story is still progressing which means it's not completed yet so there will be such things as bad grammar, or typos. once the book is finished, I'll go back and edit everything so please don't call me out on it and I hope you enjoy this fanfic xx

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