It's High School (Completed)

By Everydaylover122

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"Henry?'' I whispered, scared that if I spoke to loud he would disappear into thin air like breath in cold we... More

Chp.1~ Greetings From Austin, Texas
Chp.2~ Old Friends, New School
Chp.3~ Changed Person
Chp.4~ Patio of the Forgotten
Chp.5~ Lunch With the Morales
Chp.6~ Caleb's In a Band?!
Chp.7~ Finding Henry
Chp.8~ Priorities
Chp.9~ Homecoming
Chp.10~ Heat Of The Moment
Chp.11~ Aftermath
Chp.12~ Confession
Chp.13~ Waiting Room
Chp.14~ It's On
Chp.15~ Coco Deliciousness
Chp.16~ Alex Wagner
Chp.17~ Grudges
Chp.18~ Confused
Chp.20~ Valentine's Day
Chp.21~ Revenge is Going to Be Sweet
Chp.22~ Terry-Tots
Chp.23~ She Knows
Chp.24~ Rumors
Fixing My Situations
Chp.25~ Searching for Answers
Chp.26~ Pool Party
Chp.27~ Guilty Pleasures
Chp.28~I Feel the Same Way
Chp.29~ Girls for God
Chp.30~ Her Sickness 1/3
Chp.32~ Her Sickness 2/3
Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3
Chp.35~ You Don't Understand 2/2
Chp.36~ This Is Me
Chp.37~Therapy Boredom and Flynn Rider
Chp.38~ Wedding Day
Chp.39~ Don't Absorb The Hate
Chp.40~ Hero
Chp.41~ Three More Years

Chp.34~ You Don't Understand 1/2

76 11 0
By Everydaylover122

"Caleb's POV" 

I woke up the next day to the sound of my Dad's familiar lawnmower running in the backyard. I lifted my head just enough to see him wearing his usual white shirt and black shorts, pushing the mower in horizontal motions just outside my window. I flopped back down on the bed, stretching my arms and legs to get ready for the day. I had turned my head to see the time and wonder if I had missed band rehearsal. 

"You missed rehearsal." I heard Alex voice say. 

I rolled my head the other way, to found Alex propped up on one elbow, starring down at me. I blushed a slight red. I had hoped that Alex hadn't been watching me sleep, because I have a tendency to snore, and to sleep with my mouth open. 

I groaned. "Great, now I'll have to reply back to millions of complaints." 

Alex shrugged his shoulder. "What can they do? Kick out their only good singer?" 

I laughed, placing one hand over my eyes. "Well, I guess you're right, but still they'll probably ignore me before gigs and hog all the food. Plus, you've never experienced the wrath of a bold-headed Russian man. He could get you singing like a canary." I playfully shoved him. When I heard no reply, I removed my hand from my eyes to look up at him. He had a small smirk on his gorgeous face. 

"How do you feel?" He asked. My cheeks blushed an even brighter red when I had remembered what had happened the night before. A chuckle came out of Alex's mouth as he noticed me blush. 

"Awe." He pinched my cheeks like I was baby. I swooshed his hands away, covering my face with the blankets. It was embarrassed when Alex noticed me blush. Especially since it was my first time and he seemed like such an expert at it. Seriously, He was amazing at it. 

I let out a rough cough, pulling the blankets back down to get some fresh air. 

"Ow." I put a hand on my chest, the burning sensation flowed down my throat to my stomach.  Alex hopped out of the bed. "I'll get you some water."

"Thanks," I sighed, glad that I didn't have to get up yet. While he was gone, I thought back on last night. I had never felt something like that before, and it was weird, but in somewhat of a good way. Alex returned and handed my a plastic cup of water that he had gotten from the tap out of my bathroom. I sat up and guzzled it down. I laid the cup on my night stand as I stare down Alex's body, which was all mine,  coming back into the bed where I laid. He gently lowered his body down on mine, pecking my neck slowly. I chuckled, rubbing circles on his back with my thumb. 

I could feel his lips curve into a smile against my neck. I lifted his face to meet mine. "How about we go for round 2?" Alex smirked, placing his hand on my cheek. I could feel the blood rush up to my ears, the only thing I could respond with was a nervous chuckle. 

A knock on the door had Alex and I's body stiffen. "I'm coming in, and you better have pants on." Kayleigh's voice had yelled from the other side of the door. 

I quickly sat up as Alex climbed off of me, searching for his shirt on the floor.  Kayleigh whipped open the door and leaned against the frame. 

"So what are you, deaf?" She folded her arms in front of me, her eyes bulging out of their sockets. 

"Food is ready downstairs." Kayleigh said before her eyes zoomed over to Alex's bare chest. She straightened up against the door, pulling her hair back with her hand as her facial expression changed dramatically. 

"Oh Alex! I didn't know you were over, but there should be enough food for you too." She smiled, gleaming down towards his chest once more.  

"Thanks." He said while pulling his shirt over his head. I could feel a jealousy rise in me as my sister closed the door. 

I look back up at Alex, he laughed before falling onto me. "That was close." I whispered. He placed a lingering kiss on my lips before getting up and heading into the bathroom.  

I pulled the blankets off of me as I a shot up from the bed and tugged a t-shirt over my head while I hurried down the stairs.

"It a little warm don't you think?" I walk over to the thermostat as Kayleigh spreaded Nutella on her toast and took a large bite out of it.  

I sit at the bar-table, moving the flower pot out of my way just in time for Kayleigh to set down a plate of a butter-toasted bagel and a sunny-side up with guacamole to go.  I loved it when Kayleigh cooked. Her food always tasted like home, even if it was just a sandwich. She had an advantage when it came to cooking, she would always watch mom in the kitchen cooking steak and baking cakes, and would always want to help out.  After mom died, she luckily got the cooking hand.

I took a large bite out of the bagel, the warm crunchy taste made my mouth water even more. Kayleigh leaned against the bar, holding up her weight with her elbows, smudging up her face as she intriguingly watched me eat. 

I took one more bite out of my bagel before looking up at her. She smiled wide, blinking a few times like she did when she wanted something. I threw my bagel back on the plate, wiping my crumby fingers onto my napkin. 

I swallowed the last bit of my food before speaking, "what do you want?" Kayleigh laughed at my question, pushing back her silky hair so that she could see me. 

"Well since you want to know, Maddie, the girl that sometimes comes to our second services is having this party tonight and you know how Mom and Dad can get, but I was hoping that a first prize winner for the Best Brother in The World, would convince them otherwise?" She held her eyebrows high as she waited for my response. 

I shook my head as I stabbed my fork into the sunny-side up. "Kayleigh, you know this, parties have germs and alcohol and cigarettes, its not safe for you." I finished saying before stuffing my mouth full of the warm eggs.  She sighed, rolling her eyes at my comment. 

"This is so stupid! I have been healthy since, like, third grade." 

"We can't take chances Kay." I replied, drinking the homemade orange juice. 

I could see her mood change with just the snap of a finger. She folded her arms, glaring daggers at me while I took the last bite of my bagel. 

"What the hell is wrong with this house?! Everybody treats me like I'm going to break at any minute, like I'm some fragile piece of artifact." She grabbed my plate before I could steal another piece of the sunny-side up. 

"Hey!" I tried reaching for my late, but she tugged it back even further. 

"My food is only given to those who want the best for me." She said, right before she used her foot to open the garbage can and throw the plate in.

"Go freak yourself Caleb Oliver!" She yelled right before she rose her middle-finger, stomping up the stairs.

"I was done anyway!" I shouted back, just in time for Alex to come down in his spider-man pajama pants and a blue T-shirt. 

"What happened?" Alex asked as he sat in the chair beside me. 

I got up from the bar stool and headed towards the refrigerator, ready to pour a class of orange juice for Alex.  

"Just her usual tantrums." I poured the OJ into the class, sliding it across the bar, right into Alex's hand. 

"She want to go to this party thing,  but you know, chances just can't be made when it comes to her." I shut the refrigerator door, heading back to my seat.  Alex nodded his head as he sipped on his OJ. 

"Remember that the church anniversary is later tonight, I don't want to have to go solo once again." I reminded him. This year is the 40th anniversary of my Dad's church, another year to celebrate the passed-down church, generation from generation. He treated that church like it was his third child, it meant everything to him. 

"Please don't be late." 

"I won't" Alex replied. We sat in silence for a while, just starring at each other. He smiled slightly, the dimple on his right cheek popped out.  He leaned closer to my face. 

"God, I wish I could kiss you right now." Alex whispered in my ear. His face was so close to mine that I could feel the stubble from his chin tickling my face. 

"Alex!" I whisper-shouted, pushing him back. He sighed, rolling his eyes. 

"Sorry if I want to show affection to my boyfriend."  He laughed.

"Alex shut up, my sister is just in the game room and my dad outside, do you really want them hearing you?!" I looked at my surroundings, making sure that there wasn't another body in sight. 

"So what if they hear me?" Alex chuckled before leaning back in. I pushed him back even harder, frowning at his actions. 

"Stop it Alex, seriously." Alex's smile falters, he looked away from my gaze, rubbing his buzzcutt hair. 

It fell silent again until Alex spoke up, "I got to go, but I'll meet you there." Alex rose from the seat, grabbed his bag from the doorway and walked out. 


"Caleb's POV"

I sat in the photo booth, making a new gesture after every six seconds the camera went off. My parents had decided that instead of buying my the new guitar they promised me that I could have with saved up money, they use it all up for a photo booth and a buffet crew. I still had one more photo to go when I saw out of my peripheral view the curtain draw back. I turned my head just in time to see Alex's bright smile plastered on his face, he sat beside me, grabbing my  neck and pulling his warm lips on too mine. Flashback from the night before replayed back into my mind. The sensation and the amazement of feeling that kind of enthusiasm had me wanting to redo it all over again. I closed my eyes, pulling Alex closer by his waist. I could feel him smile against my lips as the actual flash of a camera went off. 

Reality hit me right as the picture was snapped. I pulled away from Alex's mouth, slightly hitting him on his shoulder.

"What the hell Alex, why would you do that?" I jumped out of the photo booth and quickly stood beside the photo dispenser.

"There was a curtain Caleb, calm down nobody saw us." He replied back smiling. 

"Okay, but you know what I've said about this type of stuff, you can't do that, especially at my Dad's church party." I whispered- argued, starring down at the last picture of me and Alex, our black tuxedos matched accordingly, and Alex's smile was evident on his face while he kissed me. 

"Hey honey." The voice of my mother sounded behind me. I quickly folded my hands behind my back, trying to hide the evidence of something up with a smile. 

"Hey mom." I greeted back. She had light blonde hair like my biological mother, but hers was a little more grayer than I can remember my mom's being. She was average height with a large chest and wide hips. She had a smile that lit up the room and dull blue eyes that showed the adventures that she had had in her life. At quick glance and you would've thought that she was Meryl Streep. 

"I see that you are making this photo booth useful after all." She walked over to the photo booth, fixing the curtains so that they were fitted in the middle, as I quickly turned the other direction. 

"Can I see them?" She smiled,laying her hand out in front of me. My heart started to race as I thought of excuses to use. 

"They came out a little blurry, I'll probably have to retake them." I nervously chuckled.  My mom put her hand on her hip, leaning her head on one side. 

"I payed a lot of money for this and I would like to see what they look like." My mom said again, putting out her hand again. As she talked I ripped the last photo from the strip, tucking it away in my back pocket, right as I placed the black and white photos into the palm of her hand. 

She takes a look at them and smiled. "awe, look at my baby boy." She cooed, perking her lips. 

"Shouldn't there be four not three?" My mom looked up at me, wondering as she looked between me and Alex. 

"I mean, you payed for it mom, should there be three or not?" I sarcastically joked, looking up at Alex to see if he was feeling the same way, but the expression on his face was one I had never seen, and didn't want to see. 

My mom eyebrows lightened up as she looked between the both of us, she took a deep breath, replacing the absent look with a smile. 

"What are you talking about being blurry? All of these look perfectly fine." She took a look at the photos again. 

"And they better after the money I had payed for that." See slightly laughed. 

I scratched my head, wanting the awkwardness to leave the room as fast as the speed of light. 

"Alex, thank you for joining us, you look very handsome." She complimented. I turned to see Alex's expression falsely change as he presented her with a smile of his own. 

"Thank you." 

"Well mom those guess aren't getting any border, so you better go and start greeting or they're going to go back home and greet their beds." I joked. She playfully rolled her eyes before walking off. 

I turned to speak with Alex, but as I did, the back of him was facing me and he was walking away. The sudden mood change in Alex was something I had never seen. I sped up my walking as I tried to reach toe and toe with him. 

"Alex? Alex?" I tried calling out to him, but no reply. 

"Where are you going?"I asked when I reached him, grabbing out for his arm, turning him around. He bit down on his jaw hard before responding. "Back home." He short-answered me, looking down. 

"Okay," I dragged the word, pulling the photo out of my back pocket.

 "Take this with you so that the next time you're with your soccer team, you can make them jealous." I smirked, pulling the photo his way so that he could see it.

"They're all straight." 

"Okay then, so make them uncomfortable." I chuckled. Alex glared into my eyes. 

"That will be a little bit of a challenge seeming as they don't mind that I'm gay." He spoke. 

I blinked few times, taken back by the sudden aggression in his voice. "Alright, what's with the attitude?" I changed my voice as well, furrowing my eyebrows together. 

"I'm your're boyfriend, Caleb." Alex stated, slighting leaning forward with his arms crossed.

"Would you like to say that a little louder Alex? I don't think the minister or the choir director heard you." I joked. I grabbed his arm, dragging him into a random room where the sound of muffled music was the only thing we could here. 

"When we first started dating,  I told my moms right off the bat about us. They were grinning ear to ear for like a month." 

"'Moms' being the key word in that sentience Alex. You grew up with the mind-set that being who you are, gay or not, was an okay thing, and sadly for me that is not the case. I grew up with a mom and a dad, who also happen to own a church. Hell, my dad thought saying 'oh my God' is a sin, or not praying before eating was a sinful move, nonetheless finding out that his only son is into guys and not girls who he brings up in any conversation we're in." I argued my point. 

Alex strong posture faltered as his voice goes soft. "But I want people to know about us Caleb, and not just a few of your friends." 

"I know Alex, but you don't understand how many lives I'd be changing. My dad fantasizes all the time about me getting married to a women, and having kids and grandchildren. I can't crush his dreams." I held my head back, trying so hard for Alex to understand my point. 

"But what are your dreams Caleb? And even if those are your dreams too, you can still do them with a man, maybe not the same, but it can be done." 

"Alex, you just really don't understand." I shook my head, looking down. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't." Alex, voice cracked. He blinked a few times before biting down on his jaw. 

"Alex, please-" but my apology is shortly interrupted by his words. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." Was the last thing he said before storming out of the room. 

"Alex!" I tried calling out after him, but the music was playing even louder than before, and soon his body was unrecognizable in the crowd of black suits. 

I slumped my shoulders, snaking my fingers through my hair. "Caleb!" I heard a voice call me from the other side. I looked in that direction to see my mom gesturing me to follow her.

"Come on, you're Dad's about to give his speech." My mom handed me a class of apple cider as she pulled me to the front of all the decorated tables to be seated right in the middle of the large stage where the choir was seated and listening. I take a deep breath, my mind being on other things beside this. 

Why was Alex so mad at me? Even trying to tell him the story of why it was so hard to tell my family still didn't get through to him, and it unfortunately never will. Me coming out as gay was shocking to myself. I had never even thought about it until Alex came along, and he was the first gay person I had actually ever met. My entire life I knew that something was off about me, but I blamed it on not being able to find a girl that I could truly love, and I forced myself to talk about girl's bodies and faces, and hoped that maybe then my mind would be on them, but it never was. It never could. Then Alex kissed me that day and I knew exactly what I had been missing this entire time, and even then I was still having a hard time coming to those terms of being attracted to my own kind. And on the plus side to that, having to hear that it wasn't okay every service of church in the morning made it even harder to believe. 

"- And I'm most excited to pass down this church to my son and his lovely wife someday, so that the generations to come after him will have it." My dad smiled at me as he spoke. I through the thought to the back of my mind, but the word 'wife' coming out of his mouth sounded wrong, but there was nothing else to do but smile, and caring on with the world on my shoulders. 

To be continued...


Hey guys!!! Thank you sooooo much for reading!!! I really do appreciate it, especially since I haven't been posting in a while. 

I know it's crazy right? Will Alex ever understand Caleb? Will Caleb ever tell his parents. Find out in the second part of this chapter. 

QOTC: "Being gay is not a choice, but being homophobic is." 




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