Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLET...

By avidnovela

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Jess is an innocent soul that only wants one thing in her life and that is to be bound with Shaun forever. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

60 4 2
By avidnovela

The early morning sun slowly cast in Jess's windowpane, she moved a long side feeling more exhausted than ever, and she suddenly stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked horrible; sleep wasn't generous to her last night. She grunted; Shaun occupied her mind the entire time. She couldn't believe that he walked out without any hesitation, she tried to recall what led the circumstance to end like that and then she realized there was no one to blame but Rick Reed!

Shaun has been very open with his animosity towards that man. She couldn't really grasp where that emotion was coming from but she learned to always be at Shaun's side and his enemies were her enemies too, last night things went out of hand and Jess was hoping that he would trail back to the apartment and hug her, whispering words of assurance and making her feel that he still needs her, the heart can hope but it doesn't mean it's going to come true. She went outside her bedroom door and breathed a sigh of disappointment as the space greeted her.

She readily turned on the coffee maker and pre-heated the leftovers she cooked last night. Shaun never even tasted it. She could have wanted to share this breakfast meal with him just like the old days. They used to be inseparable, she used to giggle like crazy as it echoed throughout the small room in their apartment and he usually tickled her if he got annoyed by her gestures. Another distinct thing about Shaun was his addiction to her cheeks, he usually pinches them until they turn reddish. Jess slowly touched her face remembering the thought.

She checked her watch and she knew she had to prepare for work now but she had no desire to go to the diner yet knowing that she had unsettled issues with Shaun so she decided to send a message to Fred and suggested she would just come in the afternoon instead she reasoned out saying that she has an urgent matter to attend to. She then sipped her coffee and was definite to meet with Shaun and talk with him. She smiled at her plan, she couldn't concentrate much if she was bothered by his ghost, so better yet she saw the devil himself. She nodded in agreement. She quickly finished her meal and rushed to the bathroom to get a quick shower.

After she was done, she went into her closet and spent at least ten minutes scanning as to what she should wear. She wanted to look presentable in Shaun's eyes, not that it does matter. Shaun has seen her plain self every day of his life and doesn't think he pays much attention to it. After searching for quite some time she finally gave up and decided to just grab a pair of jeans and a shirt instead. She also wore her sneakers and put on a little powder and perfume, she checked herself one more time, and off she went.

When she arrived in the studio building, she readily entered the glass entrance when suddenly a pair of strong hands kept her in place. A white-sleeved security officer stopped her tracks as she was about to enter the premises, Jess was confused.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Are you an employee here? Do you have your identity card?" he asked with a hint of irritation.

"Well, no I am not an employee in this building, but I have been here back and forth before, and this seems to be the first time that I have been restrained from going inside. Is this a new protocol or something?" She clarified.

"Well, the tenants did inform us to be stricter with the people entering the area and we have been very lenient about it before as part of the security protocol we have been given an instruction that no guest shall be allowed to enter the building unless mandated by the office dweller."

"What? But I know someone in there, can you please call Shaun Hays? Their office is on the 14th floor of this building. Can you please call him so that he can tell you that he knows me?" She begged.

The security hesitated for a second then eventually gave in. He marched to the front desk and dialed in a number. He then turned to her.

"What's your name again?" He asked.

"Jess, Jess Lynn..." She stated.

He repeated her name on the receiver and after a moment she waited for him to tell her that she could now go, his glimpse towards her was making her uneasy. When she noticed he had put the phone down, she breathed.

"The recording personnel who works on their office floor doesn't know anyone's name, Jess Lynn. You are not permitted to enter the premises anymore, so I suggest that you come back once you have the confirmation of the man you mentioned earlier..." He dismissed her lightly.

"Hold on, so you didn't talk to Shaun?" She asked.

"No. I was told that he was out..." He answered.

"Do you know where he is?" Jess uttered.

He suddenly glared at her and verbalized "Do you think I am his Personal Assistant too? Don't worry I'll include that in my job description next time." There goes his sarcastic remark.

She was caught off guard "I get your point. I'll bear that in mind." She traced the glass door heading out, she was displeased with the outcome of her plan. She wanted to make amends with Shaun and spend time with him, however fate had been cruel to her. She was about to cross the lane towards the bus stop when she saw at the corner of her eye a striking image that she knew too well. His blonde hair was sleek and he wore a wood color trench coat.

It's Shaun! It's him!

She was about to call on him when someone resurfaced right beside him, it was her! The same woman she saw last time in the recording studio. Her eyes went to them as they walked away from her, they looked so good together. She let her gaze linger on the woman.

Her hair was a light blonde color, it almost reminded her of the color of a sunbeam as it passed through a window, Shaun has a darker shade than hers. As she looked at her hair, she noticed the way the light caught in it, and it shimmered as it flowed with her every move. Jess's eyes were drawn to the fact that the woman's hair was very lengthy reaching down to the middle of her torso, so long in fact that it almost caresses the small of her back. It's like the finest silken fabric ever woven. Her hair seems to flow as the wind tries to mess it up. She wonders if Shaun has attempted to bury his face in her hair, she cannot blame him though. The way she carried herself made Jess feel insecure, unconsciously her feet trailed the path where they were heading. She was like a mindless robot being drawn to them. She then noticed that the woman tilted her head and laughed when Shaun made a gesture seductively whispering to her ear, and her heart sank. Her beautiful face was demanding some attention. Her high cheekbones call everyone's eyes to the statuesque bone structure underlying its gentleness. She has been graced with a look that could be that of royalty. Her tight, rose-colored lips were pursed in what appears to be mid-kiss. The slight hint of moisture on her lips made them glisten in the light, causing them to look as though they were a reflection on the waters of a pond and not a part of her at all.

She stopped as she saw them enter a coffee shop. Her brow crossed because the security personnel called their office earlier and she was under the impression that Shaun was out and that was why she was not authorized to get in, however, it seemed to her that they were in the studio all along. Did Shaun intentionally deny her to see him? She decided to play along and without hesitation, she went in. Their back frames were against her, so she slipped through the crowd and selected a seat in the corner. She would mind what to buy later. Her eyes were fixated on the two souls who were oblivious to her presence.

As fate continued to play with her, Shaun and the woman selected a table near her seat, she panicked she would like to move away a little but if she stood, she knew they would see her. She started to seek a way out but there was no option unless she would crawl on the floor and pace her way out to the exit door. She momentarily contemplated that decision when her ears captured their conversation.

"So, she came by earlier to see you?" The woman stated humor was evident in her eyes.

"Are they talking about me?" Jess thought.

"She is a persistent little dog; you must have smitten her to the core that she can no longer distinguish that you loathed her..." she smirked.

Shaun breathes a sigh of irritation. He then leaned back on his seat and answered. "Yeah, I am not sure what to do with her, she does not get it. After last night I thought she would finally back off."

"Maybe you need to make it clear for her, maybe she needs to hear it straight rather than beat around the bush." The blonde woman uttered.

Shaun then smiled menacingly. "What? Tell her straight that I find her boring and plain? That her eyes that only sparkle upon looking at me is disgusting? I do not want to be seen by anyone with her because she will just ruin my image and career. I don't like a woman who offers herself short to me, I like a bit of a challenge. Girls like her bore me to death!" Shaun uttered.

Jess felt a pit of nausea swirling unrestrained in her empty stomach. Her head swam with half-formed regrets. Her heart felt as if her blood had become solid rock as it struggled to keep a steady beat. Her melancholy mood hung over the edge like a black cloud, raining her internal sorrow down. She suddenly felt cold. She bowed her head as their laughter immersed criticizing her. Jess suddenly stood up and walked towards where they were.

When Shaun and the woman became aware of her existence, she saw the shock on their faces, Jess glanced directed to the woman who probably did not expect to see her right at that moment then she realized the color of her eyes. She has emerald, green eyes staring back at her as though to pierce her very soul and derive her thoughts and feelings. She can see the different shades of green streaking through her eyes, making them appear to be alive just as fire does when it moves and flickers. They appeared to cast a spell on her causing her to neglect all else and freeze in a state of mystified bafflement, but Jess suddenly pulled herself together there was no time to be mesmerized by this witch, so she then directed her attention to the man who just laughed at her expense.

"So, Shaun prefers this kind of woman huh, someone exciting and compensates for his good looks?" Jess thought.

Shaun tried to avoid her gaze, what a coward! This is the man whom she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. The man whom she wants nothing but to be happy and successful. She left her hometown to support him and now that he finally tasted a sweet chunk of success, he tossed her aside like an old toy he did not want anymore.

"Shaun Hays, you are an asshole..." she firmly stated. When she saw a glass of water on their table, she took it and threw all its contents to Shaun's dazed face.

"That is for calling me plain and boring!" She said as she exited gracefully in the coffee shop. Jess breathed, her heartache was like a wolf eating at her chest, tearing its way to her trembling heart. She clasped her hands tightly. The pain threatened to devour her, eat her whole, and leave nothing but scraps behind. But she refused to let the scraps he would leave.

She walked away from the shop, away from Shaun. She would rebuild herself and fight off the wolf, but right now she didn't know how. So, she did her best to ignore it, but she knew that the wolf tore her upside down, only time can heal the hole that he created but for now, she allowed it to consume her completely... 

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