Draco Malfoy Imagines

Par XSoieaX

2.1M 41.4K 23.8K

Here. I baked you some fluff. Enjoy. All imagines written by me! These imagines are x female reader unle... Plus

A/N: Welcome, Format Information, & Request Form
Malfoy Manor
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 1
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 2
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 3
What Are We?
Hear Me Out!
Wedding Bells
Free Period
Meeting Her Pt. 1
Meeting Her Pt. 2
The Slytherin Common Room
Insults and Sabotage
The Mission Pt. 1
The Mission Pt. 2
The Mission Pt. 3
My Hufflepuff Pt. 1
My Hufflepuff Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 1
Innocence Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 3
Dating Draco Malfoy Would Include...
What Essay?
Living Together
Draco Malfoy Preferences and Favorites
Screams and Whispers
Wings Pt. 1
Wings Pt. 2
Wings Pt.3
Halloween Party
I'm Here, Draco
I Got Your Back
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 1
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 1
Minister's Box Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 3
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 1
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 2
Prefects Pt. 1
Prefects Pt. 2
After the Battle
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 1
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 2
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 3
I'm In, I'm Out, I'm In...
How Long Will I Love You?
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 1
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 2
The Madness
Ethics Pt. 1
Ethics Pt. 2
Our Place Pt. 1
Our Place Pt. 2
Colours Pt. 1
Colours Pt. 2
Second Dimension
Winter Holiday Special - A Little Encouragement
It's My Fault Pt. 1
It's My Fault Pt. 2
It's My Fault Pt. 3
It's My Fault Pt. 4
Potions Partners
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Bad Reputation
Being an Envy
Different From All the Rest Pt. 1
Different From All the Rest Pt. 2
Different From All the Rest Pt. 3
Chinese Lessons
My Resolve
Draco vs. Harry
Immortalize Me Pt. 1
Immortalize Me Pt. 2
Immortalize Me Pt. 3
Decisions Pt. 1
Decisions Pt. 2
I Don't Care About My Exes
Professor's Daughter Pt.1
Professor's Daughter Pt. 2
Professor's Daughter Pt. 3
You Have Nothing to Be Ashamed Of
I'll Wait For You
25k Special - Q&A With Soiea!
Here to Stay
Secret Place
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 1
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 2
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 3
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 4
100th Imagine - Looking Ahead
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 1
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 2
Quail in the Corner
Love for the Music Lover
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 2
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 3
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 4
Don't Look
Old Friend
50k Special - Q&A With the Author
50k Special - Fed Up
50k Special - Greatest Fear
Valentine's Day Special - Crystal Hearts
Save Him
Unfamiliar Girl
Gryffindor Quidditch Star
Cheater Pt. 1
Cheater Pt. 2
Cheater Pt. 3
One More Night
All Thanks to Narcissa Malfoy
Detention With Draco
He Makes Three
My Best Friend
Draco's Tutor
A/N: New Cover!
Dragon Tamer
Life Debt
Arrangement Pt. 1
Arrangement Pt. 2
Arrangement Pt. 3
Arrangement Pt. 4
Thank You For 100k
Misfit Pt. 1
Misfit Pt. 2
Misfit Pt. 3
Lune Pt. 1
Lune Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 1
Solitude Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 3
125k Special - Q&A With the Author
Promise Pt. 1
Promise Pt. 2
Promise Pt. 3
Sudden Change Pt. 1
Sudden Change Pt. 2
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 1
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 2
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 1
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 2 (Republish)
The Truth Hurts Pt. 1
The Truth Hurts Pt. 2 (Republish)
A/N: 1 Old and 1 New Announcement (Book/275k)!
Cause and Effect
End of Year Traditions
Dark Side
Want U Back
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 1
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 2
I Still Love You, Ferret Boy
Unbreakable Pt. 1
Unbreakable Pt. 2
Snake in the Pride
The Zabini Twins
Diamond in the Rough
Winter Mornings
A Letter: Love, Draco
A/N: (Please Read) An Important Message
A/N: Hello Again & My New Home

Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 1

9.4K 204 91
Par XSoieaX

Description:  This imagine was requested by TheRealLilyTommo!  You are Ginny's twin sister!

House:  Gryffindor

Blood Status:  Pureblood


Third Person POV:

The train cars rattle as the Hogwarts Express travels down the train tracks to Hogwarts. Y/n and Ginny, the other set of Weasley twins sit side by side as they always do.  As the train rounds the corner, Fred and George slide the compartment door open and sit down.

"Hey you two," they say in unison.

"Hey," y/n and Ginny reply.  "Why aren't you with Lee?"

"Oh.  We got bored and he's showing some first years our experimental sweets.  We're trying to start a market for them," Fred replies with a sigh. 

"Yeah.  Lee's quite enthusiastic about them," George adds on.  "... and that's not all we're planning to sell in the future."

"What do you two mean?" Ginny asks.

"Oh, we were thinking of selling fireworks... Maybe some sort of enchanted items of sorts.  Whatever we find interesting or what the public is in need for," George explains.

"The sweets will make people sick so they can get out of class!" Fred says mischievously and the two sets of twins laugh.  

"We were also planning on potions, too.  Maybe love potions, right Georgie?" Fred says, elbowing his brother.  

"Yeah.  I bet those will be popular if we put them on the market," Geroge says.  "But out sisters won't need them.  They're too pretty!"

Ginny laughs, by y/n lowers he gaze.  Fred and George take notices of this and lean in forward towards her, smiling.

"What's that look for, y/n?" Fred says with a smirk.

"Yeah, y/n!  Got anyone you fancy?"

"N-No!  Shut up you two!" she says, looking away and crossing her arms roughly.  Fred and George smile maliciously and lunge forward, grabbing y/n and ticking her mercilessly.  She kicks and struggles against their grip, but to no avail.

"Tell us, y/n!" the boy twins yell loudly.  "Tell us or we won't stop!"

"Okay!  Okay!" y/n yells.  "It's Malfoy!"

The twins stop in their tracks and let go of y/n.  She hits the seat hard and the three of them all stare down at her.

"What...?" Ginny whispers.

"Did you just say Malfoy?" George gasps.

"Yes...  Only because you made me!" y/n defends.  She looks at her siblings and they're all staring at her awkwardly.  "Come on! You would have found out eventually!"

"Dad's going to blow his head off!  And wait until Percy hears!  He'll hate himself that his favourite little sister fancies Draco Malfoy of all people!" Fred sighs.

"Hey!" Ginny exclaims.

"Come on, Ginny.  You know y/n is Percy's favourite," George sighs.  "You're mum's favourite daughter."

Ginny nods in defeat and y/n is left blushing in her seat.  Her brothers and sister sit down and continue the train ride back to Hogwarts.


Months have passed since her siblings forced y/n to tell them she was into Draco.  Out of love for their sister, Fred, George, and Ginny all didn't spread the word about y/n's crush.  Yes, they did tell the rest of their family and, like Fred had predicted, Percy was furious at himself.  His new habit included sending y/n many books and messages about how she can recover from this obvious and dangerous mistake of liking Draco Malfoy.  Ronald is currently not speaking at all to y/n, which she knew he'd get over eventually like he always does.  Because of this, y/n's life continued normally almost like it had before she let slip her secret.

Sitting quietly in the Gryffindor Common room, y/n studies for her upcoming exam with Ginny when Fred and George suddenly burst through the door. 

"What's this all about?" y/n asks, setting her materials down.

"We just got back from that meeting McGonagall called!" George says.  "There's going to be a dance!  It's for fourth through seventh years!"

"Great.  Thanks for telling me about something I'm not part of," y/n says with an eye roll.

"No!  You can go if someone from those years asks you!" Fred adds on.  "Do you think you'd want to go?"

"Yeah, but I don't know who I'd go with.  Ginny's more likely to have someone ask her.  She's popular, after all," y/n sighs, returning to her studies.

"Hey, Georgie," Fred whispers to his brother.  


"I have an idea," Fred says with a large grin.


A few days have passed and the Yule Ball is drawing nearer and nearer.  Ginny has already been asked by Neville and Harry and Ron are desperate for dates.  Hermione is going with Viktor Krum and told y/n and Ginny only hours after she said yes after he attempted to ask her many times. Walking back to the common room alone, y/n feels a sharp pull on her arm as she's tugged back into a broom cupboard, hitting the wall roughly.

"Ow!" she complains.

"Sorry!" a voice gasps.  Her eyes widen and her heart rate jumps.  It's Draco Malfoy.  "Sorry, y/n.  I didn't mean to do that to you..."

"M-Malfoy!  What's this all about?  Did I do something wrong?" she asks, clutching her school bags.

"No!  No!  Not at all!  I actually wanted to ask you something," he says nervously.

"What is it?  What could you possibly want from me?" y/n asks sceptically.

"I-I was wondering if you'd go the-the Yule Ball with me," Draco stutters.  Y/n looks at him wide-eyed.

"Excuse me, but am I hearing you correctly?  Did you just ask me to the Yule Ball?" she gasps.

"Y-Yeah...  It's okay if you say no...  I completely understand if you wouldn't like to...," Draco sighs.  "I'm me, after all...  What would a girl like you be doing if she's like to go to the ball with a guy like me?"

"No, no!" y/n says quickly.  "Thank you, Malfoy.  It's very sweet that you're asking me!  Yes.  I will go to the ball with you."

A smile of pure and utter joy spreads over Draco's face and he jumps a bit with excitement.  

"Great!" he exclaims.  "I'll see you then, right, y/n?" 

She nods with a smile and he waves goodbye.  With another jump, he dashes out of the closet and down the hall his whoops of joy echo off the walls.


The night of the Yule Ball has finally come and y/n and Ginny are both silently doing their hair alone in their dormitories in preparation for the Ball.  Today, y/n has been having immense trouble for the ball.  The dress she had ordered hadn't come, the necklace and the earrings she has been saving for the occasion were missing, and nothing has been where it needed to be for her to be ready and on top of that, Ginny has been acting weird ever since she said yes to going to the Ball with Draco.  Quickly, Ginny dashes out of the room as y/n pick up her can of hair product.  Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes at the fact that her twin is ignoring her and opens the lid, taking some of the salve in her hands, rubbing her fingers together.  As she lifts her hand up to her hair to run her fingers through it, she realises that the salve has hardened, turned a pitch black, and is keeping her fingers from separating.  Groaning, y/n rushes around the room, trying to remove the hair product from her fingers, but after many minutes of failing miserable and spreading the tacky substance all over the dorm room, she flops down on her bread in defeat, her hair a mess.  Just as she closes her eyes, the clock chimes.  Y/n gasps.  She's late. Quickly she springs up taking her hairbrush and with her free hand, brushes her hair and puts her shoes on. 

After rushing down the stairs to the Great Hall, she sees Draco, dressed in a fancy, new set of dress robes.  She hides her blackened hand behind her back.

"Sorry I'm late," she says to him.  

"It's not a problem.  You look lovely," he compliments with a grin.

"Thank you, Draco.  You look quite handsome," she responds, still hiding her hand.

"What's up?  Is something on your mind?  Are you having second thoughts?" he asks, worried.

"N-No!"  she shakes her head quickly.

"What is it?" he asks and she removed her hand from behind her back.  Draco smiles and takes out his wand. 

"I don't know what happened.  It just became this thick black stuff over here and nothing would get it off and-" she starts to say, but Draco takes her hand points his wand at it.

"Scourgify," he says and the paste goes away.  Y/n and Draco both smile "Phew,  I thought it was something more serious."  "Let's go.  We need to be in there."

He nods and takes her by the waist and leads her into the snow-covered, crystallized version of the Great Hall, ready for a night of dancing next to Draco Malfoy.


After the traditional, classical music played for a few minutes, the orchestra members cleared out and were replaced by the Weird Sisters, allowing y/n and Draco to really have some fun.  For what seemed like hours, Draco and y/n danced side by side, smiling as the band played in the background.  The hours spent with Draco were amazing in y/n's book.  He was sweet and caring.  he could dance really well and allowed her to be herself with no judgement.  For the first time in her life, y/n finally found someone who didn't have red hair who really got her.

Laughing heartily, Draco pulls y/n aside over to one of the tables to rest and have a drink of water.

"Who knew Draco Malfoy was such an amazing date?" she laughs, resting her hand on his shoulder.  he smiles over at her and grabs her hand tenderly.

"Thank you for saying yes, y/n," he says.  "I would have been so sad if you hadn't, not to mention totally embarrassed that I pulled you into a broom cupboard just to be rejected..."

Y/n laughs loudly just as Ginny walks by the two with Neville, eyeing y/n.  Y/n frowns.

"Hold on, Draco," she says and he nods.  "Ginny!  What's going on with you?"

Ginny turns around to stare y/n in the face, irritated.

"What do you mean what's my problem?  My problem is that you're going to a once in a lifetime dance with Draco Malfoy, that's what!" Ginny snaps, making y/n roll her eyes.

"Is this what it's about?" y/n sighs, exasperated.  

"Yes.  This isn't right, y/n!" Ginny exclaims.  "He's a Malfoy!"

"Come on, Ginny!  I'm having a great time!" y/n replies back calmly.  "I've been dancing nonstop and he hasn't hurt me once!  I'm having the time of my life!"

"No.  It's not right!" 

"Come on, can't I just be happy, Ginny?" y/n asks.

"No!  Not with him!" Ginny scowls.

"Come on, Ginny.  Let me have my fun!  You have your date!  Stop focusing on me and go have fun with him!"

"NO!  I will not!  How come you get to have the date of your dreams, huh?  I'm over here and I have to watch you all smiley and laughing with Malfoy!" Ginny yells.  

"Are you jealous, Ginny?" y/n asks quietly, her hand on her heart.

"Fine...  You caught me.  How come Fred, George, and Percy set you up with your dream date?!  Why couldn't they have done that for me?" Gunny shrieks, storming out of the Great Hall, Neville following close behind.  Y/n sighs and rest her head on Draco's shoulder.

"Did my brothers really set us up?" y/n aks.  

"Well...  I got an anonymous letter encouraging me...," Draco replies.  "... but I've always liked you.  I just needed that extra push."

"Well thank God for my brothers.  They did give me a fantastic night," y/n sighs.

"Are you going to go after Ginny?" Draco asks and y/n shakes her head.

"No... she won't want to see me now.  We both need our alone time and I think Neville's got this covered," y/n sighs.  "Thank you for a wonderful night, Draco."

"Anytime, y/n," Draco says back softly, wrapping his arms around her lovingly, staring up at the crystallized ceiling together.


A/N:  This imagine was 1907 words long!  Thanks for reading!

- Soiea

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