Nothing Can Be More Sweeter

By wintertrinkets

70.3K 1.1K 116

Lily Pearson was rejected by her mate. Bullied by her pack. And the most hated person in her whole school. So... More

Look What You've Done
The Only Exception
What Doesn't Kill You
The Devil's Dance
Liar, Liar
Both of Us
Somebody That I Used To Know
Take a Hint
Tik Tok (Part One)
Till The Casket Drops (Part Two)
Get Over It
Let The Flames Begin
We Are Young
How Does It Feel
Put The Gun Down (Part One)
Better Off Dead (Part Two)
Just Give Me A Reason
Author's Note

Nothing Can Be More Sweeter

13.9K 89 5
By wintertrinkets

Chapter One: Jar of Hearts

And who do you think you are?

Runnin' 'round leaving scars

Collecting your jar of hearts

And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold

From the ice inside your soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?


Shit! Shit! Shit! I think as I sprint towards my firs period classroom. Which is, unfortunately, Social Studies. I absolutely hated that subject! It was like the worst class on earth. You want to know why? Oh, I'll tell you why. 1) Everyone in there hates me, and they're my worst enemies. 2) I hated Social Studies. Did I mention that already? I don't see why you have to learn History. It's pointless. I don't see myself in the future using history for my job, for Christ sakes!

The bell finally rung, and it felt like forever until it rang. I was looking at the clock every five minutes -- okay! Every five seconds! I admit, I wanted to get out of that classroom as fast as I can.

I grabbed my stuff and quickly tried to get out of the classroom before the others caught up with me.

Did you catch that? I said tried to get out. And guess what stopped me from my escape.

Yup. Those Bitches.

By "Those Bitches" I mean the whole fucking Pack.

Well, not the whole pack, but the teens, mostly.

"Hey, Lily," A voice huskily says behind me, "where do you think you're going?"

I don't turn around, 'cause I know who it is.

And I don't want to face them. I'd rather not.

"My next class," I say and roll my eyes. "What else?"

His hand was on my shoulder. And it was irritating me. Really fucking irritating me.

Fucking bastard. I think.

You want to know something about this guy? Or I mean this fucking bastard?

This fucking bastard's name is James. James Kingwood. He thinks he owns the world because his family is the richest family in the whole fucking state. Like, their house is like the fucking White House for God's sakes! They own the movie theater in town, the mall, the hotels, the library, you get the point. Yeah, they're that rich.   And not to mention that he's the Alpha-To-Be in the pack. 

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

I can't believe that he's the Alpha-To-Be. He's not even a good Alpha! He's like the worst Alpha in history! Don't get me started. But I want to point out something.

The Alpha-To-Be is my mate.

Yeah, you heard me.

My. Fucking. Mate.

Lucky me.

And guess what!

He rejected me.

Here's what happened.

~ Flash Back ~

"So . . . " I say, awkwardly to James.

We had just find out that we were mates.

I was so happy as any girl could be. Because why? Because James Kingwood is the Alpha of the pack. ALSO he's rich, tall, and every single girl had at least one fantasy about him. He was the school's player, but he was my mate!

I was so happy and excited because I finally had found my mate after all these years. I just couldn't wait to tell my mother and father when I get home from school today! And everyone else in the pack!

"So . . . " He says.

"We're mates," I say.

I want to smile, but I don't because it doesn't feel right. Like, I shouldn't smile right now because everything is so serious right now. But I want to smile so bad, though!

I tried to fight my smile until James said something.

"I can't be mates with you," He tells me, suddenly.

What?! I thought. My heart breaks and shatters. I look at him.

"I'm rejecting you," He says. He says it like the sky's blue or the grass is green or something. He sounded so causal when he said it.

I can't believe it. I can't believe that my mate is rejecting me! This isn't suppose to happen! Mates never reject each other.

But you know better than that don't you, Lily?My wolf tells me.

Shut up, I growl to her in my head.

"I can't be mates with you," He tells me again. He opens his mouth like he was about to say something, but he pauses, and thinks. Like he trying to decided what to say to me or something like that.

"I can't be mates with you because," He says, "you're not my mate."

I stare at him in disbelief.

"Of course we are!" I tell him. "Can't you tell?"

He shakes his head. "You can't be my mate because my mate would be," He looks at me up and down and shakes his head, "my mate would be beautiful and pretty and hot. Not like you. You're like not beautiful, not pretty and defiantly not hot." He tells me. And when he tells me this, hear this, he doesn't even blink. When he was saying it, he looked me in the eye and told me. Just like that.

I clench my fist together. I will not cry. I will not cry. I repeat over and over in my head.

Too late.

Tears start coming out of my eyes.

"My mate wouldn't be this," He gestures to me. "My mate would be -- "

"I get it," I snapped at him. "I'm not beautiful, I'm not pretty, I'm not hot, as you said and made clear. I'm not smart. I'm not popular. I'm a geek. A nerd. A loser. And an outcast." I tell him. My fist are clench so tight that my knuckles are white and my finger nails are digging into my skin, causing blood to come out of my hands.

"What do you expect me to be?" I tell him.

He opens his mouth, but I cut him off.

"Oh, I see it now," I say, "you want me to be one of those slut whores, don't you? You want me to be one of those pretty blonde, brunett's with the big boobs is that it? You want me to be one of them? Well, no sir, I am not one of those slut bitches. I will  never be one of them." 

Silence stretched between us.

He was looking at me. Like I had grown another head or something like that.

The tears that were in my eyes earlier, are now streaming down my face when I was talking to him. I hastily wiped away a tear and stalked off.

~ End Flash Back ~

"Get the hell away from me, James," I growled at him.

After that little "incident" happened between James and I, he became horrible to me.

He laughed and said, "Make me."

I shoved him out of my way and stalked out of the classroom, hoping to get away from the losers. But nope. Nada. They didn't get away. It was worse. As usal. They followed me until it annoyed the hell of me.

I spun around to face them, anger builted up and said, "Why don't you go find something else to do? Is my life that more interesting than yours?"

I swear, I was going to punch -- wait, I take that back. I was going to murder all these bitches.

"Actually, it's not," A snarly blonde says. Crissy Palm. Head Bitch of the school and the cheer-leading team. Also head slut as well. Everyone hates her. Well, they hate me more than her, so I guess it's fine.

I look at her, and she smiles as she clings onto James. Man-whore plus slut. I see nothing wrong with that. Maybe they're mates. I think. "Just saying," She says.

I rolled my eyes at her.

I started to walk again, but they kept on following me around.

I turned around, again. "If I throw a stick, will that make you go away?" I ask them.

They all looked at me, with no emotion on their faces, except for the evil looks if that counts.

The bell rings and I groan.

"I'm late," I say and tried to move to side to get to my second period class. They all moved union as they blocked me.

I groan again, then said, "Really? Are we really doing this --"

And then got cut off when one of the guys from the group shoves me up against the lockers, with my face against the cold hard metal. They all laugh as they see my reaction. They grab my stuff out of my hands and throw it on the ground and stomps on it.

The guy that was holding me against the lockers, grabs my head and starts to slam it against the lockers. They laugh again as they see me. This happens for quite some time, until he stops and pulls me away from the lockers. His hands are holding my hands behind my back, so I can't use them.

My hair is in front of my face and my face feels pretty bad. I'm so getting bruises in the morning. Great.

One of the girls comes up to me and slaps me in the face. And then another person comes up to torture me and then another and then another. They kept on coming and coming at me. I couldn't stop it. I could've scream out for help, but that would make it worse.

I couldn't remember the rest of what they did to me. But all I remember is waking up in the girls' bathroom, on the floor.

I made a disgusted face as got up groggily.

I slowly stood up and looked myself in the mirror.

My cheeked was bruised, and it was turning purple. My arms were too. My lip was cut, and it was bleeding. That wasn't it. And it wasn't the last or the worst.

I turn around and lifted my shirt, so my back was exposed.

I started crying at what I saw.

There were marks on my back, some were red, some were purple. But most of them, they were black.

I started to cry more and more and more.

I felt so acky and sore.

Non, dipshit, Sherlock, I think to myself.

You have bruises on your back, arms, legs, and face. What the fuck do you think why you're sore and all acky?

I touched my face and stared at myself.

I decided to clean myself up and cover up the marks with makeup.

Once I washed up and did that, I peaked my head out of the girl's restroom and turn my head left and right to see if anyone was out there. They were all eating lunch. Thank. God.

Thankfully no one was and I crepted my way out of the bathroom and into the parking lot.

I slowly lowered myself into my car, and drove to the library instead of home. Because if I went home, mom would ask me why I was home so early and she would see the marks. And I don't want her to see it. So that's why I decided the library.

Some of the reasons I like the library is that, it's peaceful, and quiet.

And no one from the group ever went to that place.



Is it good? I hope it is! Please tell me if it's good or not! I would really like to know! I'm just trying this out. I never done a werewolf story, but I'm giving it a try. (listen to the song while reading this!)







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