Living the Moment ♡ Nathan Sc...

By MrsNOBrien

234K 3.7K 424

Lucas Scott's best friend Claudia Stone has been staying with him for a year now after her parents left to go... More

♡C H A R A C T E R S / Book Cover ♡
♡ PLOT ♡
Prologue ♡
Winner Takes All ♡
The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most ♡
Are You True? ♡
Crash Into You ♡
All That You Can't Leave Behind ♡
Every Night is Another Story ♡
Life in a Glass House ♡
The Search for Something More ♡
With Arms Outstretched
You Gotta Go There to Come Back
The Living Years
Crash Course in Polite Conversations (extra long chapter + A/N)
Hanging by a Moment, I Shall Believe
Suddenly Everything has Changed
The First Cut is the Deepest
Spirit in the Night
Movies and Romance?
To Wish Impossible Things
How Can you be Sure?
What Is and What Should Never Be
The Leaving Song
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
100k READS
(it's giving Nathan and Claudia) My Pride Dies In The End

The Games That Play Us

6.8K 93 19
By MrsNOBrien

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome Tree Hill Raven's basketball, brought to you by web cast at I'm Mouth McFadden and the playoffs are finally here, so throw out the perfect record, if the raven's lose this one, the season is over." Mouth said as he commentated the play offs.

Claudia was sitting outside of the school looking at pictures of Nathan. She missed him, but knew that she couldn't crawl back to him.

"Don't think I haven't noticed your part in all this." Dan said scaring Claudia, she turned around to look at Dan. "You know, Claudia, if you're going to manipulate him, you should aim a little higher. And remember, pay back is hell." Dan said and he started to walk away but turned around. "Oh, uh, by the way, nice tattoo. Real classy." He taunted and Claudia just rolled her eyes at him.

"Just moments away from the beginning of this playoff game. Winners advance. To the losers, well, their season is over. Dan Scott is standing in for coach Whitey Durham who is out with an illness. Not sure who signed off on that one, but let's hope Coach Durham gets well soon." Mouth commentated as Nathan looked around the stalls.

"You alright?" Lucas asked Nathan who wanted to see Claudia.

"Have you seen Claudia?" Nathan asked concerned and Lucas shook his head.

"No." Lucas replied.

Peyton dropped Claudia off at her house, Claudia was shocked to see Nathan standing outside of her house in the rain. Claudia was honestly surprised that her dad hadn't chased him off.

"Nathan, you're soaked. What are you doing?" Claudia exclaimed running up to Nathan.

"I just went for a run to clear my head, I guess this is where I ended up. Look, Claudia, the picture of Peyton didn't mean anything, okay?" Nathan replied sincerely, he was desperately wanting his girlfriend back.

"It did to me. Clearly you still have feelings for her." Claudia replied holding her arms, Claudia was wearing only shorts and a strappy top. Nathan took off his jumper.

"I saved that picture back when we were still dating. The other ones too, you can go back and look. Her web cam hasn't even been in her closet for months." Nathan explained as she threw his jumper over Claudia who wrapped it around her bare arms.

"Why didn't you tell me that last week?" Claudia asked looking up at him.

"Because, I should have deleted those images a long time ago. I just felt bad because I didn't do it. Besides, Claudia, I don't want Peyton. I want you." Nathan stated, that just made Claudia smile on the inside.

"Is that it?" Claudia asked bluntly.

"You know, my pride says yeah, that's it. Just walk away and let Claudia deal with the fact that she's clearly threatened by a sexual relationship." Nathan stated before he took a deep breath. "But my heart says, just forget about your pride you idiot. You love this girl. And even if you're going to catch pneumonia, your ass is going to stand out here in the rain till you convince her to forgive you. So come on, Claude, just meet me half way here?" Nathan asked pleadingly.

"Why should I?" Claudia asked. Nathan looked down at Claudia as she wrapped his jumper around her.

"Because I'm sorry. Because I love you." Nathan said sincerely before he began smirking. "And Because you're looking really hot standing out here in the rain, and I'm thinking, I have to kiss you." Nathan continued and Claudia laughed.

"Well, if you have to." Claudia said smiling, Nathan grabbed the jumper and pulled Claudia closer to him and they started kissing. 

 Claudia was at the basketball game and she was walking through the stands, she sat down beside Keith and Haley.

"Go Twenty Three!" Claudia shouted and Nathan smirked up at her. 

"Hey." Haley and Keith both said in unison as Claudia sat down beside them. 

"Early in the second quarter, this Masonboro team, big underdogs, are giving the ravens all they can handle." Mouth commentated and Dan was shouting at the other teams player. "It could be the time away, or maybe Dan Scott's influence, but whatever the reason, the players have dug themselves a hole and they're looking at a long road back. The ravens grab the rebound and push it up court. Tim Smith passes to Lucas Scott, over to Nathan Scott for the slam! I see the Ravens are finally working together." Mouth commentated and both Haley and Claudia cheered for their boyfriends.

"Go ravens!" Peyton cheered as she smiled over at Brooke.

"Wow my boyfriend is hot!" Claudia shouted, Dan glared up at her. "Mum, Dad? Jack?" Claudia asked confused as they sat down beside her, before the game they all got into a fight.

"What do you mean Jack is going to school with me?" Claudia asked glaring at her elder brother. It wasn't like Claudia hated her brother she just found Jack very annoying. Also she knew that he would make her life a living hell at school.

"Well I left school to go on tour and now that we are back I think I need an education so I enrolled." Jack said smiling sickly.

"To torture me?" Claudia asked sincerely and Jack smirked at her. "Jack come on." Claudia moaned.

"Claudia, I just want to be normal." Jack justified.

"Bull-" Claudia started to shout before her mum stopped her.

"Claudia Elizabeth Stone don't use that language." She warned angrily.

"I am going to the game." Claudia moaned before she marched out of her house.

Claudia looked at her family and smiled at them weakly. 

"I am sorry." Jack and Claudia said at the same time before they laughed at each other.

"You should be able to have a normal school life and I was just being selfish." Claudia explained as her brother sat down beside her.

"Really?" He asked shocked.

"I would love to have you at school with me." Claudia smiled before she hugged her elder brother. "Now Haley and I want food, on you go." Claudia joked and Haley just smiled at her best friend's brother. 

"Only because I like you Haley." Jack winked before he walked off.

"Coming up on half time and Ravens continue the lead. Lucas Scott with the ball that leads to Nathan." Mouth commentated and Nathan made a jump shot. Claudia jumped up and began to cheer for her boyfriend. Her parents joined in. Josie and Tom really liked Nathan and was happy that their daughter had found someone. "Caw! The birds have taken flight. They look a lot sharper now, but something tells me Masonboro isn't going away." Mouth exclaimed for

"Want a towel?" Nathan asked as he and Claudia ran into his bedroom.

"Yes." Claudia exclaimed and Claudia threw Nathan's jumper on his chair. "Well that was a nice walk." She joked as Nathan gave her the towel. Nathan sat on the bed and took his shirt off.

"Yeah." Nathan replied as Claudia stopped what she was doing and watched him. "What?" Nathan asked, Claudia walked up to her boyfriend and took her shirt off. "Claudia." Nathan said.

"No, it's okay. It's okay." Claudia replied sincerely before they began to kiss.

"The ravens lead a close one by two as we come up on half time. Daniel Lawrence gives it to Tim who dribbles out top. Luke breaks free on the wing, puts up a three pointer, release rotation, splash, ravens lead it by five. Time for score at half time, ravens 34 and bears 39. This is web cast at" Mouth commentated as one of the players bumped into Lucas's shoulder and he fell to the ground.

"What the hell!" Claudia shouted as she stood up alongside Haley, who was concerned. Nathan pushed the player angrily.

"Masonboro just hit Lucas Scott with a cheap shot." Mouth exclaimed as both teams began to fight each other in the middle of the floor. "Nathan comes to his defence and things are getting ugly as the refs hurry back to the floor to try and break up a brawl. Lucas Scott is still down protecting his bad shoulder." Mouth finished.

Nathan and Claudia were lying in his bed, Claudia was playing with Nathan's hand. 

"I know you are. What if we're not good together? What if it drives us apart?" Claudia asked concerned as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"It won't. Look, Claudia, I want to be with you. And if you don't want to be with me, I guess I understand, but, this isn't going to change anything." Nathan explained.

"Tonight then. After the game." Claudia smiled as he kissed Nathan's hand.

Lucas passed to Nathan who made a lay over, Claudia threw her popcorn in the air excitably.

"Sis, I paid for that." Jack groaned as Haley laughed, Claudia was too busy feeling proud with her boyfriend.

"Reverse lay up by the ravens for another two. Nathan and Lucas Scott have taken over, keeping the ravens in close, but it may be too little too late as Masonboro leads it by five, time running out in the forth." Mouth commentated and Claudia began biting her nails.

"Oh man, I'm scared." Haley whispered.

"Lucas! Luke, I'm scared." Haley whispered as her and Claudia walked through the graveyard in the dark.

"Luke, this is so not cool. Come out here right now, Lucas Scott." Claudia whispered sternly and Lucas jumped out from behind the headstone and scared the two girls. Both of his friends punched him in the stomach.

"Damn it, Haley. You're going to kill me. You know Houdini died like that." Lucas laughed as his girlfriend hugged him tightly. 

"You deserve it, dumb ass." Haley laughed as pulled away from her boyfriend.

"I told you, I didn't want to take this shortcut." Claudia groaned, she was freaked out with all the graves.

"What are you whispering for?" Lucas asked Claudia laughing.

"Because." Claudia shrugged.

"Claudia, these people, they're dead" Lucas laughed.

"But if you keep yelling, the stinking zombies are going to hear us." Haley whispered.

"Haley, Claudia." Lucas said sternly as they began to walk.

"What?" Haley asked concerned.

"Look, I've got to tell you something." Lucas said bluntly.

"What is it?" Claudia asked curiously.

"I'm going to Charleston with Keith." Lucas replied and Claudia took a deep breath.

"Alright, for how long?" Claudia asked.

"For good. I'm moving there." Lucas replied and both Haley and Claudia's jaws fell to the ground. 

"What are you talking about?" Haley asked looking at her boyfriend glumly.

"Keith got a job in Charleston. And I'm going to go live with him there, after the season's over. Guys, I need to go." Lucas explained and both girls turned their backs to him. "Come no, don't do that." Lucas groaned.

"Don't do what?! You can not bring us out in the middle of a creepy cemetery..." Haley began to say before Claudia finished her sentence.

"and tell us that you are leaving Tree Hill for good, that is not fair!" Claudia exclaimed.

"Come on, it's not that far. I'll still see you guys." Lucas moaned.

"Not like now. Who's going to go thrift store hunting with me, Lucas?" Haley asked tears falling down her cheeks.

"Who's going to buy bad music or lie to the campus lost and found and claim dumb stuff?" Claudia cried.

"Who's going to do that with us?" Haley asked as Lucas wiped her tears away.

"Nathan." Lucas smiled to Claudia. "And me, too. Once and a while. Look, I've thought a lot about this, you guys. Okay? And I feel like I can be a better person if I go now. I am sure going to miss you. You two are my best friends. You always will be." Lucas explained looking at his best friend and girlfriend.

"What about us?" Haley asked bluntly and Lucas smiled at her.

"Haley I love you." He said and Claudia gasped.

"Oh my god." She squealed.

"I love you too." Haley exclaimed as she jumped on him and they began to kiss.

"Finally." Claudia muttered once they had stopped kissing. Lucas and Haley pulled Claudia into a group hug.

"You okay?" He asked and the two girls shook their heads before they softly cried.

"No going back now, folks. This is it. Down by two, less than a minute on the clock. The ravens need a stop." Mouth commentated.

"Come on baby. You have got this." Claudia whispered to herself.

"You really love this guy?" Jack asked whispering as he leaned into his sister.

"With all my heart." Claudia said with confidence as she looked at the love of her life.

"Masonboro inbound, full court pressure by the ravens with under 20 seconds. Dan Scott calls for no fouls. Time is running out and he wants the birds to make a play. At half court, Lucas Scott pokes the ball free. Nathan Scott grabs it and time out. A sensational steel. The Ravens have it, down by two, 12 seconds left in the game.So the Ravens break the huddle. 12 seconds left on the clock. They need a basket to tie, a three pointer to win, or their season is over. The standing room crowd is on their feet. Lucas Scott will throw it in. He does safety. Finds Tim Smith who immediately swings it to Nathan Scott. We're at eight seconds. Now seven. Nathan works out top. Five seconds on the clock. Now four. He spins to the basket. Then passes to Luke for a three pointer and the win!" Mouth commentated. 

The buzzer goes off and the ball hit's the rim and bounces off. Claudia gasped as Lucas fell to his knees. The players walk off silently and Nathan pats Lucas on the back sympathetically as he walked past him.


"Hey." Claudia smiled as she walked up to Lucas smiling.

"Hey." Lucas smiled back.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Claudia replied and Lucas took a deep breath.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, Claudia." Lucas said bluntly as he changed the subject.

"Already?" Claudia asked upset.

"Yeah." Lucas replied nodding his head.

"Okay." Claudia stated the tears were falling down her face.

"Hey. It's okay." Lucas said comfortingly.

"No it's not, I really wanted to spend your last night with you, but Nathan's waiting." Claudia said looking behind her to see Nathan waiting in the car.

"Hey, go. I've got to get my shoulder checked out anyway. I'll find you before I leave tomorrow, okay?" Lucas said reassuringly and Claudia nodded her head.

"I'm really going to miss you, Luke." Claudia whispered and they hugged again. 

"I'll miss you, too." Lucas replied as they pulled away.

"Okay, bye." Claudia stated as she walked away crying. Claudia was never good with goodbyes because she was used to them. 

"Hey" Nathan smiled and Claudia tried to compose herself as she opened up the car door.

"Sorry about the game." Claudia muttered as she got into the car.

"Yeah." Nathan replied as looked over at Claudia who was crying. "Claude, don't cry. Claudia, we don't have to do this tonight." Nathan said sympathetically.

"No, no I want to. More than ever." Claudia said wiping away her tears.

"You sure?" Nathan asked and Claudia smiled at him.

"Yeah. No regrets." Claudia replied and Nathan raised an eyebrow.  "Let's go porn freak." She laughed and Nathan rolled his eyes before he drove off.


It was the day of Lucas's departure and he had to say goodbye to Claudia one last time.

"Hey, is Claudia here? I promised her I'd see her before I left." Lucas asked as he walked into Nathan's apartment.

"Yeah, come on in." Nathan said and Lucas walked in, Claudia walked past the open door clutching onto the sheet around her.

"Nathan, where's your sweatshirt?" Claudia asked.

"It's in the bathroom." Nathan said and Lucas looked nervous and Claudia walked out with just Nathan's sweatshirt on. 

"Hey." Claudia smiled as she skipped up to him.

"Hey, um, you know, I'm sorry to- I just wanted to say goodbye." Lucas stuttered awkwardly.

"No, no it's okay. I didn't want you to go without-" Claudia began to say but Lucas spoke over the top of her.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just going to go." Lucas stated pointing to the door.

"No, Lucas, please don't." Claudia begged.

"Claudia! It's cool, I just, I thought you weren't ready. I thought that you were going to wait until you got married." Lucas exclaimed as Nathan walked up beside Claudia. "I mean, I just figured, I didn't expect you to-" Lucas said but Claudia spoke over the top of him.

"Well we did. We did wait." Claudia stated loudly.

"What are you talking about, Claudia?" Lucas asked concerned, Claudia bit her finger smiling.

"Um," she whispered before she held up her finger and Nathan wrapped his arm around her so his hand was visible too, "we got married last night." Claudia exclaimed as the married couple showed Lucas their wedding bands. Lucas looked at the grinning couple shocked.  

Claudia at this moment in time felt so happy. She had just married the love of her life and she was excited for what the future held for them. 


In just under two weeks I have wrote a fan fiction! This is quite honestly the best fan fiction I have wrote. I have had so much fun writing it and I can't wait to write the next one! I will start writing that tomorrow! Book two. Here is the book cover! 

I would just like to thank everyone for the amazing support. I really hope you guys read the second book because it is ultimately just going to get better with Claudia going away and Jack joining school along with some new characters. 

I love all of you so much,

Mrs N O'Brien

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