Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/Di...

By EmilyRachel_D3

104K 1.5K 559

When Mia's best friend Sky comes to live with her in England, they almost immediately bump into Dan and Micky... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 5

2.6K 29 1
By EmilyRachel_D3

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah she's asleep. I have no idea what's up with her"

"Talk to her when she's up"

"I Will, thanks for walking me home"

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Yeah okay, Bye"

The front door clicks shut. I lie in bed hearing footsteps walk towards my room. A weight shifts me slightly to one side of my bed. My eyes flutter open to meet Sky's worried gaze.



"Did I wake you?"

"Nah. Did you have fun with Micky today?" I ask out of curiosity as I slowly sat up.

“Yeah, we had a great time” Sky says as she gets up from the bed and walks over to my dresser, picking up my phone. I watched her enquiringly as she makes her way back to me, throwing the phone on the bed in front of me.

"Text him" She says simply

I stare at my phone and flick a glance at her, her eyes watching me intensely.


"Text him. I don’t know what happened, but he looked so miserable when he came back to the flat. He practically locked himself in the recording booth."

Guilt eats at me again, clawing at my nerves.

"Who?" I try playing dumb.

Sky rolls her eyes at me.

"What happened between you and Dan today?”

"Nothing happened..." I say staring at my phone again

"C’mon Mia, it's not like you're not into him. What is it?”

"I just don’t know whether he feels the same way about me” I tell her while fiddling with my phone. "He just seems pretty flirty. And he’s in a boyband so he probably has girls all over him anyway"

"awwh Mia..." she says sympathetically, attempting to comfort me.

"Yeah, tell me I'm being paranoid"

"You're being paranoid"

"Thank you, I needed that."

-Bzzt Bzzt- the noise coming from Sky's purse on the floor

She gets up off the bed, I watch as she rummages through her black tote until she finally takes out her phone. Pressing a few buttons on it- a smile rips across her face.

"Micky?" I ask.


She presses a few more buttons before tossing her phone back into her bag and coming to sit beside me again.

"What was it?"

"Oh he just told me that he finally got Dan out of the booth. You should call him you know, he's not a player and he seems to like you."

I look up at her to see her smiling at me encouragingly

"Is that all Micky said? I'm pretty sure a smile that big of yours wasn't just because he finally managed to haul Dan out. He said more stuff to you didn’t he?" I tease her, nudging her in the side

"Yes shuttup!" She giggles

Now I roll my eyes at her…

I eye at my phone.

"Call him" she says, "I'll be in the kitchen!" I watch as she leaves the room.

Pots and pans clang together a few minutes later, and I giggle to myself

Oh man, how the hell am I supposed to call Dan now? After rudely rejecting everything nice he's done? Idiot. I can't talk to him now. But I have to! I like him and it seems like he likes me... but...

Suck it up Mia. Just do it.

I scroll through my contacts, stopping at the name "Dan ;)” My heart skips a beat, remembering back to yesterday at the airport, when things were a lot less complicated.

Without thinking, I press the call button.

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