The Guide to the Protector (A...

By AJDiesInside

35K 1.8K 1.5K

[DISCONTINUED] --- "уσυя σηє αη∂ σηℓу נσв ιѕ тσ вє тнєιя gυι∂є αη∂ ησтнιηg єℓѕє." "уєѕ, мαѕтєя." --- All my l... More

{Part 1} |ChApTeR oNe| Bravery
|ChApTeR tWo| Japan
|ChApTeR tHREE| Mystery
|ChApTeR fOuR| Wonder
|ChApTeR FiVe| Option
|ChApTeR SiX| Chance
|ChApTeR sEvEN| Prussia
|ChApTeR EiGhT| Insanity
|ChApTeR NiNe| Insanity (Part Two)
|ChApTeR tEN| Accept
|ChApTeR EleVeN| Help
|ChApTeR tWeLvE| Another Color (2K Reads!)
|ChApTeR ThiRtEEN| Savior
|ChApTeR fOuRtEeN| Newcomers
|ChApTeR FiFtEeN| Meeting
A/N+Polls (Please read!)
|ChApTeR SiXtEeN| Memories (3K Reads!)
|ChApTeR sEvEnTeEN| Piano Room
|ChApTeR EiGhTeEn| Piano Room (Part Two) (4K Reads!)
|ChApTeR niNeTeEn| Lie
|ChApTeR TwEnTy| Past
|ChApTeR TwEnTy oNe| Reunited
|ChApTeR TwEnTy tWo| Want Versus Need
A/N+Polls 2
|ChApTeR TwEnTy tHREE| Present
|ChApTeR TwEnTy fOuR| Answer
|ChApTeR TwEnTy FiVe| Faith
|ChApTeR TwEnTy SiX| Refuge
|ChApTeR TwEnTy sEvEN| Italy's Plan (5K Reads)
|ChApTeR TwEnTy EiGhT| Regret
|ChApTeR TwEnTy NiNe| Regret (Part Two)
|ChApTeR tHiRtY| Italy's Condition
|ChApTeR tHiRtY oNe| Stubborn Albino
|ChApTeR tHiRtY tWo| Trust
A/N+Polls 3
6K Special-Little Red Riding Hood AU [Pt 1]
6K Special-Little Red Riding Hood AU [Pt 2]
6K Special-Police/Assassin AU [Oneshot]
6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 1]
6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 2]
6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 3]
7K Special-Wizard of Oz AU [Pt 1]
7K Special-Wizard of Oz AU [Pt 2]
7K Special-Wizard of Oz AU [Pt 3]
7K Special-Wonderland AU [Pt 1]
7K Special-Wonderland AU [Pt 2]
7K Special-Wonderland AU [Pt 3]
|ChApTeR tHiRtY tHREE| Fearing Love (8K Reads)
A/N+Polls 4
|ChApTeR tHiRtY fOuR| Missing Her
|ChApTeR tHiRtY FiVe| Finding Her
A/N+Polls 5
|ChApTeR tHiRtY SiX| Saving Her (9K Reads)
A/N+Polls 6
|ChApTeR tHiRtY sEvEn| Saving Her (Part Two) (9K Reads)
|ChApTeR tHiRtY EiGhT| Saving Her (Part Three) (9K Reads)
10K+11K Reads Special-Shoutouts+Q/A
|ChApTeR tHiRtY NiNe| Saving Her (Part Four) (9K Reads)
A/N 7
To My Dear Readers ||UPDATED||
|ChApTeR FoRtY| Belong
|ChApTeR FoRtY oNe| Love-Hate
|ChApTeR FoRtY tWo| Selfless
A/N 8
|ChApTeR FoRtY tHREE| Look Around
A/N 9 (Please read!)
|ChApTeR FoRtY FiVe| Haunted (Part One)
|ChApTeR FoRtY SiX| Haunted (Part Two)
|ChApTeR FoRtY sEvEn| Haunted (Part Three)
A/N 11-Tag+Update
I'm Back
|ChApTeR FoRtY EiGhT| Just A Guide
|ChApTeR FoRtY NiNe| Forever A Protector
|ChApTeR FiFtY| The End
-Book 2 Preview/Trailer-
{Part 2} |ChApTeR FiFtY oNe| The Beginning

|ChApTeR FoRtY fOuR| All Un-Alone

241 15 1
By AJDiesInside

(A/N-Sorry it's not really an eventful chapter, but here you go! Thank you so, so very much for 16K reads, you all are awesome and I never would've done this without you guys. 

So right now I've been thinking about a lot of stuff concerning this fanfic, but I don't think I'm going to share it with you all at the moment (perhaps in a chapter or two, or maybe I'll just make a A/N about it). And don't worry! It's nothing about discontinuing it, just some plans for the future, for the better hopefully. I'd really appreciate it if you could just stay patient with me. 

Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy!!




"Italy? Why are you looking down? Do you still feel unwell?"

"No, I'm fine. There's something I...want to tell you-"

Our heads lifted simultaneously. A muffled ringtone.


|Reader's POV|

Spain belted out in a loud mix of a groan and a scream, "Aaaargh!! Damn it!!" The brunette whipped around on his heel, his arms flailing frantically. "What are we going to do, Romano?!" 

Romano's olive green eyes searched Spain's panicked expression, his own voice faltering as he asked hesitantly, "Wh-What the hell are you going on about?"

The Spaniard's tensed shoulders slowly relaxed and a lengthy exhale erupted from his throat. "I forgot to tell Austria and the others that we found Ita..."

"......" Romano's silence did not provide any answers.

Now I was really confused. 'Austria? The others? What is Spain talking about...?'

France awkwardly stepped forward, trying to make sense of the chaotic, puzzling mess of a conversation. "Euh, quoi, is he coming, too? Wait, "the others"? You mean..."

Romano crossed his arms, nodding carefully while tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling. "Almost everyone who came to the world meeting."

The clouds of confusion covering the countries' faces began to dissipate, and I was honestly feeling really left out. World meeting??

"Romano threw a fit back there. He was really desperate to save his brother, you know. I'd never seen Romano being that honest before!"

"Shut the fuck up, bastardo!!" The Italian's sharp, stubborn attitude bled into his choice of merciless words. "What's wrong with swallowing my pride to save my brother?!" Romano banged the heel of his foot against the ground as he leaned forward, almost challenging the others to try and tease him about it. 

"Yeah! You're right, Brother Dearest!" Prussia didn't seem to get the memo, for he casually wrapped an arm around Romano's shoulders. The look on Romano's face told me he wanted to punch Prussia in the face.

"Romano...thank you."

And with the soft, fragile words of Italy, Romano's anger vanished. He unfolded his arms and gave a solid nod. 

"I just want you to come back...I don't want you to go through that again."

I held my breath. Romano's gaze had moved from Italy's, to mine. He opened his month like he was still debating whether or not to say something to me. 

"Since we fixed the time quite a bit, our phones also work at least a little, right?" Russia clapped his hands together, and I blinked, Romano's head turning away from my gaze.

China jokingly stated, "Good timing! I'm sure we'll be able to hear their angry voices even from here." 

"Alright!" America fist pumped the air and glanced mischievously toward Spain. "We'll all watch Spain get an earful of it!"

Spain scowled at America before slapping a hand against his cheek in distress. "Oh, God. Romano, can't you answer it instead?"

Romano arched an eyebrow and impatiently rolled his eyes. "Just answer it already."

Reluctantly, Spain obliged. He was visibly shaking while answered the call and put it on speaker. "Okay. H-Hi, long time no see."

"Yes. Long time."

I scrunched up my eyebrows, pouting slightly. I grabbed onto Prussia's sleeve, balling the fabric up into my fist and tugging his head down to eye level. "Wait, wait hold up. I'm super confused, who is Spain talking to?"

Prussia stuck out his tongue, giving his red eyes a dramatic roll. "Austria. The one I told you a long time ago in the bathroom, do you remember?"

"Ohh." My lips widened into a grin and I nodded deviously. "The 'bastard of a rival' you were talking about before."

He smacked me on the arm. "Shh! He might hear you..."

"H-How are you?" Spain spoke into the phone.

"I'm fine, thank you," came the faint, yet barely audible voice.

"Wait, is he that guy you said was behind the mysterious piano notes on the phones? Before we found out it was actually a code."

Prussia snorted and his face exploded with amusement. "Trollstria."

I gave a giggle, mentally face palming at the pun he made. 

"Well, um...I'm really sorry. I forgot to call you, huh? I was with Romano"

"Yes, yes. There are a mountain of things I want to say to you. Or a lot more than a mountain, actually." The volume of Austria's voice raised significantly when he spoke again, "When Romano didn't contact us, I was worried sick, you fool!" 

"Huh?! Roma?"  


"Italy, you can hear me, can't you?" I took a quick look at Italy, and he seemed to be concentrating. Putting the pieces of his memories together, bit by bit. "Come down for a bit. Look outside from the window." 

"What? Oh, o-okay." Italy curiously titled his head and started to exit the room.

"Wait, don't go by yourself!" Canada chided as he looped his arm around Italy's to stop him. He looked to be so lost in thought that he stopped as easily as a toy solider would. "Let's all go together."

"Hold on. Don't walk in the front." England suggested in a nice manner. He stepped in front of Italy, patting his shoulder kindly. "You're being targeted, aren't you? Come behind me." 

"Yeah. Let's go quickly, or else he won't stop bitching." Prussia gave a ruthless grin that matched his equally ruthless remark. "Then again, I don't think he'll be able to see us very well with those bars, anyway." 


Everything was...eerily quiet. The walk to the barred windows was pleasant and peaceful...but, as it is said, too much of anything isn't good. Since no one seemed to be in the mood to talk, much less explain anything to me, I just decided to be silent and observe. 

As I walked with the group, I tried speaking to the 2ps...but it was rather odd. No one answered. Three people inhabiting a corner of my own mind and I couldn't get a single word. There was some sort of invisible pressure weighing my head down. When I listened for sounds all I could hear was static, similar to a television type of static when one of the channels don't work. I got this weird feeling and the symptoms that go along with it a lot more often than usual, but recently I haven't had the chance to even think. I couldn't find the correlation between it all and it was pretty unnerving...

"Haha! This again..."

"Huh? What? What are you looking at, France?"

"Italy." I stumbled through the group to get a good look at the window. A brown haired and violet eyed man stood on the other side. His porcelain skin had a touch of pink, giving me the impression that exercising wasn't for him. He bore glasses, and a formal, classy kind of attire that reminded me of a butler of some sort. His melodic voice, swirling with an Austrian accent, flooded through the window, "I've heard of what you've done to some extent. Not very laudable, was it?"

"I-I'm sorry...But I-just-"

"You're far from being a fool! You're an outright idiot!" His eyes became flames as he clutched the bars on the window, furiously spitting out, "Do you have any idea how worried Romano was?!"

Germany attempted to intervene, "H-Hey, you don't have to go that far-"

"Nooo! Keep talking!" Prussia pushed his brother back, nodding firmly. Austria's choice of words were kind of extreme, but Italy did need it. He needed an awakening. "Hey, Italy! Take a look outside."

Italy's trembling footsteps echoed through the mansion. The twisted look on his face showed that he didn't know what to expect. He leaned forward as Austria moved to the side. Italy's hand pressed to the window and his jaw dropped. "Oh! Everyone!"



"I don't approve of your idea to try to solve everything on your own. However...You really did your best.

 The whole world was come to help you, but unfortunately, we couldn't find a way to get in. We'll have to support you from outside, however frustrating this may be."

Everyone crowded around the tiny window, pointing and laughing and exclaiming.

"Whoa! Those over there are the Nordics...and...over there are..."

"Ukraine...and even Belarus!"


"Amazing. We really have to get out all together." England commented with confidence.


"Yes?" I peeked over Japan's shoulder, who was closest to Italy.

"I'm all un-alone."

My head perked up. It's been a while since I've seen him smile so earnestly.

"Indeed! You should broaden your horizons! Also, you should come home soon. The cakes are getting cold!" Austria stepped into view again and wagged a finger at the Italian. "First you have to come out safe and sound. We're also doing everything we can here. It's rather uncanny, everyone agreeing so much with one another."

China eagerly nodded. "It's a unity warning."

"Haha! It's true. We can never get anything done together when we have a meeting, and yet not we've started working together." America shrugged with a grin.

"Well, of course! Even though we fight and don't get along...we're all fellow nations," said Spain.

"You're right." |

"......Yeah." A pause. Italy turned around. "Guys, sorry for making you wait."


"I'll tell you everything. Everything I remember."

I drew in a sharp, hopeful breath.


"I'll tell you everything from the very beginning, so this could take quite a while. Still, I want you to listen." Italy's smile brightened.

"It's about time!" China huffed. "Go ahead and tell us already, and don't hold anything back!"

"I'll be a quiz..."

"I've been waiting to hear that, Italy!" Prussia cheered.

I clamped a hand over the nearest person's arm, who happened to be Japan. We made eye contact for a brief moment before he simply smiled. He was as happy as I was. "Please, do tell. We want to know the extent of it."

"Thank you." Italy bowed his head a little before lifting it back up. "Let's see...It all began shortly before the world meeting. I happened to overhear some rumors...and that's when the clock hands began to move..."

"Sorry to interrupt," Austria piped up. "I'll go back for now. If anything comes up, call me."

"Okay. Be careful."

And finally, after way too long, an explanation unfolded right in front of us.

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