|-Betrayed-| {A Transformers...

By GhostWaveWrites

4.7K 76 17

[Completed] {Book 3 of The Hidden Twins; Dark of the Moon} They've been given the title of Prime by Primus. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

231 6 0
By GhostWaveWrites

Sam was holding Carly's hand as we rounded a yellow school bus. He closed the opten door as we hurriedly walked past it and paused at the sound of an engine. I looked up at the sound of transforming and grabbed onto Sam and Carly as Starscream landed behind us. "What a treat! You and me, all alone!" He snarled as I pushed Sam and Carly, forcing them to run as I ran beside them, keeping an eye on Screamer.

"Run!" I ylled as Starscream hit the bus and made it fly onto its roof behind us. Sam was yelling at Carly to go as he pulled her along. Sam, Carly and I all slide to the front of the bus. "Okay, he's after me, not you. Quick! Run!" Sam said loudly as he pushed both of us girls into the bus in front of him. "You can't hide boy!" Starscream screamed as the sound of a saw became more prominent. We all ran to the end, just dodging the saw and ran out into the open.

Starscream began to say soemthing but I was too busy trying to keep the two humans running from him. "Run!" I yelled as Carly continued running and Sam and I pulled in behind a rubbish bin. We both rolled from it as Starscream punched it, crushing it under his servo like a paper cup. "Thought you were working with us, boy!" He yelled, spitting liquid from his intake and onto the ground. "Grab Que's invention! Quick!" I whisper-yelled at Sam making him pull the satchel in front of him and pass my a grapling hook glove thingy. 

We both shoved it onto our hand and aimed at Starscream, Sam getting his grapling on Starscreams right optic as I got his intake. Starscream screamed in agony and clawed at his optic, shooting up into the air and pulling us behind him. "Holy frag-nuggets!" I cursed as we did. Sam screamed as we were both dragged along as Starscream used his thrusters to get on top of the small parking building beside us. He suddenly lost his grip in his panic making us slam painfully into the other building as he fell to the ground again.

"Fragging do somehting!" I yelled at Sam as I was thrown over starscreams helm and behind him, hitting his back painfully. He used his thrusters again making me fly around his front as Sam was thrown into the building through a window. I caught sight of Lennox as he ran over to Carly and watched as I was thrown around like a ragdoll. "Lennox! Do somehting!" I screamed at him making him order his group to fire at Starscream. 

I was slammed into the building that Sam had just jumped out of as he landed on Starscream, stabbing soemhting into his other optic. I screamed as Starscream moved around and slammed into the ground beside Sam. Lennox grabbed onto Sam and was puleld with us. "Grab the knife! Grab the knife!" I heard Sam yell as I was thrown again. I was dragged across the ground as Starscream banged his helm on the ground as a beeping sound became louder. 

I grabbed at the mechanism that came from the glove and ran my free hand along it searching for a release mechanism. "Que! If I have to cut my hand off, you are going to be in so much slag!" I screamed as I began to panic as Sam hurriedly spat out about the bomb he'd palced on Starscream. I was flung into the air as I finally found the release button and landed on the ground, on my back, winding myself. 

Lennox and Sam finally got the knife through the grapling cord as Starscreams helm exploded and fell...right above me. I braced myself, ready to be crushed but was saved as Bumblebee leapt over and grabbed them, transforming and making them lay on his hood. I quickly rolled away when part of Starscreams now offlined frame fell and stood at the end of the roll and watched as Sam and Lennox looked relieved. 

"Well he's dead" Sam stated making me smile in amusement. I helped them both as they tried to stand and transformed into my alt mode and raced with Bee to help the others. We quickly caught up with the others before we were attacked and outnumbered by several Decepticons. Light and I fought back-to-back before we were both shot in our midsection making us both collapse and groan out in pain. Ratchet was grabbed and thrown beside us as the rest were grabbed. 

Soundwave bent down beside Light and I and rubbed the tops of our helms making as both snarl dangerously and try to get out of our restraints and attack him. He backed up before punching both our chests and making us fall to our knees with the rest. I slowly brought my helm up and watched as the space bridge was activated and was shot into the sky. "No..." I mumbled as more energon fell from my injuries.

My optics then shot over to my right as I caught sight of the same male human that was inside the building when we rescued Carly. He smirked at me and walked up to Soundwave. "Prisoners? You're keeping prisoners?" He spoke at Soundwave. Soundwave said a robotic "Yes" as he looked down at the male. "You need to teach them about respect. This was all business but now its personal. Do you understand me?" I struggled in my restraints more aggravated now as I growled loudly at the Decepticons around me. 

"I understand. No prisoners, only trophies" Soundwave agreed as he palced his canon on his shoudler plating. I tried transforming into my smaller form to be rid of my restraints and to cause the 2 Decepticons pinning me to overbalance and fall but was stopped when a large pain hit my side. I turned and noticed that Soundwave has kicked me as he walked over. He turned around and looked at the faces of the others before walking to Que. "You...Your time has come" He spoke as he grabbed the front of Que's frame and pulled him past him and onto the ground as Que tried to reason.

"Let him go!" Light growled loudly as he fought even ahrder, earning a straight punch to his helm causing him to lean into me. I snarled louder causing many Decepticons and Autbots alike to shiver as I fought my restrainst again. "No!" I yelled as Que was shot in the chest by a Decepticon, the shot purposely missing his spark and making him topple over. Soundwave brought his wepaon up and finished the scientist off from behind, finally killing Que before he turned to the rest of us. 

He bent down to our audio receptors as we hung our helms, ceasing all fight. "You will both sit here and watch as I kill off all your friends in front of you whilst your both powereless to do anything" He snarled before he whacked the top of our helms and stood abck up. He then walked over behind Bumblebee, grabbing his back struts and forcing him to walk. "No! Let him go!" Light yelled suddenly when he realised his best friend was about to be killed. 

Soundwave placed Bee down and got ready to fire. Light struggled as I froze watching as Sounwave smirked at us and went to fire. Suddenly the ship above us started to descend, dropping smaller ships around us. Bee took that as his chance and fought off Soundwave. Light and I shot up, dealing with the few Decepticons that were pinning us without using our servos. Ratchet quickly ran over and detached our restraints allowing us to turn and jump at Soundwave as he fought with Bumblebee.

Light and I pinned the mech down as Bee stood behind us. "Uncle! Carrier didnt die by our servo!" Light tried to reason as we held him down easily. He struggled underneath us trying to get out of our hold. "Megatron offlined her! She protected us and he killed her!" I added on. Soundwave wasn't having any of it as we realised they're was no saving him. We hopped off and allowed Bee to deal with him as we both didn't have it in us to end his life. We both turned away as Ratchet grabbed us both and wept a few tears before straightening ourselves up. 

"Optimus!" I heard Sam yell and the sound of his flight tech go overhead as we all began our assault on the rest of the Decepticons. I shot several with my lazer rifle before Optimus touched down and killed his own few. I smirked as I watched him offline Shockwave then use his own canon to destroy the capolla that the control pillar was held. "No!" Sentinel yelled as it fell to the ground below. 

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