A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost...

By __FrnksFrThMmrs__

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basically about Sky and Dick, how they bond, mischief they get up to, wether sky discoveres her nerdy brother... More

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
New Book

Chapter 18

605 25 4
By __FrnksFrThMmrs__

Once we were at the cave, Wally zetad to his house, or the nerest zeta beam there anyway, and me and Robin went to the cave, e got changed then met in Dicks room, soon Wally came in his casual clothing and a duffle bag with stuff for tomorrow since hewas sleeping over, he also (hopefully) had pajamas.

We immediately sat in a triangle and Wally got straight to the point, "So, what's happening? "

"Well, me and Sky know what's going on, we know why cadmus want us" Dick said slowly.

"You do? Well, tell me"

"Well" I started, "Basically there is this thing called project Gr"

"Which are the first two letters of Grayson, not a chemical element symbol" Dick added. Wally nodded in understanding.

"Their plan is basically to clone one or both of us, the clone would be sent back to the team and the original will be experemented on, they will be receiving powers and be brainwashed, they will then be usued as a weapon against the league" I explained.

"And you didn't tell us?!?!? Does Bruce know?!?!?!"

"Urmm" Me and Dick said looking at eachother.

Wallys eyes widened" you need to tell him! If you don't I will, guys you can't just keep this between yourselfs!"

"Its not their problem, its ours, we'll sort it!" Richard replied raising his voice.

"NO YOU WONT,  GUYS YOUR 13 YEAR OLD KIDS! You can't solve this, the league has to know!"

"Nobody has to know Wally" I said quietly.

"Sky, if you both get kidnapped-"

"You will be able to explain" I said calmly, Richard nodded, agreeing 100%

"Guys, at least tell Batman!"

"Fine fine,... that means reveling were twins..." Dick muttered.

"He'll be mad, at both of us" I added.

"Just tell him, be straight with it, if he yells retreat" Wally shrugged. I looked at Dick, "Wally, will you wait here? Keep the door open incase we do run" I joked. Bruce wouldn't get that mad.

Me and Dick walked downstairs, "Okay, we'll split it, you do a sentence then me, what shall we tell him first, twinsies or plan?"

"Twinsies, it'll make explaining the plan easier" I said sighing.

"Bruce?" I called.

"Yeah?" he said smiling, man he looked so happy, well, happy for him anyways. This was going to be harder than I thought. "urm... we need to tell you something" Dick said. I nodded. "Yeah, we know what the an is, the cadmus thingy, we know why they're trying to get me and Dick" I said.

"Go on..."

"Well,  go on"

"Well, it is because of a... family issue... regarding-"

"Richard get on with it!" bruce snapped. I jumped slightly and took over. "MeandRichardaretwins!" I said extremely. Bruces eyes widened, yay he understood me, notice the sarcasm.

"What?" he growled,

"We better sit down, its a long story..."

After getting a seat and Wally being spotted and Bruce being told wally already knows, Dick, Wally, Bruce and I went into bruces parents memorial room to 'talk'.

"Explain" Bruce commanded, Dick was first to speak.

"Well, me and Sky are twins, back at the circus we were part of the flying Grayson act, Sky and I would always practice on the trapeze together, usually trying to copy mum and dad. One day Sky didn't meet us in the 'kitchen' of our trailer for breakfast which she was always up and ready for. I was told to check her room, she wasn't there but the window was open, that was the last day I saw her, mum and dad were devistated, then there was the day they fell and then you adopted me and, well you know the rest" Dick said quietly.

"I don't" I replied.

"Dick can tell you later, Sky, what happened?" Bruce asked.

"Oh, right, my window was open when I went to sleep as usual, my bed was away from it, I was asleep when a hand clamped over my mouth, I let out a muffled scream but it wasn't enough to wake anyone else. I was then picked up, I tried kicking but they got a cloth, using common sense I held my breath but couldn't hold it long enough and I was out...

"then I woke up in a room and it turns out some scientists wanted Zucco to get to me or Dick, prefebly both, the best way of doing that was kidnapping me, they wanted Dick too, but he wouldn't leave mum and dads side, so they killed them. Dick was thankfully adopted by you, I managed to excape and got taken into an orphanage and adopted then dumped then adopted then ran then adopted and taked away..."

Wally looked at me with a pained expression. "What did they do, your kidnappers?"

"Urm... not nice, I got away before it all kicked off though"

"The parents?"

"The adopted ones? again bad story"

"You will tell me, now, what happened?"

"Well, the first set of adopted parents took me in, lovely people, I had a mum, dad and little sister, they treated me like I was blood family" I sighed.

Dick smiled and so did wally, "what happened?"

"Cadmus is what happened, they found me, tracked me down, they snuck into the house and killed all of them, even my sister, they made me watch too, not pleasant" I looked up at Dick who had a really sad look on his face and Wally who was looking at me sadly.

"Then..." Bruce said.

I sighed, "Then I excaped and ran, they couldn't find me because I ran out of Gotham into a new orphanage, I don't know what town but it was nice... the people weren't though" a unpleasant look coming on my face, "I was adopted almost immediately. This weird couple took me in, a man and lady, the man was tall and slightly skinny, always had his back up dead straight, he had real messy gray hair andgreen eyes, man he was creepy, the lady had red hair, up in a bun. Her hair was a deep red, obviously she had died it, She was skinny aswell, her face was long and was actually not ugly, well, inner beauty was one thig she most certainly did not possess, like, at all" I mumbled. "Soon as I saw them I nearly had a heart attack, they adopted me, took me into a battered up car and drove off, once we got to their little 'home' I immediately knew these people were bad news. So I end up spending a few months being 'tested' on. Lets just say their little pain relief sirrum definitely did not work" I said quietly. Dick and Wallys faces immediately filled with anger, superise, shock, sadness and sympathy. All in one. "But of course I got my revenge" I sighed.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "How...?"

"Well, soon as they heard Zucco and Joker and Cadmus wanted me back and were willing to pay big money, they began a car journey back to Gotham... I found out the jorney was to get me to Zucco so, since I was forced to sit in the fromt with him I thaught up a plan. we were passing a drop when I put it into action. There was a fence made of wood separating the drop and road, soon as we were near it I lunged at the wheel and turned it, smashing through the fencing and down the drop."

Dicks face filled with concern. "Obviously I had a excape plan or I wouldn't have done it" that kind of relieved him.

"So you... killed them?"

"Sorta..." I trailed off.


"Bruce calm down, im not done" I huffed. "So the car is falling, I undo my seat belt, he trys to stop me, but I was not staying, I knocked him out, she wasn't there but ill get to her later. Anyway, he's passed out so I open the door and leap out catching a half dead tree. Being a half dead tree it began to snap, being a real thing and not some movie, I didn't get time to grab another ledge, I heard an explosion, the car had exploded, so yeah... he... died..." I trailed off receiving shocked looks from Wally and Dick whilst Bruce looked plain mad, "Bruce, he almost killed me in the time I was there! It's not like he was innocent, he even broke my arm, two ribs and my left shin! he had it coming! " I said raising my voice. Wally and Dick looked very sympathetic and since I was sitting on a sofa between them, Bruce was on a chair, they both budged up and braught me into two side hugs. I hung my head, " she is after me though, she joined the team of assasins, ninjas, injustice and cadmus, there planning something big Bruce.

"Wait, there all on one team?" Dick asked pulling away from me, Wally stayed.

"Yeah... Dick, there all after both of us, we don't stand a chance" I mumbled.

"Sky it's gunna be okay" Wally said, Dick nodded.

"Yeah, they won't get us" he smiled. "not with the league around anyway"

"The league will not be alerted of this, its our problem, Wally, Sky, Dick, your to tell nobody of any of this, it's our problem therefore we shall handle it" Bruce said.

I sat forwards a bit "then why don't you just sign a contract promising our deaths, face it Bruce, were dead unles we call in help" I said.

"No, you shall stay here, now, I believe you have more to say?"

"Of course, so I excape, a month or so passes, im sent to another orphanage, adopted, but after all that I assume something is going to go wrong so I run away

"Im then found by cadmus, I run around gotham, you find me" I look at dick refering to him. "im adopted, I don't run away, I snoop around, after a week or so I figure out Dicks my twin, I then figure out your Batman and hes Robin, I become a superhero, you know the rest" I say. Bruce nods, Dick pipes up.

"As for their plan... we'll be cloned, the clone will come back, we'll be experimented on, given powers and sent to kill the league after being brainwashed"

Bruces eyes widened, "okay, well, stay here, I'm going to get more info in gotham" he then left to do the whole dark knight thing.

"So, we really gunna stay here?" wally asked.

"Hell to the no!" I smirked and ran to my room and got into my suit then ran back down. The boys were already changed. I put on my mask then pulled up my hood. "betcha Zuccos behind this" I said running into the cave and going to my bike, I got on mine, Robin got on his and KF stood there, he then smirked at me and pulled down his goggles, "Race you there?" he asked.

"Your on" me and Robin said in unison, I smirked and pulled on my helmet, Robin did the same then we sped out a opening coming onto a road.

I sped up as I zoomed around a corner then I saw something, I stopped my bike and pulled it up. Robin did the same, Kid Flash stopped running and sped to me.

"Huh, Haleys circus is still going on" I smiled.

"Yea an-" robin was cut off by a knife flying past his head and hitting the poster, a note atatched to it, I grabbed it and read.

Dear Graysons,

The circus is in town, you better be there before it is shut down, one member of their little crew is commiting robberies, if you don't get there in time its being shut down. The assassins will then go for Jack Haley. You can either help them or stand by and let them go one by one.

Your choice, but chose wisley, both choices come with a price to pay.


Robin and kf had read over my shoulder, "Whos D?"

"Dunno but he means buisness. Ae better be careful"

"Agreed" I nodded, then we drove back to the cave, looks like were going to the circus.

AN. okay so this will slightly be based on the performance episode. Wo do you think D is? Here's a clue:


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