|-Betrayed-| {A Transformers...

By GhostWaveWrites

4.6K 76 17

[Completed] {Book 3 of The Hidden Twins; Dark of the Moon} They've been given the title of Prime by Primus. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

214 7 0
By GhostWaveWrites

"We aint going nowhere" Leadfoot stated after he spat out some metal from the Decepticon he and his buddies have torn limb form limb. "Yeah, no one's exiling us!" Brains agreed as he and Wheelie climbed out of a car. "The Autobots are staying right here. We're gonna help you win this war!" Wheelie exclaimed. Light moved from his spot next to me and raised his helm and gestured to the city.

"Decepticons are surrounding the city to make a fortress, so that no one can see what they're up to inside." He informed the humans. Optimus hummed in agreement. "Our only chance is the element of surprise" He said as Sam looked back at the city and then to us. "I think I know where to look!" He exclaimed before he walked over to the grounded Decepticon ship. Bumblebee walked over with him as Optimus placed a servo on my shoulder. 

"Shadow, I need you to stay with Sam and Bumblebee whilst I lead the rest into the city" He informed me. I looked at his optics and vented softly. "Alright but don't get too rough Megatron, I'd like to make a few dents myself" I growled quietly. He smirked at me and rubbed the top of my helm before he left with Light, Ratchet and the others. I turned around and walked up to Bee and Sam who were talking next to the ship.

"So, you can fly this thing, right?" Sam asked Bumblebee as the yellow and black scout stood next to him. Bee made a few whirs and radio sounds whilst moving his servo in his answer. "What is that...what is that, what is that? So-So? So you can so-so fly this? That feels terrible" Sam groaned as Bee shrugged. I chuckled and stood up straighter."I use to race in those for fun. I'll fly" I informed them both, watching as Bee vented in relief and Sam brightened up.

"Why am I flying this, may i ask?" I questioned as I tranformed into my smaller form to fit inside the small ship. "Dyland, Carly's boss who's working for the Decepticons, took Carly and is hiding up in the lower penthouse of the Trump Tower" Sam informed me as I strapped into the pilot seat, Sam steadying himself on my leg plating whilst Bee controlled the weaponry and sitting right behind me. I hummed in understanding bfore smirking.

"How'd you find the wristwatch? Comfortable? Little tingly when you thought of soemthing?" I questioned him, my smirk only growing wider. "I thought you knew" He mumbled before he spun around and looked at me. "How did you know about it anyway and how come it didnt grab you when you touched it?" He asked me. "Recognised it as one of my Uncle's little toys and It sort of recognised me. It acted like a little puppy dog wanting pats" I informed in, watching as he realised what I said and connecting the dots up.

"Soundwave has a sister?" He questioned as I finally got the ship to start. "Had. Her name was Sonicwave...Megatron killed her trying to get Light and I" I summarised as I slowly lifted the ship and flew it under a way bigger ship before putting near the desired building and lifting it to the floor he needed. "Your stop sir. I shall leave the engine running" I mused with a british accent. He smiled as he jumped out of the cabin and walked across the gun mechanism and over the glass balcony of the lower penthouse.

I slowly lowered the ship, keeping it in the same position but lowered it and waited for sam to either come running out with Carly or be thrown from the balcony. A few seconds later I chose to go with the later scenario and got the ship reayd to catch the falling boy as several yells and gunshots were heard. I listened to the male screaming as it approached and looked up, keeping my servos on the controls. I held my breathe as I watched Lazerbeak drop sam through the glass guard and down the small drop and land back on the gun emchanism.

Sam held on as I smirked and lifted it. "Carly!" Sam yelled as we all saw the female being manhandled and several other people in the room. "Carly!" Sam yelled again as the man holding her attempted to drag her away. She turned around in his grip and fought him, getting out of his grip a moment later and running for us. "Jump!" Sam instructed as she did and landed right in front of him and grabbing onto him in a hug.

I flew the ship a small bit higher and glanced at Bee behind me. "Bee, shoot them" I ordered, smirking as he pressed the button I had previously shown him and began to fire the guns. I watched as Lazerbeak flew around the room, grabbing a piece of furniture or something and flying towards us with it. "Fragging mechanical minicon!" I cursed at him as he dropped it into one of the engines, thus resulting in the ship staggering and then start spinning out of control. 

I fought the control for a short while before yelling at everyone to hold on. Sam had Lazerbeak in a grip, his hand holding the cons metal neck as Lazerbeak tried snap Sam's face with his beak. Shortly after, the other engine let out making me curse even more as I now had to fight harder for control. "Shadow! Fire!" Sam yelled from outside. I looked up quickly and laughed evily when I saw Sam holding Lazerbeak in front of the gun.

"Shadow!" Carly called as she held onto Bee's helm. "With pleasure..."I mumbled before yelling at Lazerbeak. "Hey LB!" Lazerbeak, having remembered the nickname from when I was younger, looked up at the glass and me. "Say hello to carrier for me!" I yelled before firing the weapons through an override panel. I laughed as I watched Lazerbeak's helm get shot off right as Sam let go of him and dropped the lifeless frame off the ship. 

"Hold on Sam! Gonna be a bumpy ride" I exclaimed as I let go of all controls and allowed the ship to crash, only grabbing the controls as we neared the ground. I hopped out, transforming into my Prime form and helping Bee as he struggled with the strap. "That was fun" I smirked as I looked over my shoulder and watched the others park around us. I jumped off the ship, grinning to high heaven and leant against Optimus's cab as he stayed in Alt mode.

'I forgot how you use fly those things. You made it look like younglings play' Optimus said sincerely over our bond making me grin even more. 'Remember, I use to race those against Starscream and kick his tailpipe. It;'s the only thing you'll ever catch me in that high' I grumbled, crossing my arms and looking around. Optimus transformed and walked over to Sam.

"We need to move before the fighters spot us. Wait here untill we scout a route ahead. Let's roll" He said to Sam and then turned to us. Sides said something that I missed as I poisitioned myself next to Light. 'I flew a ship' I mused over our bond watching as his smile dampened and he turned to look at me. 'And crashed it...' He pointed out as we both turned and looked at said ship. "You ruined a perfectly good piece of machinery!" He yelled at me outside of the bond whilst he pointed at the crashed ship.

Optimus came over and lightly hit the abck of both our helms making us both grab them and turn to him with an angry look before we realised it was him and cowered. "Yep we were-" "-just on our way" We both mumbled, watching as he smirked and turned away, transforming into his Alt mode and waiting for us. I turned to Light and grinned before we both took to our Alt modes and followed behind the others, Optimus following behind me.

We continued down the streets of the City until Optimus was greeted by Driller who disconnected Optimus's taileras he ordered us to keep moving and find cover, elaving his trailer behind. "That is one, scary ass Decepticon" Epps yelled as he and his team ran into the building we took cover as. "They got my trailer. I need that flight tech" Optimus groaned as he cocked his weapon. I grabbed my own lazer rifle from its position under my shield on my back and checked it over.

"Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once" Light commented as he transformed his own lazer rifle from his heip and checked it over absentmindedly. "Wreckers, we need a diversion" Optimus agreed. "Let's get some!" One of them exclaimed as they amde their way out of the buildinjg. "Listen, we're gonna circle around to that glass building. And we'll get high enough to make the the rocket shot" Epps informed his team and indirectly us at the same time whislt he pointed at said building before turning to us.

"Whilst we draw his fire?" I suggested, taking the words form his mouth, looking at Epps with a raised optic ridge and a knowing look. He smirked at me and yelled "Let's move!" before going to elave but being stopped by Que. "Wait a minute! I'm not letting you go without my urban combat prototypes" He informed the, dropping several of his inventions. "We have to go Que!" Light said as he tried to distract the scientist. "Com on" Sides added on as he tried to help. "Wait, wait. They're great inventions for kicking ass!" Que commented make me smile and roll my optics lightly.

"What are these?" Sam asked as he and several others picked up the objects. Que explained what they were and how to use them before he was ushered outside with the rest of us. I jumped through the glass window, tackling a con that got too close for comfort and ripping its spark out and using it as a projectile, throwing it at another con and killing it. "Light! Go with the wreckers!" Optimus shouted over the gunfire. Light nodded and ran after the 3 wreckers. 

"Shadow, go with the humans!"

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