The Original Witch

Da lenaf327

409K 10.3K 2.1K

"Always and forever." That's what her family lived by when they were human until forced to become the first v... Altro

Author's note
PART 1-Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ending of Part 1-Chapter 27
Part 2-Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending of Part 2-Chapter 46
Part 3-Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Authors note
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Voting for new story face claim (please vote!)
Face claim + cover
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
New Book Out!!
New cover, update, and a thank you
New Avengers book out

Chapter 6

9.5K 200 33
Da lenaf327

The next day arrives quickly, and I predict that some people will be talk about Ron's kiss with the older Slytherin girl. I don't really care if it will cause the girl issues since she kissed a Gryffindor, it's her issue now.

As I walk out from the dungeons, I listen in to the conversations speculating about how and why the kiss happened. Some people thing that they are actually a thing but even if the girl was not compelled, that would never happen, especially because it is quite obvious that he is in love with Hermione. Too bad Viktor has her attention right now and Ron is too coward to stand up and tell her how he feels.

I am left to my thoughts during my free period as I find a bench to sit on outside.

Humans are so silly yet crucial to my life, oh the irony. The fact that most people have not come to realize the fact they live amongst vampires like me and other creatures is astonishing. I know they have heard about some dark creatures but have not actually allowed themselves to accept this fact as true.

I mean honestly, I am surprised that these witches and wizards do not know more about immortal beings and other forms of magic.

The students here at Hogwarts know of vampires, but they would not even consider one being here in school.

Sometimes I get so annoyed by their arrogant ways but they provide life for me, so I just have to deal with it. Not only is their blood key for my survival, but it makes me stronger physically and mentally. Compulsion works perfectly as well as entering peoples' minds when they are sleeping or even sometimes when they are awake if they clear their mind. I can make people see memories or dream certain things.

There are moments when I think people here secretly suspect something about me. There is a look that people give me when I pass by. It is different than the one they give to Draco, since that look is either out of fear or respect. I should be getting a look like the one Draco gets.

He may be the Slytherin Prince and all but he does not intimidate me one bit. No with his go to line of "my father will hear about this!"

I used to be one of the youngest and frailest of my family before I was turned. I was a feeble girl who could not stand up for herself. I let everyone walk all over me, which always led to me left in the dust or hurt.

Becoming a vampire made me not afraid of death and of taking risks.

I think back to the time that changed everything. Many years ago, and by many I mean over a thousand, my father wanted to protect his children from the raging beast in a near village. We lived among this creature in peace until he took his first victim in my family-Henrick. The werewolf started a war and Father had enough of loss.

I will never forget the look on Niklaus's face when he brought back our youngest sibling. He was human then but not the brightest person since he always seemed to get on father's bad side. This always resulted in may fights and tension amongst the family but the moment when Henrick died was when that was put aside for a moment.

My father searched for a way for his kids to become equal to this creature. He looked for months until he came upon a shocking fact: My mother was a witch, the kind that has been aiming to destroy vampires. She knew she could use dark magic to make her children immortal but did not feel like it was right. After all, humans were made to die eventually and not to live on for eternity.

However, my dad would not back down. Having a goal in mind, he threatened my mother into performing the spell. He can be quite terrifying at times and very controlling, so she finally agreed. She knew though that no being so powerful and indestructible could walk the earth without some kind of weakness since the witches would not tolerate this big of an imbalance in nature.

After the daunting spell, all members of my family were immortal. We were destined for an eternity together without any more loss. We challenged the beast once and for all and scared him off. My mother was not a vampire because she did not like the lifestyle that came with immortality but supported us nonetheless.

The confidence that came with being immortal turned my brothers, and Father especially, into irrational beings who only looked for blood and the joy of killing humans. Elijah however was the most noble and every bad thing he did was for family, and I think that is why we were so close when we first turned. Finn hated being a vampire but stuck to Mother's side and seemed to disappear from our lives.

Me however, I was only stronger and wanted to find happiness like a mortal being would when they came of age. I still held onto the type of love I had thought I found in my human life, so I searched for love along with my sister. We both wanted to be humans but our only weakness and salvation was destroyed, so any hope of ending our eternity was gone.

After what happened in 1492 with Katerina and the doppleganger sacrifice to turn Niklaus back into a hybrid and while I was in my daggered state, my desire for happiness was gone. Their ways became my own.

Now here I am, no longer my old self. She is so gone.

Reminiscing about how I became what I am today brings back painful memories. The ones that are the root of my loss of family come with my first love and then the story turns tragic when my family got involved.

I run away from my house as fast as I can. I look back to see if anyone is following me, but all I see is the light from the fires in the village disappearing as I continue to run. The darkness of night cloak me as I flee my village and made my way towards my future.

I make it to the next village in about twenty minutes and when I arrive, it is quiet and peaceful, something that soothes my nerves. I walk over to a house and make my way towards the back door. I open it without a second thought and slip in quickly before anyone here can see me.

"Alexia, what are you doing here?" I turn away from the wooden door that I just closed and meet his intense gaze.

"Elliot, I just had to see you!" I walk over to the guy that captured my attention from day one. I touch his blushing cheek as I notice his dishelved brown hair from sleeping prior to my entrance. His deep blue eyes stare into mine and it is a look I cannot shake or escape.

He asks with concern evident in his voice, "Do they know, my love?" I know he is referring to my family, so I shake my head no. Father would be so angry with me if he found out that I was seeing someone.

I plead to Elliot, "Father mustn't know!" No one knows about our love and I intend to keep it that way. I've seen what father has done to Rebekah's loves. He has threatened them to leave or he has killed them. I do not want the same fate for my dear Elliot.

"I know, no one will ever know. We could run away together and live a happy life, Alexia!" I ponder the thought of a beautiful future with my love and bite my lip as I think of the life we could have. A vibrant smile forms on my face as I wrap my small arms around his strong torso. I could be with my one true love, away from my crazy Father.

I pull back from the embrace and raise my head so my lips meet his. The kiss is short and sweet though because he pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. "Tonight, we could tonight." He opens his eyes and I see excitement he holds.

He presses his soft lips to mine again but this time it is more intense. He pulls me closer to his body as if he could not get close enough to me and places his hands firmly on my waist. I move my hands to play with the ends of his messy brown hair that I love.

The kiss deepens when his tongue glides over my bottom lip and then tangles with my own as I start to unbutton his pillowy white shirt. He pulls the shirt off with ease while still connecting his lips with mine. I run my hands slowly up and down his toned chest.

I decide as our lips fit with each other's perfectly that the moment is right.

First loves are forever right? As we shed the rest of our clothes, we only grow closer to the point where there is no space between our bodies.

I don't think I could love anyone as much as I do Elliot. He is my first true love and will be my only.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I recall the precious memory of my only love. Realizing that I am actually crying over a long lost love, I quickly wipe away the tears. How dare I cry for him?

Furious at myself for buckling under the memory, I march down the corridors until I bump into someone. They fall to the floor in a heap, and I glance at the person that fell before me. The unknown boy stands up quickly and looks at me, "I am so sorry! I am bloody clumsy. The name is Aaron."

Aaron has short brown hair and green eyes. He reminds me of Elliot, and I feel the sadness seeping in again, but I quickly push it away with a smirk, "Alexia but you probably know that."

He replies, "Actually I didn't. Nice to meet you Alexia." He has one of those lopsided smiles that could drive a girl crazy. Lucky for me, it does not affect me one little bit with my emotions turned off.

I step forward into his personal space and place my hand delicately on his warm cheek, "You know, you really remind me of someone I used to know."

His eyebrows raise in a questioning gaze, unaffected by our proximity, "Oh really? Who might that be?"

I force a fake smile as I reply, "Someone who is no more and hurt me deeply."

It is his turn to smile once again, "Well I could never hurt someone as beautiful as you." His green eyes seem to stare into my soul, which for some reason makes me uncomfortable, but I shake it off as soon as it comes.

"Well you may not hurt me but that doesn't say the same for me."

He gives a look at this, "Oh really, how so love?" He shuffles forward a few more inches and I feel myself hit the wall made out of stone that is right behind me. He places his arms against the stone next to my head and leans down towards me because of how tall he is. His body towers over mine, but I can easily see the vulnerability in his eyes.

I sigh, "Well you see Aaron, people think I am dark and a bad person." I give him a sad look as one of his hands move to my waist in a firm yet gentle way.

"Luckily for you, I see the good in people." For a moment this tugs my heart because most people do not see the good in people and tend to jump to conclusions instead.

My mind begs me to feel guilty for my future actions, but I ignore it, "That's how I was a long time ago but you see, that always ends badly." Confusion pours onto his face as a smirk slowly comes across my face, "I saw good in someone and then they turned against me in the worst way possible. Then, my father had my mother turn me into a vampire. Now all I do is drink human blood and mess with people."

Aaron looks taken aback and backs away from me as I see mixed feelings appear on his face, "That's messed up. Why are you messing with me like this?"

I step forward to meet him again and grab his hands before he can turn around and run. An evil look is plastered on my face, and he tries to escape but can't with my grip.

His eyes widen when he remains in place. "Now you see that I am not messing with you. It is truly amazing that you see the good in everyone but it's also unfortunate."

His voice shaky, he replies, "How is it unfortunate?"

I chuckle, "Because I'm going to kill you." With that I bite down on his neck and drain all the blood out of his body quickly so I have no time to second guess the action of killing a fellow student.

His cold and lifeless body falls to the floor in a matter of seconds. Shame, he was attractive and would probably make a girl very happy one day.

Taking one more look at the look a like, I stomp away fuming and make my way towards the Great Hall.

Most students are at their tables ready for the announcement of the champions for the tournament.

Not caring that I left the body in the hall, I think back to Elliot once again.

"Elliot, if we are going to run, we need to now." I roll over and run my hand through his hair. He nods his head in agreement and we sit up. I slip my dress back on and recall the last hour which makes me smile to myself until I hear a loud knock on the door that echoes through the house.

Confused, I walk over to the wooden door and open it to see my father standing there, displeased with my current state of messy hair and flushed cheeks. I gasp at his presence and walk back inside with him trailing behind me with heavy footsteps.

Father walks in and glares at me, yet he doesn't look surprised though. I ask in a panic, "Father, why are you here?" I run over to Elliot to place my hand on his shoulder as a way of reassurance from what could possibly take place next.

Father's deep voice places doubt in my head, "Dear daughter, you failed to pass my test. I thought you would of learned from Rebekah's mistakes and would actually listen to me."

I seem to be the only one confused with his words but still turn to Elliot, "Run Elliot!" I push him towards the back door but he does not move. I turn towards my father with a lacking sense of knowledge, "What test Father?"

He chuckles, "Ask your lover over there." I take a step away from Elliot as darkness clouds his blue eyes.

My voice is shaky as I try to piece the information together. "Elliot? Is this-is this all a part of his plan?" His gaze avoids mine and I receive my answer. I gasp again and hit his chest, "How could you? You love me!" I cry out as he shakes his head, admitting that he does not feel the same as I do. "B-but" I think back to the past hour. How could he? Did that mean nothing?

I scream as tears stream down my eyes, "Did I mean nothing to you?!"

Father speaks up, "I am very disappointed in you Alexia. I expected you to be different from your sister, but I guess not. I expected you to help me gain power and stand by my side. Not run away and play the game of love."

Everything was fake, all a lie. All a part of a twisted plan. All this time I was with Elliot, he was aiding my father. I gave him everything.

Overwhelmed and upset, I run out of the house and never look back.

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